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Research in Microbiology 161 (2010) 101e108

Exopolysaccharide production by nitrogen-fixing bacteria within nodules

of Medicago plants exposed to chronic radiation in the Chernobyl
exclusion zone
Nathalie Pawlicki-Jullian a,*, Bernard Courtois a, Michelle Pillon a, David Lesur b,
Anne Le Flèche-Mateos c, Jean-Claude Laberche d, Nadia Goncharova e, Josiane Courtois a
Laboratoire des Polysaccharides Microbiens et végétaux, IUT Dpt GB, 80025 Amiens, France
Laboratoire des Glucides UMR CNRS 6219, 80039 Amiens, France
Urgent Response to Biological Threats, Institut Pasteur Paris, 75724 Paris, France
Laboratoire de Biologie des Plantes et Contrôle des Ravageurs EA 3900, 80039 Amiens, France
UNESCO Chair International Sakharov Environmental University, 220009 Minsk, Belarus
Received 26 May 2009; accepted 23 December 2009
Available online 18 January 2010


Nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from root nodules of Medicago plants growing in the 10 km zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
were screened for the production of new water-soluble acidic exopolysaccharides (EPSs). The different strains belonged to the Enter-
iobacteriaceae family (Enterobacter ludwigii, Raoultella terrigena, Klebsiella oxytoca), except for one which belonged to the Rhizobiaceae
family (Sinorhizobium meliloti). All of the bacteria produced highly viscous EPS with an average molecular weight comprised between 1  106
and 3  106 Da. Five different compositions of EPS were characterized by physico-chemical analyses and 1H NMR spectroscopy: galactose/
mannose (2/1), galactose/glucose (1/1), galactose/glucose/mannose (1/2/1), fucose/galactose/glucose (2/1/1) and fucose/galactose/glucose/
mannose (2/2/1/1 or 1/1/2/4). Glucuronic acid, a charged monosaccharide, was also recovered in most of the different EPSs.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chernobyl exclusion zone; Exopolysaccharides; Nitrogen-fixing bacteria; Enterobacteriaceae; Medicago; Diversity

1. Introduction nitrifying and sulfate-reducing bacteria in soil around the

Chernobyl nuclear plant. However, some soil bacteria
The Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in April 1986 had (ammonifying, amylolytic, nitrogen-fixing, and spore-form-
great impact upon the radio-ecological situation in both the ing) revealed themselves [11] to be more resistant to g-irra-
Ukraine and Belarus, but also across all of Eastern Europe [4]. diation than microscopic fungi (eukaryotic organisms).
During the past twenty years, a great deal of information Likewise, soil bacteria from the genus Methylobacterium, that
concerning the consequences of the influence of chronic are resistant to g-radiation, were also resistant to desiccation,
ionizing radiation on humans, animals and plants has been UV radiation and hydrogen peroxide [32]. Similar results were
collected [35,37,13], but very few specific studies have been also observed when X-rays were used to evaluate bacterial
carried out on soil bacteria. In 1998, Romanovskaya et al. [31] resistance [42]. The survival of bacteria in the Chernobyl
showed a loss of diversity in the population of cellulolytic, accident zone is probably due to repairing of radiation-
damaged DNA. Bacteria that form nitrogen-fixing symbiotic
associations with legumes are usually distributed in the classes
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33 322 534 093; fax: þ33 322 957 117. of Alphaproteobacteria, with the well-known group of Rhi-
E-mail address: (N. Pawlicki-Jullian). zobiaceae, and Betaproteobacteria [36,38,27]. Recently, new

0923-2508/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
102 N. Pawlicki-Jullian et al. / Research in Microbiology 161 (2010) 101e108

