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Study on the Waste Recycling and Reuse Patterns in Coal Mines

ZhenlingLiu Zhengquan Guo

School of Management School of Management
Henan University of Technology China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing)
Zhengzhou, China Beijing, China

GangLi Wenbo Tan

Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering School of Management
Henan Institute of Engineering China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing)
Zhengzhou, China Beijing, China

Abstract-Since 2006, China has become the largest coal hectares land. If the gangue is exposed to the air and piled on
production and consumption country in the world. Thus, the land, it will produce serious pollutions into the environment.
coal mining waste has become the greatest threaten to the The physical, chemical, or biological changes help it produce
environment and sustainability. According to the recycling spontaneous combustion and pollution leaching. The
economy thought, many coal mining waste can be reused and hazardous is as following.
recycled that can produce great benefits for enterprises and • Natural calamity, such as landslide and debris flow
regions. In this paper, the recycling economy thought is
due to improperly piled gangue
introduced for its population. Then, based on the thought, the
• Poison releasing, natural weathering and rainwater
reuse and recycles of the coal mining waste practice are
assigned according to the waste characteristics. The research
drenching causing the poisonous into the soil and
result indicated that the recycling economy is the best chose for underground water
the economy and society sustainable development. • spontaneous combustion, the poisonous gas omitting
into the atmosphere
Keywords- coal mining waste, recycling economy, industrial • acid rain formation near the gangue mountain
chains; material flow • noxious substance polluting the groundwater
Coal sludge and fly-ash are another solid industrial waste
I. INTRODUCTION in coal mine. Coal sludge is produced in the coal washing
process, which contains carcinogenic chemicals and toxic
Coal mmmg waste has become the main industrial
heavy metals that are present in coal, such as arsenic,
pollution sources in China. Due to the fast economy
mercury, chromium, cadmium, boron, selenium, and nickel.
development in recent years and the consequently soaring
Although the coal sludge is one of the coal mining wastes, it
demand for coal to generate electricity, China has become
can be burnt in special condition as it has low calorific value.
the largest coal producer and consumer in the world. In 2008,
Coal fly-ash is the leavings after the coal burning in the
China had produced 2 716Mt raw coal, accounting for
power plant. There is annual production of fly-ash more than
approximately 40% of the total production in the world and
150 million tones. As it is very small and light, it is very easy
overtaken the United States as the world's biggest producer
to fly with wind. If not scientifically treated, it is easy to
of carbon dioxide. As coal mining waste is part of the raw
pollute the environment of the mining area for polluting the
coal, the more coal production, the more waste to be deal
water, atmosphere, soil and occupying land. The traditional
with. The coal mining waste are coal gangue, coal slime, fly
treatment may cause
ash, coal mine drainage, coal bed methane (CBM). If the
• potential toxicant pollutes the groundwater and soil
waste disposed improperly, it would threaten to the
• occasionally piles up occupying land and
environment and bring about serious pollutions, fmally
contaminating soil
become the constraints to economy development.
The coal gangue is the largest component of industrial
• contaminating atmospheres in large area contributing
solid waste in China. It is argued that coal gangue takes up to its long-distance transportation that may cause
about 10 percents of the total raw coal produced, i.e. more serious regional environmental pollution
than 200 million tones gangue need to be deal with every
• the air-suspended particles, which is much harmful
year. At present, it has accumulated more than 4000 Mt to people's health
gangue piling on land, which occupied more than 20 k In coal mining process, a large amount of water is
required for de-dusting. However, much coal reservation are
978-1-4244-6932-1/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE

buried in the semiarid or arid regions where water resource is economic activity is environmental friendly and harmonious
in heavily shortage in many coal mines in China, for with the nature. All of the materials and energy should be
example, the Shanxi province, the West of Neimenggu utilized reasonably and sustainable in order to lower the
province. The water mixed with the coal dust, along with the impact of the economic activities on the natural environment
gushing underground water, forms the mine drainage. As to the smallest extent.
estimated, the mine water sums to about 2.2 billion,

averaging 4 m water per ton coal production. If untreated,
the water combining with heavy metal ions such as iron and
mercury ions would defmitely pollute the groundwater.
Nevertheless, it will wasted the cherish water resource. Thus,
it is of importance for the coal mine to recycle the mine
The coal bed methane (CBM) or gas is flammable gas
which is accompanied with the coal resource. As it is

