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The Language Study Plan, Phase 2

Published by the Taiwan Taizhong Mission

© 2005 by the Taiwan Taizhong Mission.
All rights reserved.

Printed in Taiwan

The Language Study Plan, Phase 2

Mission President Message .................................................................................................. iv

Introduction: How Can I Best Use The Language Study Plan, Phase 2? ........................... vi

1 What Is the Role of Radicals in Learning the Gospel Language? .....................................1

2 How Do I Use the Gospel Vocabulary Cards Effectively?.................................................9

3 How Can I Improve My Reading Skills with the Gospel Narratives?...........................19

4 How Can I Communicate With Member and Investigators Through Writing?...........47

5 How Do I Share a More Powerful Testimony?................................................................221


6 Common Chinese Surnames..............................................................................................240

7 Address Characters .............................................................................................................242

8 Gospel and Chinese Idioms ...............................................................................................243

9 Extended Church Vocabulary List ....................................................................................249

10 BoPoMoFo Table..................................................................................................................258

Mission President Message

Dear Fellow Missionary:

Continuing to progress in your mission language is an essential aspect of

magnifying your calling.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland explained: “We would . . . hope that every missionary
learning a new proselyting language would master it in every way possible . . .
And as you do so, your proselyting and testifying skills will improve . . . Don’t be
satisfied with what we call a missionary vocabulary only. Stretch yourself in the
language, and you will gain greater access to the hearts of the people” (“Preach
My Gospel”, p. 128).

Continue preparing and mastering the language of the gospel in the language of
your calling. Set goals and be diligent in your studies; following “Preach My
Gospel”, Chapter 7, will ensure your progress. Don’t stop! Don’t plateau! This
tool is designed to help you accomplish that as well as increase your ability to read,
write, listen, and speak the gospel.

“Preach My Gospel” encourages you to read the Book of Mormon in your mission
language. Phase 2 will assist you in building the vocabulary and grammar
necessary to accomplish this goal. Pray specifically for guidance, and follow the
Spirit as you learn to teach the gospel more powerfully in the Chinese language.
Doing so will expand your capacity and your ability to express the desires of your
heart to those seeking the truth.

Nephi writes: “For my soul delighteth in plainness; for after this manner doth the
Lord God work among the children of men. For the Lord God giveth light unto the
understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto their
understanding.” (2 Nephi 31:3)

May you receive light unto your understanding as you earnestly study the
language and magnify your calling as a servant of the Lord.

Your Mission President




ྍᄬ֏Ă֤ᆃҰົՀट‫ٽ‬ᛈજˠࣇ۞͕Ąķ (‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰ 128 ࢱ)



˞ྋĄķ (κද˟३ 31:3)



Introduction! ቃۢ

Introduction: How Can I Best Use The Language

Study Plan, Phase 2?
The Language Study Plan, Phase 2, in accordance with “Preach My Gospel”, Chapter 7, is
designed to help a missionary “strive to master the language” (PMG p.128) and become a
master teacher. Its focus is to increase your proficiency in the Chinese language by learning
how to read and write, while also improving your listening comprehension and ability to speak
the Chinese language. As you do this, you will help fulfill the Lord’s promise that “every man
shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those
who are ordained unto this power” (D&C 90:11). You will be enabled to teach the restored
gospel in a more convincing and persuasive manner.

Tools provided in Phase 2:

1. Study Workbook. The “Study Workbook” contains:

• Common Radicals: A list of the most commonly used radicals – components that
make up Chinese characters.
• Gospel Vocabulary Cards: Comprised of common vocabulary from “Preach My
Gospel” and other gospel terms, these cards provide a foundation in Chinese
characters for teaching the gospel.
• Narratives: Based on vocabulary from the gospel vocabulary cards, these gospel
narratives provide reading practice and grammar review.
• Writing Practice: Includes sections for common Chinese surnames, address
characters, and characters from the gospel vocabulary cards.
• Testimony Practice: Strengthen your understanding and conviction of gospel
truths as you write your testimony of specific principles found in the lessons
and other individually selected gospel principles.

• Common Chinese Surnames
• Address Characters
• Teaching Idioms
• Extended Church Vocabulary List
• BoPoMoFo Table

It is suggested that you complete the Study Workbook in the outlined order.
Nonetheless, feel free to use the Study Workbook as best fits your individual study

2. Three Column Book of Mormon. This compilation includes English, pinyin and
Chinese characters. It may be used in language study and teaching.
3. “Preach My Gospel” Study Companion. This companion study guide helps you
read the “Preach My Gospel” manual in Chinese.
4. Audio CD. The narratives are recorded on audio CDs and may be used to improve
listening comprehension.

In addition to the tools provided in Phase 2, you may also use parts of Phase 1 to practice
reading and improve listening comprehension. Read the character portion of the lessons while
listening to the CD, as well as the Tone Practice to improve proficiency. Practice aloud the
characters and narratives to aid in retention of words previously studied.
ቃۢ! Introduction

ჰ֏ĈԧтңචϡĶᄬ֏ࡁ௫ࢍထĂPhase 2ķĉ

д఺ᄬ֏۞ጯ௫ࢍ൪̚, ௐ˟ล߱Ăߏॲፂ”‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰ”̚ௐ˛ౢߏࠎ˞ᑒӄ็ି
̀ࣇ “Ӆ˧ჟ఼ᄬ֏”‫׶‬јࠎՀሢቚ۞ିर(‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰĂ128 ࢱ)Ąώล߱૞‫ڦ‬дᖣ඾ጯ
႕۞჊ࢰ”(ିཌྷ‫׶‬ཐࡗ 90:11)ĄҰ૟ਕૉͽՀѣ‫׶͕ܫ‬ᄲ‫͞۞˧ڇ‬ёֽିጱೇᎸ۞჊ࢰĄ


1. ጯ௫۞̍‫׍‬३/!఺”ጯ௫۞̍‫׍‬३”Β߁:
• ૱֍۞ొࢵ: ˘࣎૱ϡ۞ొࢵ୻ಏ - ఺ߏ͛̚ф۞௡јొ̶Ą
• ჊ࢰϠфΙͯ: Βӣଂ‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰᄃ‫΁׎‬჊ࢰ૞ѣЩෟ૱֍۞ϠфĂ఺ֱ
• ͛ౢᑕϡ: ͽ჊ࢰϠфΙ̚۞ϠфࠎૄᖂĂ఺ֱ჊ࢰ۞͛ౢ೩ֻዦ᝝۞ቚ௫
• ᆷфቚ௫: Β߁૱ϡ۞͛̚‫ͩؖ‬ĂгӬϡ۞ф‫ֽ׶‬ҋ჊ࢰϠфΙ̚۞фĄ
• ֍ᙋቚ௫:ᆷ˭Ұдኝ඀ٙ̚൴ᛇ‫׍ז‬វࣧ‫֍۞݋‬ᙋ‫࣎΁׎׶‬ˠٙᏴፄ۞჊ࢰ

• ૱֍۞͛̚‫ͩؖ‬
• гӬϡ۞ф
• ିጱ۞јᄬ
• ‫ؼ‬ҩ۞ିົϡф
• ‫ࢰڦ‬௑ܑཱི


2. ˬ᛼۞ᇝ‫ܝ‬གྷ/!Β߁ࡻ͛Ă޸ࢰᔘѣ͛̚фĄ఺Ξֹϡдᄬ֏ጯ௫‫ି׶‬ጱĄ
3. ‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰጯ௫޽‫ݑ‬/!఺ጯ௫޽‫ݑ‬ᑒӄҰͽֽ͛̚ዦ᝝”‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰ“Ą
4. ᄬࢰЍჄ/!͛ౢᐂᄦдᄬࢰЍჄ֭̚ͷΞͽֹϡֽԼච௮᝘ॡ۞நྋ˧Ą



ౄ۠࠱ඝਈ! 1 Common Radicals

What Is the Role of Radicals in Learning the Gospel


Chinese characters are made up of components known as radicals. The radicals in a

character will suggest either the sound or meaning of the character, and sometimes both.
Radicals are frequently used to describe characters, and dictionaries typically organize or index
characters by radical. Understanding the radicals can help you recognize and retain characters.

“Culture and language are closely related. Understanding the culture will help explain why
language is used the way it is” (PMG p. 132). The characters and radicals are an everyday part
of Chinese culture. They may be used to effectively relate gospel principles. For example, the
characters “ॄԼ” (huĭgăi, repentance), contain the radicals “忄” (xīn, heart), “Տ” (every; in Տ͇
mĕitiān, daily), “̎” (self, in ҋ̎ zìjĭ), and the character “Լ” (change, in Լត găibiàn). In
teaching this principle, one might say, “Repentance is a process of daily changing one’s heart.”

The following pages include 60 of the most commonly used radicals in “Preach My Gospel”.
Use these suggestions as you complete this section:
• Identify the radicals within the characters provided.
• Learn the meaning and pronunciation of each radical.
• Practice writing each radical in the first empty space. Then write the listed characters in
which the radical appears in the remaining spaces.
As a general rule, write the radical or character from left to right and top to bottom.


ࢰĂ132 ࢱ)”͛ф‫࣎˘ߏࢵొ׶‬д઼̼͛̚̚Տ͇۞˘ొ̶Ą΁ࣇ˵ధֹϡдѣड़ᙯా۞
჊ࢰࣧ‫݋‬Ąᓝּֽᄲâ࣎”ॄԼ”۞ф, Βӣѣొࢵ”忄”, “Տ”, “̏”‫”׶‬Լ”.дିጱ఺࣎ࣧ

• ቁ‫ؠ‬Տ˘࣎͛̚ф۞ొࢵĄ
• ጯ௫Տ˘࣎ొࢵ۞൴ࢰ‫ؠ׶‬ཌྷĄ
• дՏௐ˘࣎۩ॾቚ௫ᆷొࢵĂ൒‫׎ޢ‬ι۞۩ॾಶߏቚ௫ᆷдՏ˘࣎ొࢵٙ̚Е΍۞̚

1 Common Radicals! ౄ۠࠱ඝਈ

Radical Characters with radical
yī ˯ shàng up

一 one

ͷ qiĕ and
rén ̫ jīn now

人 person

̬ jiè interpose
rén ү zuò do

亻 person
Ї rèn office
dāo ˥ dāo knife

刀 knife
‫ܐ‬ chū begin
dāo Ҿ bié leave

刂 knife

‫ז‬ dào reach
kŏu Ο gŭ ancient

口 mouth
έ tái plate
wéi а huí back

囗 round,
enclosure ‫׽‬ gù stable
tŭ д zài at

土 land

ૅ táng room
nǚ р hăo good
т rú if
女 female
‫ؗ‬ jiĕ older sister
؏ mèi

ౄ۠࠱ඝਈ! 1 Common Radicals

Radical Characters with radical
zĭ х cún exist

子 child, son

ጯ xué learn
mián ч shŏu keep

宀 hut, roof
‫؟‬ zōng purpose
shān ‫ث‬ àn coast

山 hill,

mountain ૣ chóng sublime
gōng ν zuŏ left

工 work

Ԓ wū witch
yăn Ԗ chuáng bed

广 shelter,

shed ‫ޘ‬ dù limit
yĭn ‫ؼ‬ yán extend

廴 ԗ
a long walk ‫ޙ‬

gē ԧ wŏ I

戈 weapon
ٕ huò or
͔ yĭn lead
gōng younger

弓 ԙ
ऴ ruò
ૻ qiáng strong
chì/shuāng ‫ك‬ bĭ that
rén páng
彳 walk
slowly ‫ޢ‬ hòu rear

1 Common Radicals! ౄ۠࠱ඝਈ

Radical Characters with radical
xīn υ bì must

心 heart

ा ēn grace
xīn/shù xīn ѓ máng busy
忄 heart


ّ xìng nature
shŏu ͘ shŏu hand

手 hand

ᑝ jí hit
shŏu/tí ‫ٮ‬ pāi clap
shŏu páng
扌 hand

ٛ lā pull

敍 xù tell
攴 strike
ၬ qiāo knock

pū ќ shōu collect

攵 strike
‫ٸ‬ fàng put
rì ό dàn dawn

日 sun, day
ॡ shí time
yuē ѡ qū song

曰 speak

ົ huì can
yuè ѣ yŏu have

月 moon

ഇ qí period

ౄ۠࠱ඝਈ! 1 Common Radicals

Radical Characters with radical
mù Ϗ wèi future

木 wood

Մ cái timber
qiàn Ѩ cì times

欠 owe, lack


ႇ gē song
shuĭ ͪ shuĭ water

水 water
ߵ quán spring
shuĭ/sān ѭ hàn sweat
diăn shuĭ
氵 water

՟ méi no
huŏ ѷ huī gray

火 fire

ࠓ zhà fried
huŏ ൑ wú no

灬 fire

Ⴉ xióng bear
zhăo ͬ zhuă claw

爫 nail

ࠎ wéi to be
niú կ láo fold
牛 ‫ۏ‬ wù thing
cow ‫ێ‬ mù tend
(牜) প tè special
quăn ‫ې‬ zhuàng shape

犬 dog


1 Common Radicals! ౄ۠࠱ඝਈ

Radical Characters with radical
quăn Ϛ fàn commit

犭 dog

as if
፾ dú unique
yù ‫ە‬ wán play

玉 jade

஧ qiú ball
chuáng ি pí tired

疒 sick,

weakness ় jí disease
mĭn ࠴ pén tub

皿 plate


be full of
஽ shèng prosperous
shì ை piào ticket

示 announce



shì ৠ shén god

礻 announce

჊ fú bless
hé ռ sī private

禾 rice, corn


඀ chéng process
zhú ৯ xiào smile

竹 bamboo

ඍ dá answer
mì ր xì system

糸 silk

pile up
৵ sù plain

ౄ۠࠱ඝਈ! 1 Common Radicals

Radical Characters with radical
mì ৾ fēn many

糹 silk

৽ zhĭ paper
ròu և dù stomach

肉 meat

ࡩ tāi tire
căo ਨ căo grass
艸 ‫܅‬ huā flower
grass ࡻ yīng flower
(艹) ࡴ kŭ bitter
huĭ ਵ wén mosquito

虫 bug

ᄘ mì honey
xíng Җ xíng walk

行 walk,

action ኎ wèi defend
yī җ yī cloths

衣 cloth

྅ zhuāng pack
yī ఞ xiù sleeve

衤 cloth

జ bèi quilt
yán ࢍ jì calculate

言 word, say

ధ xŭ allow
zú ኻ tī kick

足 foot

ྯ tiào jump

1 Common Radicals! ౄ۠࠱ඝਈ

Radical Characters with radical
chē ࢖ guĭ rail

車 car

ᅅ qīng light
chuò ֝ xùn quick
辵 ซ jìn enter
action, ‫ܔ‬ făn back
(辶) walk ‫ܕ‬ jìn near
yì ֤ nà that
邑 ‫ܘ‬ qiū hill
small place ొ bù part
(阝) ౌ dōu all
jīn ੪ dīng gold

金 gold

ᅚ tóng brass
fù ౖ péi accompany

阜 ֨

(阝) small hill ‫ܠ‬ ā initial
zhuī ฯ xióng male

隹 bird

ᗓ lí leave
shí ฺ fàn rice
食 ฼ yĭn drink
eat, food ᅷ bĭng cookies
(飠) ᐠ cān meal

ምਃԳ֗Ӭӂ! 2 Gospel Vocabulary Cards

How Do I Use the Gospel Vocabulary Cards


Included in the Phase 2 materials are 652 gospel vocabulary cards, correlating common
vocabulary from ”Preach My Gospel” and other gospel terms with the most commonly used
Chinese characters. You can strengthen your existing gospel vocabulary as you study these
cards, enabling you to teach more confidently. “As your ability to speak the language grows, …
you will be better able to respond to the needs of investigators and the promptings of the
Spirit” (PMG p.128). The following pages present this vocabulary in list format for reference.

The following is a suggested pattern to use as you study each gospel vocabulary card:
• Try to read the word in characters. If you do not recognize some or all of the characters,
turn the card over and check the pinyin and English meaning for each character.
• If you do not know the meaning of the word, check the English definition provided at the
top of the card.
• Turn the card to the front and repeat the word in Chinese.
• Turn the card over and read each of the sentences at the bottom; first in Chinese, then in
English as needed for clarification.
• Review the definitions and supplemental vocabulary provided for each character. Try to
read each vocabulary word in characters first, reviewing the pinyin and English definitions
as necessary.

Βӣдௐ˟ล̰߱۞ߏϤ 652 ࣎ଂኝ඀̚૱֍۞჊ࢰϠфͽ̈́࠹ᙯాଂ‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰ

ϯ”(‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰ 128 ࢱ) Ąͽ˭ೀࢱЕ΍Ϡෟ۞୻ಏͽүࠎણ҂Ą

• Ӆ˧۞Νዦ᝝дф̚۞ᇾᄬĄ઄тҰ൑‫ڱ‬ᄮ΍˘ֱٕٙѣ۞фĂᖙᖼΙͯ‫׶‬ᑭෛՏ˘
• ઄тҰ̙ۢ྽ᇾᄬ̚۞ຍ‫ޥ‬ĂᑭෛдΙͯ۞౤ొϤ͛ٙ̚೩ֻ۞‫ؠ‬ཌྷĄ
• ᖙᖼΙͯ۞ࡦࢬ֭ͷኑᄪࡻ͛ᇾᄬĄ
• ᖙᖼΙ֭ͯͷዦ᝝Տ˘࣎д‫۞ొغ‬ή̄Ăࡻ͛ௐ˘ᐹАĂ൒‫ޢ‬ည͛̚Тᇹυࢋ۞ᄲ
• ኑ௫ࢦࢋෟຉ‫׶‬ᄲ‫ځ‬Ϡфٙ࿰౯р۞Տ˘࣎фĄӅ˧ΝળՏ˘࣎дϠфᇾᄬ̚ᐹА۞

2 Gospel Vocabulary Cards! ምਃԳ֗Ӭӂ

Characters Pinyin English Characters Pinyin English

1. ࡠ᎘ Yēsū Jesus 38. ᑕྍ yīnggāi should
2. ૄ༛ Jīdū Christ 39. ٙѣ suŏyŏu all
3. ͇ͭ Tiānfù Heavenly Father 40. ା͹ jiùzhŭ Savior
4. ‫ܜ‬ҁ zhănglăo elder 41. Ұ۞ nĭ de your
5. ‫؏ؗ‬ jiĕmèi sister 42. ‫̓ڈ‬ péngyŏu friend
6. छल jiātíng family 43. ‫ڇ‬ଂ fúcóng obedience
7. Аۢ xiānzhī prophet 44. Հк gèngduō more
8. ࡆᘤ qídăo pray 45. ॡ࣏ shíhòu time, moment
9. ೇᎸ fùxīng restoration 46. ॡม shíjiān time, period
10. ିົ jiàohuì church 47. ୎˯ wănshàng evening
11. ॄԼ huĭgăi repent 48. ‫ڌ‬Ҙ dōngxī thing
12. ߾ᖃ xĭlĭ baptism 49. ՟ѣ méiyŏu no, haven’t
13. ϫᇾ mùbiāo goal 50. ᜁࠗ xīshēng sacrifice
14. ‫͕ܫ‬ xìnxīn faith 51. ҋ̎ zìjĭ self
15. གྷ͛ jīngwén scripture 52. ϒቁ zhèngquè right
16. ‫̄ޅ‬ háizi children 53. ཐᖚ shèngzhí priesthood
17. ᄯ‫׻‬ jièmìng commandment 54. ኝ඀ kèchéng lesson
18. ຏᔁ gănxiè gratitude 55. ੼Ꮈ gāoxìng happy
19. ିૅ jiàotáng chapel 56. ฟؕ kāishĭ start
20. Їң rènhé any 57. ᙯܼ guānxi relation
21. ᙸຍ yuànyì willing 58. ‫ܧ‬૱ fēicháng very
22. ࣎ˠ gèrén individual 59. ΁ࣇ tāmen they
23. ็ି̀ chuánjiàoshì missionary 60. ͽ̈́ yĭjí as well as, and
24. ‫̃׊‬ érnǚ children 61. ͽγ yĭwài besides
25. ˧ณ lìliàng strength 62. ֹϡ shĭyòng use
26. ˘੓ yìqĭ together 63. ˘߱ yíduàn a period of
27. ̫Ϡ jīnshēng this life 64. ̶ֳ fēnxiăng share
28. Ϊࢋ zhĭyào if only 65. Ӆ˧ nŭlì strive
29. Ξͽ kĕyĭ may 66. ౾ຑ bó'ài charity
30. Яѩ yīncĭ therefore 67. Ιͯ kăpiàn card
31. ‫ି؟‬ zōngjiào religion 68. Ρಓ zhàohuàn call
32. т‫ڍ‬ rúguŏ if 69. ͅ၆ fănduì oppose
33. ̏གྷ yĭjīng already 70. ‫ିݔ‬ pànjiào apostasy
34. υื bìxū must 71. ૄώ jībĕn essential
35. ԧࣇ wŏmen we 72. ֭ͷ bìngqiĕ and, moreover
36. ଀‫ז‬ dédào obtain 73. ጯ௫ xuéxí learn
37. ຍ‫ޥ‬ yìsī meaning 74. ‫ޙ‬ϲ jiànlì establish

ምਃԳ֗Ӭӂ! 2 Gospel Vocabulary Cards

Characters Pinyin English Characters Pinyin English

75. ᛳី shŭlíng spiritual 112. ҂រ kăoyàn trial
76. ԓ୕ xīwàng hope 113. ਕૉ nénggòu be capable of
77. ‫ڱޠ‬ lǜfă law 114. ࡻ͛ yīngwén English
78. ԙΈ dìxiōng brother 115. ᖣ඾ jièzhe through
79. ‫ޢ‬ഇ hòuqí latter-day 116. ֍ᙋ jiànzhèng testimony
80. ‫ض‬჊ xìngfú happiness 117. ࢍ൪ jìhuà plan
81. ‫ܫم‬ zhōngxìn faithful 118. ࡔ‫ه‬ jìniàn remember
82. ाኲ ēncì gift 119. ᄲ‫ځ‬ shuōmíng explain
83. јΑ chénggōng success 120. ᓽ‫ן‬ qiānbēi humble
84. ިᆃ zĕnme how 121. యЇ zérèn duty
85. ତ‫צ‬ jiēshòu accept 122. ࢐ሒ zhēnjié chastity
86. ೩ֻ tígōng provide 123. ఺ี zhèxiàng this
87. ೻૜ Sīmì Smith 124. ‫ͯࢱܛ‬ jīnyèpiàn gold plates
88. ͚޺ zhīchí support 125. ࿪ྖ diànhuà telephone
89. ͞ё fāngshì way 126. ࢬኘ miàntán interview
90. ߉߾ shīxĭ baptize 127. ซՎ jìnbù progress
91. ѝ˯ zăoshàng morning 128. ֱ֤ nàxiē those
92. ‫ځ‬Ϩ míngbái understand 129. ᔵ൒ suīrán although
93. ߏӎ shìfŏu whether 130. ីᅿ línghún soul
94. ፟ົ jīhuì opportunity 131. ౅࿅ tòuguò through
95. ᝋߠ quánbĭng authority 132. ొ̶ bùfèn part
96. ҋϤ zìyóu freedom 133. ᏾ᄱ cuòwù mistake
97. ՏѨ mĕicì every time 134. ‫ࣇܠ‬ ā'men amen
98. ϖޮ yŏnghéng eternal 135. ౪ૄ߾ màijīxĭdé
99. Րય qiúwèn ask ᇇ
100. ‫ڦ‬ຍ zhùyì notice 136. Ᏼፄ xuănzé choose
101. ໤౯ zhŭnbèi prepare 137. ੵ˞ chúle except
102. ໛఼ gōutōng communicate 138. Ᏺч zūnshŏu obey
103. ͭϓ fùmŭ parents 139. ᝞ཋ shúzuì atonement
104. Ꮠ̷ qīnqiè friendliness 140. ̳ฟ gōngkāi public
105. ˠϔ rénmín people 141. Ͽո๩ yīdiànyuán Garden of Eden
106. ৡ჊ zhùfú blessings 142. Ѓि xiūxí rest
107. ௐ˘ dìyī first 143. Ҭͼ sìhū seem, as if
108. ৷ሒ chúnjié pure 144. Ҳၷ dīróng Telestial
109. ̦ᆃ shéme what 145. Ңି fójiào Buddhism
110. ཐ໒ shèngdiàn temple 146. үೋ zuò'è do evil
111. ̳В gōnggòng public 147. ЈᏥ yănglài depend