types of legume symbionts have been isolated and identified as

belonging to Gammaproteobacteria [5]. Most often, these
bacteria secrete into the environment exopolysaccharides
(EPSs), which play a role in root nodule development [17] but
also in soil aggregation [2] and heavy metal entrapment [23].
In contaminated soils of the Chernobyl zone, bacterial endo-
symbionts of leguminous plants, may have been affected in
several ways, including that of damage to DNA repair systems
resulting in chronic genetic instability. Thus, genetic modifi-
cations involving plasmid content, nodulation, nitrogen fixa-
tion efficiency and quantitative and qualitative production of
exopolysaccharides have occurred.
The aim of this work was to utilize the Chernobyl exclusion
zone as an experimental laboratory in which Fabacea
nitrogen-fixing strains were in contact with strong mutagenic
agents in relation to chronic irradiation since the accident at
the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986. It would be
extremely advantageous to transform this very negative cat-
astrophy into a tool for isolating new metabolites of interest,
synthesized by isolated bacterial strains in Belarussian soil.
Forty-five different bacterial strains isolated from root nodules
of Medicago sativa and Medicago lupulina plants growing in
various contaminated zones of the Chernobyl area in Belarus Fig. 1. Exclusion zone of the Polesky State Radioecological Reserve (PSRR)
were compared for their genetic pool, their symbiotic prop- in the Chernobyl area (National report [35]) with the three defined zones (zone
1: 185 kBq/m2, zone 2: 555 kBq/m2, zone 3: 9250 kBq/m2). +: Nuclear power
erties towards alfalfa and their capacity to produce EPSs. plant, : border.
Particular attention was paid to isolating different original
polysaccharides with potential industrial applications in
different fields (cosmetics, medicine, environment, agronomy, family (M. sativa and M. lupulina) were harvested. Roots were
etc.). In order to determine whether component diversity in carefully cleaned and washed free of soil.
EPSs is derived from the mutation of bacteria caused by
radiation or originated from species variation, we decided to
2.2. Isolation and morphological characterization of the
use as the control plant in vitro alfalfa plants (seeds from
bacterial strains
Laboulet, France) with well-established culture conditions and
no radioactivity, and as control bacteria the Sinorhizobium
For isolation of bacteria, one to five nodules were separated
meliloti M5N1 strain [9], a reference used in our laboratory as
from the roots of the different plants, surface-sterilized and
the symbiont of Medicago plants. Because of the anthropic
crushed in sterile 20% glucose. The grinding was then cultured
status of the Chernobyl exclusion zone, it was impossible to
in tryptone yeast extract (TY) medium [6] at 30  C under
find identical plant ecotypes in another region. Likewise, the
shaking at 120 rpm for 24e48 h. Colonies were then isolated
International Sakharov Environmental University of Minsk, to
on Rhizobium complete (RC) medium [9]. Morphological
which one of our co-author belongs, did not have in its
features of colony size, growth rate, pigmentation, consistency
seedbank Medicago seeds prior to the Chernobyl catastrophy
and mucosity were evaluated on RC medium supplemented or
(Goncharova N., Pers. Comm.).
not with sucrose 1% (w/v). Gram analysis, the oxidase reac-
tion as well as the API 20E system were used to identify the
different bacterial strains. The production of EPSs was qual-
2. Materials and methods itatively assessed on RC medium, supplemented with aniline
blue that specifically reacts with b-(1,3)-glucoside linkages
2.1. Plant harvest [29], and on Luria broth (LB), supplemented with calcofluor
white (0.02%, w/v), a fluorescent dye known to bind a-(1e4)
The present study was conducted in Southern Belarus
linkages in glycans and EPSs [25]. All strains were maintained
(Gomel region, 52 200 N, 30 590 E) in the 30 km exclusion
in liquid RC at 4  C or in 20% (v/v) glycerol at 80  C.
zone of the Polesky State Radioecological Reserve (PSRR).
This site was established in June 1986 following the accident
at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and covers a total area 2.3. Plasmid analysis
of about 170,000 ha. From this site, we defined three zones
(Fig. 1) according to the levels of radioactive exposure doses The isolated strains were subjected to profile analyses using
(185, 555 and 9250 kBq/m2), and after official authorization to vertical 0.7% agarose gel electrophoresis according to the
enter the exclusion area, a total of 32 plants from the Fabacea method of Eckhardt [12].
N. Pawlicki-Jullian et al. / Research in Microbiology 161 (2010) 101e108 103