<S>0-- i
flammable, it is a kind of valuable and clean energy.
However, it is also a killer to the miners and threats to safety
production due to its possible explosions underground. In the
coal mining production, the general principle for the coal and
Figure l. The flow of product in recycling economy
gas outburst mines is to extract gas before mining. For the
CBM is greenhouse gas, the effectively utilizing of CBM How to realize the recycling economy? The "3R"
become important in the recycling economy. principle and the waste avoidance are two guiding principles
Therefore, the coal mine wastes have already been one of applied in practicing the strategic idea of recycle economy.
the major threats to environment and how to scientifically "3Rs" is an acronym which stands for Reduce, Reuse and
treat has become an urgent problem for coal mines. In recent Recycle. Reduce requires fewer input of raw material and
years, recycling economy has become the focus of the energy in the production process, and this is the most
academic study, and with more sophisticated techniques of effective of the three Rs and the place to begin. Reusing
waste control and use applied into the waste treatment, keeps new resources from being used for a while longer, and
constructing green industry chains based on recycling old resources from entering the waste stream. Furthermore,
economy maybe a solution to the problem. reusing requires that the manufactures and packages could be
The content of the research is arranged as followings. used repeatedly. Moreover, manufacturers are required to
Next section is to introduce the general theory of the extend product life period as long as possible, calling for a
recycling economy and the meaning for the coal mine to boycott of disposable supplies. Recycling is the "R" that has
develop recycling economy. Then, taking the Shanxi caught on the best, and it requires that the products could be
Jincheng coal group as example, the recycling green recycled rather than disposed into trash. Taking the idea of
industrial chains of coal mining wastes are studied, recycle economy into consideration, the producers should be
meanwhile their economic benefit are analyzed. Finally, the responsible for resolving the waste products.
conclusion is summarized.
B. Meaning for coal mines
The major underlying forces that are helping to carry out
recycle economy in coal mining areas are:
A. Concept of Recycling economy
1) It is favorable for coal mines to realize an overall
The so-called recycle economy, in essence, is a kind of planning and coordinative development.
ecological economy, which requires the ecologic law, instead The recycling economy requires that all industries
the traditional mechanism, to guide the economic activities associated with the coal mining have an overall planning, the
of the human society. Compared the traditional economy, the industrial and product structure are regulated, the coal
great difference of recycling economy lies in the production exploitation scale and order, the equipment and environment
process, in which the traditional economic chain follows protection have a predestined schemes. This can lead to a
"natural resource -+ product -+ pollutant", one-way flow, coordinate development and maximizing benefits.
linear economy, characterized by high intension exploitation, 2) The limitation and exhaustibility of coal resource
low level utilization, high emission; while in the recycling
determines the comprehensive exploitation and utilization of
economy, the production chain is "resource -+ products -+
renewable resources", a feedback flow, characterized by low
The middling coal in coal washing, coal sludge and
intension exploitation, high level utilization, low emission. In
gangue are all low calorific value, but they can be mixed
the traditional economy, people exploit the natural resources,
combusted in electricity generation; the coal drainage could
then manufacture industrial products, and discharge the
be recycled and used for coal washing, daily life and
waste or pollutant into the water, atmosphere and soil. These
agricultural irrigation; the IGCqintegrated gasification
activity converting resources into waste ceaselessly is
Comprehensive circulation) technology brings c?al
primarily the condition so as to achieve a quantitatively
combustion gases to drive the generators and steam turbme
economy growth. On the contrast, in recycling economy, the