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148. ֹ۰ shĭzhĕ messenger 185. Г‫ޘ‬ zàidù again
149. ֽᓜ láilín come 186. ̷੃ qièjì remember
150. ּ̄ lìzi example 187. Еࠎ lièwéi be classified as
151. ֶ໰ yīzhào according to 188. ҿᕝ pànduàn judge, determine
152. ‫ܮ‬ਕ biànnéng then can 189. Ӏৈ lìyì benefit
153. ܲ૜ băomì keep secret 190. ‫ؠט‬ zhìdìng formulate
154. ๔ጬ qínfèn diligent 191. ౹ౄ chuàngzào creation
155. ߐഇ xīngqí week 192. ᆐধ jùliè violent
156. ̪൒ réngrán still 193. ΐి jiāsù expedite
157. ઄۞ jiăde false 194. ‫݌‬ঈ yŏngqì courage
158. ઈ̂ wĕidà great 195. ๕˧ shìlì power
159. ઇј zuòchéng make into 196. ๔౻ qínláo diligent
160. ઃ঻ tíngliú stop over 197. ܲ޺ băochí keep
161. ઉ૵ jiànkāng health 198. ᚍӘ quàngào exhort
162. ઊည ŏu'xiàng idol 199. Β߁ bāokuò include
163. ็ᇫ chuánbō spread 200. ડા qūyù area
164. ΄ˠ lìngrén cause someone to 201. ‫ם‬ӄ xiézhù assist
165. ဉˠ púrén servant 202. Оᙋ yìnzhèng seal
166. ᆊࣃ៍ jiàzhíguān value 203. Пᐍ wéixiăn danger
167. ᐺ; chángfù repay 204. ӈֹ jíshĭ even though
168. ᐹА yōuxiān priority 205. ણΐ cānjiā join
169. ᐼᖟ chŭcáng store, deposit 206. г஧ dìqiú the earth
170. ·႕ chōngmăn full 207. ˫ਕ yòunéng also able
171. ˘ਠ yìbān general 208. ‫֕פ‬ qŭzŏu take away
172. Аᜭ xiānqū pioneer 209. ˾ᐝ kŏutóu oral
173. Ѝዂ guānghuī radiance 210. Ο΃ gŭdài ancient
174. ҹ‫ڇ‬ kèfú overcome 211. Ыฺ chīfàn eat a meal
175. Һੵ miănchú prevent, avoid 212. Ч჌ gèzhŏng various kinds
176. ‫׊‬ආ értóng children 213. Тд tóngzài abide with
177. ̰͕ nèixīn heart 214. Щф míngzi name
178. ‫׌‬Ҝ liăngwèi two personages 215. Ш݈ xiàngqián forward
179. ˣ໐ bāsuì eight years-old 216. ӎ‫݋‬ fŏuzé otherwise
180. ཐᐠ shèngcān sacrament 217. ӗ‫׳‬ fēnfù command
181. ̳֧ gōnglĭ kilometer 218. Ә෦ gàosù tell
182. ࣧ‫݋‬ yuánzé principle 219. ‫׶‬Ꮨ héxié harmony
183. ‫׎‬ι qítā other 220. ‫ש‬પ kāfēi coffee
184. ‫׍‬ѣ jùyŏu possess 221. ‫ॾݡ‬ pĭngé attribute

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222. ࣹ྆ nălĭ where 259. ͵ࠧ shìjiè world
223. થຽ shāngyè business 260. ‫ؖ‬Щ xìngmíng name
wèntí question, 261. ‫ނ‬஋ jiānyín adultery
224. યᗟ
262. ૓‫ބ‬ hūnyīn marriage
225. ୁ൴ qĭfā inspire
263. ૎̃ fùnǚ woman
226. ಈॆ xĭyuè joy
264. хд cúnzài exist
227. ಏҜ dānwèi unit
265. ጯ७ xuéxiào school
228. аඍ huídá answer
266. щᇐ ānwèi comfort
229. ઼‫ޘ‬ guódù kingdom
267. ԆБ wánquán complete
230. ဥඕ tuánjié unity
268. ‫ؠ‬ᗝ௡ dìng'ézŭ quorum
231. ؈ӻ qímiào marvelous
269. ‫މ‬ះ kètīng living room
232. гႯ dìyù hell
270. ‫ކ‬ᓾ xuānjiăng preach
233. ણᄃ cānyù attend
271. ͹ᅳ zhŭlĭng preside
234. ӱ‫ݻ‬ zuòzī posture
jiāpŭ family history,
235. ःᖟ bury 272. छᙉ
máicáng genealogy
236. ‫ݱ‬ξ chéngshì city 273. टԡ róngrĕn tolerance
237. ેҖ zhíxíng execute 274. ᆵ़ kuānshù forgive
238. ૈዳ péiyăng cultivate 275. ၅ᛇ chájué come to know
239. ่̙ bùjĭn not only 276. ၁ன shíxiàn realize
240. ૄᖂ jīchŭ foundation 277. ှᐖ níngjìng tranquility
241. િ‫ؠ‬ jiāndìng firm 278. ᆶҿ shĕnpàn judge
242. ಡܑ bàobiăo report form 279. ᆷү xiĕzuò writing
243. ಞٙ chăngsuŏ location, place 280. ᆵᇃ kuānguăng wide
244. ๬ౄ sùzào model 281. ट‫ٽ‬ róngyì easy
245. ဧ͵ chénshì mortal life 282. ᚗෳ băoguì precious
246. ᆩར zhuìluò fall 283. ૞͕ zhuānxīn focus
247. ᆧૻ zēngqiáng strengthen 284. ಴ࢦ zūnzhòng respect
248. ᆪࡩ duòtāi abortion 285. ವԱ xúnzhăo seek
249. ᑅ˧ yālì pressure 286. ጱ࡭ dăozhì lead to
250. आ‫ݾ‬ Xiàwá Eve 287. ̈‫ޅ‬ xiăohái child
251. ͇‫غ‬ tiāndĭ under heaven 288. ಶົ jiù huì and then
252. ̙Ѥ bùxiŭ immortal 289. ‫ا‬ҝ jūzhù inhabit
253. ͉ว tàiyáng sun 290. ‫ޏ‬ц wūyŭ house
254. ͈‫؍‬ fūqī couple 291. ण୕ zhănwàng outlook, vision
255. εΝ shīqù lose 292. ᆸ৺ céngjí level
256. г͞ dìfāng place 293. ̋͸ shānqiū hill
257. ؈ᖹ qíjī miracle 294. ૣ޵ chóngbài worship
258. ؇Җ fèngxíng pursue 295. मᅋ chāiqiăn send

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296. ૲ᅳ dàilĭng lead 333. Ԯѡ niŭqū distort
297. ᑒӄ bāngzhù help 334. Էႊ bànyăn play, act
298. π˲ píngfán commonplace 335. ٚᏚ chéngnuò commit, promise
299. ѐ΃ niándài years 336. ԫμ jìqiăo skill
300. ೀ࣎ jĭge several 337. ԯ೪ băwò assurance
301. लੰ tíngyuàn yard 338. Ըˢ tóurù put into
302. ͔ᅳ yĭnlĭng lead 339. ԩ١ kàngjù resist
303. ऴᕇ ruòdiăn weakness 340. ޵ణ bàifăng visit
304. ૻ̂ qiángdà strong 341. ޺ч chíshŏu endure
305. ᇆᜩ yĭngxiăng influence 342. ޽‫ݑ‬ zhĭnán guide
306. ‫ֽـ‬ wănglái dealings ànshŏu laying on of
343. ޷͘
307. ‫ޝ‬ԣ hĕnkuài very fast
344. ߄ጼ tiăozhàn challenge
308. ̝ม zhījiān among
345. ॗֲ Nuóyă Noah
309. ຋৯ wéixiào smile
346. ॕᚥ juānxiàn donate
310. ͕֨ xīnfáng mental defense
347. ଺ୢ shĕqì give up
311. ‫ن‬ෛ hūshì ignore
348. ଵ‫ؠ‬ páidìng arrange
312. ‫ޥ‬ຐ sīxiăng thoughts
349. ଟဳ lüèduó rob
313. ा‫׏‬ ēndiăn grace
350. ଳ‫פ‬ căiqŭ take
314. ˵ధ yĕxŭ maybe
351. ତᛈ jiēchù contact
315. ଐԛ qíngxíng circumstances
352. ଯᖧ tuījiàn recommend
316. ͘ఙ‫ވ‬ shŏushù shì operation room
353. ೢᏴ jiănxuăn select
317. ְ̍ shìgōng work
354. ೩΍ tíchū propose
318. ຎೌ cíbēi mercy
355. ᇎᇋ yōulǜ worry
319. ၗ‫ޘ‬ tàidù attitude
356. ᇝҘ Móxī Moses
320. ᇎ๋ yōushāng sorrow
357. ᇩҭ Sādàn Satan
321. ೩ᏹ tíxĭng remind
358. ፉЇ dānrèn hold a position
322. ᑗՐ kĕnqiú beg
359. ќˢ shōurù income
323. ᘂჳ chĕngfá punishment
360. Լࢭ găigé reformation
324. ᘃ඾ huáizhe hold
361. ‫ٸ‬ˢ fàng rù place, enter
325. јࣶ chéngyuán member
362. ߆‫ع‬ zhèngfŭ government
326. Ԧଫ jièdiào quit (a habit)
363. ड़‫ڱ‬ xiàofă emulate
327. ٕߏ huòshì or
364. ְଐ shìqíng things
328. ጼ౼ zhànshèng overcome
365. ିर jiàoshī teacher
329. ͘̚ shŏuzhōng in one’s hand
366. ̢࠹ hùxiāng each other
330. ଐ‫ڶ‬ qíngkuàng circumstances
367. ፋૺ zhĕngzhāng full paper
331. ̖ර cáihuá talent
368. ̼͛ wénhuà culture
332. χฟ dăkāi open
369. Ȉфߛ shízìjià cross

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Characters Pinyin English Characters Pinyin English

370. ॠ඀ lǚchéng trip 407. ͧಔ bĭyù analogy
371. ͟ഇ rìqí date 408. ͨ͋ máokŏng pore
372. ўຍ zhĭyì will, decree 409. ՙ͕ juéxīn determination
373. ‫ځ‬೽ míngxī clear 410. ‫ڼ‬ᕽ zhìyù cure
374. ֲ༊ Yădāng Adam 411. ‫ءڱ‬ făguān judge
375. ߋ͇ chūntiān spring 412. Ϲኖ jiāoyí fellowship
pŭbiàn general, 413. ߿᜙ huóyào active
376. ೼࿆
414. ࠁҾ pàibié denomination
377. ംᇊ zhìhuì wisdom
415. ߹ஊ liúlèi shed tears
378. ३ᚱ shūjí book
416. ൑ฆ wúgū innocent
379. അགྷ céngjīng previous
417. ও՟ jìnmò immersion
380. ౵‫ܐ‬ zuìchū in the beginning
418. ঐε xiāoshī disappear
381. ͡‫ܪ‬ yuèliàng moon
419. எՔ shēnchén profound
382. ‫ڇ‬྅ fúzhuāng clothes
420. ஄ใ hùnluàn confusion
383. Ϗֽ wèilái future
421. ഴੜ jiăntuì decrease
384. ϐ͵ mòshì last days
422. ഽ୕ kĕwàng desire
385. ߘ‫׶‬ róuhé gentle
423. ໚ᐝ yuántóu source
386. ߤ҂ chákăo search
424. ໢ߘ wēnróu tender
387. ८͕ héxīn core, nucleus
425. ሒஐ jiéjìng clean
388. ॲፂ gēnjù based on
426. ͫሤ huŏrè intense heat
389. ୧І tiáojiàn condition
427. խ჋ zāihuò disaster
390. ‫౉ڡ‬ qítú lost, disoriented
428. ‫ۆ‬ሤ yánrè blistering hot
391. ໂ̂ jídà enormous
429. ൑ᇴ wúshù countless
392. ၳᇹ băngyàng example
430. ߹ҕ liúxiĕ shed blood
393. ၷᚹ róngyào glory
431. ࡁ᝝ yándú study
394. ၹј gòuchéng constitute
432. ໬ਨ yāncăo tobacco
395. ሀё móshì model
433. ໰ᜪ zhàogù take care of
396. ፘ‫ڒ‬ shùlín forest
434. ໭೗ fánnăo concerns, worries
397. ᝋ៑ quányào key
435. ᚤᙝ lúbiān fireside
398. ᝌሄ huānlè joy
436. ‫੽ۋ‬ zhēngdòu fight, battle
399. ՎЂ bùfá pace
437. ‫ێ‬र mùshī minister
400. ୧ഠ tiáokuăn clause
438. পኳ tèzhí attributes
401. ።Ϋ lìshĭ history
439. ‫ې‬ၗ zhuàngtài condition
402. ᕩ‫ܫ‬ guī xìn conversion
440. ൘͉ yóutài Jew
403. Ѫ˸ sĭwáng death
441. ፾প dútè unique
404. আି xùnjiào martyr
442. ᒔ଀ huòdé obtain
405. ୭च shāhài kill
443. ᚥྐ xiànshī musical number
406. ໑ໝ huĭmiè ruin

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444. ࠡ঴ zhēnzhū pearl 481. ᎕ໂ jījí active
445. ঱৺ bānjí class, grade 482. ۩࢕ kōngjūn air force
446. ᒖဩ huánjìng environment zhăizhí straight and
483. ৫ۡ
447. ࠤҌ shènzhì even
484. ඄͗ chuānghù window
448. யϠ chănshēng produce
485. ౣ൒ jìngrán unexpectedly
449. շّ nánxìng male
486. ౢ༼ zhāngjié chapter
450. ள෪ yìxiàng vision
487. ბఄ duānzhuāng modest
451. ༊Ԋ dāngjú authorities
488. ඈ‫ޞ‬ dĕngdài wait
452. Ⴗય yíwèn inquiry
489. ඍ९ dá'àn answer
453. ়ঽ jíbìng disease
490. გந guănlĭ manage
454. ൭ࡴ tòngkŭ pain
491. ᖎಏ jiăndān simple
455. Ѻѐ băinián hundred years
492. ჟৠ jīngshén vitality, spiritual
456. ৈ఍ yìchù benefit
493. ր௚ xìtŏng system
457. Ⴝ˧ jìnlì do all one can
494. ࡔᐂ jìlù record
458. ۡତ zhíjiē direct, directly
495. ࡓҒ hóngsè red
459. ࠷˭ shĕngxià left over
496. ৾‫ۋ‬ fēnzhēng contention
460. ࠻ᜪ kàngù watch after
497. ௟຋ xìwéi fine
461. ৌ၁ zhēnshí true
498. ௣‫ٺ‬ zhōngyú eventually
462. ீ݈ yănqián present
499. ௡ᖐ zŭzhī organization
463. ۢᙊ zhīshì knowledge
500. ௘ཙ bànjiăo stumble
464. ࡁտ yánjiù research
501. ඕኢ jiélùn conclusion
465. ൑ࢨ wúxiàn unlimited
502. ග̟ gěiyŭ give
466. ৔ᗼ pòhuài destroy
503. ჯ᜕ wéihù maintain
467. ༰ࢴ jìnshí fast (not eat)
504. ቡ߇ yuángù reason
468. ቁ၁ quèshí indeed
505. ᓁߏ zŏngshì always
469. ۤડ shèqū community
506. ৿͌ quēshăo lack
470. ˠᙷ rénlèi humanity
507. ཋೋ zuì'è sin
471. য়А zŭxiān ancestors
508. ᘲ੺ luómă Rome
472. ௉Φ jìsī priest
509. ࡚߷ mĕizhōu America
473. ༰ͤ jìnzhĭ forbid
510. ௧ऺ xiūchĭ shame
474. ৔༤ pòsuì smash, shatter
511. ཏி qúnzhòng multitude
475. ռ˭ sīxià private
512. ཌྷચ yìwù obligation
476. ࡊጯ kēxué science
513. ҃ͷ érqiĕ moreover
477. ொੵ yíchú remove
514. ࡝͕ nàixīn patience
478. ඀Ԕ chéngxù procedures
515. ̩ᇲ chóudí enemy
479. ჌୉ zhŏngzú race, ethnicity
516. ௮᝘ língtīng listen carefully
480. Ⴭ‫ײ‬ chēnghū call
517. ჸົ jùhuì gathering

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518. ᓑඛ liánluò contact 555. ᄮ୻ rènqīng see clearly
519. ᓏࢰ shēngyīn sound 556. ᄰࡗ shìyuē bound by oath
tīngcóng follow what you 557. ኚϠ dànshēng birth
520. ᝘ଂ
558. ᄵೊ yòuhuò temptation
521. ࡦഀ bèijĭng background
559. ྕ၁ chéngshí trustworthy
522. ௲ᗓ tuōlí separate
560. ˼ᒩѐ qiānxīnián millennium
523. ჺୀ fŭbài corruption
561. ኡߏ shéishì who is
524. ཝঔ năohăi mind
562. አፋ tiáozhĕng adjust
525. ჼ‫ڵ‬ gāoyóu consecrated oil
563. ᔀ֏ yáoyán rumor
526. ᄂ៉ táiwān Taiwan
564. ᙋෟ zhèngcí testimony
527. Ꮈ኷ xìngqù interest
565. ᛉົ yìhuì council
528. ᓝҖ jŭxíng hold
566. ᖳಱ fēngfù plentiful
529. ᖞࡗ jiùyuē Old Testament
567. ෪ᇈ xiàngzhēng symbol
530. ։ච liángshàn good
568. ࢑య fùzé responsible
531. ਮཧ cháyè tea leaves
569. ੑ‫ۏ‬ cáiwù property
532. ਣ౎ huāngyĕ wilderness
570. ੒ᚥ gòngxiàn contribute
533. ఄᚑ zhuāngyán stately, solemn
571. ෱ϡ fèiyòng expense
534. ༱‫ۏ‬ wànwù everything
572. ྤफ़ zīliào information
535. ཬ෈ pútáo grape
573. ᔉ‫ۏ‬ gòuwù shopping
536. ᖡဦ lántú blueprint
574. వཋ shèzuì pardon sins
537. ᘽ‫ۏ‬ yàowù medicine
575. ෹̿ chāoshēng exaltation
538. ਴ະ qiánjìng reverent[ly]
576. ෹෸ chāoyuè exceed
539. Җજ xíngdòng action
577. ኷‫ק‬ qùwèi interest
540. ኏ࡎ chōngtú conflict
578. ֖ૉ zúgòu enough
541. җ඾ yīzhuó clothes
579. ྫྷᐌ gēnsuí follow
542. ኑᄦ fùzhì copy
580. ྱ˭ guìxià kneel down
543. Ҙ̮ xīyuán Western era
581. ֗ᙝ shēnbiān at one’s side
544. ֎Ғ jiăosè role
582. హऴ ruănruò weak
545. ྋՙ jiĕjué resolve
583. ᅃӄ fŭzhù assist
546. ֏ᄬ yányŭ language
584. ᅅᗫ qīngsōng relaxed
547. ࢍ඀֘ jìchéngchē taxi
585. ᖼត zhuănbiàn change
548. ྽ྮ dàolù road
586. Ᏹ̳ bàngōng work
549. ੃ᐂ jìlù record
587. ᏰҾ biànbié distinguish
550. నϲ shèlì set up
588. ‫΃ܕ‬ jìndài modern times
551. ధк xŭduō many
589. ‫ܔ‬ฏ fănxiāng return home
552. ෠‫ځ‬ zhèngmíng prove
590. ࢝च pòhài persecute
553. ‫װ‬෣ zhòuzŭ curse
591. ੠ᐌ zhuīsuí follow
554. ྏଣ shìtàn try out

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592. ਗ਼ဩ nìjìng adversity 629. ᙱͽ nányĭ hard to
593. ు႙ zhújiàn gradually 630. ‫ͪܥ‬ yŭshuĭ rainwater
594. ౄ჊ zàofú bless 631. ᅮՐ xūqiú requirement
595. ాᜈ liánxù continuously 632. ីႾ língjiān spirit prison
596. ྼᑚ yóuxì game 633. ‫ܦ‬ѐ qīngnián youth
597. ྻү yùnzuò operate 634. ያ඾ kàozhe rely on
598. ྽ᇇ dàodé moral 635. ึ‫ڇ‬ shùnfú obey
599. ࢍზ jìsuàn calculate 636. ࿰ഇ yùqí expect
600. ྿ј dáchéng reach, achieve 637. ᐛத pínlǜ frequency
601. ࿁ࡦ wéibèi violate 638. ᙷ‫ݭ‬ lèixíng type
602. ᅈᗓ yuănlí removed from 639. โຳ hēi'àn darkness
603. ዋЪ shìhé fit 640. ពᜨ xiănlù reveal
604. ᏷Ԟ yíwàng forget 641. ࢳԣ fēikuài lightning speed
605. ᔖฟ bìkāi avoid 642. ዳֈ yăngyù raise
606. ᔛኛ yāoqĭng invite 643. ࢵࢋ shŏuyào most important
607. ᔘр háihăo fortunately 644. ᛢᕘ sāorăo bother
608. ౌົ dōuhuì all will 645. ᝭ๆ jiāo'ào pride
609. ዐळ línzuò next seat 646. ੻҇ gŭròu flesh
610. ੨Ⴭ pèichèn worthy 647. វរ tĭyàn experience
611. ੧ჟ jiŭjīng alcohol 648. ᜲ੿ móguĭ devil
612. ࿌ᐺ chóucháng reward 649. ᕄ̄ gēzĭ pigeon
613. ᗁ‫ڼ‬ yīzhì heal 650. โ؆ hēiyè night
614. ࢦາ chóngxīn once more 651. ពϯ xiănshì show
615. ‫ܛ‬᏿ jīnqián money 652. ᰽۞ tā de His (God’s)
616. ੪Ѫ dìngsĭ crucify
617. ౑ቢ diàoxiàn fishing line
618. ᏺᔢ dìngmáo anchor
619. ᐁщ xí'ān Zion
620. ២Ϯ zuànshí diamond
621. ‫˳ܜ‬ chángjiŭ long term
622. ခᐽ gŭlì encourage
623. ‫ܝ‬व méntú disciple
624. ࿣඗ géjué isolate
625. ᅪᘣ zhàng'ài obstacle
626. ะ̚ jízhōng concentrate
627. ᐎ‫ג‬ diāokè engrave
628. ᗔᄫ zázhì magazine

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

How Can I Improve My Reading Skills with the

Gospel Narratives?

Fourteen short gospel narratives have been provided to enhance reading proficiency and
retention of the previously studied vocabulary character cards. Each narrative is made up of words
from the gospel vocabulary cards. These narratives can expand your ability to read Chinese in the
language of the gospel. This can increase the effectiveness of your teaching as you read with
investigators, particularly from the scriptures: “The words and the way they are used in the Book of
Mormon by the Lord… should be used by us in teaching gospel principles” (PMG p.180). This will
also be a benefit to you in working with the ward council and other members.

Two sets of gospel narratives are provided, Set A and Set B. Set A narratives are based soley on
the vocabulary from the front of the character cards, which are highlighted and numbered with the
corresponding card number. Set B narratives are based on the first row of additional vocabulary
words located on the back of each character card. These are similarly highlighted and numbered;
however, these numbers correspond to definitions found at the end of the narrative text.

In every gospel narrative, unfamiliar words are underlined and numbered. Corresponding
definitions are found after the narrative text. Finally, grammar patterns are identified with asterisks
and a grammar practice section is provided at the end of each narrative.

To use the gospel narratives effectively in your study, you may want to:
• Read Narrative 1a after studying the first 100 gospel vocabulary cards. Continue on to
Narrative 2a after completing the next 100 gospel vocabulary cards, and so on.
• Read each narrative from Set B after the corresponding narrative from Set A, or read the
narratives from Set B after completing all the narratives from Set A.
• As you read the narratives, review the gospel vocabulary cards for any highlighted words that
you do not remember.
• Look up underlined words that you do not recognize in the list following each narrative.
• Use the grammar pattern outline as you “prepare sentences to use in your scheduled activities
that apply these grammar principles. Practice speaking and writing the sentences” (PMG p.130).

