Substractor: Combinational Logic Design

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Combinational Logic Design


• Binary Subtraction
– 2’’s complement
– Extension to r’s complement
– Subtraction with complements
• Binary Adders/Subtractors
– Signed numbers
– Signed Addition/Subtraction
– Overflow problem
• Binary Multipliers
Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 2
Design (3.9-3.11)
Binary Subtraction

• Unsigned numbers: minus sign is not explicitly represented.

• Given 2 binary numbers M and N, find M-N:
– Case I: M ≥ N, thus, MSB of Borrow is 0
M 11110 30
N -1 0 0 1 1 -19 Result is Correct
Dif 0 1 0 1 1 11

– Case II: N> M, thus MSB of Borrow is 1

B11 1000
M 1001 1 19
N -1 1 1 1 0 -30 Result requires correction!
Dif 1 0 1 0 1 21

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 3

Design (3.9-3.11)
Binary Subtraction (cont.)

• In general, if N > M, Dif = M-N+2 , where
n = # bits.
• In Case II of the previous example, Dif=
19-30+2 = 21.
• To correct the magnitude of Dif, which
n n
should be N-M, calculate 2 -(M-N+2 ).
• This is known as the 2’’s complement of

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 4

Design (3.9-3.11)
General Procedure

• To subtract two n-bit numbers, M-N, in

base 2:
– Find M-N.
– If MSB of Borrow is 0, then M ≥ N. Result is
positive and correct.
– If MSB of Borrow is 1, then N > M. Result is
negative and its magnitude must be corrected
by subtracting it from 2n (find its 2’s

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 5

Design (3.9-3.11)
Another Subtraction Example

• Given M = 01100100 and N = 10010110, find M-N.

B 1 0011 1100
M 0110 0100 100
N -1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 -50
Dif 11001 110 206
210000 0000 256
Dif - 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 -206
0001 10010 50

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 6

Design (3.9-3.11)
Block Diagram for Subtractor

M0M1M2M3 N0N1N2N3

4-bit Subtractor

Enabled when B=1;

otherwise, just pass the
result from the subtractor

2’s Complementer

Not the best way to implement a subtractor circuit!

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 7

Design (3.9-3.11)
Block Diagram for
Binary Adder-Subtractor
 
  
 
Binary Adder 4-bit Subtractor

2’s Complementer

Quadruple 2-to-1 MUX

Result Sub/Add=1  Result=|M-N|

Sub/Add=0  Result=M+N
Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 8
Design (3.9-3.11)

• There are 2 types of complements for

each base-r system:
– Radix (r’s) complement, ex. 2’s complement
and 10’s complement.
– Diminished radix (r-1’s) complement, ex. 1’s
complement and 9’s complement.
• We examine only 2’s and 1’s
complements for base 2. Same concepts
hole for other bases (ex. decimal).

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 9

Design (3.9-3.11)
2’s Complement

• For a positive n digit number N2 in binary, the

2's complement, 2C(N2), is given by:

– 2C(N2) =
{ 2n-N2 ,
0 ,
if n > 0
if n = 0

• Example: N2 =1010
– 2C(N2) = 24-N2 = 100002 – 10102 = 01102
• Example: N2 =11111
– 2C(N2) = 25-N2 = 1000002 – 111112 = 00001 2
Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 10
Design (3.9-3.11)
2’s Complement (cont.)

• Here’s an easier way to compute the 2’s

1. Leave all least significant 0’s and first 1 unchanged.
2. Replace 0 with 1 and 1 with 0 in all remaining higher
significant bits.
• Examples:
complement unchanged complement unchanged
– N = 1010 N = 01011000
01 10 10101000
2’s complement 2’s complement

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 11

Design (3.9-3.11)
1’s Complement

• For a positive n digit number N2 in binary, the

1's complement, 1C(N2), is given by:

– 1C(N2) = (2n-1) - N2

• Example: N2 =011
– 1C(N2) = (23-1)-N2 = 1112 – 0112 = 1002
• Example: N2 =1010
– 1C(N2) = (24-1) - N2 = 11112 – 10102 = 0101 2
• Observation: 1’s complement can be derived by
just complementing all the bits in the number.

