Charles Benedict C. Autobiography123456

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Charles Benedict C.



I’m Charles Benedict C. Rosario My Birthday is December,10,2000 and My Birthplace is Tay-Tay Rizal

My Mother is Maridel C. Rosario And My Father is Larry P. Rosario when I was I child my family
celebrate my birthday yearly my 1​st​ birthday we celebrate at our house with clowns and many visitors
like side of the family of my mother and father And Neighbors’ I Had A Special program for my
celebration . My Mother And Father always took care of me and I Am The Only Child In Our Family.
My father was a driver and My Mother is a business woman. Both of My Parents do their best to have
a better life. My mother is 57 years old and her birthday is March 27 1962 And My Father was 49 year
sold and his birthday is January 29,1970 . my mother go to the market to buy me milk when I was a
child I remember when I have a fever my mother took care of me bring me at the hospital. My
Celebration of my Christeningday is at the Sto. Domingo Church That Was December,23,2000.


When I was Jr. HighSchool I study at The Ramon Magsaysay Highschool. many troubles came in my life
everyday when I was grade 7 to grade 8 I am involve in a fist fight and when I was grade 7 I was invole
to a rumble at the streets every night with my “barkada” and I learn how to smoke cigarettes drink
alcohol. In my Jr.Highschool Ive been transfered at Perpetual Help College Of Manila. When I was
grade 9 And I meet new set of friends they are the one who inspire me to study hard to reach my

goal we help each other to make us all moving up in our graduation and to make my dream come true
to become a police that is the goal in my life. And I study Sr. Highschool at The University Of The East.

Social Life

When I was highschool I have crushes in our campus her name is joy anne,angela,mica,etc. When I
was grade 10 I have a relationship with my classmate but she is my bestfriend in our grade 9 I don’t
know if its serious everyday we eat our lunch together. our relationship stays six months only because
of her family she don’t have permission to her parents that she can have a boyfriend when her
mother knows that he have a boyfriend her mother confiscate her phone and her mother talk to me.
And my ex break our relationship. And last year 2018 I meet a girl in a birthday party of my friend and
I approach my friend what is the name of your friend that was january,5,2018 and I find the girls
account and I started talking to her January 8 2018 and I confessed to her that I have a crush on her
five months after courting her we became officially boyfriend and girlfriend july 10 2018 until now we
are both legal to our parents she helps me sometimes in school work and sometimes I help her too
we help each other to make us graduate on time and no one will left in Sr.Highschool I am very
thankful to her because of all the efforts she did to me.

In our house I had to help my parents with the housework every day I had a small job in our house
before I can go out washing dishes after eating and sometimes I clean our room wash clothes and
sometimes if we don’t have a store keeper at our business I am the one who help my parent by being
the store keeper because sometimes our storekeeper go to their province because of the emergency
thats why sometimes Im tardy attending my class. My mothers business is kwekkwekan like quail eggs
etc. We are 24 hours in our business.


My Hobbies are playing billiards everyday after class I go to a billiard hall near our house and some
times I play computer games and play basketball at the streets with my friends but before doing that I
help in our house I’m addicted to billiards sometimes I play billiards with a bet I have my own cue stick
I buy it from the ropa commercial billiards accessories my idol is Efren “bata” Reyes which is the most
top player of billiards in our country and in other country I play billiards at Maceda Street corner
España. In the weekends before I leave in our house I will make my assignments done before I go out
and play basketball in the afternoon me and my group of friends in Basilio Street Sampaloc Manila We
go at The half court in the Metrica Street Sampaloc Manila to play basketball we can play any time
because its free we will just have a permission to the barangay captain. Sometimes I just sleep in our
house all day. I enjoy playing computer games that I find very exciting. Playing the game I find myself
close to online games like Dota 2,League of Legends,Counter Strike Go and sometimes we play mobile
gaming like mobile legends rules of survival we play mobile legends every day at our room when its
break time me and my classmate.

Current time

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