૞‫ܝ‬ϡᄬ۞ਕ˧ĂপҾߏ༊Ұᄃᇍ྽̓˘੓ࡁ᝝གྷ͛ॡĂ˵ົᑒӄҰઇѣड़۞ିጱ: Ķ͹дᇝ
ࢰ 180 ࢱ)Ą༊Ұᄃ͚ົᛉົТ̍˘੓ЪүॡĂ఺˵૟၆Ұົјࠎ˘࣎р఍Ą

ҖಏфࠎૄᖂĂ˵পҾԯιϡᇴф॰΍ֽĂҭߏ B ొЊфຉຍཌྷ‫݋‬д͛ౢ˭͞۞ಏфܑ˯Ą

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ


• дጯ௫ௐ˘Ѻ࣎۞჊ࢰϠф‫ޢ‬Ăྏ඾Νዦ᝝ 1aĂ̝‫ֶޢ‬ѩᙷଯĂдጯ௫Ԇௐ˟Ѻ࣎჊ࢰ
Ϡф‫ޢ‬Ăྏ඾Νዦ᝝ 2aĄ
• ҰΞͽд᝝ԆՏ˘ቔ۞ȋొЊ̝‫ޢ‬Ăྏ඾Ν᝝Տ˘ቔ۞ȌొЊĂٕ۰Ξͽ᝝Ԇٙѣ۞ȋొ
• ༊Ұдዦ᝝۞ॡ࣏Ă૱૱Νኑ௫ֱ֤జ॰੓ֽͷҰ̙ٙሢଉ۞჊ࢰϠфΙͯĄ
• дՏ˘ቔ͛ౢ྆ΝߤዦҰ̙ٙሢଉజϡ‫غ‬ቢො‫۞ځ‬фຉĄ
• дՏ˘࣎͛‫ڱ‬ಏ̮ࢋᕇĂ༊Ұ”໤౯˘ֱइϡ˞఺ֱ͛‫ڱ‬ఢ‫۞݋‬ή̄Ăдଵ‫̍۞ؠ‬ү̚ΐ
ͽֹϡĄቚ௫ᄲ΍‫׶‬ᆷ˭఺ֱή̄Ą” (‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰ 130 ࢱ)

Narrative 1a: The Plan of Happiness ‫ض‬჊۞ࢍ൪

ԧࣇ 1 ͚޺ 2 ˞˘࣎ 3
35 ۞͇ͭ 3 ࠎ˞ 88 ԧࣇ 35Ăֹԧࣇ 35 ѣ፟ົ 94 ଀‫ ז‬36 ϖޮ 98 ۞‫ض‬჊ 80Ăࠎԧࣇ 35 ໤౯

ା͹ 40Ăಶߏ᰽۞‫ ̄׊‬4 ࡠ᎘ 1 ૄ༛ 2Ą᰽‫׍‬ѣ 5 ଂ͇ͭ 3 ֽ҃۞˧ณ 25Ăԡ‫ צ‬6 ൭ࡴ 7Ă֭ͷ 72 ࠎ˞ԧࣇ 35 ᜁࠗ 50

ҋ̎ 8 9 10 11 12
51Ą᰽‫ޙ‬ϲ 74 ᰽۞ିົ 10Ăྋᛖ གྷ͛ 15Ă˵ିጱ ˠࣇ ‫ڱޠ‬ 77 ‫׶‬ᄯ‫׻‬ 17ĂΡಓ 68 ‫ܝ‬व ֭ග̟ ཐ
ᖚ 53Ăֹ΁ࣇ 13 ჊ࢰ 14ĂΪࢋ 15Ăಶ
59 ѣᝋߠ 95 ࠎˠ߉߾ 90Ă‫ކ‬ೳ 28 ˠࣇᙸຍ 21 ତ‫ צ‬85 ΁ࣇ 59 ۞ିጱ‫ڇ‬ଂ 43 ৠ

ਕᄃৠ‫ޙ‬ϲ 16 ‫ޙ‬ϲ
74 ‫ܧ‬૱ 58 р۞ᙯܼ 57Ă*౅࿅ 74 ၆ࡠ᎘ 1 ૄ༛ 2 ۞‫ ͕ܫ‬14ăॄԼ 11ă߾ᖃ 12 ͽ̈́ 60 ତ‫ צ‬85 ཐ

ី 17 ۞ाኲ 18 ˠͅ၆
82ĂಶΞͽ 29 ѣ˘࣎າ۞ฟؕ 56Ă˵дᛳី 75 ˯ଂৠ҃ϠĄ˘߱ 63 ॡม 46 ̝‫ޢ‬Ă‫ޝ‬к 69 ჊

ࢰĂੵ˞ 19 ‫ܫم‬ 20 ͽγ 21 ି̓ 22 ‫ି؟‬

81 ۞ԙΈ 78 ‫ ؏ؗ‬5 ࣇЯѩ 30 ҃ᜁࠗ 50 Ϡ‫׻‬ 61âֱ 41 ˵૟‫׎‬ι 31 ۞ିጱ̈́

࣎ˠ 23 ჊ࢰ̝̚Ă΁ࣇ 24 ˞ିົ 25 ฟؕ 26Ă

22 ۞ຍ‫ ޥ‬37 Ⴃˢ 59 ఺ֱ̙ϒቁ 52 ۞ିጱጱ࡭ 10 ۞ૄώ 71 ିཌྷ 56 Լត

౵‫ ޢ‬27 ႊត 28 ј‫ ିݔ‬70Ą
൒҃ 29 ԧࣇ 30 ৌ྽ 31 ‫׸‬ĉ΄ˠ੼Ꮈ
35 ٙѣ 39 ۞ˠౌߏৠ۞‫ ̄ޅ‬16Ă͇ͭ 1 ިᆃ 84 ົឰ΁۞‫ ̃׊‬24 ᅈᗓ 55 ۞

ߏĂ1820 ѐĂ͇ͭ 3 ‫ࡠ׶‬᎘ 1 ૄ༛ 2 Ρಓ 68 ೻૜ 87 ࡗ༃ࠎ͹۞Аۢ 7ĂೇᎸ 9 ˞ࡠ᎘ 1 ૄ༛ 2 ۞჊ࢰĄԧࣇ 35 ᑕ

ྍ 32 ۞჊ࢰĂ֭д఺‫ޢ‬ഇ 33 ‫ޙ‬ϲ
38 ࢋຏᔁ 18 ͇ͭ 3 ೇᎸ 9 ˞჊ࢰĂ᰽̏གྷ 33 ೩ֻ 86 ˞఺࡚࣎р 79 ॡ΃ 74 ˞΁۞

ିົ 10Ăಶߏ 34 ࢋԧࣇ 35 јΑ 36 ԧࣇ
35 ᒔ଀ 83Ąࠎ˞аಡ 35 ۞͇ͭ 3Ă̫Ϡ 27 ԧࣇ 35 υื 34 Ӆ˧ 65 ጯ௫ 73Ăన

ϲ 37 ϫᇾ 38 ѝ˯ 39 ‫ࡆ׶‬ᘤ 40 ߏӎ 41 ۞Ąࢋ‫ڦ‬ຍ
13ĂགྷϤ 91 ‫ ˯୎׶‬47 ۞ࡁ᝝ 8ĂՐય 99 ఺ֱ 93 ৌ၁ 100 ԧࣇ 35 ߏ

ӎ 42 ‫ז‬ԣሄ 43 ‫׶‬ಈॆ 44Ą**т‫ڍ‬ 45 ఺࣎͞ё

93 ̏ຏ‫צ‬ 32 Ұ޷໰ 89ĂҰ૟‫ځ‬Ϩ 92 д͵˯՟ѣ 49 Їң 20 ‫ڌ۞΁׎‬

Ҙ 46 ‫׶‬Ұ۞छल 47 ౾ຑ
48 ͧҰᖃ޵͇ 6 ˘੓ 26 ֽ‫ ૅିז‬19ĂՀਕឰछ̚·႕ 66 ‫׶‬ԓ୕ 76ĄҰົѣՀк 44 ۞ഽ୕

‫ ̓ڈ׶‬42 ̶ֳ 64 ჊ࢰĄҰΞͽ 29 ֹϡ 62 ˘ֱ̈Ιͯ 67 ֽᔛኛ 48 Ұ۞‫ ̓ڈ‬42 ឰ็ି̀ 23 ‫ܜ‬ҁ 4 ٕ‫ ؏ؗ‬5 ିጱ΁ࣇ 59
ኝ඀ 54Ă֭ͷՏѨ 97 ྫྷ΁ࣇ 59 ̶ֳ 64 ఺჊ࢰ૲ගҰ۞ҋϤ 96 ᄃಈॆĄ

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. wèile in order to 17. shènglíng Holy Ghost 33. shídài time; age
2. zhŭnbèi prepare 18. hĕnduō many 34. jiùshì is
3. yīgè A 19. chúle except 35. huòdé obtain
4. érzi son 20. shēngmìng life 36. huíbào repay
5. jùyŏu hold 21. yìxiē some 37. shèlì set; establish
6. rĕnshòu endure 22. qítā other 38. jīngyóu through
7. tòngkŭ pain 23. shènrù seep into 39. yándú study
8. jiĕshì explain 24. dăozhì lead to 40. zhèxiē these
9. jiāodăo teach 25. jiàoyì doctrine 41. zhēnshí true
10. rénmen people 26. găibiàn change 42. gănshòu feel
11. méntú disciple 27. zuìhòu at last; finally 43. kuàilè happy
12. gĕiyŭ give 28. yănbiàn evolve 44. xĭyuè joyous
13. xuānyáng publicize 29. rán'ér however 45. ànzhào according to
14. fúyīn gospel 30. yuănlí away from 46. lĭbàitiān Sunday
15. shén god 31. zhēndào truth 47. chōngmăn be full of
16. tòuguò through 32. mĕihăo wonderful 48. yāoqĭng invite

*౅࿅ STPVOĂSTPVO Ex: ౅࿅‫ޙ‬ϲ၆ࡠ᎘ૄ༛۞‫͕ܫ‬ăॄԼă߾ᖃͽ̈́ତ‫צ‬ཐី۞ाኲĂಶΞ
**т‫ ڍ‬STPVOĂSTPVO Ex: т‫ڍ‬Ұ޷໰఺࣎͞ёĂҰ૟‫ځ‬Ϩд͵˯՟ѣЇң‫ڌ۞΁׎‬ҘͧҰᖃ޵

Narrative 1b: The Purpose of Life ̫Ϡ۞ϫ۞

ԧࣇ۞Ϡ‫ ׻‬1Ă֭‫ ܧ‬2 ؕ‫ ٺ‬3 ̫͵Ă˵̙ົЯࠎѪ˸ 1 ҃ඕՁ 2Ăԧࣇ̫͇ 4 ٙઇ۞ՙ‫ ؠ‬3Ăυ൒ 5 ົมତ 6 ٕ
ۡତ 4 г૲ֽ޺˳ 7 ۞‫ ڍޢ‬8 ٕј‫ ڍ‬9Ąৠߏԧࣇ۞ͭᏐ 10Ăԧࣇߏ᰽۞‫ ̄׊‬11 ‫ ׊̃׶‬12Ăԧࣇ̙ߏγˠ 13Ă఺ߏ
̙Ξӎ‫ؠ‬ 14 ۞ְ၁ 5ĂдкΗ 15 ˠࣇ 16 ۞ីᅿ 17 ̚Ă̪ѣ 6 ఺ᇹ۞‫ޥ‬ຐ 18 ‫׶‬ຏᛇ 19Ąٙͽ 20 ԧࣇ*็ି̀۞ֹ
‫׻‬ ̝˘Ă̙ߏдӎ‫ؠ‬ˠࣇ۞‫ܫ‬Ј 7
21 22Ă҃ߏಓᏹ 23 ˠࣇ၆‫ٺ‬ ାा 24 ۞࠽୕ 25Ă҃ͷ 26ĂГΐ˯Հк 27 ۞ି
ጱ 28Ą
̫͇ѣధк۞ˠ੠Ր 8 ଀ຍ
29 ֳ‫ צ‬30ăᖚҜ 31ăгҜ 32Ăѣ˘ֱ 33 ˠΞਕ 34 Я҃ត଀ 35Ăѣ˘ֱˠ‫݋‬Я҃

εΝ 9 ҋ‫ܫ‬ 36ĄˠϠ۞ϫ۞ 37 Ϊߏ఺ᇹ๜ĉт‫ߏ̙ڍ‬Ă˫ңυ 38 ឰ఺ְֱֽՙ‫ؠ‬ԧࣇ۞͕ଐ 39 ‫׸‬ĉ੓‫ ܐ‬40Ăˠ

ᙷ 10Ăିጱˠࣇтң 11 ۞̼͛ 12 ̶Ҿ
41 ۞Ч࣎็௚ 42 ̚˘ۡ 43 ౌѣ‫ܫ‬Ј۞ొ̶ 44 ֽତ‫ ܕ‬45 ৠĂՏ̙࣎Т 46 ߉

Җ 13Ă‫ౌ̚׎‬ѣ˘ֱᙷҬ 14 ᘤӘ
47 ̙Т۞ᆇё 48 ᄃିᆇ 49Ă˧Ր 50 ֹ̄ग 51 ࣇֽྫྷৠ໛఼ 52 ۞ᆇёĄࢋߏ 53 ՟

ѣৠĂٕߏ 15 ৠଂֽ 54 ౌ՟ѣኲග 55 ˠᘤӘ۞‫ ΄׻‬56Ăࠎ̦ᆃ 57 ‫ז‬఍ 58 ѣᘤӘ۞ᆇё‫׸‬ĉ

**གྷ࿅ 59 ˘߱ 60 ॡഇ 61 ͽ‫ ޢ‬62Ăѣ۞ˠ‫ޝ‬ѣᎸ኷ 63Ă҃‫ޝ˞܅‬к˧ঈ 64 ֽࡁտ

ࠎˠࣇ۞௫ၚ 17 ࢦෛ 18 ̈‫̓ڈ‬
65 ҃ᛇ଀՟ᙯܼ 66Ąጯ७ 67 ۞ҁर 68 д˯ኝ 69 ॡĂ෸ֽ෸ 70 ۞ኝຽ 71Ă̙҃ࢦෛ

ି‫ވ‬ 19 ࢦࢋ 20 ҃ૄώ 21Ă˵ಶߏԧࣇүࠎৠ۞̈‫ޅ‬

72 γৌϒ 73 ۞ְ‫ۏ‬ 74 ۞ώЊ 75Ą൒҃ೇᎸ۞჊ࢰග˞ԧࣇ‫׶‬

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

ͽ‫ـ‬ 22 ۞Ąԧ
76 ̙Т۞ຍ‫ ه‬77Ą఺࣎჊ࢰֹԧࣇۢ྽ 78Ă͇˯۞ޮߐ 79 ̙ߏϖ˳ 80 ۞Ăҭԧࣇ۞Ϡ‫ߏݒ׻‬ϖޮ

ࣇߏҋ̎۞͹ˠ 23 ధк၆ϲ 24 ԧࣇઇ˞ިᇹ

81ĂՏ͇ࢬ၆ 82Ă൑ኢ 83 ۞ՙ‫ؠ‬Ă൑ኢߏ‫ ܧ‬84 ၆᏾Ăౌົдԧࣇ۞

Ϡ߿ 25 ̚૲ֽ 26 યᗟ 85 ٕৡ჊ 27Ă‫ ࡴצ‬86 ٕԣሄĄ

ࡠ᎘ૄ༛ߏৠ۞‫̄׊‬Ă˵ߏԧࣇ۞‫ܜ‬Έ 87Ăࠎԧࣇᜁֽࠗ߾Ⴄ 88 ԧࣇ۞ཋĂആԧࣇઇ˞‫ ˲ܧ‬89 ۞‫ڇ‬ચ 90Ă

᰽۞‫؟‬ў 91 ಶߏࢋԧࣇྫྷଂ᰽۞‫م‬Ә 92Ăቁ‫ ؠ‬93 ˠϠ۞͞Ш 94Ă౅࿅Տ͇ 95 Լซ 96 ԧࣇ۞Ϡ߿ĂјࠎՀϒ

ۡ 28 29
97Ă҃ѣᝋӀ 98 ซˢ੼৺ 99 ၷᚹ ۞઼‫ޘ‬Ą఺࣎ೇᎸ۞჊ࢰѣ˘࣎‫ޝ‬পҾ ۞Ϥֽ 100âֹ͇࣎ 101 Ш˘
࣎ 17 ໐·႕ᙸ୕ 102 ۞շ‫ޅ‬ពன
103 ѣٙͅᑕ 104Ăତ‫צ‬
31 ˞఺࣎Їચ
105Ąԧຏᛇ 106 ‫ޝ‬ฟ͕ 107 ˵‫ޝ‬

‫ྻض‬ 32 ԧՀјሢ 33 тңᙯ͕

108 ਕΐˢ఺࣎ᛳ‫ ٺ‬109 ৠ۞ିົĂࢵА 110Ă఺჊ࢰ 111 ᑒӄ 112Ă˵ጯ௫ 113 ΁ˠ 114Ă

тң၆ˠ̓ච 115Ă˵ຑଓ 116 Ҿˠ၆ԧ۞̓р 117ĂԼតԧ۞ّ࣎ 118Ăឰԧ၆Ϡ߿ѣՀ̂ 119 ۞ഇ‫ ޞ‬120Ą‫׎‬Ѩ 34Ă
ᇾ໤ 121 གྷ‫ ׏‬122 ᑒӄԧՀ‫ܫ‬Ꮵ 123 ା͹۞ा‫ ׏‬124Ă˵೩ᏹ 125 ԧᑕ༊ 126 јࠎިᇹ۞ˠĂ࿅඾ѣࡔ‫ ޠ‬127 ۞Ϡ߿Ăͽ

Һ 35 г‫֤ז‬ϒۡ۞‫ءڱ‬
128 ε୕ 129 ۞ࢬ݈Ą఺ឰԧȈ̶Ꮈጬ 130ĂϤ‫ٺ‬ା͹۞Α౻ 131ĂԧЯ҃଀ͽೇ߿ 132 ᄃछˠ

ϖᅈ 36 д˘੓ 37Ą༊ԧ૟ீЍ 38 ‫ڦ‬ෛ ৠ۞ၷᚹॡĂԧಶਕѣड़ гӀϡϠ‫׻‬ĂឰϠ‫̝׻‬ 39 Ѝ෸ֽ෸‫ځ‬

133 134

‫ ܪ‬135Ą
дԓᘷ 136 ѝഇ 137 ѣ˘Ҝ‫ޝ‬ѣЩ 138 ۞ˠĂ૱ϡ 139 ඈ࣏ 140 ֻᑕ 141 ୎ᐠ 142 ۞ॡม̈́ॡ 143 ೩΍˘ֱିጱĄԧ

˵ѣᄮᙊ 40 ˘Ҝ͚ᓑົ 41 ົ‫ ܜ‬144Ă૱д߾፦ 145 ٕߏд˘ˠᔳ૜ 146 гдल๩ 147 ̚೸Վ 42 ۞ॡ࣏âᙝຐฟົ 148
۞̰ट 43âᙝભ඾ཐྐ 149 ֽᔁᔁ 150 ৠаඍ
44 ΁۞ࡆՐ
151Ąд˘ቔ͛ౢ 152 ̚ѣ࣎߱ར 153 ೩‫ז‬Ăѣ࣎छ‫ ܜ‬154

೩‫ॄޢޝז‬ 45 ˞Ąԧ‫ޝ‬Тຍ
155 ည࣎፟ጡ 156 ˠ˘ᇹгд˯঱ 157Ă‫଀ֹݒ‬р̙ट‫ޙٽ‬᎝ 158 ੓ֽ۞छࣆ 159 Аۢ˘

ۡд༛ܳ ԧࣇࢋ༊Հр۞‫ؗؗ‬ ٕ؏؏ 46 47Ąѩ

160 161 162Ă࣯࣯ٕԙԙ 163Ă̏૓ 164 ۞ࢋ༊Հр۞ˮ͈ ٕ‫̄؍‬
‫ג‬ 48 ତ‫צ‬Аۢ۞ᚍᄯ 49 ۞඀‫ޘ‬ 50Ă̙ኢԧࣇࡍ඾ 51 Ҙ྅
165 ԧࣇт‫ڍ‬ 166Ăԧࣇᕩ‫ܫ‬ 167 ‫ົܮ‬೩̿ 168 ٕߏ֗д‫ڌ‬

͞ 52 ٕߏ౾̀ 53 ͚೯ 54 ۞
169ĂߏΙ֘ 170 Φ፟ 171Ăԧࣇౌਕณ˧ 172 ҃ࠎ̢࠹ 173Ăд჊ࢰ̚јࠎ೻͛ 174 ҃੼ෳ

ˠĄԧຐĂˠ‫ࠗ׶‬হ ۞̙Тд‫ٺ‬ˠΞͽјࠎညৠ˘ᇹĂ఺ߏԧࣇ̫Ϡ۞ϫ۞Ă˵ߏࡦ‫ݔ‬ ৠ۞ˠ൑‫ڱ‬ 55 ྿

175 176

‫ז‬ 56 ۞ĂдజΡа
177 ̝݈Ăԧࣇืࢋ 178 ઇр໤౯ĂՏ࣎ᖃ޵͇ 179 Νିົ 180ĂຑଓՏ࣎ጯ௫۞ͯ‫ ג‬181Ăឰԧࣇ

۞җ‫ ڇ‬57 ညା͹۞˘ᇹሒϨ 182Ă҃ѣԯ೪ 183 ซˢৠ઼Ą

Highlighted Vocabulary List

1. shēngmìng life 17. línghún soul 33. yìxiē some
2. bìngfēi not 18. sīxiăng thought 34. kĕnéng possible
3. shĭyú start from 19. gănjué feeling 35. déyì proud of
4. jīntiān today 20. suŏyĭ therefore oneself
5. bìrán necessary 21. shĭmìng mission 36. zìxìn confident
6. jiànjiē indirect 22. xìnyăng belief 37. mùdì purpose
7. chíjiŭ enduring 23. huànxĭng awake 38. hébì why
8. hòuguŏ result 24. jiù'ēn salvation 39. xīnqíng mood
9. chéngguŏ fruit 25. pànwàng hope 40. qĭchū at first
10. fùqīn father 26. érqiĕ and 41. rénlèi human beings
11. érzi son 27. gèngduō more 42. chuántŏng tradition
12. nǚ'ér daughter 28. jiāodăo teach 43. yìzhí always
13. wàirén stranger 29. zhuīqiú seek 44. rúhé how
14. fŏudìng deny 30. xiăngshòu enjoy 45. jiējìn close to
15. duōbàn most 31. zhíwèi position 46. fēnbié respectively
16. rénmen people 32. dìwèi position 47. shīxíng execute

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

48. yíshì ceremony 95. mĕitiān every day 143. jíshí on time
49. jiàoyí ordinance 96. găijìn improve 144. huìzhăng president
50. lìqiú strive to 97. zhèngzhí righteous 145. xĭzăo take a bath
51. zĭsūn descendants 98. quánlì right 146. yĭnmì hidden
52. dăogào pray 99. gāojí high-ranking 147. tíngyuán garden
53. yàoshì if 100. yóulái origin 148. kāihuì meeting
54. cónglái at all times 101. tiānshĭ angel 149. shèngshī hymn
55. cìgĕi give 102. yuànwàng wish 150. xièxiè thank
56. mìnglìng command 103. lìkè immediately 151. qíqiú ask for
57. wèishĕnme why 104. fănyìng reaction 152. wénzhāng article
58. dàochù everywhere 105. rènwù mission 153. duànluò paragraph
59. jīngguò pass 106. gănjué feeling 154. jiāzhăng the head of a
60. yīduàn a period of 107. kāixīn happy family
61. shíqí time period 108. xìngyùn fortunate 155. hòuhuĭ regret
62. yĭhòu after 109. shŭyú belong 156. jīqì machine
63. xìngqù interest 110. shŏuxiān first of all 157. shàngbān work
64. lìqì strength 111. fúyīn gospel 158. jiànzhù construction
65. xíguàn habit 112. chéngshóu mature 159. tóngyì agree
66. méiguānxi that’s all right 113. guānxīn care 160. dūcù supervise
67. xuéxiào school 114. tārén others 161. jiĕjiĕ older sister
68. lăoshī teacher 115. yŏushàn friendly 162. mèimèi younger sister
69. shàngkè give a lesson 116. àixí treasure 163. dìdi younger
70. xiăopéngyŏu little child 117. yŏuhăo friendly brother
71. kèyè schoolwork 118. gèxìng personality 164. yĭhūn married
72. jiàoshì classroom 119. gèngdà greater 165. cĭkè at this time
73. jībĕn basic 120. qídài look forward to 166. quànjiè urge
74. xiăohái child 121. biāozhŭn standard 167. chéngdù degree
75. bĕnfèn one’s duty 122. jīngdiăn standard works 168. xīzhuāng suit
76. yĭwăng before 123. xìnlài trust 169. dōngfāng eastern
77. yìniàn idea 124. ēndiăn grace 170. kăchē truck
78. zhīdào know 125. tíxĭng remind 171. bóshì doctor
79. héngxīng star 126. yīngdāng should 172. liànglì estimate one's
80. yŏngjiŭ eternal 127. jìlǜ discipline own strength
81. zhŭrén master 128. yĭmiăn lest 173. zhīyuán support
82. duìlì opposition 129. făguān judge 174. sīwén gentle
83. zĕnyàng how 130. xīngfèn excitement 175. shēngchù animal
84. shìfēi right and 131. gōngláo contribution 176. bèipàn betray
wrong 132. fùhuó resurrect 177. zhàohuí call back
85. wèntí problem 133. zhùshì gaze at 178. xūyào need
86. shòukŭ suffer 134. yŏuxiào effective 179. lĭbàitiān sunday
87. zhăngxiōng older brother 135. míngliàng bright 180. jiàohuì church
88. xĭdí wash 136. xīlà Greece 181. piànkè a moment
89. fēifán outstanding 137. zăoqí early stage 182. jiébái pure white
90. fúwù service 138. yŏumíng famous 183. băwò assurance
91. zōngzhĭ purpose 139. chángyòng in common use
92. zhōnggào advise 140. dĕnghòu wait
93. quèdìng make sure 141. gōngyìng supply
94. fāngxiàng direction 142. wăncān dinner

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. sĭwáng death 8. biàndé become 15. huòshì or; otherwise
2. jiéshù end; finish 9. shīqù lose 16. yánjiù research
3. juédìng decide 10. bùfèn part; section 17. yuèláiyuè more and more
4. zhíjiē direct 11. bùtóng different 18. zhòngshì emphasize
5. shìshí fact 12. wénhuà culture 19. zhēnzhèng truly
6. réngyŏu still 13. gōutōng communicate 20. zhòngyào important
7. duìyú as to 14. lèisì similar 21. shìwù thing