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 12

Design (3.9-3.11)

• Compare 1’s complement with 2’s

– 2n-N = [(2n-1) - N] + 1
• Thus, the 2’s complement can be obtained by
deriving the 1’s complement and adding 1 to it.
• Example:
– N = 1001
– 2C(N) = 24 – N = 10000 – 1001 = 0111
– 1C(N) = 24 – 1 - N = 1111 – 1001 = 0110
 2C(N) = 1C(N) + 1 = 0110 + 0001 = 0111

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 13

Design (3.9-3.11)
Subtraction with Complements

• To perform M-N = M+(-N), we may use a

complement form to represent the
negative number -N, and perform a “plain
old addition”.
• Need to be able to “convert” the result.

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 14

Design (3.9-3.11)
Subtraction with 2’s complement

• If we use 2's complements to represent negative

n n
1. Form RI = M + 2C(N2) = M + (2 -N) = M – N + 2 .
2. If there is a nonzero carry out of the addition, M ≥
N, so discard that carry and the remaining digits
are the result R = M-N.
3. Otherwise, M < N, so take the 2’s complement of
RI (=2n- RI = 2n- (M – N + 2n) = N – M), and attach
a minus sign in front, i.e., the result R is
-2C([RI]2) = -(N-M).

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 15

Design (3.9-3.11)

• A = 1010100 (8410), B = 1000011 (6710)

• Find R = A-B:
– 2C(B) = 0111101 (6110)
– A+2C(B) = 1010100+0111101 = 10010001
– Discard carry, R = 0010001 (1710) ✔
• Find R = B-A:
– 2C(A) = 0101100 (4410)
– B+2C(A) = 1000011+0101100 = 1101111
– R = -2C(B+A) = -0010001 (-17) ✔

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 16

Design (3.9-3.11)
Subtraction with 1’s complement

• If we use 1's complements to represent negative

1. Form n n
RI = M + 1C(N2) = M + (2 -1-N) = M – N + 2 -1.
2. If there is a nonzero carry out of the addition, M ≥
N, so discard that carry and add 1 to the remaining
digits. The result R = M-N.
3. Otherwise,
M < N,nso take the 1’s complement
RI (=2 - 1 - RI = 2 - 1 - (M – N + 2 -1) = N – M ),
and attach a minus sign in front, i.e.,
the result R is -1C([RI]2) = -(N-M).

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 17

Design (3.9-3.11)

• A = 1010100 (8410), B = 1000011 (6710)

• Find R = A-B:
– 1C(B) = 0111100 (6010)
– A+B = 1010100+0111100 = 10010000
– Discard carry and add 1,
R = 0010000 + 1 = 0010001 (1710) ✔
• Find R = B-A:
– 1C(A) = 0101011
– B+A = 1000011+0101011 = 1101110
– R = -1C(B+A) = -0010001 (-17) ✔

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 18

Design (3.9-3.11)
Binary Adder/Subtractors

• If we perform subtraction using complements,

we eliminate the subtraction operation, and
thus, can use an adder with appropriate
complementer for subtraction.
• Actually, we can use an adder for both addition
and subtraction:
– Complement subtrahend for subtraction
– Do not complement subtrahend for addition
• Thus, to form an adder-subtractor circuit, we
only need a selective complementer and an

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 19

Design (3.9-3.11)
Binary Adder/Subtractors (cont.)

• The subtraction A-B can be performed by taking

the 2's complement of B and adding to A.
• The 2's complement of B can be obtained by
complementing B and adding one to the result.

