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Forty Salawaat wa Salaam

Compiled by Moulana Zakariyyah

• Virtues of Salawat/Durood
• Khutbah al-Jumu`ah, Masjid at-Tawhid
• Here too, he has been called "this Prophet" (s) rather than as Muhammad
• by Abdur-Rahim Rydhan (s). The point is: Prophet (s) is addressed by his name in the Holy Qur’an,
• Allah (swt) says in the Holy Qur’an: only a few times, and that is also due to some special reasons... [It is
• "Verily Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet (s). O, important to note that the word salat which in this verse refers to Allah,
Believer! Send blessings upon him and salute him with a worthy His angels and to the believers, is a common word which is used for
salutation." several meanings and purposes at various places in the Holy Qur’an. The
• In the Holy Qur’an Allah (swt) has described the good qualities and praises scholars give a number of explanations to the word salat used in this
of a number of Prophets; for instance, when Adam (as) was created all the verse. These explanations have been given according to the positions of
angels were ordered to prostrate before him. Ibrahim (as) is described as the personage referred to in the verse. According to some scholars "Salah
Khalilullah. Friend of Allah. Various other Prophets have been mentioned ala Nabi (s)" means: To praise and respect him in order to show favor.
with praises. However, our Prophet (s) has been given a distinguished And the praise and the respect for the Prophet (s) will differ according to
place by Almighty Allah in the Holy Qur’an, as evidenced by this verse: the personality who sends salat (blessings). A similar difference may be
noted in the meaning of the word ‘kindness.’ For instance, the kindness of
• Allah has asked the believers to honor His Messenger (s), because He
a father toward his son means his affection and love for his son, while the
Himself is honoring the Prophet (s). This is the utmost honor to our
kindness of a son toward his father reflects his respect and favor for his
Messenger (s), whose status is that of Leader of Apostles.
father. So the salat of Allah upon the Prophet (s) would mean his praise
• This verse of the Qur’an starts with the word "inna," which lays down and regard for Prophet (s) with kindness and mercy; and the salat of
more stress and emphasis. Whenever a sentence starts with the word angels would mean their praises and respect for the Prophet (s) with
‘inna,’ it implies the continuity and perpetuity of an act. Therefore Allah favor, love, sincerity, obedience and submission. Imam Bukhari narrates
and the angels perpetually shower blessings upon the Prophet (s). from Abu Aliah: "The blessings of Allah upon the Prophet (s) means His
• It is written in the book Ruhul Bayan, "To shower blessings upon the praises for the Prophet (s) before the angels; and the blessings of the
Prophet (s) by Allah means to honor him for the praised station: ... which angels upon the Prophet (s) means their benedictions and prayers for
is the Office of Intercession ... . And to send blessings by the angels upon him." Ibn Abbas (r) said: "Yusalluna (the angels send blessings), means
the Prophet (s) means to pray for the raising of his position and to pray for Yubarrikuna (the angels pray for abundance in the eminence and status of
pardon from Allah (swt) for his followers; and to ask blessings upon Prophet (s)"....
Prophet (s) by us is actually to praise him with his good qualities and to • It is narrated in a hadith that when this verse of the Holy Qur’an was
follow his ways with love and sincerity." revealed, the companions of the Prophet (s) asked, ‘O Prophet of Allah!
• It is mentioned in the same book Ruhul Bayan that the honor given to the The way to offer salaams upon you has been known to us, i.e. the salaam
Prophet (s) is more than what was given to Adam (as) when the angels which is recited in the attahiyat. Teach us the way to send salat. The
were ordered to respect him; whereas in the case of Rasulallah (s), Allah Prophet (s) asked them to recite the following salat: "O Allah! Shower
Himself is honoring him. In the above verse, the Prophet (s) has been your blessings upon our master Muhammad and his descendants as you
addressed as the Prophet (s) and not Muhammad (s), unlike the other showered your blessings upon Ibrahim and his descendants: Verily you are
Prophets, who have been addressed so frequently with their names. It is the Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah! Give prosperity to our Master
due to his magnificence, nobility and utmost respect. A similar case could Muhammad (s) and his descendants as you gave prosperity to Ibrahim and
be cited in the following verse of the Holy Qur’an, where Prophet (s) is his descendants; verily You are the Praiseworthy, the Glorious.
