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City of Johannesburg

Johannesburg Development Agency

No 3 Helen Joseph Street PO Box 61877 Tel +27(0) 11 688 7851 (O)
The Bus Factory Marshalltown Fax +27(0) 11 688 7899/63
Newtown 2107 E-mail:
Johannesburg, 2000


Pupils at Muzomuhle Primary will resume the 2019 academic year in a healthy and decent
environment that they can be proud of after the Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA)
handed over renovated and repainted classrooms as part Mandela Day activities.

The handover, which saw an enthusiastic reception from the learners at the school’s
assembly area, took place on Thursday, 18 July.

The JDA’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme focuses on uplifting

communities in areas where its economic development projects are located.

The JDA consulted with the community forum in Diesploot in order to address the issue of
deteriorating classrooms at the school.

M Ntanga (Chairperson) D Cohen (Acting CEO) S Moonsamy (CFO) S Jensma TG Sambo JW Karuri -Sebina EF Peters K Govender A Steyn P Zagaretos R Shirinda (Company Secretary)
Registration Number: 2001/005101/07
Muzomuhle Primary Principal Mr John Ramarumo expressed his gratitude to the JDA staff
for the school refurbishing. “We would like to thank you for thinking about these children and
making a difference in our school. Muzomuhle Primary has 2314 pupils and 60 teachers,
this has become a school that everyone wants to attend.”

“We are truly thankful that the JDA staff thought of our learners on this special Mandela
Day”, Mr Ramarumo said.

A total of R125 000 was spent on the CSR project which also created jobs and transferred
skills to local SMME’s and local labourers from the Diepsloot community.

“The dignity of learners is important to their development and growth. We are delighted that
the JDA continues to ensure that it achieve its objective of caring for local communities in
areas where it operates. This contribution will improve the learning environment for the
country’s future leaders,” said Member of the Mayoral Committee for Development
Planning, Cllr Reuben Masango.

Muzomuhle Primary School which was opened in 1996, a year after residents settled in the
area, is one of Diepsloot’s shining beacons. The school is the biggest and oldest in the
township, and it is in a central location, this makes it accessible to learners from all over

The JDA has been implementing a number of catalytic projects in Diepsloot. These include
the construction of the landmark Ingonyama Bridge which completed the connection of one
of the township’s busiest thoroughfares with William Nicol Drive.

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