A-B = A + 2C(B)
= A + 1C(B) + 1
= A + B’ + 1

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 20

Design (3.9-3.11)
4-bit Binary Adder/Subtractor

–XOR gates act as programmable inverters

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 21
Design (3.9-3.11)
4-bit Binary Adder/Subtractor (cont.)

• When S=0, the circuit performs A + B. The

carry in is 0, and the XOR gates simply
pass B untouched.
• When S=1, the carry into the least
significant bit (LSB) is 1, and B is
complemented (1’s complement) prior to
the addition; hence, the circuit adds to A
the 1’s complement of B plus 1 (from the
carry into the LSB).

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 22

Design (3.9-3.11)
4-bit Binary Adder/Subtractor (cont.)


B3 B2 B1 B0

S=0 selects addition

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 23

Design (3.9-3.11)
4-bit Binary Adder/Subtractor (cont.)


B3’ B2’ B1’ B0’


S=1 selects subtraction

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 24

Design (3.9-3.11)
4-bit Binary Adder/Subtractor (cont.)

When C4 = 0 and S=1 it means that A < B and we must correct the
result R3…R0 (see slide 15).
Thus, we must compute 2’s complement of R3…R0:
Use a specialized 2’s complement circuit or
Use the 4-bit Adder/Subtractor again, with A3…A0=0000,
B3…B0=R3…R0, and S=1.

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 25

Design (3.9-3.11)
Signed Binary Numbers

• Signed-magnitude system: Singed

numbers are represented using the MSB
of the binary number to indicate the
number’s sign:
– If MSB is 0  number is positive
– If MSB is 1  number is negative
• Do not confuse with unsigned numbers!

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 26

Design (3.9-3.11)
Signed Binary Numbers

• For example:
– -1010 is
• -10102 in unsigned (- sign is implicit)
• 110102 in singed (- sing is indicated in MSB=1)
• Another example:
– 10112 is
• 1110 in unsigned
• -310 in signed

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 27

Design (3.9-3.11)
Signed Binary Numbers

• To implement signed-magnitude addition

and subtraction we need to separate the
sing bit from the magnitude bits, and treat
the magnitude bits as an unsigned
number (do correction whenever
• To avoid correction, use the singed-
complement system.

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 28

Design (3.9-3.11)
Signed-Complement System

• The magnitude of the negative number is

represented in a complement form (2’s or
1’s complement).
• Ex.: Use 8-bits to represent -910 and 910
– -910 is:
• 10010012 in singed-magnitude
• 111101102 in singed-1’s complement
• 111101112 in singed-2’s complement
– 910 is 000010012 in any of the above systems
Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 29
Design (3.9-3.11)

• To perform addition or subtraction of two numbers M

and N in signed-magnitude, follow ordinary
arithmetic rules:
– Same signs: Add and keep same sign.
– Different signs: Subtract N from M; if end Borrow is 1,
correct result by taking its 2’s complement. Sign is
– Example: M:00011001, N:10100101
N is negative, so find |M-N|=0011001-0100101 =1110100,
with end borrow 1. This implies that M-N is a negative
number, so to correct find its 2’s complement 0001100.
Result is 10001100.
Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 30
Design (3.9-3.11)
Signed-Complement Addition

• “Addition of two signed numbers, with negative ones

represented in signed-2’s complement, is obtained by
adding the two numbers (including the sing bits). Carry
out is discarded”.

• Examples: (Assume 5-bit representations)

01010 (+10) 01010 (+10) 10110 (-10) 10110 (-10)

+00101 (+5) +11011 (-5) +00101 (+5) +11011 (-5)
01111 (+15) 00101 (+5) 11011 (-5) 10001 (-15)

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 31

Design (3.9-3.11)
Signed-Complement Addition

• Do not get confused reading negative numbers

in signed-2’s complement! Remember, if MSB is
1 the number is negative and you need to find
the 2’s complement of the magnitude.

• Example: What’s the decimal equivalent of 10010012?

