Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Demoteach

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B990000GG00000000000000009 A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE 111 GSGOSSSESSSSHSSSSHGSS8S9599 9950890588 LObjectves. Atthe end of the lesson. the pupils wil be able to: identify wenewable resources and nonrenewabl resources, b. describe how fving things benefit fom the environment. «protect and comerve the avadable natural rescurces. IL Subject Matter A Tope: B. Maes C Rekrene: ‘Science Works Earth and fs Natural Resources Pictures: Carolina: Prat Materials Gregorio L. Jesuits, pp. 244.247 D Scieme Process E Vahe: TIL Methodology Observing, Conminésting, Comparing. Chssifving Thank God fer creating awonderfil exvimamert to ive ia Teacher's Activity A. Priming Activating Knowledge Learning Task 1-Review Last time we discussed about what? Is tere any question about our past lesson? Abiola, kt us answer this statenem by tre or fake Everyone read the discon on the board DIRECTION: Wie TRUE on the blak ifthe Statement is comect and FALSE if it aot —______ |. Prope expeset to noby eighes Without proper ear protection wil Ekely damage their ear. Pupils Activity Safe and wise use of fit, heat, sound aml ‘lectisty in daily te, No. DIRECTION: Wrie TRUE on the blank & te Statement is correct ant FALSE if it is: not __TRUE, 1. Poop exposed wo wisy hgines willow proper eat protection will tkely damage thei eas. Fees 2. Phy under the sun for kng ‘hous. 3. Do not insert your frgers or ‘ay eal cle nt an out ‘applances when wet, —_______ 5. Drink pemy of water ant do ‘not wal wil you ae thisty to dr Learning Task 2 ~ Motivation (Show a picture of the Earth) -o ‘Cas, what picture & on the board? When your look at the earth fom the outer space, what does t ook bike? What do you think Ue blush cobr sutace of the ean? Very pool! Now class, how mny percent of the earth's surface Is covered by Water? Very good! ‘As you book closer, what isthe other colo that ‘What does the green color represent on earth's surfice? Very good How amny percent of earth’s covered with ar Yes. Comect, 401 is safe to ise dectrcal] _ __ FALSE 2, ious. Play under the sin for long TRUE __ 3. Do mt inset your fingers or any small object nto an out, _ 4 Wis sa to we ekerical nes when we. TRUE 5. Drink ney of water ant do ‘no wat unl you are thisty 10 di ‘The plcure of the ear Its boks tke a ble marble, The bhish cobr Ua covers Ue surface of ue cant is water 73 %otbe eanh’s surice & covered by water Gree, The geen color represents the Land, 250bof the bn. Fee e eee Is cath sso covered with ai? What colors represent the air in ths pitue? Comect. Very good! B, Lesson Proper Learning Task 3 - Activity Now class, kes have pictre pure. As you oan tee, 1 haw here 4 envelopes, Inside ts the picture that you are going 10 fom. 1 wil divide you nto two groups. Each group Wil have two envebpes to farm, will pve you Sminzes todo hat Is t clear? Grow 1 ae as Group 2 Sea Teaming Task 4 ~ Analysis Where do we find the animals? ‘Comet. And what is environment? ‘ALL tings that we See fn ow surmunding se all part ofthe envionment, inching ws ‘Yes & is covered wih ai The white coler represents the it: Yes tb, {nthe envronment. Envonment is everything that makes up the surounlings and affects the activities of ving things. It consits of al living and non Ivins ‘hinge on earth BO90000GG00000000000000009 GSGOSSSESSSSHSSSSHGSS8S9599 9950890588 Can you ghe examples of hing tings? What doe cll the thins fn the environmen? What ate natural resoarce? How do ling thigs beneit from the environment? Come, Now chs et us go back with these ‘wo groups. ‘There are two groups of natal resources Can you Helly the fist pte in the fest stow? Does sunigit whe us united supply of fht ina day? Very goal! What sbou the other picwee? Very good. (Can annals be replaced? How? Comeet. Ths goup of mural resources was considered. as omeuable rescurces, What ate renewable resources? Can you identiy the pisturer in the second up? If te firs goup ate caled renewable revouees, ‘how about the secend group? Why do you thie petoleum and coal is under nowrerewable resoutces? Now chst what are nomerevable rsowees? Do you thisk the improper ise of this nomenewable —resourees godin our cenironment? Why? Fhaman, plans and annals Natucal resources A natural resource js anything that peopl: can tase which comes fiom niture tke nd, watsr ant ai Watout water, ar and nd, fviag things cant exist 50 they are dependent upon the Suit. Yes i does, Aina, Yes. It can epee thyough reproduction, Renewable resources are maura wesouces tat can be rephced or renewed with 2 short Pesiod of tine. Petroleum and Coal Nomrenewable resources Because i takes a bng petiod of tine to replace Nomrenewable resources ate naual resources that cannot be easily replaced within a short period of tine, ‘They can take hundred: or even tion yeats to forma No. Because it ean eatse polltion that very hhamgul to our envionment B990000GG00000000000000009 GSGOSSSESSSSHSSSSHGSS8S9599 9950890588 Do you Fave any Wes what we the wer of these notenewable resources? So, whit do we wel tw do to tse notenewable resowces? Vary good. How do we prevent polision’? Very good! Is i impotaa 10 conserve ant proweet_ ou natural resources? Why’ What do we need in onder to survive” Comeet! What is the eestve way to comene ou natal resources? What at the things that can be recycling? Very good! Learning ‘Task 5 — Abstraction ‘Aga class what ave namral resources’ Conse, What ate the wo groups of atu wsouees? Coneet, What ate remwable resources? Very good! Give we sxanpks ofrenewable resources Comect, What ate nonrenewable resources? Coeet, What do we need to do to these sonrenewable Those ae se Tor vuming ebstiy and) We tel io use them wisely We can prevent polttion by proper dsposal of these nomerewabke resources. Yes 1 ik Becawse we weed i iostuvbe, We teat the Farth’s natural resources, Recyctng Botths, newspaper, magazines, boxes ete Natural resources are the naturally occuring rnuterals tut reused by Iving thins. Renewable and mnenevabke Renewable resources ame the natural resources that can be reperish ina shont pesiod of tine. Sunlight, water, sr, pls and animal, Nowemvabl resoures ae the natural resources that cannot be easly 10 rephced within a sho period of in. We teal to use it wisdly B990000GG00000000000000009 SEGSSSSSSSSGGSSSSSS99 9950890588: geeeee Learning ‘Task 6 ~ Application Now class, I want yeu to faok under your chai ‘AS you can ace some of you have the patie. 1 wil call you om by one and then you wil tll what k fh the pcue then idemgy what group ‘of resources is that, ye f\ \ > Write R onthe blak ifthe material & renewable and Nif itis nomenewabk. —1.Surs __2.LPG 3. Kerosene __4. Vegetables 5.Tiee V. Assignment Lt atleast §matural resources found i che Philppines ° SSSOSSOSSOSOSSHSOSSOO

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