2.4. DNA extraction and PCR amplification and trace elements as described by Zevenhuizen and van
Neerven [44] was used to prevent biochemical contamination
Cells were lysed by suspending a loopful of plate-grown of EPS by glycomannans from yeast extract. After 72 h of
isolated colony in 50 mL of sterile water in a 1.5 mL poly- culture, the bacteria were separated by centrifugation
propylene tube. Then, they were stirred for 60 s on a vortex (14,000 g for 30 min), and the supernatant was precipitated by
and heating at 95  C for 10 min. Primers nodbox1 and nod- using 3 vol. cold isopropanol (overnight, 4  C). The stringy
box3 were used simultaneously with primers mucRf and formed white mass was recovered by centrifugation (10,000 g
mucRr to amplify a 646 bp of the nodbox4 promoter [3] and for 15 min), re-suspended in distilled water, and dialyzed
a 431 bp of the mucR gene [8]. PCR reactions were performed against distilled water (24 h at 4  C). The EPS solution was
according to the method described by Sanchez-Contreras [34]. subsequently freeze-dried and weighed.

2.5. Sequencing of the rpoB gene

2.9. Chemical analysis of EPS
Chromosomal DNAs were prepared by using the Promega
The colorimetric m-hydroxydiphenyl [41] and resorcinol
Genomic DNA purification kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA).
methods [26] were used to determine the ratio between neutral
The rpoB gene, coding for the beta subunit of RNA poly-
sugars and uronic acids. Proteins were estimated by the
merase, was sequenced at Platform 8 of the Institut Pasteur’s
Bradford method [7] using bovine serum albumin (Sigma) as
Genome Center, and the complete sequences were edited
a standard. Mw of the different EPS was estimated by HPLC on
using the Lasergene package (DNASTAR, Madison, WI,
a linked column (Shodex OHpak KB-805, OHpak KB-806)
USA). The different rpoB sequences, determined in this study,
eluted with 0.1 M sodium nitrate with a flow rate of 0.7 mL/min
were submitted to GenBank databases under accession number
and coupled to a differential refractometer (RI, Shimadzu)
GU199599 to GU199603.
and a Mini-Dawn multi-angle laser light scattering detector
(MALLS, Wyatt Technology). A dextran standard was used to
2.6. Transmission electron microscopy
calibrate the column. The different EPSs were hydrolyzed in
4 M trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) at 100  C for 3 h. The mono-
Nodules, separated from the roots of the different M. sativa
saccharide composition was performed using a Dionex ICS
and M. lupulina plants harvested in various contaminated soils
3000 system and a pulsed amperometric detector. Aliquots of
were fixed for 3 h at 4  C in 3% (v/v) glutaraldehyde in
the extract were passed through a 4  50 mm Propac PA1
a 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4), postfixed for 3 h at
pre-column (Dionex, France) before separation of anionic
4  C in 1% (v/v) osmium tetraoxide in the same buffer,
compounds on a 4  250 mm Propac PA1 column (Dionex,
dehydrated in a graded ethanol series and propylene oxide, and
France) at 35  C. The column was equilibrated with eluant A
then embedded in araldite resin (Sigma). Ultrathin (0.05 mm)
(90% H2O, 10% NaOH 100 mM) for 10 min before each sample
sections prepared with an LKB ultratome III were laid on
run. The solutions were gassed with helium. Gradient elution
copper grids, stained with uranyl acetate at room temperature
was performed with a multi-step gradient as follows: 0e20 min,
and then examined with a Jeol 1200EX transmission electron
90% H2O and 10% NaOH 100 mM, 20e25 min, 100% NaOH
microscope operating at 80 kV.
100 mM, 25e60 min, 100% NaOH 100 mM, sodium acetate
500 mM, at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Peak analysis was per-
2.7. Plant cultivation and nodulation tests
formed using Chromeleon software, version 7.0. The results
were confirmed by analysis of the alditol acetate derivatives on
Plant assays were performed with alfalfa seeds (Laboulet
a HewlettePackard 6890 gas chromatograph coupled to a mass
Semences, France). Seeds were surface-sterilized and germi-
selective detector with an HP1 column (HewlettePackard,
nated on RC medium at 30  C in darkness. Germinated
50 m), using He as the carrier gas at a flow of 0.9 mL/min. The
seedlings were aseptically transferred to tubes containing
injection temperature was 250  C. The monosaccharides were
a nitrogen-free liquid medium [40]. Forty-eight seedlings were
identified by comparison of their retention times with that of
tested for each strain. Seedlings were grown under a 16/8 h
pure standards analyzed under the same conditions. The relative
photoperiod at 30  C. Upon the appearance of secondary roots,
area of anomeric protons, and the presence of substituents
seedlings were inoculated with exponential phase liquid
within the different EPS were performed by 1H nuclear
bacteria (108 bact/mL). Four weeks after inoculation, effec-
resonance (NMR) using a Bruker AM300-WB spectrometer in
tiveness was estimated by visual observation of plant vigor,
D2O (99.9 atom 2H, Aldrich) solutions at 80  C.
foliage color and by counting the number of formed nodules.
Acetylene reduction assays were carried out [18] with whole
plants in order to estimate nitrogenase activity. 2.10. Statistical analyses

