1D Mathematical Model of Coke Combustion: Robert Straka and Tadeusz Telejko

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1D Mathematical Model of Coke Combustion

Robert Straka and Tadeusz Telejko

∂εs ρs hs ∂εs ρs us hs
Abstract—We describe behavior of the moving coke bed + = Shs ,
combustion in a cupola furnace, based on balance equations for ∂t ∂x
big coke particles and oxygen enriched blast. The undergoing where εs is solids’ volume fraction (εs = 1 − εg where εg
chemical reactions are described by the Arrhenian kinetics is void fraction), ρs is particle density of coke, us is descent
(reaction rate proportional to e− RT for homogeneous reactions)
as well as diffusion limited rate chemistry for heterogeneous
velocity (which is constant for all particles at given time), Srs
reactions on the coke surface. We also consider the heat is mass source term due to coke combustion and gasification,
transfer among solid and gas phases and furnace water jacket. hs is specific enthalpy of coke particles and Shs is energy
The system of PDEs is discretized using the finite volume source term due to combustion, gasification and heat transfer
method (FVM) and time integration is performed via Euler to the surrounding gas and walls. For flue gases we have
explicit scheme together with point-implicit preconditioning of
species balance equations. Simulation results are compared with
mass, heat and components’ mass fractions balances:
experimental ones. ∂εg ρg ∂εg ρg ug
+ = Srg ,
Index Terms—coke combustion, reactive flow modeling, het- ∂t ∂x
erogeneous combustion ∂εg ρg hg ∂εg ρg ug hg
+ = Shg ,
∂t ∂x
∂εg ρg ug Yj ∂εg ρg ug Yj
OMBUSTION of large particles constitutes one of
C the major problems in modeling of industrial scale
combustion. The rate of combustion is limited by two com-
= SYj ,

j ∈ {O2 , CO2 , H2 O, CO, H2 },

peting processes, the kinetic limited and the diffusion limited
where ρg is gas density, ug is actual velocity, Srg is mass
combustion. While kinetic limited combustion is the case
source term due to coke combustion and gasification, hg
for small particles and homogeneous reactions in the gas
is specific enthalpy, Shg is energy source term due to
phase, the diffusion limited combustion takes place during
combustion and heat transfer to the coke particles and walls,
surface heterogeneous reactions on the large particles. Main
Yj is mass fraction of j-th component of flue gas and SYj
products of such reactions are carbon dioxide and carbon
is source term due to homogeneous reactions in flue gases.
monoxide whose concentrations in exhaust gases are to be
Gas phase is considered to be in a state of plug flow, and its
controlled and in the latter case limited to the minimum.
superficial velocity is computed from known blast volumetric
When coke burns, extensive amounts of carbon monoxide
flux, rate of combustion and barotropic condition inside the
can be released in flue gases due to e.g. Boudouard reaction.
cupola furnace.
However in some cases this is necessary part of industrial
Chemical reactions considered in the model are:
process (as in the case of a blast furnace) in other cases
this is strictly unwanted. We develop a 1D model of large 1) Heterogeneous gasification of fuel
coke particles combustion in a cupola furnace, together 2
with essential chemical reactions and heat and mass transfer C(s) + CO2 (g) −−−−→ 2CO(g),
relations which can be further used for simulation of other RH O

industrial processes where the coke combustion is main C(s) + H2 O(g) −−−2−→ H2 (g) + CO(g),
source of heat and emissions. Model itself is based on heat RCO s

and mass balance laws for counter current tubular reactor. C(s) + O2 (g) −−−−2→ CO2 (g),
Comparison of simulated and experimental results shows 1 RO2
good agreement [1] and the model was incorporated into the C(s) + O2 (g) −−−→ CO(g).
bigger project of rock melting cupola simulation tool [2]. 2) Homogeneous combustion
CO(g) + O2 (g) −−CO−→ CO2 (g),
Moving bed consists of two phases, flue gases and solid 2
coke particles, for the solid phase we have following mass 1 RH2
and heat balances: H2 (g) + O2 (g) −−−→ H2 O(g).
∂εs ρs us 3) Water gas shift
= Srs ,
w R
Manuscript received December 28, 2013; revised May 7, 2014. This work
CO(g) + H2 O(g) −−→ CO2 (g) + H2 (g).
was supported by the research project No. from the budget for
science at Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Heterogeneous reactions take place in the vicinity of the coke
AGH University of Science and Technology. particles creating thin film, away from this film homoge-
R. Straka and T. Telejko are with the Department of Heat Engineering neous combustion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen occurs
and Environment Protection, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial
Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Aleja together with water gas shift reaction. Combination of source
Mickiewicza 30, 30-059, Cracow, Poland; email:straka@metal.agh.edu.pl. terms R∗ yields the overall source terms Srs , Srg and SYj
for appropriate phase and specie, these terms are described with λg gas heat conduction coefficient and Res is Reynolds
in the following section. number based on particle diameter. System of equations is
Heat transfer among gas, particles and walls is given by accompanied with following relations:
following relations: X X Z Tg/s
p = ρRTg , ρ = ρj , hg/s = cp,j/s (T )dT.
Shg = − ηk ∆Hk Rk − Sh,het + as hgs (Ts − Tg ) T0
j j
+as σes (Ts4 − Tg4 ) + Qgw ,
Shs = − (1 − ηk )∆Hk Rk + Sh,het
k Mass source terms for balance equations are derived from
−as hgs (Ts − Tg ) − as σes (Ts4 − Tg4 ) + Qsw , stechiometric equations from previous section and read:

