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Valentina Meta Srikartika

+ Jelaskan yang anda ketahui
mengenai TDM
!  Respon obat pada masing-masing individu dapat berbeda "
!  Variasi pada fase farmakokinetik
!  Variasi pada fase farmakodinamika

Monitoring terapi obat melalui

respon biologi " variabel yang
dapat diukur dan berhubungan
erat dengan outcome klinik

-  Obat anti HT " monitor efek pada
-  Statin " monitor efek pada serum
-  Antikoagulan oral " monitor efek
pada INR
Pada kondisi tertentu tidak terdapat
variabel berkelanjutan yg dapat diukur "
khususnya untuk penyakit dengan kondisi
yg sulit diprediksi dan fluktuatif

Mengukur konsentrasi serum/plasma "

farmakokinetik" untuk adjustment dosis
e.g penderita epilepsi dgn obat


Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) in a general

sense is about using serum drug concentration
(SDCs), pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics
to individualized and optimize patient response to drug
TDM aims to promote optimum drug treatment by
maintaining serum drug concentration within a
therapeutic range, below which drug-induced toxicity
occurs too often and above the drug is too often ineffective
Reasons for TDM

!  Certain drug have a narrow

theraupetic range

!  In concentration above the

!  Not all patients have the same
upper limit of the range, the
response at similar doses
drug can be toxic

!  In contretation below the lower

limit of the range, the drug can
be innefective

!  TDM based on the principle that for

some drugs there is a close
relationship between serum drug
const / plasma level of drug and
its clinical effect

!  Drug metabolism varies

from patient to patient
!  Whena precise therapeutics end point is
difficult to define, monitoring serum drug const
may be considerable therapeutics assitance

!  Routine monitoring is however not advocated

for most drugs

!  Only
clinically meaningful tests should
be performed
Criteria for TDM

appropriate analytical test for

!  An
drug and active metabolites must

!  Drug should have a narrow

therapeutic range

!  Patientsnot showing adequate

clinical response to drug despite
being on adequate dose
Criteria for TDM

therapeutic effect can

!  The
not be readily assesed by
the clinical observation
(e.g anticonvulsants, anti
arrythmics, antidepressant,

!  Largeindividual variability
in steady state plasma
concentration exist at any
given dose, eg phenytion,
doxepine, imipramine, etc

Drug Often Monitored Using Serum

Drug Concentration
Drug Often Monitored Using Serum
Drug Concentration
Indications for TDM

!  Low therapeutic index

!  Poorly defined clinical end point

!  Non compliance
!  Anticonvulsant const in patients having frequent seizures

!  Therapeutics failure
!  Particularly important for prophylactic drugs such lithium
in preventing manic-depressive attacks, phenytoin in
preventing fits after neurosurgery trauma, cyclosporine in
preventing transplant rejection
Indications for TDM

!  Drugs with saturable metabolism

!  E.g Phenytoin, salicyclic acid,
theophylline, valproic acid

!  Wide variation in the metabolism

of drugs

!  For
diagnosis of suspected toxicity and
determining drug abuse
!  E.g
Fenitoin (gejala toksisitas dapat dideteksi) VS
Digoksin (gejala toksisitas menyerupai gejala
penyakit CV)
Indications for TDM
!  Drugs with steep dose response curve (small increase in dose can
result a marked increase in desired/undesired response, e.g theophylline)

!  When another drug alter the relationship between dose and

plasma concentration (e.g plasma concentration of lithium is increased
by thiazide)

!  Renal disease (alters the relationship between dose and plasma const.
Important in case of digoxin, lithium, and aminoglycoside antibiotics

!  Clinical
outcome is unrelated either to dose or to
plasma concentration
!  Drug used at const which give a maximal response
!  Acute tolerance (tachyphylaxis) develop, eg
Amphetamine or cocaine

!  Dosage need not be individualized

!  Thepharmacological effects can be clinically

quantified (e.g BP, HR, blood sugar, urine volume,

!  Whenconcentration effect relationship remains


!  Drug
with wide therapeutic range (e.g beta
blockers and calcium channel blockers)

Decision to request a drug level

The biological sample
The request
+ Laboratory measurement
Communication of result by the laboratory
Clinical interpretation
Therapeutic management
Decision to request Drug Level The Biological Sample
!  Usually serum or plasma
!  Must be based on the
proper reason: samples
!  Suspected toxicity !  Blood sample should be
!  Lack of response/ collected once the drug
compliance concentration have attained
!  To asses therapy
steady state (SS) (at-least
following change in 5 half lives at the current
dosage regimen)
!  Change in clinical state !  Drug with long half-lives
of patient should be monitored
!  Potential drug before SS is achieved
interactions due to
concomitant medications !  If toxicity is suspected "
TDM asap
The Request Laboratory measurement

!  Following details must !  Theassay procedure

be effectively should be a validated
communicated: one
!  Time of sample
!  Ideally, the
result of the
!  Dosage Regimen assay should be
!  Patient demographics available before the next
(age, sex, ethnicity) dose is given
!  Co-medications, if any
!  Various
analytical tech:
!  Indication for
monitoring FPIA,
!  PK and therapeutic Spectrophotometry,
range of drug Enzyme Immuno Assay
Sample timing for some important
Result communication by Lab Clinical Interpretation

!  The
results should be !  Therapeutic ranges are
communicated ASAP available but should only
once it os verified be used as a guide
(preferably within 24 hr) !  Just relating drug const to
a published therapeutic
!  Theresult should clearly
range is not an adequate
state the therapeutic interpretation
const range for the drug
assayed !  Const must always be
interpreted in the light of
clinical response,
individual patient
demographic and dosage
regimen used
*Clinical Interpretation

Serum concentration lower than Serum concentration higher than

anticipated anticipated

!  Patient compliance, error in !  Patient compliance, error in

dosage regimen, wrong drug dosage regimen, poor
metabolizer, high plasma
product, poor bioavailability
protein bounding

Serum concentration correct but

patient does not respond to

!  Altered receptor sensitivity eg

tolerance, drug interaction at
Therapeutic Management

!  The clinician will modify a drug dosage regimen in light of

all available information

!  New dose = Old dose x Desired Css / Old Css

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