Nottage - Ruined

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(CHARACTERS SALIMA JOSEPHINE {JEROME KISEMBE, MAMA NADI SIMON FORTUNE (CHRISTIAN (COMMANDER OSEMBENGA MR. HARARL LAURENT SOPHIE AID WORKER SOLDIERS ‘MINERS PLACE small mining town in the Democratic Republic ofthe Congo. RUINED ACT ONE Seene 1 A mall ining tun. Te rounds ofthe soot ari rain fron. Democrat Republic of the Congo A bar with mahsbiffrieare ad «rundown pol table A lac of ene bas gone into mang the sworn bar beri. A ‘tach of plasic web rein the corner old car bi tery poses the lights and audio sem covered bird cage ‘capicaouly sin the carer of the ro tana Ne esr oti omen witha {gor aide ond maja in wake Cran, ea fore 4 pereualh chard raving sclemon, bch. back Toa Hs vd ks hve he dn yd ning onthe rad Hewes tat mig ve btn ida {lb wher new, nw neta end ve hed Be brh: te a fos ting ad cher se sp of irae CHRISTIAN, Ah, Cold The only cold Fanta in twenty-five kil ‘meee. You dont know how good this tates, (Mam fle ‘nar, frsations smile, hen pour bela Pris ber) MAMA. “And where the hell have you ben? CHRISTIAN. Tewas no ary ean petting bese. MAMA. Tye been expecting you forthe ln htc weeks. How am supposed do business? No soap, no cgaete, no condom, Not 5 cena ater of psa forse gene EHIRISTIANS. Why ae you pking» fhe wih me aed? Git ee ihn dann cues Nob and Tin ling Yous sky could pet hough on the main ond Brey wo loa Tey tats my and yokes dae ned ling, Tl ex, {en They iment reson ihren youre. : iAw Ten yds Me His lay mange ge though? CHRISTIAN: Me Hare du bing you cing you ned does fet Me Hara has ints hat oped his safe. Me, Ui pets hae anyone dy (Orin, era) MAMA. And mip GGHRIStiAN. ou pic Are! Did you sk efor ips MAMA Of coune, [ad you dot " CEIRISTIAN. Link tthe yo spk me, Oe, Comment Saat potb You shouldbe happy made le be in ove pce. (Cen peda of itl or poker) ay zo {eee nein Sic knw ots her api. SIAMA, Yo buryou alway ce home ile more dan you as fue Joop Rope you ktow how owe 2 condom (Coen lhe) CHRISTIANE Are you jo? MAMA. Lewe me alone you're too preicabe. (Mama sums ty imi) CHRISTIANS Wher are yo going? Hae hac ayo ding? (ening) Cee {hw you aed et gt 0 Yu cud JASE arg wont th plea hime (Christ Ter se ipce Mos as te we ale) MANN Ota up and get 0 (le pe ber epic) Thankyos, Chin CHRISTIAN, Thar sou MAMA Dove pres you lick And it ees be ed (Mama gas ‘lea fom td ergo ied is be CETERA eet nae sao you wae hd MANA Lik olen my bx. CHRISTIAN." cng) ‘What itive? nance wind ‘Afuccion, fronting the coming of soem, 6 Revol, thomy buch Blown asunder td swept away “Ther, Ch gre yours poo a ew ofthe kiss you wot llow sc (Chviian ah warmly Mama pt out eof peat, MAMA. Here Tsved you sme groundnuts, Pefuoe CHRISTIAN. ‘Thats all you sve form MAMA. Be amare, andl show yo the door im one second (dena bm with ber) CHRISTTAN, Ach ach why ar you wearing my Grandmams fe! (Chrinian mach er extn Mana lah end downa ber fuer) MAMA. You sure you dost want x ber CHRISTIAN. You know me beter han thi, Ohi, havent had top of que in four on MAMA. leaing) Ks cold CHRISTIAN. ht (Christin onc oem fw poets mpl Jabs pop ton into imo Te para ucla) Wha er To the cage MAMA. Ob, chat ary parte. Old Papa Batanga pase CHRISTIAN. ‘Where MAMA, Lax Thay. Noone wanted sedan bin I compli tro mc CHRISTIAN. (Arad) eb, what dacs sy? (Cniion was tothe bide and pounder te ceverng) MAMA. Who the nl knows? pels Pygmy. He OH Papa taste a of ibe Thar upd wth ony hing he bed Ie total CHRISTIAN, (1 bird) Halo? MAMA. Heelies nga the word af the fore people wre ‘poken the spas wotld a3) sve CHRISTIAN. Fortra? (Ciiion pe bi fnger int he ce. To ‘Maina What te you going to do with ine MAMA. Sell ie doo wane ie sins. (Christin poke a he sbindoage) CHRISTIAN, (1 bind) Hello MAMA, Hey