where first terms are due to chemical reactions with ηk being Srg = MC (RCO2 + RH2 O + RCO2 (s) + 2RO2 ),
portion of energy ∆Hk released by homogeneous reaction MC
Rk transferred to gas phase, Sh,het is energy released from Srs = − r (RCO2 + RH2 O + RCO2 (s) + 2RO2 ),
heterogeneous reactions, third terms is combined convective SYO2 = −MO2 RO2 + RCO + RH2 + RCO2 s ,
and conductive heat transfer hgs between gas and particles 
SYH2 O = MH2 O 2RH2 − RH2 O − Rw ,
surface as with Tg gas- and Ts solid temperatures, next 
terms provide radiative heat exchange between gas and solid SYCO = MCO 2(RCO2 + RO2 − RCO ) + RH2 O − Rw ,

(effective emissivity of coke es is assumed to be 0.9) and SYCO2 = MCO2 −RCO2 + 2RCO + RCO2 s + Rw ,
last terms represent heat losses to walls, σ = 5.67 · 10−8 
SYH2 = MH2 RH2 O − 2RH2 + Rw ,
is Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Note that summing up those
two equations and dropping first and last terms yields zero, where MC is molar mass of carbon and C r is mass fraction
i.e. non-chemical energy is conserved in the model when the of carbon in coke as given by ultimate analysis of fuel
system is adiabatically insulated. Energy exchange term for sample. Reactions terms are described by Arrhenian kinetic
heterogeneous reactions reads: for homogeneous reactions i.e. the reaction rate k is given
Sh,het = RO2 (MO2 hO2 (Tg ) − 2MCO hCO (Ts )) by:  
+RCO2 s (MO2 hO2 (Tg ) − MCO2 hCO2 (Ts )) kkhom = Ak e 0T ,
+RCO2 (MCO2 hCO2 (Tg ) − 2MCO hCO (Ts )) where frequency factors Ak and activation energies Ek for
+RH2 O (MH2 O hH2 O (Tg ) − MH2 hH2 (Ts ) reactions are taken from [5]. Heterogeneous reactions are
−MCO hCO (Ts )). diffusion-kinetic limited i.e. their rates are evaluated as:

Overall heat transfer coefficient hgs is given by relation [3]: kkhet = min(kkkin , kkdiff ),
ug where diffusion rate:
hgs = 1.061δhgs ds ρg ρg ug cp,g Prg−2/3 ,
µg Shj Dj
kkdiff =
where δhgs is a correction coefficient established during ds
validation, µg is gas dynamic viscosity, cp,g is gas specific is evaluated using Sherwood number (Shj ) correlations by
heat and Prg is Prandtl number. Particle diameter ds , surface Dwivedi and Upadhyay [6]:
area as and volume fraction εs change during combustion  
and gasification and are computed from: 1/3 0.765 0.365
Shj = Scj Res + ,
εs ρs us Res0.82 Res0.386
ds = ds,in 3 ,
(εs ρs us )in where Scj and Dj are Schmidt number and diffusion coef-
6εs ficient for O2 , CO2 and H2 O [7]:
as = ,
φs d s 
εs =
, DO2 = 2.2 · 10−4 ,
ρs 1000 p
where φs is sphericity of coke particles. Non-conserved −5 Tg 101325
DH2 O = 1.6 · 10 ,
energy terms due to interaction with surrounding walls are: 395 p
Qsw = Aσ(ξs es Ts4 − ew Twall
4 Tg 101325
), DCO2 = 2.2 · 10−5 .
273 p
the correction parameter ξs must be determined from mea-
surements and wall emissivity is set to ew = 0.85, IV. N UMERICAL ALGORITHM
Qgw = Aσeg (Tg4 − Twall
) + Ahgw (Tg − Twall ), Furnace chamber is divided into finite control volumes and
where heat transfer coefficient from gas to wall is given by finite volume method approximation of spatial derivatives to-
[4]: gether with simple explicit Euler scheme for time derivatives
is applied:
λg 1 − εg 0.815 −0.5 Tg 0.73 ∂U ∂F
hgw = 0.07659 Res Prg , + =S
ds εg Twall ∂t ∂x
Ui+1 − Uiτ 1  TABLE I
+ (∂ΩU )i+1/2 − (∂ΩU )i−1/2 = Si , S IMULATION SETUP.
∆τ |Ωi |
where following notation is used: Hot blast volume 169.8 Nm3 /h
  Blast temp. 80 ◦ C
   
