Treat ADHD Naturally 2 PDF

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Because we truly deserve to realise our true power and capacity to change things.


Although things as usually happen, it seems I’ll have to delay release of this ee-book
book for 3 months, as right
now I’m focusing on dealing with some important and urgent side-line issues.

To make a long story short when I got diagnosed with ADHD at beginning of this year and was told I had
to take a drug to be okay I immediately had a sharp reaction, something inside of me said “Drugs
“ don’t
solve the root problem”” they just cover the symptoms, and that led me on a four month drive to find a
way to cure ADHD and ways to handle it, and boy sure I learnt. Firstly and foremost your nature can’t be
changed, let’s just face it, half of this “disorder” is caused by genetic factors, oh and why ‘disorder’ is in
double parenthesis? Well it’s a disorder for those who are slave away and bend to rules and norms
which, you being different know that it’s not so. Amongst my research I’ve found that ADHD has
significantly positive sides to it, in fact it could be considered a gift from heaven if you know how to
manage it well, the first step to managing it well is to start listening to your own soul’s calling rather
than take the should or should not’s that your environment puts on you. In the first release I’ve listed
ways and tools to utilise ADHD and feed the mind properly. I’ve found that in essence when you feel
good inside all your impulses will be to do good things, so that’s a minus ten for the statement that you
shouldn’t do wild things, because if they’re good intentioned in nature then all you need to do is
creatively navigate the barrier, obstacles and ‘shit’ that rules, norms and procedures place on us, in fact
if you feel time to time to break them go ahead, if your intention is good so will be your means.

Of course that’s just the first things I’ve come to realise about ADHD, another important thing I’ve found
is the need of a goal of very powerful higher purpose goal to tie your uttermost attention to.

Scatter Focus
Normal Focus Hyper Focus

The Normal Focus Type The ADHD Focus Type

A higher purpose draws all links of attention to it

Hyper-focus occurs when something really captures your imagination and passion, it can be forced as
well but that’s how you’ll do things, you aren’t a lowly cog in the machine of society, you’re a change
agent in society, people frown on change as it pushes comfort zones out, but we all know that change is
good. This makes you ideal for things occupations like Scientists, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Composers,
Musicians, Rock Stars, Leaders and Evangelists.

In any case to keep this short, the e-book has been expanded into a much larger volume than I initially
expected, and those 4 months of intensive research have taken their toll, I’m currently enrolled in an
Engineering Course, and of course I’ve failed half the subjects, I managed to convince the dean to offer
me a supplementary session since I’ve over 2 credits over the maximum for resists and therefore I’ll be
placing most of my attention on recovering from the slump I’ve taken, but at least now, I can use ‘ADHD’
to my fullest advantage. The main problem with ‘ADHD’ is simply the lower dopamine levels in your
prefrontal cortex, this is associated with inattentiveness due to weaker consciousness however it also
means access to the vast unconsciousness more easily, over-time I’m starting to research more into the
power of the unconscious mind but, first and foremost: So here’s some information regarding the power
of belief. The most important thing you’ll need to have if you’re going to start to thrive with ADHD.

The Power of Belief:

What makes a kid work half his life on time machine? Cause: Belief

 What saved Milton H. Erickson from Polio bouts? Cause: Belief.

In his own words:

E: “As I lay in bed that night, I overheard the three doctors tell my parents in the other room that their
boy would be dead in the morning. I felt intense anger that anyone should tell a mother her boy would
be dead by morning. My mother then came in with as serene a face as can be. I asked her to arrange the
dresser, push it up against the side of the bed at an angle. She did not understand why, she thought I
was delirious. My speech was difficult. But at that angle by virtue of the mirror on the dresser I could see
through the doorway, through the west window of the other room. I was damned if I would die without
seeing one more sunset. If I had any skill in drawing, I could still sketch that sunset. R: Your anger and
wanting to see another sunset was a way you kept yourself alive through that critical day in spite of the
doctors' predictions. But why do you call that an auto hypnotic experience? E: I saw that vast sunset
covering the whole sky. But I know there was also a tree there outside the window, but I blocked it out.
R: You blocked it out? It was that selective perception that enables you to say you were in an altered
state? E: Yes, I did not do it consciously. I saw all the sunset, but I didn't see the fence and large boulder
that were there. I blocked out everything except the sunset. After I saw the sunset, I lost consciousness
for three days. “
 What is it with the Placebo effect that actually changes things? Cause: Belief.

 Sylvester Stallone became a star despite the odds. Cause: Belief.

An accident during birth severed a facial nerve, leaving parts of his lip, tongue and chin paralysed. The
adult repercussions of the incident have come to signify Stallone’s recognisable slurred speech patterns
and drooping lower lip. These defects during Stallone’s early life left him a sickly child who suffered from
rickets and to add to the stress, his parents were constantly arguing and struggling to support him and
his younger brother, Frank Stallone (who became a B-movie actor). Yet he’s now a blockbuster film

The power to believe you can do it, is more important than any medication or supplements you take.

In fact the most important thing NOW is to take charge of your beliefs, sure we’ve had a past full of
problems, sure we have issues, sure there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, but if you believe you can
do it, you’ll do it. Take me for example: I’ve nearly attempted suicide 5 years ago, had 2 severe
depressions and then chronic mixed anxiety disorder, what changed me? Belief.

It was Belief that allowed me transcend my limited thoughts and put empowering ones in place.