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

22. yŏnghéng eternal 34. qícì secondly 46. zhàngfū husband

23. miànduì face 35. shīwàng disappointed 47. qīzĭ wife
24. wúlùn no matter 36. yŏngyuăn forever 48. rúguŏ if
25. shēnghuó life 37. zài yìqĭ together 49. guīxìn conversion
26. dài lái bring 38. yănguāng view; sight 50. tíshēng uplift
27. zhùfú blessing 39. zhī of 51. chuānzhuó wear
28. róngyào glory 40. rènshì know 52. sījī driver
29. tèbié special 41. zhīliánhuì stake 53. hùxiāng mutual
30. xiănxiàn reveal 42. sànbù take a walk 54. gāoguì noble
31. jiēshòu accept; receive 43. nèiróng content 55. wúfă no way to
32. bāngzhù help 44. huídá answer 56. dádào achieve
33. xuéxí learn 45. dăo collapse 57. yīfú clothes


*N ̝˘Ăߏ TPVO Ex: ็ି̀۞ֹ‫˘̝׻‬Ăߏಓᏹˠࣇ၆‫ٺ‬ାा۞࠽୕

**གྷ࿅ N(time) ͽ‫ޢ‬ĂSTPVO Ex: གྷ࿅˘߱ॡഇͽ‫ޢ‬Ăѣ۞ˠ၆‫ޝି؟‬ѣᎸ኷

Narrative 2a: Counsel for Future Missionaries ็ି݈۞‫م‬Ә

༊ԧᔘߏ࣎ˣ໐ 179 ۞‫׊‬ආ 176 ॡĂௐ˘ 107 Ѩѣ‫׌‬Ҝ 178 ็ିֽ̀‫ז‬ԧछĂ΁ࣇྫྷ˘ਠ 171 ˠ̙ТĂ΁ࣇ೸
൴ 1 ඾Ѝዂ 173Ă఺ߏԧд‫ ΁׎‬83 ˠ֗˯࠻̙‫۞ז‬Ă΁ࣇ‫ޝ‬๔ጬ 154Ăᗨ 2 ˞ 8 ̳֧ 181 ۞ཙኼ֘ 3 ̖ਕ 4 ֽ‫ז‬ԧछ‫ܢ‬
‫۞ܕ‬ડા 200Ăԧ۞ͭϓ 103 ЯࠎߏҢି 145 वٙͽ١඗ 5 ˞΁ࣇĂҭ΁ࣇ۞Ӆ˧ 6 ឰԧࣇ̰͕ 177 ·႕ 170 ຏજ 7Ą‫ޢ‬
ֽ 8Ăԧ˵໤౯ 101 ࢋΝ็ିĂ΁ࣇྫྷԧ̶ֳ΁ࣇ۞֍ᙋ 116Ă΁ࣇᄲĂ*ᔵ൒ 129 ົѣ҂រ 112Ăҭ˵ົᒔ଀‫ޝ‬кৡ

჊ 9 ԧࢋᓽ‫ן‬ 10 ਕ
106Ąͅ၆Ξਕᆐধ 192Ăҭৠ̪൒ 156 ົৡ჊ 106 ԧࣇĄ΁ࣇ೩ᏹ 120Ăགྷ͛̚۞ˠϔ 105ĂΪࢋ

ૉ 113 ᓽ‫ ן‬120 ҋ̎Ă‫ົܮ‬ѣ‫۞֖ܜ‬ซՎ 127Ą

΁ࣇ˵ࢋԧᏲч 138 ࢐ሒ 122 ‫ڱޠ‬Ă՟ѣ̦ᆃ 109 ͧ৷ሒ 108 Հਕ૲ֽཐីĂ఺˵ߏԧࣇдཐ໒ 110 ٙϲ۞ཐ
ࡗ 11 ۞˘ొ̶ 12 јࡻ͛
132Ą΁ࣇࢋԧጯࡻ͛ 114Ăᖣ඾ 115 ाኲĂ‫ ͯࢱܛ‬124 ̖ਕజᖙᛌ 114Ăጯр˞ࡻ͛ 114Ă‫ܮ‬

ਕ 13 Հк۞ីᅿ 14 ૄ༛Ą΁˵ࢋԧវົ 15 ା͹ٙઇј

152 ᑒӄ 130 ᕩШ 159 ۞ઈ̂ 158 ۞᝞ཋ 104Ă఺ߏ౹ౄ 191 ۞ϫ

۞̝˘Ăҋଂ 16 Ͽո๩ ͽֽĂԧࣇౌົϚ˭᏾ᄱ

141 133ĂϤ‫ ี఺ٺ‬123 ᝞ཋ 104 ֹԧࣇਕᏴፄ 136 ॄԼ҃ᒔ଀ᆵ
़ 17Ą
Տߐഇ 18 ཐᐠ 19 ᑒӄҾˠ 20 ˵ૈዳ 21 ၆ࡠ᎘ૄ༛
155 ᅳ‫צ‬ 180 ੃‫ ه‬118 ૄ༛۞᝞ཋ 104 ߏԧࣇ۞యЇ 121Ă൒‫ޢ‬

᝞ཋ ۞֍ᙋ 22 23
104 116Ąࢋ੃଀ ԧࣇߏৠ۞ဉˠ 165Ăߏৠ۞ֹ۰ 148Ąυื ‫ޝ‬๔౻ 196Ă**ੵ˞ 137 ୎˯Ѓि 142

γĂࢋ·႕ 24 ̚˵ߏ˘ᇹĄѩγ 25Ăࢋጯ௫ܲ૜

170 ‫݌‬ঈ 194Ăд̳В 111 ಞЪ 153Ă΄ˠ 164 ຏ‫ז‬Ꮠ̷ 104ĂֹҾˠ

Ξͽ‫ܫ‬ᏥĄࢋܲ޺ ઉ૵ 26Ăࢋֶ໰ 27Ą΁ࣇࢋԧ̷੃

197 161ĂͽҺੵ 1175 ౫໭ 151 ҿᕝ 188 ֽᏴፄ 136 ࢴ‫ۏ‬ 186 А
ᜭ ۰۞ၳᇹ 28ĂЈᏥ ‫׍‬ѣ ຎೌ 29 ۞ৠĂֽҹ‫ڇ‬ ҂រ
172 147 184 174 112Ą΁ࣇШԧᄲ‫ ځ‬119 ఺ߏࠎ͹۞ௐ˟Ѩֽ
ᓜ 149ĂࢋдЧ჌ 30 ̳ฟ 140 ۞ٕռ˭ 31 ۞ಞЪĂࠎା͹ү֍ᙋĂֽΐి 193 ఺ְ̍ 32Ą

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

΁ࣇග˞ԧ఺ֱࣧ‫݋‬ 33Ăԧ‫ܮ‬χ࿪ྖ 34 щଵ 35 ˞˘࣎ࢬኘ

182 ‫׶‬ᚍӘ 198 ̝‫ޢ‬ 125 ྫྷ͹ି 126Ă͹ିኘ‫ז‬ĂՏ

࣎ˠົ޷໰ᆊࣃ៍ 166 ֽᏴፄ 136 ࠎච 36 ٕүೋ 146Ăѣ۞ˠΪߏ 37 ઊႬ 38 ૟ৠ‫ٸ‬д͕̚ĂͽӀৈ 189 ࠎᐹА 168ĂϠ
߿дᇩҭ 39 ۞๕˧ 40 ּ࣎̄ 41 ົ‫ن‬ர 42 ৠ҃ౝˢ 43 ઊည 44 ̝̚Ă˫тĂ‫ن‬
195 ˭Ąᓝ 150 ֽᄲĂԧࣇѣॡ 162 ૣ޵

ர˞Аۢѣᙯ 45 ᐼᖟ 46ĂٕߏԞ˞д็ᇫ
169 ࢴ‫۞ۏ‬Әᄯ 163 ჊ࢰ˯۞యЇĄ޷໰ৠٙ‫ ؠט‬190 ۞ࢍ൪ 117ĂԧࣇՏ

࣎ˠυืࠎҋ̎۞Ᏼፄ 47ĄдҲၷ 48 Ᏼፄᝋ۞ˠĄ఺ֱ྽ந 49 ̙

136 ҃ᐺ; 167 ΃ᆊ 144 ઼‫۞̚ޘ‬ˠಶߏ՟ѣචϡ

ߏৌ۞Ăಶߏ઄۞ 157Ăүࠎ˘࣎౪ૄ߾ᇇ 135 ཐᖚ޺ѣˠĄԧࣇࢋ૟ҋ̎Еࠎ 187 ЈᏥ 147 ৠ۞ˠĄ఺Β߁ 199 ̙ࢋ

ឰҋ̎ઃ঻ 160 дࣧг 50Ăࢋ̂ՎШ݈ଯซ 51Ą఺ֱିጱឰԧ‫צ‬ৈ։к 52Ą؇ା͹۞ЩĂ‫ ࣇܠ‬134Ą

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. sànfā emit 19. ránhòu then 37. zhĭshì only
2. qí ride 20. biérén others 38. ŏu'ĕr sometimes
3. jiăotàchē bike 21. péiyăng cultivate 39. sādàn Satan
4. cáinéng only then can 22. jìdé remember 40. jŭ take
5. jùjué reject 23. bìxū must 41. yŏushí sometimes
6. nŭlì diligent 24. chănghé place;occasion 42. hūlüè ignore
7. găndòng moved 25. cĭwài besides 43. xiànrù get into
8. hòulái afterwards 26. máfán trouble 44. chóngbài worship
9. tíxĭng remind 27. shíwù food 45. yŏuguān about
10. zhĭyào as long as 28. băngyàng example 46. gàojiè admonish; warn
11. shèngyuē covenant 29. cíbēi mercy 47. dàijià price
12. fānyì translate 30. gèzhŏng various kinds 48. shànyòng be good at
13. bāngzhù help 31. sīxià private using
14. guī xiàng come unto 32. shìgōng work 49. dàolĭ reason
15. tĭhuì understand 33. zhīhòu then 50. yuándì original place
16. zìcóng since 34. zhŭjiào bishop 51. xiàngqián press forward
17. kuānshù forgive 35. ānpái arrange tuījìn
18. lĭngshòu partake; receive 36. wéishàn do good 52. shòuyì greatly
liángduō beneficial


*ᔵ൒ STPVOĂҭ STPVO Ex: ᔵ൒ົѣ҂រĂҭ˵ົᒔ଀‫ޝ‬кৡ჊Ą

**ੵ˞ N γĂSTPVO Ex: ੵ˞୎˯ЃिγĂࢋ·႕‫݌‬ঈĂд̳ВಞЪ̚˵ߏ˘ᇹą

Narrative 2b: The Atonement and Repentance ᝞ཋᄃॄԼ

ˣ͡ 1 ॡĂԧдᇇ઼ 2 ۞˘ٙ̂ጯ 3 ‫ه‬३ 4Ăो඾ 5 ᖃ‫ ۏ‬1 ࢋΝҖ߆ 2 ొ‫ ܝ‬6 ৡෲ 7 ˘࣎Тጯ 3 ఼࿅ 8 ௐ˟ 9 Ѩ
۞҂ྏ 10Ăдྮ˯࠻֍ 4 ˘၆ 11 ͭ̄ 12 ‫ޝ‬Ѓย 13 гՎҖ 14 ݈‫࣎˘ـ‬ᐠះ 15Ąԧ‫ޝ‬ઊ൒ 16 ۞᝘‫۞ࣇ΁ז‬ኘྖ 17Ă఺
࣎‫ۡ˘̄ޅ‬ኘ‫఺ߏ΁*ז‬ᆃ۞̙ᙸຍ‫׶‬Ꮠຑ 5 ۞ຍγ 6 ͽ̈́ᐌ̝҃
18 ۞ϓᏐ 19 ̶ᗓ 20Ă൒҃ 21â࣎ᓜॡ 22 ࡎ൴

ֽ 7 ۞ฟ˥ 23Ăֹ΁ాӘҾ 24 ౌֽ̙̈́ĂଂѩԼត˞΁۞ˠϠ 25Ă঻˭ 26 ΁‫ͭ׶‬ᏐֽВТ 27 ‫ޘ‬࿅ 28 ఺̙ઉБ 29

۞ආѐ 30Ą

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

ࣧώ 31Ă΁Ѻਠ 32 ֶᏥ 33 ϓᏐĂҭ΁னдᅮࢋ 8 ‫݌‬೷ 34Ă၆˘࣎఺ᇹ໐ᇴ 35 ۞‫ֽ̄ޅ‬ᄲĂ၆΁۞Ϡ߿ቁ၁ 9

ౄј 10 ۞ԼតĄ͕྆۞౹๋ 11ĂГᄲ
36 ˞ໂ̂ 37 ϖᅈ̙ົ૵ೇ 38ĂϓᏐ۞Ҝ̄ 39 ͧเ‫ ܛ‬40 Հ൑Ξ‫΃פ‬ 41Ă΁۞

͕ᙸ 42 ߏਕГྫྷϓᏐ֍ࢬ 43Ă൒҃Ăд΁۞̼͛ 44 ̚‫఺ז̙଀ݒ‬ᇹ۞ܲᙋ 45Ă˵൑‫ڱ‬႕֖ 46 ΁۞͕ᙸĄԧٙ៍

၅ 12 ჊ࢰ 13 ॡĂ੃ҝ
47 ‫۞ז‬ĂֹԧՀ౅ၔ 48 ˞ྋ 49 ۞̷၁ 50 ຍཌྷ 51Ą઄т 52 ఺࣎‫ ̄׊‬53 дࢬ၆ 54 ఺࣎‫ڶې‬ 55 ା

ाࢍ൪۞ିཌྷ 14 ˧ณ
56 ̈́‫ ̚׎‬57 ۞̰ट 58Ă΁๕υ 59 ົ‫׍‬౯ 60 ֖ૉ 61 ֽЈ୕ 62 ඾ৠၷᚹ 63 ۞ࢍ൪Ă๔‫ ݍ‬64 гᏲ

໰ 65 ඾͇̳ͭٙҶ 66 ۞‫ ΄ڱ‬67Ăᜭੵ 68 ٙѣ۞৪૜ 69 ‫׶‬ᄱົ 70ĂឰˠϠ·႕Ѝ‫ ܪ‬71Ą

၆ཐव 15 ˯౵ዂ໴ 16Ăߏд‫˼׌‬
72 ֽᄲĂˠᙷ።Ϋ 73 ۞֧඀ 74 ༫ 75 ѐ݈â࣎˞̙੓ 76 ۞ࡻฯ 77 ࠎ˞᝞

а 17 ࠁᅋ 18 ᐹս
78 Бˠᙷ֭‫ ڇט‬79 ཋೋ 80 ٙү۞ְĂ՟ѣЇң 81 ۞ּγ 82Ą࿅Ν 83Ă͇̙ͭᕝ 84 ۞Аۢ 85 ࣇĂ

үࠎд΁۞ཬ෈๩ 19 ̚౻જ ۞๩˚

86 87Ăֽΐૻ 88 ˠࣇ۞‫͕ܫ‬Ăֹԧࣇۢ྽̫Ϡߏдរᙋ 89 ԧࣇĂߏӎѣ·
̶ 20 ҃ү΍ѣৈ
90 ۞ਕ˧ 91 ҹ‫ ט‬92 ҋ̎Ăҿ‫ ؠ‬93 ଐ‫ڶ‬ 94 ۞ՙ‫ؠ‬Ă࿅඾ѣࡔ‫ ޠ‬95 ۞Ϡ߿Ăֹԧࣇ۞ីᅿܲ޺ሒ

Ϩ 96Ą**ੵ‫ ܧ‬97 ԧࣇᓽᅊ 98 г‫ڇ‬ଂ 99 ᰽৷ϒ 100 ۞ିጱĂӎ‫ ݋‬101 ԧࣇυืࠎԧࣇ۞ઇ‫ ڱ‬102 ;΍ 103 ΃ᆊ 104Ă̪

ᖞ 105 рည 106 ՟ѣ᝞ཋ˘ᇹĂдᆶҿ 21 ซҖ 107 ॡజయ౯ 108 ҃ᕝ‫ ؠ‬109 ࠎѣཋĂ᏾࿅ 110 ԧࣇϖϠ 22 ۞Е֘ 111Ą
ԧ૱࠻඾࿪ཝ 23 д΁۞໒ૅ 24 ҂ྏĂ̫Ϡ̚
112 य़ା͹۞൪ည 113Ăຐည 114 ̚Ăд֤྆ 115 ࢬ၆΁ତ‫צ‬ഇϐ

۞ጬ੽ 25 ˘ᇹĂ̙ᕝ̷ೱ 26 ̚Ăԧࣇߏҋ̎۞ү۰

116 ౌົညдᆐੰ 117 ̚۞࿪ᇆ 118 дཝঔ 119Ăߏٙѣԭፄ 120

۞ֽ໚ 27 ˘ี 28 ཝ
121Ă՟ѣᖣ˾ 122 ົజତ‫צ‬Ăٙѣజᐼх 123 ੓ֽःᖟ 124 ۞ְଐ 125 ีͽ‫ޝ‬ԣ۞ి‫ ޘ‬126 ੯࿅

̚ĂٙϚ 29 ۞᏾ᄱညӀि 127 ˘ᇹঐੵ 128 ̙ΝĂۡ‫ ז‬30 ԧࣇᐺᔘ 129 ΃ᆊࠎͤ 130Ą
ԧ‫ޝ‬ഇ‫ޞ‬ 31 ۞ႊᓾ 32Ă΁ࣇ޺ѣ
131 ֹव 132 ࣇՏ˘Ѩ 133 ᝋߠĂߏд͹྆۞ઈˠ 134ĂజᏴࠁ 135 ࠎ͹િ࢐ 136

۞ဉˠĄ΁ࣇ૱ѣ˧ 33 ‫˭ן‬
137 г೩΍ѣֱ 138 ‫͵׶‬ˠ̙Т۞ᄲ‫ ڱ‬139Ă΁ࣇၗ‫ޘ‬ 140Ăϖ̙ઃͤ 141 ᚍᄲ 142Ă΁ࣇ

дͼ 143 ۞̙ߏӀϡ 144 ࢍზ 145 ΍۞ᙋፂ 146Ă҃ߏ‫ ࢦڦ‬147 ཐី۞Ҳᄬ 148Ą఺ᇹ۞ីຏ 149 ߏҺ෱ 150 ۞Ă҃ͷົ૲
ֽᙷҬ ઼͇۞ঈ‫ڤ‬ 34ĂЍߏ 35 36
151 152Ąᔵᄲ 153 тѩ ঈ‫ޝڤ‬р˵ߏ̙ૉ 154 ۞Ă‫ܠ‬ႬႳ 155 ᛋӘ ԧࣇ̙ࢋඈ‫ځ‬
͇ 156 ГॄԼĂԧ˵ᄮࠎ 37 ч‫ ڱ‬157ĂপҾߏ઼͇ 38 ۞‫ڱޠ‬Ă̙Ϊ 39 д͞‫ ܮ‬158 ۞ॡ࣏Ă҃ࢋՏ͇ΝઇĄ
дᇫ჌ 40Ăιࣇ 41 ̚೸Ҷ 42 ҃‫ޝ‬ᙱડҾ
159 ౪̄ 160 ۞ͧಔ̚Ăдᇫ჌۞Тॡѣֱ✃̄ 161 д౪ϣ 162Ăಶည

ͪ໛ 43 ˘ᇹĂ็ߖ 44 ‫ ض̙׶‬45Ąҭ੃ҝâ̷֢ೋ 46 ۞ְ‫ౌۏ‬υдধͫ 47Ă

163 ྆۞ਵ̄ 164 Ч჌়ঽ 165 ̚ঐీ

ӈֹ 48 ߏ͇˯۞ߐߐ 49 ౌົ໤ॡ 50 ൴Ϡ 51Ąٙͽࢋᄮৌ 52 гᆷ

166 ˵ѣঐీ۞˘͇Ą˘̷ 167 г޷໰͹۞ॡมܑ

ԧࣇϠ‫۞̚׻‬Տ˘ࢱ 168Ą

Highlighted Vocabulary List

1. bāyuè August 14. bùxíng walk 27. gòngtóng joint
2. déguó Germany 15. cāntīng restaurant 28. dùguò go through
3. dàxué university 16. ŏurán incidental 29. jiànquán sane
4. niànshū study 17. tánhuà talk 30. tóngnián childhood
5. názhe take 18. qīn'ài beloved 31. yuánbĕn originally
6. bùmén department 19. mŭqīn mother 32. băibān by all means
7. zhùhè congratulate 20. fēnlí separate 33. yīlài depend
8. tōngguò pass 21. rán'ér however 34. yŏnggăn brave
9. dì'èr second 22. línshí provisional 35. suìshù age
10. kăoshì examination 23. kāidāo operation 36. zàochéng make
11. yíduì a couple 24. gàobié farewell 37. chuàng wound
12. fùzĭ father and son 25. rénshēng life shāng
13. xiūxián relaxation 26. liúxià leave 38. kāngfù recover

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

39. wèizi position 84. yōuxiù excellent 129. chánghuán repay

40. huángjīn gold 85. xiānzhī prophet 130. wéizhĭ until
41. zàishuō besides 86. láodòng labor 131. qídài expect
42. xīnyuàn wish 87. yuándīng gardener 132. shĭtú apostle
43. jiànmiàn meet 88. jiāqiáng strengthen 133. chíyŏu hold
44. wénhuà culture 89. yànzhèng prove 134. wĕirén a great personage
45. băozhèng promise 90. chōngfèn abundant 135. xuănpài select
46. mănzú satisfied 91. nénglì ability 136. jiānzhēn loyalty
47. guānchá observe 92. kèzhì restrain 137. yŏulì powerful
48. tòuchè thorough 93. pàndìng determine 138. yŏuxiē some
49. fúyīn gospel 94. yŏuyì beneficial 139. shuōfă saying
50. qièshí actual 95. jìlǜ discipline 140. bēixià humble
51. yìyì meaning 96. jiébái pure white 141. tíngzhĭ stop
52. jiărú if 97. chúfēi unless 142. quànshuō persuade
53. érzi son 98. qiānxùn humility 143. zàihū care
54. miànduì face 99. fúcóng obedient 144. lìyòng use
55. jìzhù remember 100. chúnzhèng pure 145. jìsuàn calculate
56. jiàoyì doctrine 101. fŏuzé otherwise 146. zhèngjù evidence
57. qízhōng among 102. zuòfă practice 147. zhùzhòng emphasize
58. nèiróng content 103. fùchū pay 148. dīyŭ whisper
59. shìbì necessary 104. dàijià price 149. línggăn inspiration
60. jùbèi possess 105. réngjiù still 150. miănfèi free
61. lìliàng strength 106. hăoxiàng like 151. lèisì like
62. yăngwàng look up to 107. jìnxíng in progress 152. qìfèn atmosphere
63. róngyào glory 108. zébèi reproach 153. suīshuō although
64. qínmiăn diligent 109. duàndìng decide 154. búgòu not enough
65. zūnzhào obey 110. cuòguò miss 155. ā'ĕrmă Alma
66. gōngbù announce 111. lièchē train 156. míngtiān tomorrow
67. fălìng law 112. diànnăo computer 157. shŏufă observe the law
68. qūchú drive out 113. huàxiàng portrait 158. fāngbiàn convenient
69. mìmì secret 114. diàntáng temple 159. bōzhŏng sow
70. wùhuì misunderstanding 115. nàlĭ there 160. màizi wheat
71. guāngliàng bright 116. fèndòu strive 161. tāmen they
72. shèngtú saint 117. jùyuàn theater 162. qūbié distinct
73. huīhuáng splendid 118. qiēhuàn change 163. shuĭgōu gutterway
74. lĭchéng milestone 119. zuòzhĕ author 164. chuánrăn infection
75. liăngqiān two thousand 120. juézé choice 165. lièhuŏ fiery fire
76. liăobùqĭ amazing 121. láiyuán source 166. xīngxīng star
77. yīngxióng hero 122. jièkŏu excuse 167. zhŭnshí punctual
78. shúhuí ransom 123. chŭcún save 168. mĕiyíyè every page
79. zhìfú overcome 124. máicáng bury
80. zuì'è evil 125. yíxiàng a
81. rènhé any 126. sùdù speed
82. lìwài exception 127. lìxí interest
83. guòqù past 128. xiāochú eliminate

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. lĭwù gift 11. wúkĕ qŭdài irreplaceable 21. shĕnpàn judgement
2. xíngzhèng administration 12. liăojiĕ understand 22. yŏngshēng eternal life
3. tóngxué classmate 13. zhuàngkuàng situation 23. xiăngxiàng imagine
4. kànjiàn see 14. zúgòu enough 24. qīmò end of term
5. tūfā sudden 15. lìshĭ history 25. diànyĭng movie
6. yìwài accident 16. bēi tablet 26. năohăi brain
7. suízhī érlái followed 17. búduàn continuously 27. shìqíng thing
8. xūyào need 18. pàiqiăn send 28. shănguò quickly pass
9. quèshí indeed 19. pútáoyuán vineyard 29. fàn commit
10. jídà extremely great 20. qíngkuàng situation 30. zhídào until

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

31. mĕiyícì every time 39. bùzhĭ not only 48. jíshĭ even if
32. yănjiăng talk 40. bàizĭ barn grass 49. yíqiè all; everything
33. tàidù attitude 41. màitián wheat field 50. shíjiānbiăo schedule
34. rúcĭ such 42. sànbù spread 51. fāshēng happen
35. guāngshì only 43. wénzi mosquito 52. rènzhēn earnest; serious
36. jĭnggào warn 44. jíbìng disease
37. rènwéi think 45. búxìng misfortune
38. tiānguó the Kingdom of 46. xié'è evil
Heaven 47. xiāoshì fade away