2.8. Production and purification of EPS Data from nodule occupancy were analyzed with non-
parametric tests [21] because of the too small number
For production of EPS, the glutamate-D-mannitol salt of observations for each level of treatment. The different
(GMS) medium (pH 7.0) supplemented with biotin, thiamine means were compared by the Kruskal and Wallis test and the
104 N. Pawlicki-Jullian et al. / Research in Microbiology 161 (2010) 101e108

ManneWhitney test. The mean difference in the treatments saccharose. White and circular colonies (2 mm) with regular
was considered to be significant at the level of P ¼ 0.05. borders were observed after 20 h, but quickly an important
production of mucus covered the agar plates, except for two
3. Results strains (Ez-185-4 and Ez-185-5). Because of the weak
production of mucus of these two strains, they were not further
3.1. Plant sampling and nodule occupancy investigated. The observed mucosity varied according to the
isolates, but no diversity was found between the different
In order to isolate a collection of bacterial strains with sample zones. After 2 days of growth in RC liquid medium,
a variety of EPS production capacities and variabilities, we noted acidification of the medium culture (from 6.0 to 4.2)
Medicago plants were collected from different contaminated for all strains except one (Ez-555-11). This decrease in pH was
zones of the Chernobyl exclusion zone (Fig. 1). The root no doubt due to the metabolism of sugar and ammonium
system of all harvested plants bears nodules having various sulfate. All bacteria strains except Ez-555-11 were considered
numbers and shapes. In the least contaminated zone (zone 1, as medium-growing-strains. Indeed, the generation time varied
185 kBq/m2), numerous nodules (20e25 per plant) were according to the strain, but remained at around 4e5 h, which is
observed over all the parts of a normal root system (Fig. 2A1). long compared to control strain M5N1 (2 h). The different
They were 1e2 mm long, with a typical shape (Fig. 2A2), and isolates were Gram-negative bacteria, rod-shaped with
sometimes a pink coloring certainly due to the presence of different sizes, and all of them except for Ez-555-11 were
leghemoglobin. On the roots of the plants from the second facultative anaerobic, oxidase-negative, and recognized as
defined zone (zone 2, 555 kBq/m2) we noted the presence of belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. The Ez-555-11
nodules either with a typical shape (2e5 mm long), or strain was identified as Gram-negative but oxidase-positive.
sometimes with bifurcate or fan shapes (Fig. 2B). These All isolated bacteria were able to stain blue with aniline blue.
nodules were mainly observed on the lateral roots, but in However, differences in the intensity of staining were
a reduced number (less than 10 per plant) compared with the observed. A few bacterial strains (15) showed staining similar
first zone. In the third and most contaminated zone (zone 3, to that of control strain S. meliloti M5N1, suggesting the
9250 kBq/m2), we observed plants with thick primary roots presence of curdlan-type polysaccharides, while the others
(Fig. 2C1). From some part of these primary roots, we noted strains presented heterogenous staining: deep-blue in the
an important system of lateral roots where many (>50) small center of the colony and light-blue around the colony. Cal-
round nodules (1 mm diameter) were present (Fig. 2C2). A cofluor white, a fluorescent dye that binds to glycans, has been
statistical analysis of the nodule occupancy using non- used to determine the kind of produced polysaccharides. We
parametric tests showed differences according to each level noted that only one bacterial strain (Ez-555-11) fluoresced on
of treatment. Nodule occupancy from plants from zone 1 and LB/calcofluor plates like our control, suggesting a similar
zone 2 did not show differences at the level of P ¼ 0.05, composition for the produced EPS. Altered fluorescence of
whereas it showed significant differences from plants of colonies on plates containing the fluorescent dye calcofluor
zone 3. was noted for the other strains.
Ultrathin sections and microscopic analyses were carried Visualization of the plasmid content of the different
out on different nodules. We noted the presence of infected bacterial strains by the Eckhardt method did not highlight any
bacteroid-containing cells in the different observations large plasmid except for one strain (Ez-555-11) in which 2
(Fig. 2D1). The observed bacteroids were pleomorphic. The megaplasmids (1400 and 1700 kb) were recovered, as was the
intercellular spaces were not infected. We also noted cyto- case for the control strain. Six different bacterial strains (Ez-
plasms with numerous ribosomes (Fig. 2D2), and some 185-2, Ez-185-3, Ez-185-6, Ez-555-4, Ez-555-5, Ez-555-6)
bacteroids seemed to divide. We did not observe internal or showed the presence of only 1 cryptic plasmid (136 kb).
parallel membranes in the bacteroids. Intracellular inclusions DNA amplification of two regions of the S. meliloti
that were either electron-opaque or electron-transparent, genome, the nodbox4 promoter and the mucR gene, was per-
resembling polyphosphate or polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) formed. Only the Ez-555-11 strain showed a pattern similar to
storage granules, respectively, were present. Only 1e2 that of the control, with the presence of two bands at 646 and
bacteroids per symbiosom were observed in transmission 431 bp, corresponding to the size of the two genes respec-
electron micrographs of the small and round nodules isolated tively. For the others strains, we did not observe amplification.
from Medicago plants of zone 3. The sequencing of the rpoB gene [1,39], isolated from the
chromosomal DNA of 5 different strains (Ez-185-8, Ez-185-
3.2. Isolation, selection and identification of 17, Ez-555-6, Ez-9250-2 and Ez-9250-7), as well as a phylo-
exopolysaccharide-producing bacteria genetic study based on the rpoB gene sequences led to
identification of these different strains (Table 1). The closest
Bacterial strains were isolated from different nodules har- relative of isolates Ez-185-8 and Ez-185-17 (935 nucleotides)
vested on roots from 32 different plants of the different zones was Enterobacter ludwigii type strain CIP108481, with the
(Table 1). A total of 47 isolates (22 from zone 1, 11 from zone same percent similarity, 99.5. The closest relatives of isolates
2 and 14 from zone 3) were able to produce exopoly- Ez-555-6 (929 nucleotides) and Ez-9250-2 (936 nucleotides)
saccharides on RC medium supplemented with 1% is Raoultella terrigena type strain ATCC33257 with the same
N. Pawlicki-Jullian et al. / Research in Microbiology 161 (2010) 101e108 105

