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Work Immersion
Narrative Report

The fifth day of work immersion was exhilarating, our last day is assigned in the female ward.
Upon walking to the long halls that leads to the entrance, it is undeniable that the smell is really
strong nevertheless I still didn’t use any mask for I know that it can offend the patients and their
illness is not communicable.

Upon entering the ward, we were once again welcomed by Fatima. My colleagues and I decided
to give the patients soaps, shampoos and other hygiene products and it is really appealing to see
that they have appreciated what we have given especially Fatima who I have given fruits. Unlike
in the male ward, the female patients were more timid but we are told to stay alert because they
are more strong and violent. At that day there were five patients who were tied in the bed posts
and it is explained by the nurse in charge in that day namely Ching Kee Guirren, RN that the one
who are tied in the bed posts are having their “Sumpong” and when they are already calm and
not violent they are quickly returned into their rooms.

We also assisted in giving their medicines, unlike in the male ward where the patients were all in
front of the nurse. In the female ward we walked door to door to give their medications.

In that morning I also learned that there are many patients that are abandoned by their families
both in the male and female ward. But in the female ward we assisted one patient to drink her
milk because she is so weak and old to move, I have asked Ching Kee Guirren, RN why does
this certain patient doesn’t already move into her house and she had told us that many patients
are experiencing things like this that they don’t have a home to come back to and the only option
that they have is in the ward.

In the lunch time we assisted in giving their meals and after they ate, other patients came to us
and started a conversation. Upon talking to the patients I can somehow identify those patients
who are bipolar, depressed and etc. Some were overly hyped, delusional and overly saddened
amidst of that they have told their stories and I don’t blame them in acting the way they are.

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