*STPVOĂ൒҃ STPVO Ex: ΁ߏ఺ᆃ۞̙ᙸຍ‫׶‬Ꮠຑ۞ϓᏐ̶ᗓĂ൒҃â࣎ᓜॡ۞ຍγͽ̈́

**ੵ‫ ܧ‬STPVO,Ăӎ‫ ݋‬STPVO Ex: ੵ‫ܧ‬ԧࣇᓽᅊг‫ڇ‬ଂ᰽৷ϒ۞ିጱĂӎ‫݋‬ԧࣇυืࠎԧࣇ۞ઇ‫;ڱ‬

Narrative 3a: Serve God by Keeping the Commandments Ᏺчᄯ‫ְֽ׻‬؇ৠ

ԧᄮࠎ̙Ϊߏ˾ᐝ ˯ĂՀࢋдҖࠎ˯ેҖ ৠ۞ᄯ‫׻‬Ąֲ༊‫׶‬आ‫ݾ‬ ߏг஧ ˯۞ௐ˘၆ 1 ͈
209 237 250 206

‫؍‬ 2Ąৠഇ୕ 3 ৠཐ 4 ۞Ϡֈ 5 ਕ˧ਕд˘࣎ဥඕ

254Ăৠӗ‫ ׳‬217 ΁ࣇ۞ௐ˘Іְ‫ޙߏܮ‬ϲ૓‫ ބ‬262 ۞‫ޘט‬ 230 ҃‫׶‬

Ꮨ 219 ۞छल̚జྻϡ 6Ą
ҋଂ΁ࣇᆩར 7 ᇆᜩ 8 ˧Ă̫͟‫ނ‬
246 ֽ‫ז‬ဧ͵ 245Ăᇩҭ‫ܮ‬ଂ΁۞гႯ 232 ̚Ш͵ࠧ 259 Чг͞ 256 ̙ᕝ൴೭

஋ 9 ధк۞યᗟ
261 ̏གྷயϠ 224Ă่̙ 239 ֹధкˠ଀̙‫ז‬಴ࢦ 284Ăᚗෳ 282 ۞छलεΝ 255 ‫׶‬Ꮨ 219ĂՀ*Яࠎˠࣇ

̙ᙸԬዳ 10 ̈‫ ޅ‬287 ֹ҃ᆪࡩ 248 ஽Җ 11ĄЧ჌ 212 Пᐍ 203 ۞ଐԛ 12ĂΟ΃ 210 ۞ֹवѝ̏ᛋӘԧࣇĂৌϒҹ‫͞۞ڇ‬
ё઱ѣ 13 ؇Җ 258 ᄯ‫׻‬ĂΝү͹ٙಈॆ 226 ۞ְĄ
д఺࣎ॡ΃఺ᇹઇົѣໂ̂۞ᑅ˧ 249Ăӈֹ 204 тѩĂҭԧࣇ̪ᅮࢋ๬ౄ 244 ΍੼‫ إ‬14 ۞‫ ॾݡ‬221Ă̖ਕѣٙ
ण୕ 15Ă൑ኢҰдࣹ˘࣎‫ݱ‬ξ
291Ą̙ϡፉ͕ 236Ă͇ͭቁ၁ົаඍ 228 ᘤӘĄАۢᄋमᅋ 295 ֽ͹ᅳ 271 ିົĂ΁д

˘ቔᆷү 279 ̚Ә෦ 218 ٙѣ۞ି̓ࢋᘳৼ 16 ̦˘؇ᚥ 17Ă఺̙ߏࠎ˞ЧಏҜ 227 ಡܑ 242 ˯۞ೀ࣎ 300 ᇴф 18Ă఺၁
дߏֽҋ 19 ཐី۞ୁ൴ 20 ˵‫ ــ‬21 ጱ࡭
225Ąಶညӱ‫ ݻ‬234 ૱૱ౄј˘ֱઉ૵˯۞યᗟ˘ᇹâְֱ̈ 286 ԧࣇε

Ν 22 ˯Ă҃ͷ̙జ‫֕פ‬
255 ˘ֱৡ჊Ąࠎ˞ֹԧࣇ۞Щф 214 дᆶҿ 278 ͟ਕజ੃дϠ‫׻‬Ί 208ĂԧࣇࢋͽԆБ 267

િ‫ؠ‬ 23Ă̙ᕝᆧૻ
241 ۞͕ၗֽૣ޵ 294 ৠĂд჊ࢰ۞Ѝ̚Ш݈ 215 ଯซĂણᄃ 233 ିົ۞߿જ 247 ҋ̎۞‫͕ܫ‬Ăૈ

ዳ 24Ă**૟ૄᖂ 25 ˯Ăтѩ˘ֽĂཐីಶົ
238 टԡ 273 ۞͕Ă‫׶‬ᆵᇃ 280 ۞ෛ౎ 240 ‫ޙ‬ϲдା͹۞ॲૄ 288 ᄃԧࣇТ

д 26 ۞ᓏࢰ 27 ૲ᅳ
213Ă౅࿅ှᐖ 277 ҃௟຋ 296 ԧࣇᒔ଀щᇐ 266Ăͽ̙̈́Ѥ 252 ‫׶‬ϖϠ۞ৡ჊Ă֭ᒔ଀т͉ว 253

۞Ѝዂਠ۞ၷᚹĂ‫ ੼ྵז‬28 ᆸ৺ 292 ۞઼‫ ޘ‬229Ă˵Ξͽᒔ଀ᆵ़ 274 ۞؈ᖹĄ

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

ԧࣇౌѣయЇ‫ם‬ӄ 201 ‫ޙ‬ϲ᰽۞઼‫ޘ‬ 229Ăᔵ൒ԧࣇౌߏ‫ޝ‬π˲ 298 ۞ˠĂ‫ا‬ҝ 289 дЧг۞ཐवĂт‫ౌڍ‬ਕ

д‫ؠ‬ᗝ௡ 268 ̚ဥඕ 230 д˘੓Ă˫ਕ 207 ̶̙ಞٙ 243 ‫ކ‬ᓾ 270 ఺࡚р۞჊ࢰĂԧࣇΞͽ၁ன 276 ԧࣇ۞நຐĄт‫ڍ‬

ԧࣇ૞͕ ˘࡭ 29Ă൑ኢߏ̋͸ ˯Ăጯ७ ྆Ăᔘߏ‫މ‬ះ

283 293 265 269ĂٕЫฺ 211 ॡĂࠤҌߏдણΐ 205 ‫۞̓ڈ‬ჸ
ົ 30 ѣˠኛԧࣇಅ 31 ‫ש‬પ
220 ॡĂԧࣇౌਕͧྵट‫ ٽ‬281 ၅ᛇ 275 ‫ז‬፟ົವԱ 285 ‫ז‬͹ٙ໤౯р۞ˠĂӎ‫ ݋‬216Ăԧ

ࣇಶߏःᖟ 235 ˞ԧࣇ۞̖ਕĄ

ԧࣇ˵ࢋ૱‫ז‬ཐ໒ΝĂ͇‫غ‬ 32 ߏຏ‫ז‬ৠ۞хд
251 ˭౵؈ӻ 231 ۞ְĂ൑‫ܧ‬ 264Ăѣࣹ྆ 222 ͧ͹۞‫ޏ‬ц 290 Հ

ਕຏ‫זצ‬͹۞Тд‫׸‬ĉдཐ໒ԧࣇΞͽ࠻‫ז‬ 33 ధк۞‫ؖ‬Щ 34Ăᑒӄ

260 జОᙋ 202Ă˵ΞͽҺੵથຽ 223 ۞ঈि 297

ԧࣇሒஐ 35 ԧࣇ۞͕Ą

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. duì couple 13. wéiyŏu only 25. gēnjī foundation
2. zhìdù system 14. gāoshàng noble 26. xìwéi fine; tiny
3. qíwàng expect 15. dānxīn worry 27. shēngyīn voice
4. shénshèng sacred 16. jiăonà pay 28. jiàogāo higher
5. shēngyù procreate 17. shíyīfèngxiàn tithing 29. yízhì agreed
6. yùnyòng exercise 18. shùzì number 30. jùhuì gathering
7. fāhuī develop 19. láizì come from 31. hē drink
8. yĭngxiăng influence 20. xiăo shì small things 32. wúfēi no more than
9. chănshēng produce 21. wăngwăng usually 33. kàndào see
10. fúyăng raise 22. shēngmìng cè the Book of Life 34. qìxí flavour
11. shèngxíng prevail 23. huódòng activity 35. jiéjìng clean
12. qíngxíng circumstances 24. shìyĕ view


*Яࠎ STPVO ֹ҃ STPVO Ex: Яࠎˠࣇ̙ᙸԬዳ̈‫ֹ҃ޅ‬ᆪࡩ஽ҖĄ

**૟ O1 V O2 ˯ Ex: ૟ૄᖂ‫ޙ‬ϲдା͹۞ॲૄ˯Ăтѩ˘ֽĂཐីಶົᄃԧࣇТдĄ

Narrative 3b: Companion Relationships Тҡဥ۞ᙯܼ

ॲፂ 1 ԧ۞៍၅ 1Ăԧ൴ᛇ 2 Тҡဥ 3 ۞Ъү 4 ಶည˘࣎‫ٽ‬༤ 5 ۞ࠡෳ 6 ᚗ‫ ۏ‬7 ˘ᇹĂᅮࢋрр۞ܲዳ 8Ă఺࣎
͵΃ 9 ֽҋЧг 10Ăጾѣ 2 ̙Тˠॾ 11ăѐࡔ 12 ̈́࣎Ҿ 13 ‫ه‬ᐝ 14 ۞շ‫ ޅ‬15 ٕ̃‫ޅ‬д˘੓Ăᅮࢋጯົ 16 ٙᏜ 17 ۞ᆵ

ट 3 ಶд‫ٺ‬ 4 ኏ࡎ 5
18 ‫ם׶‬አ 19Ă̖ਕֹ଀ 20 Тҡ 21 ဥ̚ѣ‫׶‬π 22 ‫ୁ׶‬ϯ 23 ̝ីĄ̂࡭ 24 ˯ᙯᔣ 25 ߏӎ 26 д࿃‫ז‬

ॡਕ‫ٸ‬Ҳ‫ݻ‬ၗ 27Ăଳ‫פ‬ 28 ҽᐖ 29 ۞Җજ 30 ܑன 31 ಴ະ 32Ă̙ವՐ 33 Լౄ 34 Ұ۞ТҡĂ̙ࢋ͉િ޺ 35 ˘ֱ࣎ˠ૞

ѣ 36 ۞ࣧ‫ ݋‬37 ҃ᑅԺ 38 ˞၆͞ 6 ۞۩ม 7Ą

࡚ӻ 39 ۞ТҡဥᙯܼĂ̙ߏ่่ 40 ؇ٚ 41 યр 42 ಶਕјಶ 43ĂՀૻአ 44 ۞ߏࢋԱ‫ ז‬45 જ˧ 46 ֽ൴ण 47 ΍*

̙Րаಡ 48 ۞ຑ͕ 49Ăͽ̈́ှᙸ 50 ϡᛝ़ 51 ֽԡ‫ צ‬52 Ыᓪ 53 ۞ᆵट͕ĄдТҡဥ̚‫׶‬ಏ፾ 54 ˘ˠ̙ТĂᅮࢋѣ

˘࣎ˠֽᅳጱ 55 ͞Ш 56ĂΞਕѣˠЯࠎజឤ‫ ׳‬57 ү̙ಈᝌ 58 ۞ְ҃ε୕ 59Ăт‫ڍ‬՟ѣ‫ם‬አр‫݋‬Тҡมົѣߙ

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

჌ 8 ΞͽගҰ˘ֱ‫ޙ‬ᛉ 9ĄҭҰҋ̎ΞͽԱ‫ ז‬10 ֱࣹ

60 ̙щ 61 ҃ӈॡ 62 யϠᇆᜩĄӄந 63 ‫׶‬г૲ 64 ᅳఞ 65 ߏҰϫ

݈ 66 Ξͽԯ೪ 67 ҝ۞ࣧ‫݋‬Ă൒‫ޢ‬ಶਕૉ 68 ΝઇĄ

ԧ۞˘࣎̈ጯ 11 Ν΍म
69 ॡ࣏۞ዐ‫ ا‬70 дૄᆸ 71 ̍үĂΝѐ 72 आ͇ 73 ೀѨ 74 ΃ܑ 75 ̳Φ 76 ҃ᄮᙊ˞˘࣎

̃‫ ̓ڈ‬77Ă΁ࣇϫ݈̏གྷඕ૓ 78Ăѣ˘၆ᗕࡪࡩ 79 ۞̃‫ ݾ‬80Ăѣ˘Ѩ΍Ν‫ޘ‬઄ 81Ă͉͉ 82 аछ 83 ॡ൴ன 12Ăԧ۞

‫̏̓ڈ‬གྷԯ୎ฺ 13 рĂ֭ͷԯछ྆۞̂ះ 14 ଀ညวЍ 15 ۞Ւᝎ 16 ˘ᇹĂӱр
84 ൓ 85 Ҷཉ 86 ೼໰ 87 дҜ̄˯Ą**

༊ԧࣇ‫ك‬ѩ 17 ᑒѓ 88 ॡĂည఺ᇹ۞‫ڇ‬ચĂົᆧΐ 89 Тҡဥ̝ม۞‫׶‬ᏘĂ˵ឰ˘͇۞ি௢ 18 ଀‫ז‬ᇐᖣ 90Ą

˘࣎΍˾ 91 થˠ 92 дᙝࠧ 93 ۞̋‫؂‬ 94 ˯ጾѣ˘࣎Οҁ 95 ۞‫ݱ‬ಢ 96â͇΁ֽШԧଠ෦ 97 ΁۞‫̄؍‬ 98 ᆪ
ར 99ĂϚ˞஋ใ 100 ۞ཋĄԧય΁ࣇ͈૎ 101 ިᆃ˞Ă΁ඍ྽ 102 ΁၁д 103 ߏ૟Бొ 104 ۞ॡม‫ٸ‬дְຽ 105 ˯ĂՏ

͇Ϊᙯ͕ಡܑ˯۞ᓁᗝ 19 ξಞ 20Ăඕ‫ ڍ‬21 ᙋ‫ځ‬

106ăԸྤ 107 ۞ࢲᐍ 108 ͽ̈́ᇃӘ 109 ۞ќˢ 110Ă΁ည઼ͳ 111 ˘ᇹ

ಱѣ 22Ă‫۞΁ֹݒ‬छलᆩˢ 112 ˞Пᙱ 113Ą

˲ߏ 23 ੓ֽ۞ĄТҡဥ۞ᙯܼ
114 ͸౗ 115 ౌߏϤဧ˿ 116 ଂ‫ ొغ‬117 ‫˯ـ‬Ă఺྆ 118 ˘ᕇ֤྆˘ᕇࢦᖬ 119 ௢᎕

˵тѩĂ༊ԧࣇ๱ᆷ 24 ३ॡĂࢋ˞ྋ‫ז‬ԧࣇଂᔘߏ 25 ેְ
120 ็ି۞Ϧኛ 121 ॡಶฟؕజॺૈ 122 ˞Ăд͇˯̏‫ކ‬

Ә 123 ԧࣇజ࿰‫ ؠ‬124 ܲх 125 д఺ॡ΃ࢋֽᓾ྽ 126 ᅃӄ 127 ৠ۞ְ̍Ă̙ࢋ؈َ 128 ԧࣇѣ఺ᇹ۞ТҡĂৠٙౄ۞

ц‫أ‬ 26 ౌߏѣ௡ᖐ
129 ༱‫ۏ‬ 130 ҃ѣ˘࣎ϫ۞Ą༊ԧࣇᑛ˯Щൕ 131 జ଱ᄃ 132 ᝋߠ҃ࠁᅋ 133 ΍ΝॡĂԧࣇಶѣૣ

੼ 27 гጴО
134 ҃ϖ̙Ѥᗼ 135 ۞ֹ‫׻‬Ąࢋд‫ޏ‬౤ 136 ˯ă७๩ 137 ̚ШՏ˘࣎ˠ‫ކ‬ӘॄԼ۞͹ᗟ 138Ą༊ԧࣇᅅத

෪ ҿᕝ Тҡ۞͛̚ 28 ಏф 29 30
139 140 141 ٕᆶ࡚ 142 ៍ٕχ஧ 143 ۞ԫఙ ඈඈॡĂಶົεΝី҃дЍ̂ Ρಓ۞྽
ྮ 31 ˯ར‫ ޢ‬144Ą
͵ࠧ˯՟ѣ̦ᆃߏԆ࡚ 145 ۞Ăԧࣇౌߏ‫މ‬ˠ 146Ăѣ˘͇ౌົజःཨ 147Ąԧࣇߏӎ঻˭̦ᆃְᖹ 148 Ξͽ‫ݡ‬

‫ק‬ 32 ۞๬ቱ 33 ˞ԧࣇ۞͕Ąд఺࣎ᖃ޵

149Ăᔘߏԧࣇឰ˘ֱ൑‫̶ڱ‬ྋ 150 ҫፂ 151 ̚ԓ୕̂छਕણ҂ 152 ˯ࢬٙᄲ

۞Ăࠎҋ̎ᙉ΍ 153 ˘࡚࣎р۞ТҡဥᙯܼĄ

Highlighted Vocabulary List

1. guānchá observe 21. tóngbàn companion 42. wènhăo say hello to
2. fājué come to know 22. hépíng peace 43. chéngjiù accomplishment
3. tóngbàn companionship 23. qĭshì revelation 44. qiángdiào emphasize
tuán 24. dàzhì roughly 45. zhăodào find
4. hézuò cooperate 25. zàiyú rest with 46. dònglì power
5. yìsuì fragile 26. shìfŏu whether 47. fāzhăn develop
6. zhēnguì precious 27. zītài attitude 48. huíbào reward
7. băowù treasure 28. căiqŭ take 49. ài xīn love
8. băoyăng maintain 29. lĕngjìng calm 50. níngyuàn rather
9. shìdài generation 30. xíngdòng action 51. ráoshù forgive
10. gèdì every place 31. biăoxiàn show 52. rĕnshòu endure
11. réngé character 32. zūnjìng respect 53. chīkuī suffer losses
12. niánjì age 33. xúnqiú seek 54. dāndú alone
13. gèbié individual 34. găizào reform 55. lĭngdăo lead
14. niàntóu idea 35. jiānchí insist 56. fāngxiàng direction
15. nánhái boy 36. zhuānyŏu specialize 57. zhŭfù exhort
16. xuéhuì learn 37. yuánzé principle 58. xĭhuān like
17. suŏwèi so called 38. yāyì constrain 59. shīwàng disappoint
18. kuānróng tolerance 39. mĕimiào wonderful 60. mŏuzhŏng some kind of
19. xiétiáo coordinate 40. jĭnjĭn merely 61. bù'ān unpeaceful
20. shĭde make 41. fèngchéng flatter 62. jíshí immediate

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

63. zhùlĭ assistant 93. biānjiè border 126. jiăngdào preaching

64. dìdài zone 94. shānpō hillside 127. fŭzhù assist
65. năxiē which 95. gŭlăo ancient 128. qíguài weird
66. mùqián so far 96. chéngbăo castle 129. yŭzhòu universe
67. băwò assurance 97. kòngsù accuse 130. zŭzhī organized
68. nénggòu be able to 98. qīzi wife 131. míngpái nametag
69. xiăoxué elementary 99. duòluò degenerate 132. shòuyŭ give
school 100. yínluàn adultery 133. pàiqiăn send
70. línjū neighbor 101. fūfù couple 134. chónggāo sublime
71. jīcéng basic unit 102. dádào answer 135. xiŭhuài decayed
72. qùnián last year 103. shízài verily 136. wūdĭng roof
73. xiàtiān summer 104. quánbù all 137. xiàoyuán campus
74. jĭcì several times 105. shìyè enterprise 138. zhŭtí theme
75. dàibiăo represent 106. zŏngé total amount 139. yìnxiàng impression
76. chūchāi be on a business 107. shìchăng market 140. pànduàn judge
trip 108. fēngxiăn risk 141. dānzì individual
77. nǚpéngyŏu girlfriend 109. guănggào commercial character
78. jiéhūn marry 110. zhèngmíng prove 142. shĕnmĕi appreciation of
79. shuāng twins 111. guówáng king the beauty
bāo tāi 112. zhuìrù fall into 143. dăqiú play ball
80. nǚwá girl baby 113. wéinàn dangerous 144. luòhòu fall behind
81. dùjià have a vacation 114. fánshì every 145. wánmĕi perfect
82. tàitai wife 115. qiūlíng hills 146. kèrén customer
83. huíjiā come home 116. chéntŭ dust 147. máizàng bury
84. wănfàn dinner 117. dĭbù bottom 148. shìjī exploit
85. dàtīng living room 118. zhèlĭ here 149. pĭnwèi savour
86. yángguāng sunshine 119. chóngfù repeat 150. sùjiāo plastic
87. zuòhăo sit 120. tiánxiĕ fill out 151. lĭbài week
88. bāngmáng help 121. zhíshì deacon 152. cānkăo consult
89. zēngjiā increase 122. zāipéi patronize 153. pŭchū compose
90. wèijiè comfort 123. xuāngào announce
91. chūkŏu export 124. yùdìng scheduled
92. shāngrén businessman 125. băocún preserve

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. gēnjù according to 12. fāxiàn realize 23. lĕijī accumulate
2. yōngyŏu own 13. zhŭ cook 24. shēnqĭng apply for
3. guānjiàn key 14. bùzhì decorate 25. háishì still
4. yùdào run into 15. pŭzhào illuminate all things 26. wànwù all thing on earth
5. chōngtú conflict 16. shātān sandbeach 27. qīngshuài indiscreet
6. duìfāng the other side 17. bĭcĭ each other 28. zhōngwén Chinese
7. kōngjiān space 18. pílèi tired 29. jìshù skill
8. lĭngxiù leader 19. tóuzī invest 30. guāngdà magnify
9. jiànyì suggestion 20. shōurù income 31. dàolù way; road
10. zhăodào find 21. jiéguŏ result 32. fēnjiĕ dissolve
11. gōngsī company 22. fùyŏu wealthy 33. zhànjù occupy


*N ͽ̈́ N Ex: ̙Րаಡ۞ຑ͕Ăͽ̈́ှᙸϡᛝ़ֽԡ‫צ‬Ыᓪ۞ᆵट͕
**༊ STPVO ॡĂSTPVO Ex: ༊ԧࣇ‫ك‬ѩᑒѓॡĂည఺ᇹ۞‫ڇ‬ચĂົᆧΐТҡဥ̝ม۞‫׶‬Ꮨą

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

Narrative 4a: Follow the Prophet ྫྷᐌАۢ

˵ధ 1 ॡĂˠࣇົॲፂ
314 Ұഅགྷ 379 ତᛈ 351 ‫఺ז‬ᇹ۞ଐ‫ ڶ‬330Ă༊Ұ೩΍ 354 ˘࣎ຐ‫ڱ‬ 388 ҋ̎۞‫ޥ‬ຐ 312 ֽග

Ұధк̙Т۞ຍ֍ 2Ą‫׎‬၁ 3Ă఺ߏ‫ޝ‬೼࿆ 376 ۞˘࣎ଐԛ 315Ăд఺͵ࠧ۞̼͛ 368 ̚Ă఺ߏˠࣇವՐംᇊ 377 ۞˘

࣎͞‫ ڱ‬4Ąధкˠ̖ර 331 ߶໕

360 ព‫ځ‬
6 ৌந 7Ă˵Яѩ҃ࠎ‫ؠି؟‬΍˞ధк୧ഠ
400Ąᇩҭ 357

˵ᖣ፟ 8 ൴೭ૻ̂ 304 ۞ᇆᜩ 305 ˧Ăֹˠࣇд੠Րৌந۞ॠ඀ 370 ̚Ԯѡ 333 ˞ৌநĂˠࣇ̝ม 308 ˵‫ك‬ѩᘃ඾ 324

ᇲຍ 9Ą
ְ၁˯Ă౵‫ ܐ‬380 ৠಶ‫࣎˘˞ؠט‬ሀё 395 ֽ͔ᅳ 302 ˠࣇԱ‫ז‬ৌ྽Ą᰽ೢᏴ 353 ညֲ༊ 374ăॗֲ 345 ‫׶‬ᇝҘ 356
఺ᇹ۞АۢĂᄃ΁ࣇ‫ֽـ‬ 306Ă֭૟ৠ۞ўຍ 372 ‫ٸ‬ˢ 361 ΁ࣇ۞͕̚Ăឰ΁ࣇፉЇ 358 ˠϔ۞ିर 365Ă˵૟ᝋ

