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<ns3:FATCAValidFileNotification xmlns:ns3="urn:fatca:fatcavalidfilenotification"

xmlns="urn:fatca:fatcanotificationbase" xmlns:ns2="urn:fatca:fatcapaperrecorderrornotification"


















<NotificationContentTxt>The IRS has determined that the referenced file is in a valid format.
Individual records submitted within the file have been processed and any errors detected during
processing are provided in the Error Details included.

For more information about record level errors, including their classification under an
intergovernmental agreement (IGA), see:







<HCTATreatyStampTxt>This information is furnished under the provisions of an income tax treaty,

tax information exchange agreement (TIEA), or other agreement for the exchange of information
with a foreign government, and its use and disclosure must be governed by the provisions of that
treaty, TIEA, or other agreement.</HCTATreatyStampTxt>

<ns3:FATCARecordErrorGrp><RecordErrorInfoHeaderTxt>Record level error details from the file

submitted are provided and are organized by financial institution.</RecordErrorInfoHeaderTxt>




<ReportingFINm>ALIANZA VALORES S.A. SCB</ReportingFINm>






<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not populated</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>

<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the
corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>


<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not populated</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not populated</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not populated</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not populated</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>

<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the
corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not populated</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not populated</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not populated</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>


<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>TIN not valid</FieldErrorTxt>



<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this









<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the
<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this








<FieldErrorTxt>Filer Category not populated</FieldErrorTxt>


<ActionRequestedGrp><ActionRequestedTxt>Please correct all records with errors. Ensure the

corrected record has a CorrDocRefID that matches the Doc RefId and a CorrMessageRefID that
matches the MessageRefID for the original(s) record submitted for which the IRS is requesting a
correction and post the file with corrected records to IDES. If the record has an error in the
Reporting FI GIIN, the original record must be voided and a new record submitted to correct the

<ActionRequestedDueDateTxt>Correct the errors within 120 days of the date of this





<PotentialEffectTxt>Failure to correct errors by the date required may result in a determination by

the IRS that the Financial Institution has defaulted under its FFI Agreement and/or is in Significant
Non-Compliance with the terms of the IGA.</PotentialEffectTxt>


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