Fig. 2. (A1) Medicago plant from Chernobyl exclusion zone 1, (A2) nodules on the root system from plant harvested in zone 1, (B) atypical nodule from Medicago
plants harvested in Chernobyl exclusion zone 2, (C1) Medicago plant from Chernobyl exclusion zone 3, (C2) lateral root system with small and round nodules from
zone 3, (D1) transmission electron micrograph of plant cells containing bacteroids from A2 (G  6000), (D2) transmission electron micrograph of plant cells with
bacteroids and numerous ribosomes from C (G  15,000). N, nucleus of the cell plant; c, cytoplasm; CW, cell wall; IS, intercellular space; r, ribosomes.

percent similarity 100. The closest relatives of isolates Ez- a fan shape) was noted. Four weeks after inoculation, all
9250-7 (983 nucleotides) is Klebsiella oxytoca type strain inoculated plants were dark green and well-developed,
ATCC13182 with 97.4% similarity. whereas non-inoculated in vitro alfalfa plants did not show
nodules and were chlorotic and stunted. Likewise, these
3.3. Nodulation tests control plants were not able to reduce acetylene, whereas the
inoculated alfalfa plantlets were positive for this characteristic.
We next checked whether the various bacterial isolates All bacterial strains were thus efficient, but this efficiency
could induce nodule formation on in vitro alfalfa plants. A varied from 6.2 to 98.7 nmol C2H4 mg1 plantlet/h. The
series of nodulation tests was performed in tubes as described weakest efficiency was recovered for plantlets inoculated with
in Materials and methods. Nodules were produced in all bacterial strains from zone 3.
inoculated seedlings; however, the number of nodulated plants
varied from 4 to 100%, and the number of nodules per plant 3.4. Production and chemical analysis of the EPSs
varied from 2 to 10. When in vitro alfalfa plants were inocu-
lated with strains from Chernobyl exclusion zone 3, only After 72 h of culture on GMS medium, an EPS yield of
small, round translucent nodules like those in the harvested from 0.2 to 3.0 g/L was obtained according to the bacterial
plants were observed. No atypical nodule (bifurcate or with strain (Table 1). Among screened strains, most were able to
106 N. Pawlicki-Jullian et al. / Research in Microbiology 161 (2010) 101e108