៑ 397 Ϲд΁ࣇ۞͘̚ 329Ąҭߏˠࣇ‫ޝــ‬ԣ 307 ಶᏴፄ‫ن‬ෛ 311 ٕԩ١ 339 ఺ֱАۢ۞ିጱĂ఺ֹ଀Аۢࣇᇎ

320Ă૱૱̙ᕝгᑗՐ 322*΁ࣇχฟ 332 ͕֨ 310 ֽତ‫ֱ఺צ‬ଂৠֽ҃۞ି੊

๋ 10ĄּтĂΟ΃۞Аۢ೩ᏹ
2 ˠࣇ༊

ԧࣇ̙ॕᚥ 11 АۢĂԧࣇ۞ၗ‫ޘ‬
346 ԧࣇќˢ 359 ۞Ȉ̶̝˘ॡĂԧࣇдଟဳ 349 ৠĄ༊ԧࣇԯ೪ 337 ፟ົྫྷᐌ 319

ಶົԼតĂ఺ֱАۢࣇቁ၁Էႊ ˞ໂࠎࢦࢋ۞֎Ғ 12ĂֽᑒӄˠࣇԦଫ ̙р۞௫ၚĂ଺ୢ ̢࠹ ̝

334 326 347 366

ม 308 ۞ᇲຍĂֽ޺ч 341 д఺ጼ౼ 328 ᇩҭ۞྽ྮ˯Ą

ၹј 13 ۞८͕
394 ఺ֱ‫ܫ‬ि 387Ăߏ͹۞ຎೌ 318 ᄃा‫ ׏‬313Ăͽ̈́᰽дȈфߛ 369 ˯ٙઇ۞тңਕᑒӄԧࣇҹ

‫ڇ‬ऴᕇ 14
303ĂдॄԼ۞୧І 389 ˭ᄃৠٚᏚ 335Ăᒔ଀ໂ̂ 391 ۞ᝌሄ 398Ąೀ࣎Аۢ˵࿰֏ ˞ৠٙଵ‫ؠ‬ 348 дϐ
͵ 15 ଯซ͘ఙ‫ވ‬ 16 ྻϡԫ
384 ॡ΃༱‫۞ۏ‬ೇᎸĂೇᎸ‫׶‬Լࢭ 360 ̙ТĂԼࢭಶрညԯঽˠ 316ĂϤజଯᖧ 352 ۞ᗁϠ

μ 336 ֽ‫ڼ‬ᒚ 17 ঽˠĂೇᎸ‫͇˯ߏ݋‬ГѨ 18 Ш͵ˠ຋৯ 309Ăኬ̟ 19 າ۞Ϡ‫׻‬Ą

д 1820 ѐ۞ߋ͇ 375Ăд˘ळፘ‫ ڒ‬396 ̚ฟୁ
20 ˞఺ೇᎸ۞ၷᚹ
393 ְ̍ 317Ă̝‫˫ޢ‬ѣֹ͇޵ణ 340 ˞೻૜ࡗ

༃Ă޷͘ 21 ˘ᇹĂЇ͹मᅋĄ͹۞ৌ၁۞ି
343 д΁۞ᐝ˯Ă҃΁˵ତ‫߄࣎఺˞צ‬ጼ 344Ą΁ಶည˘ፋૺ 367 Ϩ৽

ົೇᎸ۞͟ഇ 371 ߏд 1830 ѐ 4 ͡ 6 ͟Ă޷໰߆‫ ع‬362 ۞‫ ޠڱ‬22 д઼࡚ 23 јϲ 24Ąԧࣇυืଳ‫ פ‬350 ҖજĂྭ΍ 25
ՎЂ 26 27 28
399Ą˘࣎˛Ȉࣶ ‫ؠ‬ᗝ௡۞јࣶ 325 Ә෦ԧࣇĂ**Ϊࢋԧࣇᙸຍ‫˭ע‬ ᇎᇋ 355Ăߤ҂ 386 ٙѣ։р ۞३
ᚱ 29Ăд˘̷ְଐ 30 ߏдҋ
378Ăड़‫ ڱ‬363 Аۢࣇ۞ၳᇹ 392Ăѩγ˵ࢋд‫ڇ‬྅ 382 ˯ܲ޺ბఄ 364 ̚Ᏺчᄯ‫׻‬Ăӈ‫ܮ‬

छ۞लੰ ̚˵ߏ˘ᇹĄԧࣇಶਕᅈᗓᘂჳ 31
301 323Ăٕߏ 327 ၆ԧࣇ۞Ϗֽ 383Ăᒔ଀ည͡‫ ܪ‬381 ۞Ѝ֊ ˘ᇹ‫ځ‬
೽ 373 ۞޽‫ ݑ‬342Ą

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. xiăngfă thoughts 12. jiăosè role 23. mĕiguó the United States
2. yìjiàn opinion 13. xìnxí message 24. chénglì establish
3. qíshí actually 14. yùyán prophesy 25. kuàchū step out
4. fāngfă method 15. bìngrén patient 26. qīshíyuán the seventy
5. yángyì brim with 16. yīshēng doctor 27. xièxià disboard
6. xiănmíng manifest 17. zhìliáo cure 28. liánghăo good
7. zhēnlĭ truth 18. zàicì again 29. duānzhuāng modest
8. jièjī seize the chance 19. fùyŭ endow 30. jíbiàn even if
9. díyì enmity 20. kāiqĭ open 31. guāngmáng rays of light
10. jiàoxùn training 21. báizhĭ white paper
11. gēnsuí follow 22. fălǜ law

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives


*ଂ N ҃ V Ex: ΁ࣇχฟֽ͕֨ତ‫ֱ఺צ‬ଂৠֽ҃۞ି੊
**Ϊࢋ STPVOĂSTP ಶਕ VO Ex: Ϊࢋԧࣇᙸຍ‫˭ע‬ᇎᇋĂ……ԧࣇಶਕᅈᗓᘂჳĄ

Narrative 4b: Study the Scriptures ࡁ᝝གྷ͛

̫ѐߋ‫ ؞‬1 ۞˘࣎ฉϐ 2âҜᓁົ༊Ԋ 1 ˠࣶ 3 ॠҖ 4 ‫ז‬έ៉ 2 ֽ౯‫ צ‬3 ഠ‫ ޞ‬5Ă΁జ޽‫ ؠ‬6 ֽ҂၅ 7 ‫ొݑ‬ 8

۞˘࣎ᗁੰ 9Ăᖃ޵͇ ॡ˵ઇ˞˘࣎ႊᓾ 4 ˞˘̈ॡ 5Ă͹ࢋ۞‫؟‬ў

10 11Ă̂ໄ 12 ‫܅‬ 13 ߏࡁ᝝གྷ͛Ăѣధк‫ێ‬
र 14 ˵дळĂԧྫྷ‫̓ވ‬ 15 ౌχԷ 16 ፋᆅ 6 Ν᝘Ă΁۞ႊᓾ՟ѣ‫ޝ‬кරᚊ 17 ۞͛ᙜ 18ĂȈ̶ 19 ྕᑗ 20 ۞ྖᄬహ
̼ 21 ֭ಓᏹ 22 ˞ధкˠ۞͕Ăፋந 23 ୻೽ 24 ۞ࢦᕇ 25 ˵ᄲ‫ ڇ‬26 ΁ࣇᙸຍ޺ᜈ 27 гᏲч 28 ৠ۞‫ ڱޠ‬29ĂΒӣ̦˘

؇ᚥ 30Ăͽซˢ 31 ৠ۞઼‫ޘ‬Ą
дԧ۞͟੃ 32 ̚੃඾ĈĶ΁ۡତ 33 ય˞˘࣎યᗟĂдԧࣇछल 34 ۞३ߛ 35 ˯ౌ‫ֱ̦ٸ‬ᆃᇹ۞३‫׸‬ĉ΁೩ᏹ
ԧࣇᅮࢋԯିົ८Ξ 36 ۞ᇾ໤གྷ‫ ׏‬37 ‫ٸ‬д३ߛ˯ĂপҾߏᇝ‫ܝ‬གྷ 38Ăઇͭϓ۞ᅮࢋ‫ځ‬ം 39 гԯᙯ 40 ߄Ᏼ 41Ă*઄

тԧࣇ‫ن‬ர 42 ˞຋̈ 43 ۞ְĂѣॡົѣ඾‫ॲޝ‬ώ 44 ۞ᇆᜩĄ͹ົϡ຋̈۞͞ё 45 јಶ 46 ‫ְ۞ࢋࢦޝ‬Ąགྷ͛̚۞

߇ְ 7 ିጱԧࣇࢋѣߘహ 47 ‫׶‬ච 48 ۞͕ၗ 49Ăϡຏा 50 ۞͕ᄃˠϹ‫ ـ‬51ĂϡՀ᎕ໂ 52 ۞ຐ‫ ڱ‬53 ֽ࠻‫ ౉݈ޞ‬54Ăϡ
ሄ៍ 55 ‫׶‬৯ट 56 ‫ ΃פ‬57 ᇎ៭ 58 ‫׶‬ღૺ 59Ăፉ͕ 60 ‫ ๋ೌ׶‬61Ăགྷ͛˵͔ጱ 62 ԧࣇᅁԣ 63 ٚᄮ 64 ԧࣇ۞᏾֭˭‫ؠ‬ՙ

͕ 65 ;΍ 66 Ӆ˧ֽΐૻ 67 ԧࣇహऴ 68 ۞г͞Ą҃ͷ̙ϡᘃႷ 69Ă఺ֱౌ̙ߏ෍ၹ 70 ۞Ă҃ߏΞͽᛈၤ 71ĂΞͽ

Օ‫ ޥ‬72Ă˵Ξͽ‫ܫ‬Ї 73 ۞˘ώ३Ą
གྷ͛ࢋՐ 74 ԧࣇଵϋ 75 ጼ‫ ۋ‬76Ă࿰֨ 77 ੜՎ 78Ă١඗ 79 ‫ڡ‬ෛ 80 ‫۞΁׎‬ˠĄҭߏ 81 ఺ώ३̙टሀቘ 82 ۞̚

͕ 83 ߏຎຑ 84 ۞ା͹ࢫ͵ 85 ࠎˠĂϡᚹீ 86 ۞ৌந̝Ѝ໰‫ ܪ‬87 ఺͵ࠧĂТଐ 88 ԧࣇĂ̶઼̙ᚱ 89 ֭ࠎ͵ˠ଺

‫ ׻‬90Ă᰽‫۞ࡴצ‬඀‫ ޘ‬91 ᙱͽԛट 92Ą᰽ഇ‫ ޞ‬93 ԧࣇ̚ม 94 ۞Տ˘࣎ˠਕѣड़ 95 гӛќ 96 ༊̚ 8 ۞ӣຍ 97Ă֭ΐͽ
҂ᇋ 98Ă̝‫ޢ‬ 9Ă̖ਕᔖҺ 10 ᘂԦ
99 ࢋଯજ 100 ఺ְ̍ 101Ă૟఺ֱ็࿆ 102 ̂г 103 ᒔ଀ৡ჊Ą‫ ֽޢ‬104Ă΁೩‫ז‬д

჊ࢰ̚՟ѣμЪ 105Ă΁ࢋԧࣇ̙ࢋ‫ٸ‬ୢ 106 ਕ޷໰ 107 གྷ͛Ϡ߿۞ၷ‫ ض‬108Ă**̙ኢ΁ˠтңԮᖼ 109 ‫࣒׶‬Լ 110 ৌ

நĂΪࢋԧࣇ̙ϴଫ 111 ༊‫ ܐ‬112 ۞ᇊீ 113Ăីّ 11 ‫ົܮ‬೩̿ 114Ą΁ࣇ˵ົ‫ٸ‬ฟ 115 ͕਒ 12Ă̙Гͅԩ 116Ą
఺ߏ࣎·႕‫ဳۋ‬ 13Ăॗϡ
117ăᇩᓿ 118ăˠ͕߮ѡ 119 ۞ۤົ 120 ॕഠ 121 ֽԸྤ 122 ᒔӀ۞ְІ 123 ̙д͌ᇴĂ

ۤົ˯۞ᇆͯ 124 ᇾၳ 125 ࢭາ 126Ă൒҃າ۞Ϗυ 127 ߏрĂ΁̯Ꮪ 128 ԧࣇĂт‫ڍ‬ԧࣇᜩᑕ 129 Аۢ۞ିጱĂឰৠ

૲ᅳ 130 ԧࣇĂԧࣇົ଀‫̙ז‬അ 131 ຐ࿅۞ৡ჊Ąķ΁۞ႊᓾ౯‫צ‬ᝌ‫ ܓ‬132Ăд̢જ 133 ۞ॡมĂѣ˘Ҝֽଳణ 134 ۞

੃۰ 14 ኛି ΁ିົϡ̦ᆃᇹ۞ԫఙ дֲ߷ ็ିĂ΁аඍĂώିົ̙ߏ೼఼ ۞ିົĂ҃ߏৠٙ଱
135 136 137 138

ᝋ 139 ۞Ă޺ѣ઼͇۞៑ટ 140Ă‫ିݔ‬ಶညଳЂ 141 ഑‫ ڒ‬142 ˘ᇹĂ൒҃ፘॲ 143 ̪хдĂԧࣇߏৠщ྅ 144 дࣧώ۞

ፘॲ˯۞˘࣎ିົĄ˵ధ 145 ѣˠΞͽ౹ౄ΍࠹Ҭ 146 ۞‫ڌ‬Ҙ 147Ăٕ۰ 148 ѣ࠹Ҭ۞ᇹ̄ 149Ăҭৠٙనϲ۞ߏ౵

р 15 ග΁ф୧ 16 ͕̚۞ຏᔁĂ
150 ۞ĂΞͽགྷ࿅ 151 Їң۞ᑭߤ 152Ąፂᄲ 153Ă೪͘ 154 ۞ॡ࣏ѣ‫ޝ‬кˠᅍ 155 ܑ྿

̂छౌ႕ຍ 17 ۞д͡Ѝ 156 ̚аछĄ

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

Highlighted Vocabulary List

1. chūnjì spring 55. lèguān optimism 109. niŭzhuăn twist
2. zhōumò weekends 56. xiàoróng smile 110. xiūgăi fix
3. rényuán personnel 57. qŭdài replace 111. diūdiào throw away
4. lǚxíng travel 58. yōuyù melancholy 112. dāngchū in the beginning
5. kuăndài entertain 59. jĭnzhāng nervous 113. huìyăn insight
6. zhĭdìng appoint 60. dānxīn worry 114. tíshēng uplift
7. kăochá investigate 61. bēishāng sorrow 115. fàngkāi let go
8. nánbù southern 62. yĭndăo lead 116. fănkàng resist
9. yīyuàn hospital 63. gănkuài haste 117. zhēngduó scramble
10. lĭbàitiān Sunday 64. chéngrèn admit 118. sāhuăng lie
11. yănjiăng speech 65. juéxīn determination 119. wāiqū distort
12. dàgài roughly 66. fùchū pay 120. nuóyòng divert
13. zōngzhĭ purpose 67. jiāqiáng strengthen 121. juānkuăn donate
14. mùshī minister 68. ruănruò weakness 122. tóuzī invest
15. shìyŏu roommate 69. huáiyí doubt 123. shìjiàn event
16. dăbàn dress 70. xūgòu fabricate 124. yĭngpiàn video
17. huálì flowery 71. chùmō touch 125. biāobăng flaunt
18. wéncí language 72. chénsī ponder 126. géxīn revolutionary
19. shífēn very 73. xìnrèn trust 127. wèibì not necessary
20. chéngkĕn sincere 74. yāoqiú require 128. yŭnnuò promise
21. ruănhuà soften 75. páichì exclude 129. xiăngyìng echo in support
22. huànxĭng awaken 76. zhànzhēng war 130. dàilĭng lead
23. zhĕnglĭ sort out 77. yùfáng prevent 131. bùcéng never
24. qīngxī clear 78. tuìbù retrogress 132. huānyíng welcome
25. zhòngdiăn key point 79. jùjué reject 133. hùdòng interact
26. shuìfú persuade 80. qíshì discriminate 134. căifăng interview
27. chíxù continuous 81. dànshì but 135. qĭngjiào ask
28. zūnshŏu obey 82. móhú vague 136. jìshù skill
29. lǜfă law 83. zhōngxīn center 137. yǎzhōu Asia
30. fèngxiàn donate 84. cíài merciful 138. pŭtōng common
31. jìnrù enter 85. jiàngshì descend to the 139. shòuquán authorize
32. rìjì journal world 140. yàoshi key
33. zhíjiē direct 86. yàoyăn dazzling 141. căifá cut
34. jiātíng family 87. zhàoliàng light up 142. sēnlín forest
35. shūjià bookshelf 88. tóngqíng sympathy 143. shùgēn root
36. hékĕ approve 89. guójí nationality 144. ānzhuāng install
37. jīngdiăn classics 90. shĕmìng give up the life 145. yĕxŭ perhaps
38. móménjīng the Book of 91. chéngdù degree 146. xiāngsì similar
Mormon 92. xíngróng describe 147. dōngxī things
39. míngzhì wise 93. qídài expect 148. huòzhĕ or
40. băguān check on strictly 94. zhōngjiān among 149. yàngzi appearance
41. tiāoxuăn pick 95. yŏuxiào effective 150. zuìhăo best
42. hūlüè ignore 96. xīshōu absorb 151. jīngguò pass
43. wéixiăo small; tiny 97. hányì meaning 152. jiănchá check
44. gēnbĕn utterly 98. kăolǜ consider 153. jùshuō it’s said
45. fāngshì method 99. zhīhòu after 154. wòshŏu shake hands
46. chéngjiù accomplish 100. tuīdòng push 155. zìtiáo note
47. róuruăn soft 101. shìgōng work 156. yuèguāng moonlight
48. héshàn friendly 102. chuánbiàn spread through
49. xīntài attitude 103. chéngjiè punishment
50. găn'ēn grateful 104. hòulái afterward
51. jiāowăng associate with 105. qiăohé coincident
52. jījí positive 106. fàngqì give up
53. xiăngfă thought 107. ànzhào according to
54. qiántú future 108. róngxìng pleasure

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. zŏng huì dāngjú general 7. gùshì story 13. shèhuì society
authority 8. dāngzhōng among 14. jìzhĕ journalist
2. táiwān Taiwan 9. dàdì the earth 15. dì hand over
3. bèishòu fully 10. bìmiăn avoid 16. biăodá express
4. huā spend 11. língxìng spirituality 17. mănyì satisfy
5. xiăoshí hour 12. xīnxiōng breadth of
6. zhĕngqí tidy mind


*઄т STPVOĂSTPVO Ex: ઄тԧࣇ‫ن‬ர˞຋̈۞ְĂѣॡົѣ඾‫ॲޝ‬ώ۞ᇆᜩĄ

**̙ኢ STPVOĂΪࢋ STPVOĂSTPVO Ex: ̙ኢ΁ˠтңԮᖼ‫࣒׶‬ԼৌநĂΪࢋԧࣇ̙ϴଫ༊‫۞ܐ‬ᇊீĂ

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

Narrative 5a: Seek for Truth ವՐৌந

д።Ϋ 1 ۞Ąࠎ
401 ˯Ăଂˠᙷ 470 ۞য়А 471 ฟؕĂˠࣇ˘ۡഽ୕ 422 ᒔ଀ 442 ۢᙊ 463Ăଂᖎಏ 491 ۞Ă‫ז‬ӧᙱ

˞ವԱ 2 ˘ֱႷય 452 ۞ቁ၁ 468 ඍ९ 489Ăˠࣇ‫ܮ‬൴ण΍Ч჌ѣր௚ 493 ۞ࡊጯ 476 ֽႽ˧ 457 ࡁտ 464 дᒖဩ 446 ٙ̚

࠻‫̷˘۞ז‬Ą˵ЯѩயϠ 448 ˞൑ᇴ 429 ۞໭೗ 434ă৾‫ ۋ‬496 ‫׶‬஄ใ 420ĂࠤҌ 447 Ч჌ࠁҾ 414 ‫ك‬ѩ‫ ੽ۋ‬436Ă‫͌ޝݒ‬

ѣˠਕଂ̚ᒔ଀ 442 ৈ఍ 456Ą*ӈֹߏТ˘ώཐགྷ 3Ăౣ൒ 485 ˵ѣధк‫ێ‬र 437 ೩΍ҋ̎۞፾প 441 ࠻‫ڱ‬Ą఺৔ᗼ˞
ˠࣇ၆‫ۡٺ‬ତ 458 ࡁ᝝ 431 གྷ͛ౢ༼ 486 ֽԱ‫ז‬ৌந۞‫͕ܫ‬Ą
ৌந۞ৌϒ໚ᐝ 423 ߏৠĂ᰽ቁ၁໰ᜪ 433 ᰽۞̄ϔ 4Ă༊ԧࣇϚ᏾ 5 ॡĂ᰽‫׶‬ԧࣇ˘Т߹ஊ 415Ă᰽मᅋ᰽۞
‫ࠎ͵ࢫ̄׊‬ˠĂٚፉ 6 ͵ˠ۞়ঽ ‫׶‬൭ࡴ
453 454Ă᰽࠻ᜪ 460 ԧࣇ۞ᅮࢋĂࠎ˞ԧࣇ҃Б֗Տ˘࣎ͨ͋ 408 ౌ߹
ҕ 430Ą᰽̝ٙͽ఺ᇹઇౌߏϤ‫ٺ‬᰽൑ࢨ 465 ۞໢ߘ 424Ă᰽̙ԡԧࣇ֕ˢ‫҃౉ڡ‬໑ໝ 406Ă҃൘͉ 440 ˠ‫ݒ‬૟᰽൑
ฆ 416 г୭च 405 ˞Ą൒҃᰽ቁ၁ೇ߿˞ĂϤ‫ٺ‬᰽۞᝞ཋĂ൑ኢߏЇң჌୉ 479ĂՏ˘࣎ՙ͕ 409 ᕩ‫ܫ‬ 402 ҃ତ‫צ‬ও
՟ 417 ߾ᖃᒔ଀ 442 ሒஐ 425 ۞ˠĂ௣‫ ٺ‬498 ਕдីّ˯జ‫ڼ‬ᕽ 410Ą
༊ԧࣇ࿁ͅ 7 ˞ᄯ‫׻‬ĂΞͽ੺˯ռ˭ 475 Νྫྷ͹ିࢬኘĂ౅࿅˘࣎඀Ԕ 478 ԧࣇΞͽ଀‫ז‬ᆵ़Ą఺ಶߏॄԼ
۞ჟৠ 8ĂৠГѨ౅࿅ள෪
492Ąд‫΃ܕ‬ 450 ШАۢពனĂ҃఺ҜАۢ˵ࠎ˞఺тТࠡ঴ 444 ˘ਠᚗෳ۞჊ࢰ҃আ
ି 404 Ѫ˸ 403Ąԧࣇᑕྍ᎕ໂ 481 ۞Ν‫ځ‬Ϩ఺ְֱଐߏӎߏৌ၁ 461 ۞Ăԧᔘ੃଀˘࣎‫ۆ‬ሤ 428 ۞आ͇Ăд˘࣎ᚤ
ᙝ 9Ăཐី౅࿅ှᐖ҃௟຋
435 ჸົ˯Ă༊‫׊‬ආົᚥྐ 443 ॡĂ᝘඾ࡍ඾ࡓҒ 495 ۞‫۞ࣇ̄ޅ‬ႇᓏ 497 ۞ᓏࢰĂֹԧ

д͕̚ຏ‫ͫז‬ሤ 426Ă҃၆఺ְ̍۞ৌ၁ 461 ّѣՀஎՕ 419 ۞ຏᛇĄ

**ᇴѺѐ 455 ֽĂˠࣇ၆ৌந۞ഽ୕ 422 ฟؕഴੜ 421ĂࠤҌ 447 ঐε 418Ăд఺࣎ॡ࣏ԧࣇՀࢋܲ޺ԧࣇ۞প

ኳ 438ĂдᄃˠϹኖ 412 ۞࿅඀̚ԯ၆ৌந۞ഽ୕ 422 ็྿΍ΝĄѣ˘࣎ଂ۩࢕ 482 ੜЁ۞ᓁົ༊Ԋ 451 ˠࣶϡ˘࣎ͧ

ಔ 407Ăኘ‫˞ࠎז‬გந 490 рԧࣇ۞Ϡ߿ᅮࢋ‫ޝ‬р۞ࡔᐂ 494Ă˵ಶߏ͟੃Ą

т‫݈ீڍ‬ 462 ՟ѣĂ̙ࢋඈ‫ ޞ‬488ĂฟؕΝઇ˘࣎Ă఺ᇹົ࠷˭ 459 ౫໭Ăᅈᗓխ჋ 427Ąдିົ۞௡ᖐ 499 ̚

Ϊѣշّ 449 ޺ѣཐᖚĂ֤΃ܑԙΈࣇѣໂ̂۞యЇĂࢋүۤડ 469 ‫׶‬঱৺ 445 ̚۞ၳᇹĄүࠎ͹۞௉Φ 472Ăࢋ༰

ͤ ᐌ‫ܮ‬ 10 Ⴭ‫ײ‬ ͹۞ЩĂ̙ࢋֹϡ໬ਨ

473 480 432Ăࢋͽ৔༤ 474 ۞ֽ͕ણΐཐᐠჸົͽ̈́༰ࢴ 467Ă˵ࢋܲ޺ბ

ఄ 487 ۞֏ҖĂ‫߿׶‬᜙ 413 ۞‫ې‬ၗ 439Ă̖ਕொੵ 477 ᅪᘣ

483 ۞྽ྮ˯Ăࢬ၆֤ϖޮ‫ءڱ‬ 411 ۞ᆶ
ҿĄтѩĂৠ‫ົܮ‬೵ฟ 12 ͇˯۞඄͗ 484 ้჊ 13 ᄃԧࣇĄ

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. kùnnán difficult 6. chéngdān bear, take upon 11. zhàng’ài obstacle
2. xúnzhăo search 7. wéifăn violate 12. chăngkāi open wide
3. shèngjīng the Holy Bible 8. jìndài modern 13. qīngfú pour out the
4. zĭmín people 9. gēshēng voice of singing blessings
5. fàncuò mistake 10. suíbiàn casual

