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Data from Part 1:

Week 1 pre-dryed Week 2 pre-dryed

Total Seeds: 145 mass: 0.69 mass 3.86
total plants in total plants in
Mass of seeds (g): 0.26 dehydrator: 19 dehydrator 24
average mass of 19 average mass of 24
seeds 0.0342 seeds 0.0432
Mass/seed 0.00179 Week 1 dryed mass: 0.03g Week 2 dryed mass: .29g



Data from Part 2:

Day 11: Day 13:
Mass of 8
Caterpillars 0.37g mass of Caterpillars 1.24g
Mass of brussels mass of left over
sprouts 17.75g sprouts 14.79g
Mass of frass pad 0.24g mass of frass + pad 2.20g
mass of frass 1.96g

Part 2 Calculations:
Mass consumed 2.96
As a percentage of
Gain in Caterpillar
mass (g): 0.87 29
Mass of frass: 1.96 66
total mass of plant
assimilated or
eliminated 2.83 96
Total lost as heat 0.13 4
Energy (g Net Primary
Number Wet Mass of Dry mass of biomass x 4.35 Productivity
Age of Plants plants Percent kcal) of plants (Energy / days /
(day) Plants (grams) (grams) Biomass (kcal) plant)(kcal/day) Larvae Age 12 Days 15 Days 3 days of Growth

7 75 0.097 0.007 7.22% 0.03045 0.000058 Number of Larvae 4 4

Wet Mass of Brussels Sprouts
16.7 3.34 0.159 4.76% 0.69165 #DIV/0! (g) 8.989 4.479 4.51 consumed
Plant Percent Biomass
8 3.521 0.245 6.96% 1.06575 #DIV/0! (dry/wet) 4.76% 4.76% 4.76%
Plant Energy (wet mass x
percent biomass x 4.35 kcal)
6 2.94 0.00% 0 #DIV/0! (kcal) 1.86 0.93 0.93 consumed
Plant Energy Consumer per
Larvae (plant energy/number
#DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! of larvae) 0.47 0.23 0.23 consumed
#DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! Wet Mass of total larvae 3.091 #REF! gained
#DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! Wet Mass per Individual 0.77275 0.77275 0 gained
Larvae Percent Biomass
#DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! (dry/wet) 0.4 0.4
Energy Production per
Individual (individual wet mass
x percent biomass x 5.5
#DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! kcal/g) 1.70005 1.70005 0 kcal per individual
Dry mass of frass from larvae
#DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! (g) 0.309 -0.309 excreted
#DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! Frass Mass per Individual 0.07725 0 -0.07725 excreted
Frass energy (waste) (frass kcal excreted per
#DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! mass x 4.76 kcal/g) 0 -0.36771 individual
Respiration Estimate (plant
energy consumed - frass
waste energy production) 0.60 kcal

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