Table 1
EPS production and composition from bacterial strains isolated from M. sativa or M. lupulina root nodules in 185 kBq/m2 zone 1 (corresponding to 0.25 mGy/h of g
rays in air), 555 kBq/m2 zone 2 (corresponding to 0.90 mGy/h of g rays in air) and 9250 kBq/m2 zone 3 (corresponding to 2.5 mGy/h of g rays in air).
Bacterial strain number Related species Plant EPS yield g/l/3 NS/UA (%)a %
days growth Fuc Gal Glu Man
Ez-185-1 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 1 90/10 40 20 30
Ez-185-2 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 1.3 90/10 40 20 30
Ez-185-3 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 1.4 90/10 40 20 30
Ez-185-6 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 1.2 90/10 40 20 30
Ez-185-7 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 1.5 80/20 35 20 25
Ez-185-8 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 1.8 80/20 35 20 25
Ez-185-9 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 0.9 80/20 35 20 25
Ez-185-10 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 1.5 80/20 40 20 20
Ez-185-12 Klebsiella oxytoca M. lupulina 0.4 90/10 55 35
Ez-185-13 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 0.7 80/20 35 20 25
Ez-185-14 Raoultella terrigena M. lupulina 0.95 90/10 35 25 15 15
Ez-185-15 Raoultella terrigena M. lupulina 1.05 90/10 35 25 15 15
Ez-185-16 Klebsiella oxytoca M. lupulina 1.2 90/10 55 35
Ez-185-17 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 0.7 90/10 40 20 20
Ez-185-18 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 0.6 90/10 40 20 20
Ez-185-19 Enterobacter ludwigii M. lupulina 0.8 90/10 40 20 20
Ez-185-20 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 0.84 90/10 55 35
Ez-185-21 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 1.7 90/10 55 35
Ez-185-22 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 2.96 90/10 55 35
Ez-185-23 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 1.98 90/10 55 35
Ez-555-1 Klebsiella oxytoca M. lupulina 1.05 90/10 55 35
Ez-555-2 Klebsiella oxytoca M. lupulina 0.8 90/10 55 35
Ez-555-3 Klebsiella oxytoca M. lupulina 2.25 90/10 55 35
Ez-555-4 Raoultella terrigena M. lupulina 1.4 85/15 25 35 25
Ez-555-5 Raoultella terrigena M. lupulina 1.1 80/20 20 40 20
Ez-555-6 Raoultella terrigena M. lupulina 2.15 85/15 25 35 25
Ez-555-7 Raoultella terrigena M. lupulina 1.8 85/15 25 35 25
Ez-555-8 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 1.15 85/15 25 35 25
Ez-555-9 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 0.95 85/15 25 35 25
Ez-555-10 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 0.85 85/15 25 35 25
Ez-555-11 Sinorhizobium meliloti M. sativa 1.0 100 50 50
Ez-9250-1 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 1.2 90/10 10 15 25 40
Ez-9250-2 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 0.95 90/10 10 15 25 40
Ez-9250-3 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 2.64 90/10 25 35 25
Ez-9250-4 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 1.1 90/10 10 15 25 40
Ez-9250-5 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 0.8 90/10 10 15 25 40
Ez-9250-6 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 0.9 90/10 55 35
Ez-9250-7 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 1.1 90/10 55 35
Ez-9250-8 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 1 90/10 55 35
Ez-9250-9 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 1.23 90/10 55 35
Ez-9250-10 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 1.2 90/10 55 35
Ez-9250-11 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 1.3 90/10 55 35
Ez-9250-12 Klebsiella oxytoca M. sativa 1.05 90/10 50 40
Ez-9250-13 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 0.9 90/10 30 30 15 15
Ez-9250-14 Raoultella terrigena M. sativa 0.85 90/10 30 30 15 15
NS: neutral sugar, UA: uronic acid.

