Endurance: Uncountable Noun

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Endurance is the ability to continue with an unpleasant or difficult

situation, experience, or activity over a long period of time.
 a test of endurance = an endurance test [=a task that tests your ability to do something
difficult for a long time]
 endurance training

children who are teased beyond endurance [=for such a long time or to such a great
degree that they can no longer deal with it]

We need to assure the endurance [=survival] of this tradition.

34. Forbearance:

uncountable noun
If you say that someone has shown forbearance, you admire them for
behaving in a calm and sensible way about something that they have a
right to be very upset or angry about.
He showed great forbearance in his dealings with them.

35. Abound

If things abound, or if a place abounds with things, there are very

large numbers of them.
 a business in which opportunities abound [=a business in which there are many
 They live in a region where oil abounds.
 They live in a region that abounds in/with oil.
 a stream abounding in/with fish

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