How To Build Wealth

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Document No.

Title: Date Prepared
HOW TO BUILD WEALTH 20 August 2017
Document Security Level
Wealth Building Made Simple
For Personal Use Only
(not for sale)
1 of 4
by :
The Wise Investor Revision


Wealth Building Made Simple

The formula for wealth is simple but we need Discipline and Perseverance to
achieve it.

Here’s the 3 Simple Steps in Building Wealth:

1. Learn More

Everything you know is not all there is to know. You need to invest in yourself first.

This document is to be reproduced only with permissions from The Wise Investor.
Document No.
Title: Date Prepared
HOW TO BUILD WEALTH 20 August 2017
Document Security Level
Wealth Building Made Simple
For Personal Use Only
(not for sale)
2 of 4
by :
The Wise Investor Revision

Buy and read books that you want and like to read—Google it. Master something
and be the king or expert on it. Attend seminars and webinars. The More You Learn,
The More You Will Earn! And The Best Way to Learn is to Learn from The Best.
Remember, the rich become richer because he knows something you did not know.

2. Spend Less

Spend Less, Save More! Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is
left after saving. Further, never spend your money before you have it. Remember,
it’s not your salary that makes you rich. It’s your spending habits.

This document is to be reproduced only with permissions from The Wise Investor.
Document No.
Title: Date Prepared
HOW TO BUILD WEALTH 20 August 2017
Document Security Level
Wealth Building Made Simple
For Personal Use Only
(not for sale)
3 of 4
by :
The Wise Investor Revision

3. Invest Wisely

To invest wisely, we need to Buy Assets not liabilities. An asset is a thing you buy
that puts money in your pocket while liability is a thing you buy that only gets money
in your pocket.

So Learn More to Earn More so You can Spend Less Than You Make and Invest the
Difference Wisely.

In short, LSI — Learn More, Spend Less and Invest Wisely. Repeat this cycle and
continually improve it to build more wealth.

This is not very difficult to do or to understand. It is just daily habits dedicated toward
a specific goal—building wealth.

The only thing standing between you and wealth is the willingness to act on this
timeless wisdom.

This document is to be reproduced only with permissions from The Wise Investor.
Document No.
Title: Date Prepared
HOW TO BUILD WEALTH 20 August 2017
Document Security Level
Wealth Building Made Simple
For Personal Use Only
(not for sale)
4 of 4
by :
The Wise Investor Revision

But remember, God is the one who gives you the wisdom, the ability, the power and
the ideas to produced wealth (Deut. 8:18). He injects these ideas in your mind so
that you can produce Righteous Wealth.

The Lord although He was Rich, He made Himself poor (in the cross) so you could
become rich (2Cor.8:9). God wants to bless you and have more wealth now. WHY?
So you could support Him in His Kingdom expansion and advancement program on
earth right now (Luke 8:1,3). God wants you to become His Kingdom Builder, not
just a wealth builder.

So, get connected with God daily through prayer so He can give you the Knowledge,
the Understanding and the Wisdom to produce Righteous Wealth.

This document is to be reproduced only with permissions from The Wise Investor.

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