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives


*ӈֹ STPVOĂ˵ѣ STPVO Ex: ӈֹߏТ˘ώཐགྷĂౣ൒˵ѣధк‫ێ‬र೩΍ҋ̎۞፾প࠻‫ڱ‬Ą

**(Time) ֽĂSTPVO Ex: ᇴѺѐֽĂˠࣇ၆ৌந۞ഽ୕ฟؕഴੜą

Narrative 5b: Endure to the End ޺ч‫غז‬

൑ኢдࣹ˘࣎ล৺ 1 ̚ĂϠ߿ 2 ۞።඀ 3 ૱ߏϤஊͪ 4 ‫׶‬ѭͪ 1Ăԓ୕ 5 ‫ࡴ׶‬೗ 6 Ϲᖐ 7 ҃ј۞Ąା͹ߏ˘Ҝ
ሤ͕ 8 ۞р‫ێ‬ˠ 9Ă༊ԧࣇ˾ഽ 10 ॡĂ᰽ᅳԧࣇ‫ܦז‬ਨг 11 य़ᙝ 12Ăও౅ 13 дϠ‫۞׻‬໚ߵ 14ć༊ԧࣇᐝ൭ 15 ॡĂ

᰽ઇԧࣇ۞ᜪય 16Ăࠎԧࣇঐੵ 17 Ⴗᇋ 18ć༊ԧࣇ࿃‫ז‬౫໭ 19 ҃‫ ࡴצ‬20 ॡĂ᰽ઇԧࣇ۞र౮ 21Ăаඍ 22 ԧࣇϒ

ۡ 23 ۞‫ײ‬Ր 24Ą
ѣണ় 25 ۞Ă᰽ࠎԧࣇ‫ڼ‬ঽ 26Ăֹԧࣇд൑ԛ 27 ̚ঽᕽ 28ćѣ۬৾ 29 ۞Ă᰽ߘ‫ ׶‬30 ԧࣇব৫ 31 ۞͕Ăֹԧ

ࣇ۞‫ۋ‬ኢ 32 ௣ͤ 33ćҋռ 34 ۞Ă᰽·၁ 35 ΁ࣇ۞͕Ăֹ΁ࣇ‫ޙ‬ϲ໢ື 36 ۞̓ኖ 37ć൘Ꮲ 38 ۞Ă᰽ග̟շ̄

ঈ 39Ăֹ΁ࣇࡎ৔ 40 ன‫ ې‬41 ̙ГੜՎ 42ćౝˢҒଐ 43 ۞Ă᰽ஐ̼ 44 ΁ࣇ۞͕ĂഴҲ 45 ΁ࣇ၆ளّ 46 ჌჌ 47 ̙

ሒ 48 ۞ၗ‫ ޘ‬49ćд็௚ 50 ̚՟ར 51 ۞Ă᰽ֹ΁ࣇ۞ຍᙊ 52 ᜙ซ 53Ă҃ᕚ௲̝݈ 54 ۞ӧဩ 2Ą

᰽జࠁᅋ 55 ֽĂͽ˘჌পҾ 56 ۞ঈኳ 57 ‫׶‬ጃ˧ 58 ᄃˠࣇࡁ੅ 59 ৌநĂ᰽ҋ̎۞ϔ୉ 60 ‫ࡓீݒ‬ 61 ҃జ௘
ࣆ 3
62Ăฆ࢑ 63 ˞᰽ĂࠎјБ ‫ڱޠ‬ 64Ă᰽؇ᚥ 65 ҋ̎ࠎ௉ጪ 66 ˯۞ᜁࠗĂ૟ҋ̎Ϲග࢕ฤ 67Ăజ୭Ѫ 68 ҃আ
ᙱ 69Ą఺ߏ˘࣎ည঴ᚗ 70 ਠ۞Ҍ੼ 71 ৌ྽ 72Ă൒҃‫ޝ‬кˠ‫ࠡݒ‬ଓ 73 ҋ̎۞Ӏৈ 74 ࠤ‫ ٺ‬75 ఺ৌநĂ˵Яѩՙ‫ ؠ‬76

ᗓฟିົ 77Ăିົ߹ε 78 ˞ధк఺ᙷ 79 ۞ˠĂಶрညд˘࣎஬̄ 4 ‫ొغ‬២͋ 80 ˘ᇹĄ

‫ޝ‬кିົ۞Ϋछ 5 ‫ޝ‬ѣ৩Ԕ
81 ೩΍˞˘࣎நኢ 82Ă΁ࣇдᑫ९ 83 ̚൴ன఺࣎ͨঽ 84 Ҭͼ 85 гдೈᒖ 86 ඾Ă

఺ඈ‫ٺ‬ 87 ᄲԊࢨ 88 ˞ିົ۞൴णĂ༊ԧ଀ۢ 89 ఺࣎ଐ‫ڶ‬ॡĂԧაႽ 90 ٙਕгͿ௟ 91 Օ‫ ޥ‬92Ăտౣ 93 ࢋިᆃᇹ̖

ਕ঻˭఺ֱˠĂ௢᎕ 6 ॡĂԧຐ‫఺ז‬ಶည˘࣎ᔈ෿
94 ିົ۞எ‫ ݓ‬95 ૄᖂĄϒ༊ 96 ԧд‫ޥ‬҂ 97 ̝ᙷ 98 ۞ͧᔈ 99 ˘

ᇹĂӈֹҰ૟Νѐ 7 ۞ˠ஄Ъ 8 ͧᔈĄੵ‫ܧ‬дͧᔈ۞ॡ

100 ౵΍Ғ 101 ௡ј 102 Т˘ฤĂ̙ಏߏ 103 ఺ᇹಶΞͽᛏ଀

࣏Ұ̙ᕝ۞ொજ 104 Ұ۞ᗕཙ 105Ăጬ੽ 106 ̙ጻ 9ĂҰ൑‫ז଀ڱ‬ረౢ 107Ą҃఺࣎ᅮࢋ࠻̙֍ 108 ۞˘჌ቁ‫ ܫ‬109Ą
າିࣣ̓ΐˢିົॡĂಶည˘࣎ͫᚤ 110 ˘ᇹĂ*ߊ൒ 111 ԧࣇՏ࣎ˠдۤົ 112 ˯ౌߏ፾ϲ 113 ۞ĂՏ࣎ˠ˵

ಶѣయЇܲგ 10ĂдՅఄ
114 р఺ԯͫĄ̙გԧࣇ˯঱ 115 кѓ༨ 116 Бဩ 117 ̚Ҿˠ 118 ިᆃใᄲ 119Ăໂბ 120 Њ̄

тңၨ໑ 11 ༤ͯ 12 խच 13 ˠࣇ۞
121 ԧࣇ۞‫͕ܫ‬Ăຐԯԧࣇ۞‫͕ܫ‬ᇧј 122Ă̙ኢѣк͌۞͇൒ 123 ٕˠ჋ 124 ဳ֕

຋৯ 125Ăк͌۞ˠజႾ༰ 126 дҋ̎۞̈඄˾ 127Ăк͌۞Ѻఱ 128 ̳Φ 129 ٕ߆‫ࣶءع‬ 130 ൴΍ည໬ᙳ 131 ਠ۞ᄵ
ೊ 14 ֹˠ֕Шໝ˸
132Ăк͌ˠϡ˘ֱ٩෪ 133 ҃ৠ৪ 134 ۞३ٕᐂࢰ 135Ăֹˠዦ᝝ 136 ͽ‫ޢ‬ϡ᏾ᄱ۞ீЍ࠻‫ ޞ‬137

ৌநĂ૲ֽధк۞ᗼ఍ 138Ą
ԧࣇౌࢋ੃ҝĂᕩШ 139 ૄ༛Ă੃଀ԧࣇ۞ҕ௚ 140Ăԧࣇౌߏৠ۞‫̄ޅ‬Ă޷໰ 141 ԧࣇ۞‫ڇ‬ଂ҃జડ̶ 142

΍ֽĂᒔࣞ 15 ԧд͗γ
143 ‫ֽ˯͵࣎఺ז‬ጯ௫ 144Ą**Տ༊ 145 ୕Ш͉۩ 146 ॡĂ࠻඾൑ᇴ 147 ̙ТЩჍ 148 ۞ߐߐĂ

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

‫ܮ‬ឰԧຐ‫ז‬ৠઈ̂۞ࢍ൪Ăֹᙯ༼ 16 ‫ז‬ᙯ༼Ăֹԧࣇ଀ͽ‫׶‬য়‫؟‬
149 аೇ 150 ࣇాତ 151 д˘੓Ą༊ԧЫ඾̂гٙ

΍ய 152 ۞ࢴ‫ۏ‬ 153 ॡĂຐ‫ז‬ৠ۞ຑ̈́΁۞А֍ 154 ഇ୕ԧࣇ༼࠷ 155 ۞ֹϡ఺ֱࢴ‫ ۏ‬156Ą൑ኢԧࣇдጯ७ߏ᝝̦ᆃ

ࡊր ۞Ăઇ̦ᆃᇹ۞̍үĄৠࠎԧࣇ໤౯˞˘ᇹ۞ৡ჊Ăჟᖎ ۞ᄲಶߏϖϠĄ֤ߏԧࣇᗓฟ 17 ͵˯‫ޢ‬઱

157 158

˘ 18 Ξͽ૲֕۞ࡔ‫ ݡه‬159Ą

Highlighted Vocabulary List

1. jiējí class 46. yìxìng opposite sex 92. chénsī ponder
2. shēnghuó life 47. zhŏngzhŏng various kinds of 93. jiùjìng on earth
3. lìchéng course 48. bùjié unclean 94. lĕijī accumulate
4. lèishuĭ tear 49. tàidù attitude 95. shēnhòu deep
5. xīwàng hope 50. chuántŏng tradition 96. zhèngdāng just when
6. kŭnăo vexed 51. mòluò decline 97. sàipăo race
7. jiāozhī interweave 52. yìshì mentality 98. zhīlèi and so on
8. rèxīn enthusiastic 53. yuèjìn leap 99. bĭsài game
9. mùrén shepherd 54. zhīqián before 100. qùnián last year
10. kŏukĕ thirsty 55. pàiqiăn send 101. hùnhé mix
11. căodì grass 56. tèbié special 102. zŭchéng compose
12. pángbiān beside 57. qìzhí disposition 103. bùdān shì not only
13. jìntòu steep 58. mèilì charisma 104. yídòng move
14. yuánquán source 59. yántăo study 105. shuāngjiăo both legs
15. tóutòng headache 60. mínzú nation 106. fèndòu strive
16. gùwèn adviser 61. yănhóng envy 107. jiăngzhāng medal
17. xiāochú remove 62. bàndăo stumble 108. kànbújiàn can see
18. yílǜ concern 63. gūfù let down 109. quèxìn assure
19. máfán trouble 64. lǜfă law 110. huŏlú stove
20. shòukŭ suffer 65. fèngxiàn offer 111. jìrán since
21. shīfú master 66. jìtán altar 112. shèhuì society
22. huídá answer 67. jūnduì army 113. dúlì independent
23. zhèngzhí righteous 68. shāsĭ killed 114. băoguăn keep
24. hūqiú cry out 69. xùnnàn martyr 115. shàngbān job
25. cánjí deformity 70. zhūbăo pearl 116. cūnzhuāng village
26. zhìbìng cure 71. zhìgāo highest 117. quánjìng the whole area
27. wúxíng invisible 72. zhēndào truth 118. bié'rén other
28. bìngyù recover 73. zhēnxí cherish 119. luànshuō gossip
29. jiūfēn contention 74. lìyì benefit 120. jíduān extreme
30. róuhé gentle 75. shènyú even 121. cuīhuĭ ruin
31. xiázhăi narrow 76. juédìng decide 122. suìpiàn fragment
32. zhēnglùn dispute 77. jiàohuì church 123. zāihài disaster
33. zhōngzhĭ end 78. liúshī lose 124. rénhuò misfortune
34. zìsī selfish 79. zhèlèi the kind of 125. wéixiào smile
35. chōngshí full 80. zuānkŏng drill 126. jiānjìn prison
36. wēnnuăn warm 81. shĭjiā historian 127. chuāngkŏu window
37. yŏuyì friendship 82. lĭlùn theory 128. băihuò general
38. yóuyù hesitate 83. dăng'àn file merchandise
39. nánzĭqì masculine 84. máobìng fault 129. gōngsī store
40. túpò breakthrough 85. zhìxù order 130. guānyuán officer
41. xiànzhuàng current 86. xúnhuán circulation 131. yānwù smoke
situation 87. dĕngyú equal 132. mièwáng distroy
42. tuìbù retrogress 88. júxiàn restrict 133. chōuxiàng abstract
43. sèqíng pornography 89. dézhī get to know 134. shénmì mysterious
44. jìnghuà clean 90. jiéjìn exhaust 135. lùyīn record
45. jiăndī reduce 91. zĭxì attentive 136. yuèdú read

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

137. kàndài regard 145. hùwài outdoor 153. shíwù food

138. huàicù harm 146. tàikōng space 154. xiānjiàn seer
139. guīxiàng turn towards 147. wúshù numerous 155. jiéshĕng save
140. xiětŏng bloodlines 148. míngchēng name 156. shíwù food
141. ànzhào according to 149. guānjié joint 157. kēxì subject
142. qūfēn distinguish 150. zŭzōng ancestor 158. jīngjiăn simplify
143. huòzhŭn approved 151. liánjiē connect 159. jì'niànpĭn souvenir
144. xuéxí learn 152. chūchăn produce

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. hànshuĭ sweat 7. chūsè outstanding 13. duózŏu take away
2. kùnjìng difficult position 8. yíngdé win 14. yòuhuò entice
3. chéngquán fulfill 9. búxiè untiring 15. mĕidāng whenever
4. píngzi bottle 10. mánglù busy 16. huífù restore
5. sìhū seem 11. sīchéng tear into 17. líkāi leave
6. sīkăo think 12. tiānrán natural 18. wéiyī the only one


*ߊ൒ STPVOĂSTPVO Ex: ߊ൒ԧࣇՏ࣎ˠдۤົ˯ౌߏ፾ϲ۞ĂՏ࣎ˠ˵ಶѣయЇܲგр఺ԯͫĄ

**Տ༊ STPVOĂSTPVO Ex: Տ༊ԧд͗γ୕Ш͉۩ॡĂ࠻඾൑ᇴ̙ТЩჍ۞ߐߐĂ‫ܮ‬ឰԧຐ‫ז‬ৠઈ̂۞

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

Narrative 6a: A Progressing Missionary ซՎ۞็ି̀

ధк 551 ็ି̀‫ܔ‬ฏ 589 ॡᓁߏ 505 ົдຐĂҋ̎ߏӎߏ˘̙࣎ᕝซՎ۞็ି̀Ą˘̙࣎ᕝซՎ۞็ି̀Ăົ

ຏᛇ‫ז‬ҋ̎ѣཌྷચ 512 ᑒӄཏி 511 ᒔ଀వཋ 574 ‫׶‬෹̿ 575Ă҃ͷ 513 ົࠎ˞఺ቡ߇ 504 ྱ˭ 580 ֽࡆՐֹ͇ͭ΁ਕౄ

჊ 594 ֗ᙝ 581 హऴ 582 ۞ˠĂᅃӄ 583 ΁ࣇਕѣ֖ૉ 578 ۞‫ֽ͕ܫ‬ҹ‫ྏڇ‬ଣ 554Ă௲ᗓ 522 ᄵೊ 558Ăྫྷᐌ 579 ։ච 530 ‫׶‬

ྕ၁ 559 ۞࡚ᇇ 1Ă‫ك‬ѩᓑඛ 518 ॡͽ਴ະ 538 ۞֏ᄬ 546 ̼ྋ 2 ኏ࡎ 540Ą

*΁̙֭ົचُ 3 ࢝चᄃ̩ᇲĂ‫ࠎٺ݌‬ჯ᜕྽ᇇ 598 ҃ϋయཋೋ 507 ‫׶‬௧ऺ 510Ă֭ϡҖજ 539 ֽ෠‫ ځ‬552 ҋ̎ົ

੠ᐌ 4 ۞ჼ‫ڵ‬
591 ͇ͭ۞ᇾ໤Ă௲ᗓ 522 ཝঔ 524 ̚ჺୀ 553 ۞‫ޥ‬ຐֹ͕ត଀ሒஐĄ΁ົචϡཐᖚĂֹϡཐ̼ 525 ৡ჊

ঽˠĄ΁˵ົྻϡ 597 ཐីֽྋՙ 545 ٙ࿃‫۞ז‬ӧᙱĂ༊ԧࣇ௮᝘ 516 ֭᝘ଂ 520 ֤ཐីҲᄬ۞ᓏࢰ 519 ॡĂԧࣇ‫ܮ‬

ਕᏰҾ 587 ΍ᇩҭ۞ᔀ֏ 563Ăᒔ଀͹ᖳಱ۞ 566 ৡ჊Ă˵ు႙ 593 ᖼត 585 ҋ̎ត଀ՀрĄ

˘̙࣎ᕝซՎ۞็ି̀д࿃‫ז‬ਗ਼ဩ 592 ॡĂ̙ົ৿͌ 506 ྋՙ 545 યᗟ۞࡝͕ 514Ă҃ົᄮ୻ 555 ҋ̎۞֎
Ғ 5 ٙѣ۞
544Ăአፋ 562 ҋ̎۞ຐ‫ڱ‬Ą΁ົѣ࢑య 568 ۞ၗ‫ޘ‬Ă੃଀ٙϲ˭۞ఄᚑ 533 ᄰࡗ 556Ăҗ඾ 541 ፋᆅĂଵੵ

௘ཙ 500 ϮĂග̟ 502 ͹ҋ̎۞˘̷Ą΁ົࠎҋ̎ᄃ΁ˠٙ੒ᚥ 570 ۞ੑ‫ ۏ‬569 ᄃॡม҃ຏाĂдᔉ‫ ۏ‬573 ॡࢍზ 599

ٙ‫۞܅‬෱ϡ 571Ă༼‫ ט‬6 гֹϡࢍ඀֘ 547Ă̙д็ି۞ॡม‫ྼە‬ᑚ 596Ą΁˵ົ၆఺ְ̍ѣໂ̂۞Ꮈ኷ 527ĂԱ‫ז‬኷

‫ק‬ 577Ăຏ‫ז‬ᅅᗫ 584Ăຑ˯ᄂ៉ 526 ఺๴˿гĄ˘̙࣎ᕝซՎ۞็ି̀˵ົд੃ᐂ 549 ˯঻˭ϒቁ۞ྤफ़ 572Ăឰ็

྽ొᏱ̳ 586 ‫ࠎ̂ވ‬ᅅᗫ 584Ă҃ͷ 513 ఺ֱౌົјࠎ͇ͭᆶҿॡ۞ᙋෟ 564Ą

ኡߏ 561 ̙ᕝซՎ۞็ି̀‫׸‬ĉᖞࡗ 529 ॡ΃ѣధк۞АۢĂϡཬ෈ 535 ๩෪ᇈ 567 ̂гĂాᜈ 595 ൴΍ᛋӘ۞

ᓏࢰ 519Ăֽ࿰౯ 7 ͹۞྽ྮ 548ć༱‫ ۏ‬534 ̝͹˵ኚϠ 557 ‫˯͵ז‬Ă᰽൑ෛ 8 ‫ٺ‬༊ॡ 9 ۞ࡦഀ 521Ă‫ ៰ײ‬10 ॄԼćܲᘲ
ߏдᘲ੺ 11 ̚నϲ
508 ‫઼࢝ޓ‬च 590 ̝˭۞ઈ̂۞ၳᇹćғᄋдΟ΃࡚߷ 509 ۞ਣ౎ 532 ̚Ă྿ј 600 ΁дϒཌྷ 550 ۞

д‫΃ܕ‬ 588Ă೻૜ࡗ༃дҘ̮ 5431830 ѐ 4 ͡ 6 ͟෹෸ 576 ˞༊ॡ۞ˠĂ޷໰͹۞ᖡဦ 536 ‫ޙ‬ϲ˞ିົĂ΁˵

ߏ̙࣎ᕝซՎ۞็ି̀Ă΁ିጱˠࣇᙯ‫˼ٺ‬ᒩѐ 560Ăͽֹ̙̈́ϡਮཧ 531 ͽ̈́‫΁׎‬ѣच۞ᘽ‫ۏ‬ 537Ă΁‫ޝ‬Ӆ˧г

ᓝҖ 528 Ч࣎ჸົ 517Ă˵௡ᖐ˞Ȉ˟ֹवᛉົ 565Ăֹିົѣ̙ᕝ۞ୁϯĄ఺ᇹ۞็ି̀ߏ൑‫ڱ‬ኑᄦ 542 ۞Ăԧࣇ

υืҋ̎Ӆ˧јࠎ఺ᇹ۞็ି̀Ăֹ**̂г˯۞ˠࣇ̙Гజ‫װ‬෣ 553Ă҃ਕତ‫఺צ‬჊ࢰ۞ৡ჊Ą

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. mĕidé virtue 5. páichú remove 9. dāngshí at that time
2. huàjiĕ resolve 6. jiézhì be moderate in 10. hūyù call on
3. hàipà fear 7. yùbèi prepare 11. zhèngyì righteous
4. shènghuà sanctify 8. wúshì disregard


*STP ̙֭ົ VOĂSTPVO Ex: ΁̙֭ົचُ࢝चᄃ̩ᇲĂ‫ࠎٺ݌‬ჯ᜕྽ᇇ҃ϋయཋೋ‫׶‬௧ऺ

**STPVOĂ҃ STPVO Ex: ̂г˯۞ˠࣇ̙Гజ෣‫װ‬Ă҃ਕତ‫఺צ‬჊ࢰ۞ৡ჊Ą

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

Narrative 6b: Family छल

дৠ۞నࢍ 1 ̚Ă᰽ኬ̟ 2 ԧࣇ౵̂۞ሄ኷ 3 ֽҋ‫ٺ‬छलĄд఺࣎੠Ր 4 ੑಱ 5Ă·႕౎͕ 6 ‫׶‬ཋೋ۞ਣ
г 7Ă‫ ྻضޝ‬8 гĂৠኲග 9 ˞ԧࣇ˘࣎ីّ۞ქ߷ 10Ăਕૉ 11 ჸะ 12 ԧࣇ۞छˠ̙҃ϡचُ 13Ą
ధкᇈЏ 1 छलᙯܼ෸ֽ෸
14 ពϯ 15 ਑ऴ 16Ăϒቁ۞ିཌྷ 17 జૻ࢝ 18 ు΍ 19 ˠࣇ۞Ϡ߿Ă‫ז‬఍ౌѣధк൑

ऺ 2 ֗វ
20 ۞೩ᛉ 21 ‫͔׶‬ᄵ 22ăਜ਼ೊ 23 ˠ͕۞ࢰሄ 24Ąдྮᙝ 25 ᐌ఍ 26 Ξ֍ᅅෛ 27 ‫ݡ‬ᇇ 28 ۞ˠĂ΍኱ 29 ͽᔉ

෴ 3 ன၁
30 ൺᇶ 31 ۞႕֖ 32Ăཝ̄ 33 ྆޺ᜈ 34 ᄦౄ 35 ۞ౌߏჺୀ 36 ۞‫ޥ‬ຐĂࡦ‫ ݔ‬37 ˞ҋ̎Ă঎෱ 38 ˞̫ϠĂඕ

‫ ڍ‬39 Ϊ૲ֽ˞௧ປ 40Ą

*̫Ϡಶည˘࣎ᙱͽ࿰फ़ 41 ۞ଣᐍ 42 ߇ְ 43 ˘ᇹĂᇲˠ 44 ۞ᓏ๕ 45 জ̂ 4 ҃ͷ‫ޝ‬ᜦ྽ 46Ă‫ޝ‬ѣ኏‫ ݏ‬47 гࢋ૟
ԧࣇ૲Шୀར 48Ąࠎ˞ࢋ‫ܔ‬а 49 д͇˯۞߇ฏ 50Ăԧࣇચυ 51 ે඾ 52 гྫྷଂ 53 ͇ͭ౅࿅΁۞ဉˠٙ็྿ 54 ۞ࢍ

