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1 Which of the following characteristics can be used to differentiate between a longitudinal

wave and a transverse wave?

Antara ciri-ciri, yang manakah dapat membezakan antara gelombang melintang dan
gelombang membujur

A The wavelength of the waves.

Panjang gelombang
B The amplitude of the waves.
Amplitud gelombang
C The medium required for propagation of the waves.
Medium perambatan gelombang
D The direction of moving particles to the direction of propagation of the waves.
Arah perambatan molekul dengan arah gerakan perambatan gelombang

2 Which of the following displacement-time graphs shows a wave with frequency 0.2 Hz?
Manakah diantara graf sesaran-masa menunjukkan frekuensi 0.2 Hz?

A WQ/Sesaran B WQ/Sesaran

/Masa /Masa
Mm Mm

Z Sesaran
WQ/ Z Sesaran
Nd Nd


/Masa /Masa
Mm Mm


Nd Nd

3 Diagram 1 shows the pattern of wavefronts produced by a vibrator in a ripple tank.
Rajah menunjukkan corak muka gelombang yang dihasilkan oelh penggetar tangki riak.

80 cm

Diagram 1

If the waves are propagated with a speed of 40 cm s–1, calculate the frequency of the vibrator.
Jika gelombang merambat dengan halaju 40 cm s–1, kirakan frekuensi penggetar tersebut.

A 1.6 Hz C 10 Hz
B 5 Hz D 25 Hz

4 Diagram 2 shows a pattern of water waves produced by small stone when dropped into a lake.
Rajah menunjukkan corak gelombang air yang dihasilkan oleh batu kecil yang dijatuhkan
didalam tasik.

/ Puncak

/ Lembangan
Diagram 2

Which of the distance between two points represents the wavelength?

Jarak antara dua titik yang manakah mewakili panjang gelombang?
5 What physical quantity will be change when a wave is being reflected?
Kuantiti fizik yang manakah berubah apabila apabila gelombang mengalami pantulan?

A Speed of the waves.

Halaju gelombang
B Frequency of the waves.
Frekeunsi gelombang
C Wavelength of the waves.
Panjang gelombang
D Directions of propagation of waves.
Arah perambatan gelombang

6 Diagram 4 shows the reflection of a plane waves by a plane reflector.

Rajah menunjukkan pantulan gelombang satah pada permukaan pemantul satah

Ml / Gelombang tuju


Kmj / Gelombang pantulan

Diagram 4
Which of the following statements is not true?
Pernyataan yang manakah tidak benar?

A Angle of incidence, i is equal to angle of reflection, r.

Sudut tuju, i sama dengan sudut pantulan, r
B The direction of propagation of reflected waves is changed.
Arah perambatan gelombang pantulan berubah
C The speed of the reflected wave is same as the incident wave.
Laju gelombang pantulan sama dengan laju gelombang tuju
D The frequency of the reflected wave is half of the incident wave.
Frekuensi gelombang pantulan adalah separuh daripada gelombang tuju.
7 Diagram 3 shows an oscillating loaded spring system in a laboratory.
Rajah menunjukkan sistem beban berayun yang terdapat di makmal

/ Beban

Diagram 3
Which of the following graphs represents the oscillation of load which undergoes damping?
Graf manakah mewakili ayunan beban yang mengalami pelembapan?

A WQ/Sesaran B WQ/Sesaran

/Masa /Masa
Mm Mm

NdSesaran D WQ/
Nd Sesaran


/Masa /Masa
Mm Mm


Nd Nd

8 Which of the following is correct about the changes on water wave characteristics when
travelling from a shallow region to a deep region?
Yang manakah berikut benar mengenai perubahan ciri-ciri gelombang air apabila merambat
dari kawasan cetek ke kawasan dalam?

Wavelength/ Panjang gelombang Frequency/ Frekuensi Speed/Laju

A Increases/ Meningkat No change/ Tiada perubahan Increases/ Meningkat
B Decreases / Menurun No change/ Tiada perubahan Decreases/ Menurun
C Increases/ Meningkat Decreases/ Menurun Decreases/ Menurun
D Decreases / Menurun Increases/ Meningkat Increases/ Meningkat

9 Diagram 5 shows a ripple tank with a slope base. A spherical dipper is used to produce a
wave on water surface.
Rajah menunjukkan tangki riak dengan dasar yang bercerun. Pencelup yang berbentuk sfera
digunakkan bagi menghasilkan gelombang pada permukaan air.

/Pencelup berbentuk sfera

/Tangki Riak

Diagram 5
Which of the following wave patterns will be observed on the screen?

10 Which of the following diagrams shows the water waves travel from a deep water to a
shallow water correctly?
Rajah manakah menunjukkan gelombang air merambat dari kawasan dalam ke kawasan
dalam dengan betul?


11 Diagram 6 shows a plane wavefront travels from region x to region y.

Diagram 6
If the speed of plane waves in region x is 15 cm s–1, calculate the speed of plane waves in
region y.
A 15 cm s–1 C 35 cm s–1
B 25 cm s–1 D 45 cm s–1

12 Which of the following diagrams shows the correct water wave pattern after passing through
a gap in a ripple tank?


13 Diagram 7 shows the plane waves is diffracted after pass through the gap.

Diagram 7
When the wavelength of the plane waves decreases, what will happen to the effect of
A The effect of diffraction becomes more obvious.
B The effect of diffraction becomes less obvious.
C The effect of diffraction remains unchanged..

14 Diagram 8 shows an experimental set-up to study the diffraction of light waves.

Diagram 8
Which of the following patterns will appear on the translucent screen?

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