generator; the fly-ash of power plant, slag, etc. used for industry. Now, the JCAMG has built a benign interactive
producing construction material, land reclaiming, backfill development mode combining recycling economy industry
and so on. chains and ecological environment. The pattern of recycling
3) Releasing the pressure on the railway transportation economy is as shown in figure 2.
and saving the transportation capacity.
If the coal mine practice the recycling economy, more
coal are converted into electricity transmitted to remote
region rather than the raw coal transported. The conversion
not only increases the added value of the products, but
reduces the transporting outward amount. The most
important is to relieve the contradiction between mining and
transportation, which is realistic and practical to be resolved.
4) It is favorable for the sustainable development of coal
mining area.
The coal mining intensity must be consistent with the
coal resource conservation. Under the total output controlling,
the recycling economy helps the mines to optimize the Figure 2. The industrial chains of recycling economy
industrial and products structure, to make appropriate scale
of operation, to improve the utilization efficiency of 2) Coal gangue
resources, to make resources advantages turn into the The comprehensive development and utilization of coal
economic advantage. These benefits not only improve the gangue not only can control the sources of pollution, but also
economic benefits of the coal mining enterprise, but promote can turn the waste into valuable treasure, and get enormous
the development of other industries. economic benefits. In the colliery of the JCAMG, the
In short, the world has entered an era of diversified comprehensive utilization of coal gangue includes electricity
energy and chemical materials. Thus, different countries or generation, coverage, landfill, and forestation, as shown in
regions choose practical, feasible coal processing and figure 4.
utilizing technology based on their own needs of energy Power generating. Coal gangue used to power generating
resources and their economic development level. Develop is an important way to dispose the solid waste, which mainly
the recycling has become important solution to the coal makes use of calorific value at 3350-6280 kJ/kg of waste
mining wastes treatment and energy savings. rock, using sophisticated technology of the 75t1h Circulating
Fluidized Bed Boiler, mixed fuel coal gangue with slime for
power generation. This technology has solved the difficult
problem of different low calorie fuels mixed together.
A. Green industrial chains
According to statistics, no less than 560,000 tons of gangue
1) Recycling economy patterns is bumt in gangue power plants every year, equivalent to
In order to reach its great goals, that is to build the 80,000 tons of standard coal.
colliery of the JCAMG to be the largest anthracite coal base As for the gangue unsuitable for power generating, the
in China, the base of the CBM exploitation and utilization, utilization of coal gangue includes coverage, forestation and
coal-electricity and coal chemical industries base, the landfill. How to cover the gangue? Usually, the gangue unfit
JCAMG stresses on the formation of its core competitiveness for burning is piled up near the mouth of the coal well and
and the harmonious development with the environment by forms a coal gangue mountain as the gangue dumps higher
taking the recycling economy as its strategy. According to and higher. Coverage it to put the loess or mud onto the
the idea of recycling economy, the industrial chains include waste rock mountain so as to reduce the ventilation (the
two parts. oxygen), prevent from the spontaneous combustion and its
The first one is core chains of recycling economy. It expansion, prepare for field building up and afforesting.
includes the exploitation of coal&CBM, coal washing, coal­ After the coverage with the soil on the gangue mountain, the
electricity, coal-chemical industry, mining water, harbors, next step is to create the condition for the afforesting by
road and other related industries, in order to continuously consolidating the land, such as tamping surrounded the
improve the Group's competitiveness. mountain, step-style preparation. Then, by improving the
The second one is extended chains. It includes the mining environment for plant growth or being reclaimed in
equipment manufacturing, logistics, brick and cement accordance with site conditions, the plants, such as the
producing, construction and other related industries, locust tree, hippophae, Rosa, etc. can be planted that can
constantly enhances the harmonious development of the keep the soil from erosion and gangue from spontaneous
environment. burning. After afforesting, the atmosphere pollution, dust,
In the two industrial chains, the waste, gangue, coal poisonous materials, can be avoided effectively, the
water, sludge, fly-ash and the CBM, are not thrown away or atmosphere and water quality can be improved dramatically.
discarded discretionarily, but integrated into the whole Landfill can be divided into two methods as the conventional
chains, recycled and reused, and become the input for other landfill and sanitary landfill. Conventional landfill method is