mentioned with Ibrahim (as): "Lo! Those of mankind who have the best
claim to Ibrahim are those who followed him, and this Prophet ...."
• Imam Sakhawi (r) writes in his book Qaul-i-Badi’: "One of the reasons of • Our blessings are not a recommendation for the Holy Prophet (s), because
saying ‘O Allah! Send blessings upon Muhammad (s),’ instead of saying ‘I it is not proper for sinners like us to recommend anything for that Holy
send blessings upon Muhammad (s)’ is: we are full of sins, imperfect, but Soul. Allah has given us the order to be thankful for the blessing of having
the personality of the Holy Prophet (s) is perfect and faultless. The a Prophet (s), but we were unable to show our due obligation to him.
blessings and praises of a sinner are blemished, thus have us wait for a Therefore, Allah Himself guided us towards the right way and that is to
personality who is perfect. The only possible way, therefore, is to request request that Allah shower His everlasting blessings upon His beloved
Allah to shower His choicest and eternal Blessings upon the Holy Prophet Prophet (s). Scholars say that to ask blessings upon the Holy Prophet is
(s). This is a request for the blessings from the one who is the Pure for obligatory (at least once in a lifetime) on the basis of the verse that is the
such a person who is Virtuous and Modest." subject of today’s Khutbah.
• Allamah Heishafsuni (r), while reasoning about the above issue, writes in • Abu Hurairah (r) reports that the Prophet of Allah (s) said, "Allah sends ten
his book, Lata’if O Hikm - "A person should not say in his salat that he blessings upon the person who sends one blessing upon me." Only one
sends blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (s), because one does not enjoy blessing by Almighty Allah is sufficient, but here we are being told by
a befitting position for such an expression. Almighty Allah, being the only Rasulullah (s) that sending one salat (blessing) to him entitles us to ten
reality, could be requested to do it." blessings from Allah (swt). As a matter of fact, this is the greatest virtue of
• Although Allah ordered us to send blessings upon the Holy Prophet (s) Durud (or salawat ) on Rasulullah (s).
because our blessings can not touch the height of the Prophet’s (s) place. • Imam Sakhawi (ra) quotes Amir bin Rabi (ra), that he heard the Holy
• At one place, Prophet (s) praised Allah (swt) in the following way: "O Prophet (s) saying: "Allah sends ten blessings upon the person who asks
Allah! I cannot enumerate the praises due to you; you enjoy the same one blessing upon me. It is up to you how many blessings you ask."
praises as you have praised yourself." Taking this prayer as an example, • This hadith has been supported by the narration of Abdullah bin Amr (ra),
Imam Sakhawi (r) mentioned, "The Prophet (s) praised Allah just as he in which it is added, "Allah and His angels both send ten blessings on the
himself praised Him and we should ask such blessings upon Prophet which person asking one blessing upon the Holy Prophet (s)." Similar contents
were regarded most suitable by Allah (swt)." are narrated by a number of companions of the Holy Prophet (s), which
• For this reason, we ask Allah to send His choicest blessings upon the Holy are quoted by Imam Sakhawi (ra). He writes, "Allah has linked His
Prophet (s). Blessings with the Blessings asked for the Prophet (s) in the same way He
• This prayer for the blessings will be credited to us for securing higher has included the name of the Prophet (s) with His name in the Kalimah-i-
positions in Paradise. We should practice this in abundance. Make a habit Shahadah; he has linked obedience to Himself with obedience to the
of reciting darud frequently. To ask blessings upon the Holy Prophet (s) is Prophet (s); he has linked love for Himself with the love of the Prophet (s).
a sign of love for him. One of the features to be amongst the Ahle-Sunnah • Brothers and sisters in Islam: virtues of Durud (salawat ) are too
is to send blessings upon the Holy Prophet (s) abundantly. Imam Zarqani numerous to cover in a short time. I have only touched upon a few; just as
(r) writes in his book, Sharh-i-Mawahib, "The purpose of asking blessings" a reminder to myself and to you. Allah’s Prophet (s) is in no need of our
is to obtain admittance to Allah by following his commandments and to blessings. The situation is, of course, quite the opposite. We are in need.
repay some of the rights of the Holy Prophet (s) which are due upon us." And as I have attempted to present to you, by sending salawat to the
Prophet (s); we are the ones who actually benefit. Let us make a habit of
reciting salawat to Prophet (s) in abundance. And reciting salawat is
especially virtuous on Friday. This is supported by the hadith that reward
for virtues is increased on Fridays.

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