hey dont pu our Sager in he. CHRISTIAN, Look Helier me So Main, you ret asked me hare Ive ought fr you? Go se (Cham gut ats Tis fimges) Ow Shi. He it ne MAMA Wall you shoulda be mening with. (Mame lg) 7 CHRISTIAN. Ow, damn i MAMA. (fnpateny) Dont bea cybaby, wha id you bring me? WAP. Arc you going co keep me guessing? CHRISTIAN. ‘Go on. Take 2 peek in de track, And dont say 1 tion think about you, (Mama mle.) MAMA, How many? CHRISTIAN. Thre MAMA, Tice? Bo, I cat use dre right now: You know chat. CHRISTIAN. Ofcourse you can. And TI give you a good price ifyou tke all of chem, (Mama gosto the dora and pes eu a the ofving, wnimprese) MAMA. I dori know They lo used. Worn. CHRISTIAN, Cimon, Mama. Take nother look fillook Youve said it youre busnes is god. (Mama comer, then inal) MAMA. ‘Okay, ome: That one in fron. (Pins int he distance) CHRISTIAN. Ths. Cmon, dont make me travel back with them, MAMA, Jus one How much? CHRISTIAN, Da you know how fica was geting here The road was completly washed out — MAMA. Allright ll right. don need the whole damn saga Jus tell me, how much forthe one? CHRISTIAN. ‘The sine a unl plas ewenty-ive, because becase You undertand i wast easy co ge here with she — MAMA, Til give you Bien, CHRISTIAN. Ah! Fifeen? No, Thats nothing, Tren. Coa. MAMA, Tay. My best off (Chron mal it a He ect) CHRISTIAN. Aye. Ok. Olay. Dama it Ye Yes, Bue I expect tothe cold Fanta One from the bottom this time. (Chien, Af i Mang on seins and mrs aa ne fom the repigeratr She appli lip for god measure, hen count ‘ut her many. Chriian tenes proudly bearing to cartons of Tgendan ciate A amen ter fo woraen nig lsng ep tomatoe inte the bar: Sophie, «linens beauty with ar of def ‘ine and Salima, a rrdy peasant woman who fac ers a world terns. The bold and: Mama suis the women then —) MAMA. Laid one, That one. (She pins to Sophie.) CHRISTIAN: Ie been good week and Tell you what, Tl give you ewo for che pice af one. Why noe? MAMA, Are you deaP No, Ta! I dor need rwo more mouths to 8 feed and pase me, (Maa contact ermine esch woman.) ‘CHRISTIAN. Tai both: Feed them as one. Plesse, Mama, Yl throw inthe cigars fo cove MAMA. But, 1 oaly pay for one CHRISTIAN, Of couse. We agree, why ae we arguing? MAMA, (ling) Josephine! Josephine! Where ts that stupid ‘woman? Jeph, sy roman ine chore Weterale mince land high hee, appears in the beaded doorway Shears, the nee ‘aomen with obvious contempt) Take them out back. Get them swathed and some proper clothing JOSEPHINE. "Noo. [Come] (Bert) Sax. [Quick] Gophine Ueckons 9 the women. They reactant flow) (MAMA, Wit (Mama gears to Salina boing t Sophie) You ‘Come here. Salina dee nave.) Come Sali sing 0 Siphia ther slowly was towsrd Mama.) Whats your nae) SALIMAY (Whips) Sali, MAMA. "Whae SALIMA, Salina. Mama exomines Salma rough band) MAMA. Rough. (Wah ddein) A diggee Welt hae 1 do some. thing abou that (Sli ants her hand ey Maa riers he bold get) Aad yo, come Youre prety thing, what your name? SOPHIE. (Gents) Sophie (MAMA, "Do yout have a smile? SOPHIE, Yes (MAMA, Thea let meseeit, Sophie sugges find a defiant sile.) Coalcsprminlinheeel a a JOSEPHINE. (Snap) Cron, now! Galina aks 0 Sophie. Se fo Jue, The women illo behind agp Sopie ale with ome pa.) MAMA. ‘Did you atleast ell hem this tine? CHRISTIAN. Yer. They knoe and they came willing MAMA, And —? (CHRISTIAN. Salina i rom a tiny village. No place relly. She vas caprused by rhe soldiers, Maylamayts the poor thing spent ‘eat ive months in che bush as thee concubine MAMA. And what of her people? CHRISTIAN. ‘She ays her husband i farmer, and fom what understand, her village wot have her back. Becase.. But she asl she dost have much sing, two worry MAMA. And the other?

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