to fill gangue directly in the pond, lake, ditch or low-lying As for the coal gangue mountain left over in initial stage
areas collapsed on the site and waste not to make any deal. of the well construction, they also invested great number
This discharge is very simple and cheap, but easy to pollute money in dealing with from the governance, greening and
the environment caused by the secondary pollution. Sanitary making landscape. In the early gangue mountain, the ring
Landfill is the world's most commonly used in solid waste road was built, pavilion with ancient style founded, more
treatment technology. It is on the site scientifically selected, than 20 species of bush planted, the comer of the subside
to use the necessary protective means and reasonable landfill area was transformed into a man-made lake, covering 14 670
structure, try to mitigate and eliminate the solid waste sq. meters, a pavilion and bridge built inside the lake, fish in
pollution on the environment. Sanitary landfill can water, willow on the lakeside, a garden of 8000 sq. meters
effectively control the leaching of water diffusion; reduce the and a leisure fitness plaza entertainment of 16 000 sq. meters.
pollution on groundwater, plant trees and grass, restore the The colliery district has become a beautiful landscape
ecological environment at the top layer of impermeable or matched together with mountain and trees, flowers, the
reclamation. environment elegant beautiful scenery, so that the waste rock
In the colliery of the JCAMG, the comprehensive pile into an ecological park, creating significant
utilization of the coal gangue has made great positive environmental protection, land reclamation, economic and
impacts. Supposed that every 1000 cubic meters of coal social benefits.
gangue takes up 40 square meters, the total gangue discarded
by the coal mines, more that 500,000 cubic meters annually
in the JCAMG, would occupy more than 2 hectares new land,
which would be a heavy burden for the mines. Through the r·····················································"1
analysis on the chemical, sulfur, harmful trace, radioactivity
and leaching, etc., they are confirmed that these indexes
don't exceed the national standard and the gangue can be
used to reclamation and fill land. Coal mining subsidence
area gradually expanded, with an average depth of 4.3 meters
collapsed, the biggest sinking depth of 8 meters. Therefore,
they combine the solid waste emission with the subsidence
area reclamation governance in the practice. On the one hand, L .....................................................3 ���--'====.J
they has bought the relevant machinery and equipments, take
out the topsoil in the subsiding area, dump the gangue into Figure 3. The comprehensive utilization of the coal gangue
the subsiding area, refilling the soil or loess with the gangue,
compacting layer by layer, covering the cultivating soil on 3) Coal sludge andjly-ash
the top layer. This approach can enhance the density of Coal sludge or slime is the tailed coal after mechanical
filling waste, reduce waste water permeability and water dewatering of coal in the coal washing process. It can flow
contented in the gangues, so as to prevent the leaching of with the water, but air-dried quickly to ash and fly with the
heavy metals and other harmful substances leaking into the wind. As discussed above, if the coal sludge cant treat
ground water. At present, land subsidence has control over properly, it would pollution and waste the resources, thus it
2,000 acres, 6,000 acres are being implemented under the has been a hot "potato" in the waste comprehensive
governance and planning treatment. On the other hand, the utilization. In the Jincheng colliery, it has found the path to
refilling areas are tidied through filling by layers, roller reduce the waste and tum it into resource. Taking the
compacted, and their bearing capacity of the weight of Chengzhuang coal mine as example, it has produced about
building is improved. As a result, the base is so solid that it 180,000 tons sludge ever year. The mine has built a slime
can be industrial construction land for developing non-coal burning power plant that can convert the slime into electrical
industries. The chemical plants, construction and installation energy, burning the coal sludge 180,000 tons per year, and
company, fly ash brick factory, Liquefied Petroleum Gas generating 180 Million Kwh, earning profit 40 Million Yuan
(LPG) station, training base and so on are built one by one in RMB annually. The project not only effectively supplement
these refilling area. A large number of surplus staff is re­ power supply for coal mine, creating significant economic
employed in these companies. In addition, they also benefits, but also make full use of waste heat of power
implement an eco-environmental reengineering that is to generation to supply the mine office and staff conducted a
reclamation the land using coal gangue, village focus on residential heating, heating up an area of 1,000,000
reconstruction in the subsidence area. The results indicate square meters, equivalent to 10 large-scale heating boiler
that by the end of 2007, more than 3 million tones coal room, eliminating the heating boiler soot pollution, annual
gangue disappeared, about 70 ha. land emerged. The total savings of more than 10 million tons of coal-fired heating
investment was 34.8 million yuan RMB, the planned 490 boilers and 100 million operation and maintenance costs.
families had moved back to the area, each household with a This waste treatment solves the problem of the slime storage,
construction area of 160-200 sq. meters, courtyard area of sale, transport, erosion, pollution and other problems and set
70-100 sq. meters. This project was identified as one of the up a good example for the slime utilization.
top ten Technological Demonstration Projects of Sustainable The coal after burnt in the boiler will become the soot
Development in Shanxi Province. emitted into the air and fly-ash left in the hearth. Before the

