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7/19/2019 Ford Motor Company’s Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis - Panmore Institute

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Ford Motor Company’s Marketing Mix

(4Ps) Analysis

Ford Motor Company’s marketing mix (4Ps)

supports the rm’s ability to connect with its
target customers. The marketing mix refers
to approaches used to implement a
marketing plan. In Ford’s case, the target
market is highly varied and spans the global
economy. As such, the company’s marketing
mix is also comprehensive. The rm is the
second largest U.S.-based automaker and
A 2014 Ford Transit (VO) 350E. Ford Motor
the fth in the world. With this position, a
Company’s marketing mix combines different
comprehensive marketing mix is critical to
strategies and tactics to maximize the rm’s
performance in the global auto industry. (Photo: maintaining its performance. This marketing
Public Domain) mix and related strategies also evolve
through time to ensure Ford’s
competitiveness in reaching its target
markets around the world.

Ford Motor Company’s marketing mix enables the rm to reach its target customers
worldwide. This marketing mix and associated strategic actions change over time to
match the rm’s markets and industry environment.

Ford Motor Company’s Products (Product Mix)

Ford’s offers a considerable variety of products. Organizational outputs are included in
this element of the marketing mix. Ford’s main product lines are as follows:

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7/19/2019 Ford Motor Company’s Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis - Panmore Institute

3. Buses
4. Tractors
5. Automotive parts/components
6. Financial services
7. Vehicle leasing

Ford Motor Company is popularly known for its automobiles, such as sedans. However,
the rm also has trucks, buses, and tractors in its product mix. In addition, the rm’s
Motorcraft brand includes automotive parts for most of Ford’s vehicles, although some
of these parts are also suited for the vehicles of other rms like Toyota. The Ford Motor
Credit Company is Ford’s subsidiary that offers nancing for its customers. The rm
also provides vehicle leasing mainly to corporate clients. Thus, the diversity of Ford’s
product mix is shown in this element of the marketing mix.

Place/Distribution in Ford’s Marketing Mix

Ford uses typical places or venues used for its strategy of product distribution. This
element of the marketing mix focuses on the venues or locations used to reach and sell
to customers. In Ford’s case, the following are the main places used for product

1. Dealerships
2. Auto parts stores
3. Ford Parts website
4. Ford Motor Credit Company

Ford dealerships are the most prominent places for distributing most of its products.
The majority of sales revenues are achieved through these dealerships. The company’s
automotive parts/components are available in third-party auto parts stores, as well as
the Ford Parts website. In addition, customers can access the rm’s nancial services
at the Ford Motor Credit Company of ces or through personnel at the dealerships. This
element of the marketing mix shows Ford’s strategy that utilizes different company-
owned facilities and third parties to generate sales.

Ford’s Promotion (Promotional Mix)

Ford Motor Company promotes it products through all of the conventional tactics. The
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7/19/2019 Ford Motor Company’s Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis - Panmore Institute

marketing mix. Ford’s promotion activities are as follows, arranged according to

signi cance:

1. Advertising
2. Personal selling
3. Direct selling
4. Sales promotions
5. Public relations

Ford uses advertising as the main tactic to promote its products. The company’s
television advertisements and online advertisements are especially prominent. In
addition, agents/sales personnel use personal selling to persuade buyers at Ford
dealerships and other venues. In some cases, the company applies direct selling,
usually to corporate clients who lease vehicles from the rm. This marketing mix also
involves sales promotion, usually through special offers, discounts, and trade-ins.
Moreover, corporate social responsibility programs and sponsorship of sports events
and facilities enable the rm to promote its business and products to a wider
population of potential customers. Thus, this element of the marketing mix shows that
Ford effectively applies all of the marketing communications tactics to promote its
goods and services.

Ford’s Prices and Pricing Strategies

Ford’s prices vary, depending on the market. This element of the marketing mix
involves the strategies used to determine appropriate prices for products, based on
market and business conditions. Ford applies two main pricing strategies:

1. Market-oriented pricing strategy

2. Premium pricing strategy

In the market-oriented pricing strategy, Ford’s goal is to set prices that are appropriate
to market conditions, with consideration for competition, demand, consumer
perception, and other variables. Ford applies this pricing strategy for most of its
products, such as sedans and trucks. On the other hand, the company applies the
premium pricing strategy to set higher prices for some of its products. This pricing
strategy is used for most of the Lincoln automobiles, which are Ford’s luxury line of
vehicles. This element of the marketing mix emphasizes the importance of different
pricing strategies to support Ford’s efforts to secure different segments of the market.
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Dominici, G. (2009). From marketing mix to e-marketing mix: a literature overview

and classi cation. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(9), 17-24.
Ford Motor Company (2015). All Vehicles.
Ford Motor Company (2015). Motorcraft Auto Parts.
Ford Motor Company Form 10-K, 2014.
Goi, C. L. (2009). A review of marketing mix: 4Ps or more? International Journal of
Marketing Studies, 1(1), 2.
Of cial Site of Ford Motor Credit Company.
Rahmani, K., Emamisaleh, K., & Yadegari, R. (2015). Quality Function Deployment
and New Product Development with a focus on Marketing Mix 4P model. Asian
Journal of Research in Marketing, 4(2), 98-108.
Van Waterschoot, W., & Van den Bulte, C. (1992). The 4P classi cation of the
marketing mix revisited. The Journal of Marketing, 83-93.
Yun-sheng, W. (2001). Perfection and innovation of 4P Marketing Mix – How to
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TA G S :   A U T O M O B I L E I N D U S T R Y , A U T O M O T I V E I N D U S T R Y , C A S E S T U D Y & C A S E
A N A LY S I S , F O R D M O T O R C O M PA N Y , M A R K E T I N G , M A R K E T I N G M I X ( 4 P S )

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