– Negative number, since MSB=1
– Magnitude = 001001
2’s complement of magnitude = 110111
– The number is -5510
Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 32
Design (3.9-3.11)
• “Subtraction of two signed numbers, with negative ones
represented in signed-2’s complement, is obtained by
taking the 2’s complement of the subtrahend (including
sing bit) and add it to the minuend. Discard carry out”.

• Examples: (Assume 5-bit representations)

01010 (+10) 01010 (+10) 10110 (-10) 10110 (-10)
-00101 -(+5) -11011 -(-5) -00101 -(+5) -11011 -(-5)

01010 (+10) 01010 (+10) 10110 (-10) 10110 (-10)

+11011 +(-5) +00101 +(+5) +11011 +(-5) +00101 +(+5)
00101 (+5) 01111 (+15) 10001 (-15) 11011 (-5)

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 33

Design (3.9-3.11)
The Overflow problem

• If the sum of two n-bit numbers results in

an n+1 number, then an overflow
conditions is said to occur.
• Detection of overflow can be implemented
using either hardware or software.
• Detection depends on number system
used: signed or unsigned.

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 34

Design (3.9-3.11)
The Overflow problem in
Unsigned System
• Addition:
– When Carry out is 1.
• Subtraction:
– Can never occur. Magnitude of the result is
always equal or smaller than the larger of the
two numbers.

•  Not REALLY a problem!

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 35

Design (3.9-3.11)
The Overflow problem in
Signed-2’s Complement

• Remember that the MSB is the sign. But,

the sign is also added! Thus, a carry out
equal to 1 does not necessarily indicate
• Overflow can occur ONLY when both
numbers have the same sign. This
condition can be detected when the carry
out (Cn) is different than the carry at the
previous position (Cn-1).

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 36

Design (3.9-3.11)
The Overflow problem in
Signed-2’s Complement (cont.)

• Example 1: Let M=6510 and N=6510 in an 8-bit signed-2’s

complement system.
– M = N = 010000012
– M+N = 10000010 with Cn=0. This is clearly wrong! Bring Cn as
the MSB to get 0100000102 (13010) which is correct, but requires
9-bits  overflow occurs.
• Example 2: Let M=-6510 and N=-6510 in an 8-bit signed-
2’s complement system.
– M = N = 101111112
– M+N = 01111110 with Cn=1. This is wrong again! Bring Cn as
the MSB to get 1011111102 (-13010) which is correct, but also
requires 9-bits  overflow occurs.

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 37

Design (3.9-3.11)
Overflow Detection in
Signed-2’s Complement

• Overflow conditions is detected by comparing

the carry values into and out of the sign bit (Cn
and Cn-1).
n-bit Adder/Subtractor with Overflow Detection Logic

C n-bit Adder/Subtractor

• C =1 indicates overflow condition when adding/subtr. unsigned numbers.

• V=1 indicates overflow condition when adding/subtr. signed-2’s
complement numbers
Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 38
Design (3.9-3.11)
Binary Multiplier

• Binary multiplication resembles decimal

– n-bit multiplicand is multiplied by each bit of
the m-bit multiplier, starting from LSB, to form
n partial products.
– Each successive set of partial products is
shifted 1 bit to the left.
– Derive result by addition the m rows of partial

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 39

Design (3.9-3.11)
Binary Multiplier (cont.)

• Example:
– Multiplier A=A1A0 and multiplicand B=B1B0
– Find C = AxB:

B1 B0
x A1 A0
A0B1 A0B0
+ A1B1 A1B0
C3 C2 C2 C0

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 40

Design (3.9-3.11)
Binary Multiplier Circuit
2-bit by 2-bit multiplier

Half Adders are Sufficient

since there is no Carry-in
in addition to the two inputs
to sum

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 41

Design (3.9-3.11)
Binary Multiplier Circuit
4-bit by 3-bit multiplier

4 bit by 3 bit yields a

7 bit result

Nov-01-10 Chapter 3-v: Combinational Logic 42

Design (3.9-3.11)

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