produce water-soluble polysaccharides under the conditions strains but one produced uronic acids. That one strain, Ez-555-
used. All the EPSs were heteropolysaccharides with a high Mw 11, produced an EPS composed of galactose and glucose with
(1  106 to 3  106 Da). No protein (less than 1%) was a molar ratio of 1/1, probably galactoglucan as already
recovered. The percentage of neutral sugars varied from 80 to described in mutants of S. meliloti Rm1021 [16]. The charged
100%. As described by Curie and Perry [10], high pH anion monosaccharides corresponded to uronic acids, mainly glu-
exchange chromatography coupled with pulsed amperometric curonic acid. For some strains (Ez-185-7, Ez-185-8, Ez-185-9,
detection (HPAED-PAD) was used for detection and quanti- Ez-185-10, Ez-185-13, Ez-555-4, Ez-555-5, Ez-555-6), we
fication of both neutral and charged monosaccharides from our noted, on the chromatograms, the presence of another charged
different produced EPS. Under the conditions described in monosaccharide, but which has not yet been determined.
Materials and methods, we were able to separate and quantify Exopolysaccharides from E. ludwigii were constituted of
the different constitutive monosaccharides. The results, fucose, galactose and glucose at a molar ratio 2/1/1. These
detailed in Table 1, were confirmed by GLC-MS analysis. All bacteria were mainly recovered in the least contaminated zone
N. Pawlicki-Jullian et al. / Research in Microbiology 161 (2010) 101e108 107

(185 kBq/m2). Bacteria identified as K. oxytoca produced an the EPS II produced under specific conditions by S. meliloti
EPS composed of galactose and mannose at a ratio of 2/1 and wild type [43]. Studies on UV radiation on Rhizobium trifolii
were present in the three contaminated zones. In the least 11B [14] showed induction of spontaneous mutations in the
contaminated zone and in the most contaminated zone, bacteria in relation to changes in the production and compo-
R. terrigena produced an EPS composed of fucose, galactose, sition of EPS. Chemical mutagenesis (NTG) performed on
glucose and mannose (2/2/1/1 or 1/1/2/4), whereas in the S. meliloti M5N1-producing succinoglycan led to a mutant
intermediate contaminated zone, the EPS was composed of producing a partially acetylated (1e4)-b-D-glucuronan [20],
galactose, glucose and mannose (1/2/1). and able to induce nodule formation on alfalfa roots.
The NMR spectra showed that the different EPSs produced The objective of the study, i.e. screening of nitrogen-fixing
were substituted by acetate esters and pyruvate ketals. bacteria from Medicago plants exposed to chronic radiation in
the Chernobyl exclusion zones so as to select those producing
4. Discussion copious amounts of EPS with a specific composition, was
achieved. Some of the isolated EPSs are attractive for indus-
In the present study, we report on the isolation, production trial applications due to their composition (fucosylated EPSs,
and characterization of different acidic water-soluble EPSs presence of mannose, etc.) and their viscosity. Further works
produced by various nitrogen-fixing bacterial strains isolated are now necessary to reveal the exact and complete structure
from Medicago plants harvested in the Chernobyl exclusion of the different EPSs and detailed biological and environ-
zone. As some strains were trapped by M. sativa and others by mental activities such as the uptake of heavy metals in soils.
M. lupulina, they could belong to S. meliloti and Sino-
rhizobium medicae, respectively. However, all the bacterial Acknowledgments
strains except one have been identified by biochemical tests
and molecular analyses (rpoB gene sequences) as belonging to We thank Gerard Vasseur for his technical assistance in
the family Enterobacteriaceae, and in particular to the genera ultrathin sections, and Bernard Baudoin for his assistance in
Enterobacter, Klebsiella and Raoultella. The isolation of these transmission electron microscopy.
unexpected taxa from Medicago nodules can be disregarded,
as they resulted from an inefficient sterilization procedure.
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