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Second Term, AY 2015-2016


Individual Reflections
Group # 2 Barangay Assignment: Barangay 535
Output # (please indicate): 1 (2) (3)

Inclusive Dates Activities/Tasks/ Problem(s) Personal

Action(s) Taken
(Tuesdays/Saturdays) Responsibilities Encountered Reflection(s)
I learned about
the different
ways on how to
present data.
Health indices
were also
discussed and
these are very
essential in this
course. We will
be basing most of
Fieldwork Orientation/
our actions from
January 23, 2016 Lecture Workshop
the data and
Session 1
statistics we will
be gathering and
Organization is
of high
because we will
be dealing with
categories when
collecting data.
January 26, 2016 MHD Seminar It is important to
know as many
details as
possible about
the barangay that
we will be
assigned in to be
able to give them
the most
program. It was
discussed that we
will be
difficulties but it
should not hinder
us from
our goals in this
course. There are
also existing
programs for
each barangay so
it will be a
challenge for us
to think of new
ones and not to
interfere with the
existing ones.
I learned more
about health
I listened to the
indices. Learning
discussion and read
At first, I did not how to compute
the notes in the
Lecture-Workshop know how to for them is vital
January 30, 2016 book. I found out
Session 2 compute for health in the course.
that the
indices. These are very
computations were
simple to
very simple.
compute and to
It is necessary not
to assume
At first we had
We scored each conclusions.
difficulty in
Output for Mock Plenary disease and based Everything
assessing which
February 2, 2016 (Assigned for on the data given, should be based
diseases were of
community diagnosis) we chose the top on data gathered
highest morbidity in
diseases. and the
the barangay.
interpretations of
Getting the ideas
There were certain
of each member
Mock Plenary questions from the Others elaborated
is important to be
February 6, 2016 (Reported on community panelists that were more and stated
able to come up
diagnosis) answers were not too their own ideas.
with better
Updating the
The ones who were
whole group
able to attend were
regarding latest
I was not able to asked to update the
happenings and
February 11, 2016 Courtesy Call attend because I was whole group
new information
on duty. regarding the new
is necessary for
the success of the
We respected their It is important to
Some residents no
decisions and we respect the
longer wanted to
Initial Deployment looked for other decisions of the
February 13, 2016 participate. They did
(Gathering of data) residents who were residents who do
not want to be
willing to be not want to be
surveyed. surveyed
Accuracy in
It was quite hard to
Categories were tallying is
tally data because it
established and a important as this
February 16, 2016 Tallying of Data really varied from
more organized will be the basis
one family to
tallying was done. of the whole
It is necessary to
present the data
Compilation and clearly for
February 20, 2016
Summary of Data everyone to
understand it
Polishing of the
It is important for
manuscript based on
The manuscript and everyone to know
flaws seen by the
Final Discussion for ppt were finalized the manuscript
March 1, 2016 group and further
Plenary 1 in preparation for for each one to be
organizing the data
the Plenary 1. able to answer
and its presentation
when asked.
was done.

Prepared by: Noted by:

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