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Work Immersion
Narrative Report

The work immersion was a huge help in moulding the matrix of all the health students, it gave
way in experiencing real hospital setting and in deciding if the health allied courses are the one
really for them.

I have sorted out three points in which I have learned in my work immersion.

Firstly, I have grown more respect to all of the medical practitioners. Back then when I saw a
pharmacists I would label them as the ones who would only sell medicines, Medical
technologists as the one who only aspirate bloods, nurses as a helper of a doctor but now I have
witnessed how their role is important in the hospital. Sure a doctor is like the ruler of them all but
they also cannot function without the help of others, no one is more superior to the other each
and every one has an important role to fulfil. Especially in where I was deployed, medical
practitioners in the Behavioural Medicine deserve a standing ovation. They are not only risking
their physical health but also their emotional and mental health

Secondly, how people has many misconceptions about mentally ill people. As a health student
who is now knowledgeable about patients from the Behavioural Medicine it is now my duty to
raise awareness and prevent misconceptions from spreading. Mentally ill people doesn’t deserve
a harsh treatment coming from the crowd, they need assistance, care and medication to maintain
a balance mental health.

Lastly, I grew as a better individual. I realized that nursing is really what my heart aspire, caring
and assisting patients is what I would like to do for the rest of my life even though there are
many backlash about being a nurse. This was made because of the work immersion and also for
CVMC in inspiring young aspiring health practitioners like me to do well and to handle patients
in a precise way.

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