This may be the most important exercise you’ll do:

1.) Make a list of your top fifteen beliefs on a paper, don’t spend time thinking just write down
what hits you right there.
2.) Get fifteen sheets of paper and number them 1 to 15
3.) On each sheet of paper then write down what you think is the evidence for this, what has
occurred in the past to support this belief, make a list of 6 or so evidences or proofs of this belief
leave a space between each one of them
4.) Once you’ve done that for all fifteen that’s 15*6= 90proofs, your going to go at each one of
them and do this: Challenge the negative proofs, ask yourself is this really true? Even if it is true,
ask yourself, what has this belief made me do? Ask yourself, How much pain I’ve experienced
clinging to this belief? Ask yourself, How much more pain I’ll feel if I continue clinging to this
belief? Finally after you’ve been charged up do this: Reframe it, tell yourself that the experience
is positive because, you’ve learnt something, you at least did something with your limited
understanding. Then finally write down why either the proof is false or why it is positive in
context of learning or protecting you against something
5.) After you’ve gone and challenged all the beliefs & their proofs, you’re ready for a perception
shift, take all the negative beliefs and replace them with empowering ones and find in your
memory events that make sense to it. Visualize them intensely, make them vivid and very
colourful and full of life.
6.) Finally write down the list of positive beliefs and read them every time you wake up from sleep.
Here’s a short example if you’re a bit lost for one belief I’ve held:

I’m not focused to do anything!

Proof1: Each time I sit down to do something I bounce off after 5 minutes

Reframe, Falsify or derive Positive Meaning: Not true – sometimes I’ve sat doing something for a whole

Proof2: That Project on Microcontrollers didn’t get finished because I didn’t focus enough

Reframe, Falsify or derive Positive Meaning: Yes and it’s because I didn’t allow myself to be creative

Proof3: I’ve injured my foot at work because, I was focused on what I was doing

Reframe, Falsify or derive Positive Meaning: I didn’t make my job interesting enough, I didn’t lock my
intention on what I was doing, in fact when I locked my intention on what I’m doing, I finish it faster
than my peers in excellent quality.

Proof4: It takes ages to do something, seriously studying, I end up rereading the same section because
my mind is somewhere else

Reframe, Falsify or derive Positive Meaning: Yes and that’s why I must see how this studying is going to
make things a whole lot more interesting in the future, plus I didn’t realise how interesting this
knowledge was because I didn’t see the applications of it.

Proof5: Every sound pulls my attention elsewhere

Reframe, Falsify or derive Positive Meaning: Maybe, when I’m walking and running it’s useful, when I’m
reading it actually makes me lock attention more to what I’m reading, sounds pull my attention
elsewhere because what I’m doing doesn’t engage me enough, therefore I’ll play music whilst reading.

Proof6: I am fat because I am not interested and can’t focus on doing exercises

Reframe, Falsify or derive Positive Meaning: I am fat because I’ve held the belief that I’m fat, if I hold
the belief that I’m muscular and toned I’ll do the exercise.

How much pain has this belief done to me in the past?

It made me feel out of place, it made me feel bad, it destroyed my self-confidence that I couldn’t garner
enough pluck to talk to that girl and it made me feel like ‘shit’ and a looser and it was the cause of
getting depressed 2 times in the past.

How much more pain will it cause if you keep clinging to this belief?

It will most likely destroy any future positive experiences, it will continue making me feel like ‘shit’, I
won’t be able to focus and hold a job, i won’t have a girlfriend, I’ll most likely end up alone and isolated.
Why is this belief false ultimately?

I’ve found that there were instances in which, I can focus really good and hard, I’ve learnt that when I tie
my loose connections with music, when something doesn’t engage me enough I can focus on it, I’ve
learnt that the more I emotionally charge the thing I’m doing the more connections I’ll draw to it and
the more faster I get it done.

What is your new Belief?

I can focus really hard and intensely when I mean it.

What supports your new belief?

Proof1: When I played on games that stimulated me I engage on it for days

Proof2: When I focus on something or feel excited to do it, I go do it fast and that takes a lot of focus.

Proof3: I’ve known that in reality I just need to tie up the loose connections to something else to focus

Proof4: I can put up quite an effort when I’m focused on the thing

Proof5: When something is important all my thoughts switch to it

Proof6: Focus start with intent and I can do really strong intentions sometimes

Next what I do is visualize myself focusing really hard at something, I see myself from a first person
perspective, seeing a typical work item and see myself really focused doing the thing as fast and
qualitatively as possible. I do this visualization for about five times.


Firstly doing ‘boring’ things has become way more easier, secondly I’ve learnt how to lock on my
attention to hyper-focus, thirdly I’m way more productive than usual and can fix myself to a schedule.

To summarise:

Beliefs are what truly guide us.

Beliefs are not necessarily true but the more vividly seen the more they push you towards something.

Beliefs are what lock your attention.

The technique for Belief change:

1.) Identify the belief

2.) Identify the proofs for that belief
3.) Challenge the proofs and change their meaning or content
4.) Find enough compelling reason and pain to change that belief
5.) Finally falsify the belief
6.) Set a new empowering belief opposite of the negative one
7.) Find proofs for this new belief in memory.
8.) Visualize yourself doing what your new belief tells you can do for five times as intensly as

Again I’ll ask for feedback at:

Also the website: will soon be online in the coming weeks, hope it changes your
life as I’ve been changed completely.

Regards and Peace,

Andrew Terry Buttigieg

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