൪Ă֭ͷ 55 ࢋՙ͕ 56 ࡎ৔ 57 ԧࣇ۞హऴ 58Ăԡ࡝ 59 ඾ࡴᙱ 5Ă̖ᓁზ 60 ਕѣ։р 61 ۞ј‫ ڍ‬62Ą

छलߏৠ੼෹ 63 ۞౰ү 64Ăညᘲሹ 65 ˘ᇹĂᅃጱ 66 ԧࣇ୻຾ 67 г‫ځ‬Ϩ 68 ԧࣇٙᑕᄮ‫ ؠ‬69 ۞͞Шâ࣎Ԇ

ፋ 70 ۞छलߏ൑‫ ΃פڱ‬71 ۞Ą൒҃ 72Ăд఺఼‫ـ‬ᖳќ 73 ‫ ק࡚׶‬74 ۞੺ྮ 75 ˯Ăᓁߏѣ͌ᇴ 76 ۞ˠ৿य 77Ăѣ۞

ˠߏ৿͌дିົ̚߿ඛ 78 ۞જ፟ 79Ăѣ۞ˠ‫ᙸ̙݋‬Җࠎ 80 ‫זצ‬ఄࢦ 81 ‫׶‬ᚑඥ 82 ۞ࡗՁ 83Ăѣ۞ˠ‫ߏ݋‬਴ྕ 84 ۞

ᚥ֗ 85 ‫ܫ΁׎ٺ‬ЈĄ൒҃΁ࣇ̪ߏ̓ච 86 ҃΄ˠ಴ະ 87 ۞ˠĄ

ѣ˘͇ԧ˘࣎Ҙᗁ 6Ă**‫̚׎‬ѣ˘ֱΟ΃ਖ਼ග઼छ 7 ̮ࢵ
88 ۞‫̓ڈ‬д͚ᓑົ 89 ͕̚ᓝᏱ 90 ˘࣎ᘹఙण 91 ۞੒

‫ۏ‬ 92ĂϮჼ 93 ညâֱਮದ 94Ăͽ̈́˘ֱΟ͛‫۞ځ‬෠ፂ 95Ąԧ‫ڦ‬ຍ‫ڵ಼˘ז‬൪ 96Ă఺಼ဦ൪ 97 ۞֎‫ ޘ‬98 ߏଂ˘

࣎วᄂ 99 ШᖡҒ 100 ۞ঔ៉ 101 ୕ΝĂՒᝎ˯ѣ˘ཏ 102 ྼ‫ މ‬103Ă΁ࣇ˘੓ᑚ࡞ 104Ă࠻੓ֽ‫੼ޝ‬Ꮈ 105ĂҭҬͼѣ

ֱ̙႕֖ĄԧᖼШ ဦͯ 8 ˯֎ར 9 ۞˘̳࣎֘৭

106 107Ă࠻‫࣎˘ז‬ˠࡍ඾̂җ 108 ႙႙ 109 г੟௲ 110Ă̙೷ያ

‫ܕ‬ 10Ă΁૱༊˘࣎᝘ி 11Ă΁᝘

111Ą˘᜕࣎̀ 112 Шԧྋᛖ 113 ᄲĂࠎ˞ࢋ̶Ᏸ 114 ঽЯ 115 ֽ௮᝘ 116 ঽˠ۞া‫ې‬

‫ޝז‬кˠϠঈ 12 ˞Ăઇ˞˘࣎ೋေ
117 ۞‫װ‬ቩ 118 ٕయَ 119 छˠĄѣ˘͇˭̾ 120 ΁Ⴢ඾ 121Ăдေဩ 122 ̚΁࠻‫ז‬

఺ֱഀ‫ۏ‬ 123Ă΁ϲӈ 124 ಶྏ඾ 125 ԯ΁ٙ੃଀ 126 ۞൪˞˭ֽĂზߏ 127 ගҋ̎‫ڼ΁׶‬ঽ۞၆෪ 128 ۞˘࣎೩ᏹĂ

˼༱ 129 ̙Ξͽឰᔀ็ 130 ٕ࢑ๅ 131 ৔ᗼ˞Ӆ˧‫ޙ‬ౄ 132 ۞छलĂ̙ኢкᆃ 133 ኑᗔ 134 ۞ଐ‫ڶ‬Ăౌ̙ਕटధ 135 ̩

ެ 13 Ә෦ԧٙᐂϡ
136 ۞֏ኢ 137 ٕᄬአ 138 ‫ك˞΃פ‬ѩ۞‫ם‬አ 139ĂࢋᄰѪ 140 ࠡଓ఺࣎ቡЊ 141Ąԧᖼᐝ 142 ۞ӄ

͘ 143Ăৠ՟ѣमҾ 144 гΝຑ΁۞छल̚۞Տ˘࣎ˠĂ᰽ྫྷԧࣇ͕͕࠹ా 145Ą

ԧࣇдԧࣇ۞छल̙̚ਕਗ਼Ш 146 ҃ҖĂࢋჯᘭ 147 ԧࣇ̝ม۞ᙯܼĂ౵р۞ᘽՄ 148 ಶߏ჊ࢰĄѣ˘ήႇ
ෟ ኘ‫ז‬Ă
ĶᄃҰ̶ֳ۞ԣሄĂ౼࿅፾ҋ 14 ጾѣķ
Ą༊ԧࣇᔛኛछˠᄮᙊ఺࣎჊ࢰĂԧࣇ͕͕࠹ా۞඀‫ޘ‬ ਕ
149 150

Հ̂ࠎ೩̿ 151Ăछˠ˵ਕֳ‫ྤ۞ົିצ‬໚ 152Ăߏ۞Ă‫ٸ‬ᗫ 153 ԧࣇ۞͕Ăឰৠࢫ჊ 154 ԧࣇ۞छलĂ‫ٸ‬ୢҁᖞ 155

۞च௧ 156Ăֹछ୉ፘ 15 ˯۞Տ࣎ཧ̄ 157Ăౌਕᒔ଀ཋ۞వҺ 158Ą

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

Highlighted Vocabulary List

1. shèjì design 56. juéxīn determine 111. kàojìn close
2. fùyŭ give 57. túpò breakthrough 112. hùshì nurse
3. lèqù fun 58. ruănruò weak 113. jiĕshì explain
4. zhuīqiú seek 59. rĕnnài endure 114. fēnbiàn distinguish
5. cáifù wealth 60. zŏngsuàn finally 115. tīngzhòng audience
6. yĕxīn ambition 61. liánghăo good 116. língtīng listen
7. huāngdì wilderness 62. chéngguŏ fruit 117. shēngqì angry
8. xìngyùn fortunate 63. gāochāo excellent 118. zhòumà curse
9. cìgĕi give 64. jiézuò masterpiece 119. zéguài blame
10. lǜzhōu oasis 65. luópán compass 120. xiàwŭ afternoon
11. nénggòu be able to 66. fŭdăo tutor 121. è'mèng nightmare
12. jùjí gather 67. qīngchŭ clear 122. mèngjìng dream
13. hàipà fear 68. míngbái plain 123. jĭngwù scene
14. zhēngzhào sign 69. rèndìng firmly believe 124. lìjí immediate
15. yuèláiyuè more and more 70. wánzhĕng complete 125. shìzhe try
16. cuìruò weak 71. qŭdài replace 126. jìdé remember
17. jiàoyì doctrine 72. rán'ér however 127. suànshì be considered as
18. qiăngpò force 73. fēngshōu harvest 128. duìxiàng the opposite
19. zhúchū drive out 74. mĕiwèi delicious side
20. wúchĭ shameless 75. mălù road 129. qiānwàn be sure to
21. tíyì propose 76. shăoshù minority 130. yáochuán rumor
22. yĭnyòu entice 77. quēxí absent 131. fùzhài in debt
23. míhuò confuse 78. huólòu active 132. jiànzào construct
24. yīnyuè music 79. dòngjī motive 133. duōme how
25. lùbiān roadside 80. xíngwéi behavior 134. fùzá complex
26. suíchù everywhere 81. zhuāngzhòng solemn 135. róngxŭ permit
27. qīngshì despise 82. yánsù serious 136. chóuhèn hatred
28. pĭndé morality 83. yuēshù restrain 137. yánlùn speech
29. shēntĭ body 84. qiánchéng devoted 138. yŭdiào tone
30. gòumăi purchase 85. xiànshēn dedicate 139. xiétiáo coordinate
31. xiànshí reality 86. yŏushàn friendly 140. shìsĭ dare to die
32. mănzú satisfy 87. zūnjìng respect 141. yuánfèn fate
33. năozi brain 88. xīyī western medical 142. lùyòng employ
34. chíxù continuous 89. zhīliánhuì stake 143. zhùshŏu assistant
35. zhìzào produce 90. jŭbàn hold 144. chābié difference
36. fŭbài rotten 91. yuánshŏu ruler 145. xiānglián connect
37. bèipàn betray 92. gòngwù tribute 146. nìxiàng reverse
38. làngfèi waste 93. shígāo plaster 147. wéixì maintain
39. jiéguŏ result 94. cháhú tea pot 148. yàocái medicinal
40. xiūkuì ashamed 95. zhèngjù evidence materials
41. yùliào predict 96. yóuhuà oil painting 149. gēcí lyric
42. tànxiăn adventure 97. túhuà picture 150. chéngdù degree
43. gùshì story 98. jiăodù angle 151. tíshēng uplift
44. dírén enemy 99. yángtái balcony 152. zīyuán resource
45. shēngshì momentum 100. lánsè blue 153. fàngsōng relax
46. bàdào domineering 101. hăiwān bay 154. jiàngfú blessings from
47. chōngjìn aggressive 102. yīqún a group of heaven
48. bàiluò decline 103. yóukè tourist 155. lăojiù old
49. fănhuí return 104. xìshuă tease 156. hàixiū shy
50. gùxiāng homeland 105. gāoxìng happy 157. yèzi leaf
51. wùbì must 106. zhuănxiàng turn toward 158. shèmiăn remit
52. zhízhuó persist 107. gōngchēzhàn bus station
53. gēncóng follow 108. dàyī coat
54. chuándá express 109. jiànjiàn gradually
55. bìngqiĕ and 110. táotuō escape

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. xiănshì show 6. yìshù zhăn art exhibition 11. zhèngzhuàng symptom
2. chūmài betray 7. guójiā nation 12. shuìzháo doze off
3. duănzàn brief 8. túpiàn picture 13. zhuăntóu turn one’s head
4. hàodà huge 9. jiăoluò corner 14. dúzì alone
5. kŭnàn suffering 10. bìngyīn cause of disease 15. jiāzú shù family tree


*N ಶည N ˘ᇹ Ex: ̫Ϡಶည˘࣎ᙱͽ࿰फ़۞ଣᐍ߇ְ˘ᇹ
**‫̚׎‬ѣ NĂN ͽ̈́ N Ex: ‫̚׎‬ѣ˘ֱΟ΃ਖ਼ග઼छ̮ࢵ۞੒‫ۏ‬ĂϮჼညͽ̈́˘ֱਮದą

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

Narrative 7a: Youth ‫ܦ‬ѐ

‫ܦ‬ѐ 1 Ԇ̍۞២Ϯ 2Ąିົᅳఞခᐽ
633 ಶညߏ‫إ‬Ϗ 620Ăѣᙱͽ 629 ࿰ഇ 636 ۞ሕ˧ 622 ‫ܦ‬ѐ 633 дโຳ 639 ̚ᔖ

ฟ 3 ۞ߏĂ‫ޝ‬кˠ͉᝭ๆ
605 ᜲ੿ 648 ۞ٙనϲ۞ᅪᘣ 625Ăᅈᗓ 602 ੧ჟ 611Ą΄ˠ᏷ጹ 645 ̙ᙸତ‫఺צ‬ᔛኛ 606Ăᜲ

੿ 648 ٦΍ 4 ΁۞౑ቢ 617Ăϡ‫ܛ‬᏿ 615ă២Ϯ 620 ༊үᄵᅸ 5Ăధкˠึ‫ ڇ‬635 ੻҇ 646 ۞ᇒ୕ 6 εΝ˞͹ٙᑕధ 7 ۞࿌
ᐺ 612Ăజ࿣඗ 624 ‫ٺ‬ᐁщ 619 ۞ৡ჊̝γĄ
д̫͟۞Ϡ߿̚ᄵೊ΍ன 8 ۞ᐛத 637 ‫੼ޝ‬Ăᔵ൒ѣ఺ֱ̙Тᙷ‫ ݭ‬638 ۞ᄵೊĂ౵ࢦࢋ۞ߏਕҹ‫ڇ‬Ч჌ԛё

۞ᛢᕘ 10Ă૟͕‫ ޥ‬11 ะ̚ 12 ᗔ

644Ăឰৠֽᐎ‫ ג‬627 ΁ࣇ۞ّॾ 626 дࢵࢋ 643 ۞ְଐ˯ĂᏴፄ̰टዋЪ 603 ۞३ಡ

ᄫ 628Ăܲ޺੨Ⴭ 610Ăͽᒔ଀‫ ˳ܜ‬621 ۞ৡ჊Ą

ା͹జ੪Ѫ 616 дȈфߛ˯Ăд‫ ͪܥ‬630 ̝˭‫ܝ‬व 623 ̖វរ 647 ‫ז‬ା͹ٙពᜨ 640 ۞؈ӻᗁ‫ ڼ‬613 ˧ณĄТᇹ

۞Ă*ጐგ 13 ԧࣇౌົ
608 ࿁ࡦ 601 ͹۞ўຍĂᔘр 607 Ϥ‫ٺ‬᰽۞ 652 ̂ຑĂ**Ϥ‫ٺ‬᰽‫ځ‬Ϩԧࣇ۞ᅮՐ 631Ă᰽೩ֻԧ

ࣇីᅿ۞ᏺᔢ 618Ăያ඾ 634 ᰽Ăԧࣇѣ፟ົࢦາ 614 ฟؕĄ

д˘࣎โ؆ 14 ຏရ 15 ‫ޝ‬кˠညਜ਼˞ྮ۞ᕄ
650 ྆Ăԧຏ‫ז‬ॡม࿅଀ࢳԣ 641Ăԧຐ‫ז‬ৠٙពϯ 651 ۞ຑĂ̙༰

̄ 649 ˘ᇹĂ᏷Ԟ 604 ˞̫Ϡ۞ຍཌྷĂ˵Ԟ˞д͇˯ॡዳֈ 642 ԧࣇ۞͇ͭĄ

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. shàngwèi not yet 7. yìngxŭ promise 12. shūbào books and
2. qiánlì potential 8. chūxiàn arise newspapers
3. yíhàn regret 9. xíngshì form 13. jĭnguăn although
4. pāochū throw out 10. xìnggé disposition 14. bùjīn can't help
5. yòu'ĕr bait 11. xīnsi thought 15. găntàn sigh with
6. yùwàng lust feeling


*ጐგ STPVOĂSTPVO Ex: ጐგԧࣇౌົ࿁ࡦ͹۞ўຍĂᔘрϤ‫ٺ‬᰽۞̂ຑĂ᰽‫ځ‬Ϩԧࣇ۞ᅮՐĄ

*Ϥ‫ ٺ‬STPVOĂSTPVO Ex: Ϥ‫ٺ‬᰽‫ځ‬Ϩԧࣇ۞ᅮՐĂ᰽೩ֻԧࣇីᅿ۞ᏺᔢ

ҮඵᖨԴ! 3 Narratives

Narrative 7b: Impressions from Traveling ॠྼ͕଀

ԧѐᅅ 1 ॡᑕᔛ 2 ‫ז‬ԓᘷΝĂд֤ഇม 3ĂѣϦኛ 4 ‫࣎˘ז‬ѐ΃ 1 ˳ᅈ 5 ۞᏷Ӭ 6 ΝĂд‫ ˾ܝ‬7 ѣ˘࣎ͪѰ 8Ă
Ѱ̄य़ѣ˘ळโҒ 9 ۞ֹवᐎည 10Ă఺Ҝֹवഅགྷд΁۞‫ߋܦ‬ 2 ۞ˠᕩШ
11 ໐̚͡ͽ‫ ࡴג‬12 ۞ჟৠ 13 ‫ݍ‬ᐽ 14 ༊г

ࡠ᎘ૄ༛Ă͔੓ 3 ˞ధкˠ۞р؈͕ 15 ҃ଷ੓ 4 ˞˘ಞᛢજ 16Ą

ԧྏ඾ଂᙱ࠻ 17 ۞Ϯᐝ 18 ሀ‫ ݭ‬19 ̚ĂԱವ˘ֱѝ̏జԞ੃ 20 ۞ቢ৶ 21Ă֕඾ 22 ֕඾Ăдᗓฟ 23 ݈˘ֱ‫ܥ‬

ႍ 5 г˯Ąдԧ۞͟ᄫ 6Ĉ
24 ฟؕརд 25 ̚ѣ඾఺ᇹ۞੃ྶ Ķីᅿ 26 ̚ѣ‫ޝ‬ኑᗔ 27 ۞ຐ‫ڱ‬Ą఺ߏԧࢵѨ 28 ‫ז‬Ο΃

ֹव‫ڇ‬ચ 29 ࿅۞г͞Ă༊ѐ 7 ΁ࣇд҇វ 30 ˯‫ޝזצ‬кᕘใ 31ĂధкˠႾෛ 32 ඾΁ࣇĂ൒҃΁ࣇᔘߏӅ˧ିֈ 33

༊г۞ˠĂԓ୕΁ࣇБౌ 34 ਕֶያ 35 ା͹҃ॄԼĂֹव੨Ъ 36 ΁ࣇ۞‫͕ܫ‬ઇ˞ధк࿰֏ 37ĂҖ˞ధк۞؈ᖹĂ

ͽШ͵ˠរᙋ 38ĂΪࢋ͵ˠ၆ৠѣ‫͕ܫ‬Ăৠυͽԣሄ 39 ‫ึ׶‬Ӏ 40 ᓄၷ 8 үࠎಡ࿌ 41Ą

ԧߏ˘઼࣎̚ˠ 42Ă༊ԧᕩ‫ ޢͽܫ‬43ĂϠ߿ѣ˞ព඾ 44 ۞̙ТĂ*ᔵ൒˵ົ‫זצ‬Ӹᘣ 45 ̙҃ߏְְౌჍ
͕ 46Ăԧᔘߏ 47 ѣπщ۞ຏᛇĄ‫ޝ‬кዐ‫ ا‬48 ᄮࠎԧࡦ‫ ݔ‬49 য়АĂ൒҃Ȉфߛ۞੪̄ 50 ˯ٙ੪۞Ăߏ‫ڼ‬ந 51 ̂г

۞͹Ă᰽ࠎٙѣ۞ˠᐺᔘ 9 ۞ࢳ፟
52 ΃ᆊĄķ؆୎ 53 ֽ‫ז‬ॡĂԧдຳ̚ 54 ̙ᕝࢦኑ 55 г‫ޥ‬҂఺ְֱĄда඀ 56

˯Ăԧ࿣ጨ 10Ăѣధк඗ԫ
57 ۞ळҜ 58 ˯ӱ඾˘Ҝണᅪ 59 ۞‫ܛ‬ጀ 60 շ̀Ă΁ኘ‫΁ז‬ѐᅅॡߏ࣎ᜨᒉ 61 ੼͘ 62Ă

˵ົតᜲఙ 63Ăధк̃Ϡౌჸะ 64 д΁֗ᙝĂ΁·႕᝭ঈ 65 гๆෛ 66 ˘̷Ă‫΁ֽޢ‬ј˞੧੿ 67Ă‫ܜ‬ഇ 68 ᐛᓄ 69

г΍ˢᗁੰ 70 ̝มĂࠎ˞᏿ੑ 71 ઇ˞ధк࿁͕ 72 ְ̝Ă**ۡ‫΁ז‬ј˞˘࣎າି 73 वĂ΁̖щ࿲ 74 ˭ֽĂឰϠ‫׻‬

ࢦາ٥ᔢ 75 ΍ਝĂ΁னдՏ͇౑౦ 76 ዳҁ 77Ă΁၆Ϡ߿‫ޝ‬႕ຍĂ՟ѣ̦ᆃࢋՐ 78Ąཐីခજ 79 ඾ԧӘ෦΁ԧ۞

֍ᙋĂԧۢ྽ৠৌ၁۞ିົ̏д˘࣎ዋ༊ 80 ۞ॡ࣏ೇᎸ˞ĂֹԧࣇΞͽତ‫צ‬ାाυᅮ 81 ۞ିᆇĄ

̫͇ିົ۞ົ‫ܜ‬ဥ 82 ಶᙷҬ 83 Οॡ࣏۞ֹवĂࠎԧࣇүϯቑ 84Ă˵Ξͽᒔ଀ୁϯĂֹԧࣇ̙ϡव౻ 85 гѪ

੃ 86 གྷ͛Ă҃ਕଂ੻̄ 87 ྆‫ځ‬Ϩৠ۞ഇధĂᔖҺ‫ ିݔ‬88Ă࿅඾Հѣड़த 89 ۞Ϡ߿Ą

Highlighted Vocabulary List

1. niánqīng young 23. líkāi leave 45. fáng'ài hinder
2. yìngyāo invited 24. yŭdī rain drop 46. chènxīn satisfactory
3. qíjiān period of time 25. rìzhì diary 47. háishì still
4. shēnqĭng apply 26. línghún soul 48. línjū neighbor
5. jiŭyuăn remote 27. fùzá complex 49. bèipàn betray
6. yízhĭ site 28. shŏucì first time 50. dīngzi nail
7. ménkŏu doorway 29. fúwù serve 51. zhìlĭ govern
8. shuĭchí pond 30. ròutĭ body 52. chánghuán repay
9. hēisè black 31. răoluàn disturb 53. yèwăn night
10. diāoxiàng statue 32. jiānshì monitor 54. ànzhōng in the dark
11. qīngchūn youth 33. jiàoyù educate 55. chóngfù repeat
12. kèkŭ assiduous 34. quándōu all 56. fēijī airplane
13. jīngshén spirit 35. yīkào depend 57. gébì next
14. miănlì encourage 36. pèihé coordinate 58. zuòwèi seat
15. hàoqíxīn curiosity 37. yùyán prophesy 59. cánzhàng handicapped
16. sāodòng disturbance 38. yànzhèng prove 60. jīnfă blonde
17. nánkàn unsightly 39. kuàilè happy 61. lùyíng camp
18. shítóu stone 40. shùnlì smoothly 62. juéjì unique skil
19. móxíng model 41. bàochóu reward 63. móshù magic
20. wàngjì forget 42. zhōngguórén Chinese 64. jùjí gather
21. xiànsuŏ clue 43. yĭhòu after 65. jiāoqì pride
22. zŏuzhe walk 44. xiănzhù obvious 66. àoshì look down upon

3 Narratives ҮඵᖨԴ

67. jiŭguĭ drunkard 74. āndùn settle down 82. huìzhăngtuán presidency
68. chángqí long-term 75. bámáo weigh anchor 83. lèisì similar
69. pínfán frequent 76. diàoyú fish 84. shìfàn demonstrate
70. yīyuàn hospital 77. yănglăo retire and enjoy 85. túláo in vain
71. qiáncái wealth 78. yāoqiú ask 86. sĭjì memorize
72. wéixīn against one's 79. gŭdòng arouse 87. gŭzĭ bone
will 80. shìdàng proper 88. pànjiào apostasy
73. xīnjiào Protestant 81. bìxū essential 89. xiàolǜ effectiveness

Underlined Vocabulary List

1. niándài years 5. luòzài fall on 9. huíchéng return trip
2. dāngdì local 6. jìzăi record 10. gāoshŏu past master
3. yĭnqĭ arouse 7. dāngnián in those years
4. xiānqĭ set off 8. fánróng prosperous


*ᔵ൒ STPVOĂSTP ᔘߏ VO Ex: ᔵ൒˵ົ‫זצ‬Ӹᘣ̙҃ߏְְౌჍ͕Ăԧᔘߏѣπщ۞ຏᛇĄ

**ۡ‫ ז‬STPVOĂSTPVO Ex: ۡ‫΁ז‬ј˞˘࣎າିवĂ΁̖щ࿲˭ֽ

ጊ֗Ꭽാ! 4 Writing Practice

How Can I Communicate With Members and

Investigators Through Writing?

Learning to write Chinese will open new channels of communication through which you
can nourish and strengthen those whom you serve. You may write notes of encouragement to
your investigators, sharing with them your testimony and scriptures you have studied. After
baptism, you can continue to write new members to "help [them] adjust to their new life and
continue their spiritual growth" (PMG p.10). Finally, learning to write the characters you have
studied will also help you recognize and retain them.

This section allows you to practice writing the characters you have learned. The stroke
order for each character has been provided to help you write them correctly, as mistakes in
stroke order may make your characters difficult to read. Empty spaces have been provided for
you to practice writing the characters with the correct stroke order.

The writing practice is divided into the following sections:

• Common Chinese Surname Practice – Learn to recognize and write each common surname.
See the Appendix for a reference list of the Common Chinese Surnames.
• Address Characters Practice – Learn to recognize and write these common address
characters. See the Appendix for a reference list of the Address Characters.
• Gospel Vocabulary Characters Practice – Write each gospel vocabulary word as a character
pair in the spaces provided.

۞າି̓ĈĶֽᑒӄ఺ֱາᕩ‫ܫ‬۰ዋᑕາϠ߿̈́ᚶᜈдីّ˯ј‫ܜ‬ķ(‫ކ‬ᓾԧ۞჊ࢰ 10 ࢱ).


• ૱֍۞͛̚‫ؖ‬ቚ௫ - ጯ௫Νᄮᙊ֭ᆷ˭Տ˘࣎૱֍۞‫ͩؖ‬Ąྎ֍‫ܢ‬ᐂ̚۞૱֍͛̚‫ؖ‬
• ҝӬϡф۞ቚ௫ - ጯ௫Νᄮᙊ֭ᆷ˭఺ֱ૱֍۞ҝӬϡ۞фĄߤ࠻д఺ֱ‫ܢ‬ᐂ̚ҝӬ
• ჊ࢰϠф۞ቚ௫ – дٙ೩ֻ۞۩ॾ‫࣎׌‬фᆷ˭Տ˘࣎჊ࢰϠфĄ


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