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This article might get me in some c trouble...

In fact, the last time I exposed something like this in my dating

tips for guys, I got a LOT of hate mail from some women who
didn't like that I was telling tales "out of school."

But the funny thing is that there were !""#$ who

wrote in and thanked me for exposing these secrets.

Because it's something they   men to know about. And to

help guys stop making a % mistake because of their

I'm going to expose some i i  

 here that I
want you to know about. This isn't theory or idle speculation.

It's the real deal. No hype.

Way back in 2001, when I first started giving dating tips for guys,
I made it my priority to give guys the Truth about women and dating. Even if it meant that I was
being "politically incorrect."

After all, it's that political "correctness" that stops guys from getting the REAL information out
there about this topic.

Mostly because the reality of how our emotions work and how attraction is created is not
something we like to think is out of our 'rational' control.

Well, you wanted to learn some juicy stuff about women, didn't you?

Let's get into it...

SECRET #1: Women LOVE s*e*x.

Yes, I know you probably think that women aren't all that into doing the nasty with you, but
that's a false assumption.

You see, we men believe that because we put it out there and pursue "it," and women only seem
to protect "it," we are the ones that enjoy it more.

Not so, grasshopper.

If you've ever watched a woman in the throes of ecstasy, you'll notice that she gets everything
stronger, longer, deeper, and ... well, MORE. Sex ROCKS for women.

Honestly, I'm jealous of what women get from it.

Sorry, guys. When a woman gets that motor started, she's unbelievable.

Women have quite a bit more of their anatomy dedicated to sex, and not to mention that their
pleasure is felt mostly through their brain circuits wired for just this activity. We guys only have
a small tremor compared to their 7.9 earthquake on the Richter scale.

The key here is to realize that even though she wants "it" at least as much, she is also hard-wired
to not just give it away. One mistake on her part and she's got a 9-month body roommate that
will take another 18 years of her life.

So women have evolved to be º 

 about their choice in guys.

They simply have a better conscious control over their coupling than guys do, and we mistake
that to mean that they are "frigid" or uninterested in physical pleasure.

SECRET #2: Women are NOT angels. And they are suffocating under the weight of this social

The common view in society is that girls are "sugar and spice" and everything nice, while boys
are "snips and snails and puppy dog tails."

Get the feeling we got the short end of the stick on this one?

The social reality has always been that women protect their image
and their s*exuality as a means to keep their power over men.

What's going on behind the scenes is something quite different.

Women can be just as ruthless, mean, and vindictive as men.

I'm not going to get political on you here, but you do need to know that this image of women as
pure and clean as the driven snow is something that many women tire of and long for escape

Next Halloween, take a look at the choices that women have in costumes. They're either really
slutty, or really proper.

But which costumes do you see women enjoying wearing the most?

That's right...


The more you can show a woman that you are aware of this double-standard, that you know
better, and you can liberate her from it, the happier she will be.

SECRET #3: Women cheat. A LOT.

This is one that most women are going to be writing in (I know I've got some spies on my
mailing list) and screaming at me about.

But the reality is that even though you hear about men being the "dogs," and that we will just
jump in bed with a hot woman at the first opportunity...

The reality is that women have all that opportunity available to them @  They don't
have to work at it.

If a woman wants to get a little piece of "strange" for herself, it's not hard.

And even though women have the social stigma of being viewed as a "slut," they know that they
are sexual creatures, and they have needs just like guys do.

And if that guy isn't doing it for her, she  get her satisfaction somewhere.

You'll hear a lot of rationalization about why she did it, and she might even believe some of the
stuff she tells herself, but she's just as vulnerable to her desires as we are.

The fact is that $ !"!*('"". After all, it can

be an ego boost to brag with the guys, but women want to maintain that "angelic" image.

Now, I'm not coming down on women here. In the grand scheme of things, I don't believe that
men are any more or less good than women are.
It's important that you don't get a bunch of smoke blown around about what the TRUTH is on
this, too.

SECRET #4: Women   you to approach them.

This one is the one that kicks my butt every time. You see, most guys don't believe this, and a lot
of guys don't   to believe it.

First of all, I have conducted surveys of women, as well as spoken to women in just about every
situation imaginable, and there is a big misunderstanding here about what women want.

This is what guys assume:

"If I see an attractive woman when I'm out during the day, I want to meet her. But I'm pretty sure
she's busy, and I'll just be a bother to her. She's obviously doing stuff and in a hurry. I don't want
to annoy her."

The problem here comes when we make the assumption without + c  it. We never
check in to see if it's real.

Most guys will not approach because of this belief.

And the one guy in a thousand that DOES approach her goes in with this belief in his head, and
his approach is weak and half-hearted. He doesn't carry himself with any confidence.

Ask yourself: Do you believe that women are bothered when men approach and talk to them?

Before you do anything else, I want you to read this.

I asked a very attractive Asian girl what her experience with guys approaching her was:

" How frequently do guys approach you?

" "This week I'd say 0 guys approached. They showed interest but ... weren't able to turn
it into a conversation..."

" How many wanted to approach but didnt?

" "Percentage-wise, I'd say   


Interesting, huh?
Now, I know that a lot of guys will hear that and say, "Well that's just  woman. Most
women don't feel that way."


? .

This is true for every woman I've ever talked to.

Here are the facts from a recent survey:

X of the women I asked said that they are only annoyed at guys when they're boorish and

,-said they are almost always flattered by the approach...

..said they were excited and happy to meet someone new.

And - get this/012

34said that they are annoyed all the time when guys approach them.

I also asked them:

#!'*"5$!&#!'*'!#"6 "'&"6

,7said they went to have fun, but there was a possibility to meet someone...

-7said they don't really go to bars to meet men. They go to socialize and chill.

And - get this/0said they go to bars to meet men.

I personally think that every woman goes to bars with that hope in the back of her head that she
will meet a guy, but it's not the primary reason she goes.

Women want men to approach them - and especially during the day - because most of the quality
women don't go to bars to "pickup" guys.

In fact, here are some of the things women have told me when I asked them, "What would you
say to guys who are out there and see a woman they want to talk to?"





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That's a pretty big kick in the butt to get going and do it, isn't it?

But I have to admit, there's not a lot of helpful advice in their words.

"Just do it" is a great slogan for sneakers, but if you could just "do it," you would be doing it,

Well, a while back I sat down with some friends of mine that are dating advisers and "gurus,"
and I recorded all my strategies for approaching women in any situation.

c I completely broke down and explained my method for getting past Approach Anxiety.

That sick-to-your-stomach sensation of fear and nerves that hits you when you see a woman you
want to go talk to... but you can't...

... but you

  want to...

... and you still can't...

... but you really want to get to meet her, and you know you HAVE to...

... and you ?  can't do it.

It's like a bouncer is holding your arms and legs and every time you start to move towards her,
you freeze up and become paralyzed.

And the worst part about it?

You know that are doing this to yourself.

It's time to get rid of this sensation once and for all.

Kill your approach anxiety, and learn the specific things to say and DO to approach women
whenever and wherever you can.
Go take a look at the video I've posted here with a preview of what you will learn:

Your friend,

 Really. It's time to stop letting this hold you back.

Destroy the fears that are holding you back

=  with the one program designed to
show you how to approach women anywhere and anytime - with  fear and  rejection.

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