εg ρg εg ρg ug Oxygen enrichment 0 Nm3 /h
 εg ρg hg   εg ρg ug hg   Shg  Coke bulk density 500 kg/m3BED
 

 εg ρg YO 
 
 εg ρg ug YO 
  SY  Coke diameter 0.04 m
 2   2 
 O2 
εg ρg YCO  εg ρg ug YCO  S  Carbon content 71.3 %
 2  2
 YCO2 
Cupola diameter 0.2 m
U = εg ρg YCO  , F =  εg ρg ug YCO  , S =  SYCO  .
    
 εg ρg YH   εg ρg ug YH   SYH2 
  Cupola height 1.37 m
2  2 
37 ◦ C
 
εg ρg YH O  εg ρg ug YH O   
SYH O  Wall temp.
2  2 
2 
 
0  εs ρs us  
   Srs 
εs ρs hs εs ρs us hs Shs
carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide were measured. At each
When fast (chemical reactions) and slow (heat transfer, slow level, three samples were taken at near wall, midpoint and
chemical reactions) processes are coupled, above system center locations. Accuracy of the tuned model is surprisingly
of equations has great disparity in Jacobian’s eigenvalues high.
which leads to extremely small time steps in order to keep
positivity and accuracy of the solution. One remedy is to VI. C ONCLUSION
apply point implicit preconditioning of time derivatives of
The complex model of coke combustion and gasification
species equations [8]:
in moving bed was developed. Data from simulations were
∆τ τ compared with experimenal data and are in good agreement.
UYτi+1 = UYτi + [Res]Yi ,
1 + ∆τ ∂SYi /∂UYi From the simulated and measured data it is clear that oxygen
is consumed up to the half of the cupola with increasing con-
this technique does not affect steady-state solution which is
centrations of carbon monoxide and dioxide. The presence
the desired one. The above system of discretized equations
of high temperature, water molecules and oxygen keeps the
is then accompanied with boundary conditions, the known
concentration of carbon monoxide low. The peak temperature
volumetric flux, composition and temperature of blast at the
of flue gases is at same position as the peak carbon dioxide
bottom of the cupola and composition and temperature of
concentration indicating that at this point the combustion
solid fuel at the opposite side. The initial conditions must be
is the most intensive. After this point, oxygen is almost
carefully chosen to support startup of the combustion inside
exhausted and carbon monoxide produced by Boudouard
the cupola.
reaction cannot be burned to carbon dioxide, thus the con-
centration of carbon monoxide is increasing together with
V. R ESULTS decrease in carbon dioxide concentration and temperature
To examine model abilities, we setup the model con- decrease due to endothermic nature of Boudouard reaction.
sistently with experiment performed by Hameedullah and Nevertheless the temperature of flue gases are too high to
Chakraborty [9] (values are given in Tab. I). Character N stop Boudouard reaction and it proceeds until the end of
before m3 stands for normal conditions i.e. volume of gas cupola. High temperature of flue gases and lack of oxygen
is given at pressure equal to 1 atmosphere and temperature also cause decrease in water and increase in hydrogen
equal to 273.15 Kelvins. A bulk density is mass of material concentrations due to water gas and water gas shift reactions.
related to the volume which the material occupies i.e. in coke The extended version of the model is used in simulation tool
filled container (so called ”bed”) of volume equal to 1 m3 we of rock-melting cupola. The model can be further developed
have 500 kg of coal particles. During several runs, correction and enhanced to simulate different industrial processes which
parameters (that cannot be measured or predicted in advance) involve moving bed combustion (e.g. blast furnaces) of coal
were fine tuned until agreement between measured and particles.
computed values was established. The parameter δhgs has
great influence on temperature profiles as increasing heat R EFERENCES
flux to the wall decreases flue gas and coal temperatures [1] R. Straka and T. Telejko, “Validation of Mathematical Model of
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[6] R. H. Perry and D. W. Green, Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,
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molar fractions of CO2 , CO, O2 , H2 O and H2 together [7] S. R. Turns, An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications,
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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
distance from tuyeres [m]

Tg/100 XCO2 XH2O CO

XO2 Tc/100 TEMP CO2

Fig. 1. Simulation results, comparison of measured (symbols) and computed (lines) values. X axis denotes position from tuyeres, Y axis is scaled to
contain both temperature in Celsius and molar fractions in percents.

[9] M. Hameedullah and P. N. Chakraborty, “Combustion in a cold blast

cupola,” Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 45, pp. 129–146,

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