recycling economy implemented, the ash was transported or avoids the environment pollution, but turns the waste into
outside subside area by cars. Because the fly-ash is small, wealth, creates great social and economic benefits. It is worth
light, easy to disperse with the wind, it can cause a certain of studying and learning for other mines.
amount of pollution. In order to treat the waste scientifically,
the Jincheng colliery launched a project of fly-ash replacing REFERENCES
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solid, stable, labor-and-time-saving, cost-saving and improve [5] Zhenling L. Should sustainable consumption and production be a
the ability in frreproofmg. policy Priority for developing countries and if so, what areas should
There is another way to utilize the fly-ash, which is to they focus on? (1). Natural Resources Forum,2010,34(1): 85-88.
add into material producing the colored brick. In order to [6] Zhenling L. The improvement of the shift-share analysis model and
application in the industrial structure analysis of the central urban
reduce the pollution of the fly-ash to the maximum extent,
agglomeration in Liaoning province. In 2009 16th International
the Jincheng colliery launched a project of blocks molding Conference on Management Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2009,
colored brick. The project produced more than 500,000 September 14,2009 - September 16,2009,; IEEE Computer Society:
colored bricks annually, achieved revenues of 1.5 million Moscow,Russia,2009; pp 1004-1010.
Yuan, 300,000 Yuan of profits, and created more than 20
jobs. The colored bricks can be used in the road surface
beautifying, landscaping, building architecture, which ended
the history of brick making only with the clay. Supposing
that every colored brick replacing 1.5 kilogram clay, the
project could save the clay more than 10,000 tones which not
only beautify the environment, save the fund, but improve
economic efficiency, save the valuable land resources.
Besides the above ways of fly-ash utilization, there are
other ways to reuse the waste: filling it in the mined-out area,
grouting separated strata zone in overburden in wells, surface
subsidence mitigation, producing aluminum with the high­
aluminum fly-ash.

I Fly-ash
Grouting in
Building separated Filling
material Aluminum
strata goaf

Figure 4. The comprehensive utilization of the fly-ash


Through the above research, it can be found that coal

mining waste is serious threatens to the environment and
urgent to be solved problems for the governments in China.
The case study indicates that the JCAMG has set up a good
example for the coal mines. Base on the recycling economy
theory, the coal mining waste industrial chains of
comprehensive utilization is the effective solution for the
industrial waste. The scientific management mode in the
Jincheng colliery not only saves the natural resource, reduces


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