0721 Classwork - 111010

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Lesson: a person can be really smart but might have a weakness in some areas

Guy told him a joke but he didn’t get it.

Don’t think of yourself as too smart, but you may not get the smallest things

Even if you are educated, doesn’t mean that you are smart

You don’t have to be educated to be smart

There’s no such thing as real intelligence—only knowledgeable in certain areas or skills

Tests don’t mean anything—doesn’t have enough common sense.



ASIMOV’S THESIS: Nobody is really smart. It’s all relative to society.

YOUR THESIS: Intelligence is spread across the board: not everyone shares the same intelligence, but
we are each intelligent in our own way.

Evidence: Asimov’s intelligence

Auto repair man’s intelligence

Christina—really smart in school but slow in regular life.

George Bush: Cs all through college, became President

In “Intelligence,” Isaac Asimov states that intelligence isn’t just scoring well on tests. Asimov
knew the weaknesses in his own intelligence: he was good at answering academic test questions, but
didn’t have much knowledge about cars. When he went to the auto mechanic, he felt like a moron
because even with all his intelligence, he still couldn’t fix his own car. The auto-mechanic proved that
Asimov was an idiot by telling Asimov a joke that he was “too educated” to understand. This leads me to
believe that not everyone shares the same intelligence. Intelligence is relative: we are each intelligent
in our own way.

Intelligence is relative. Intelligence means knowledge, but everyone has different knowledge.
For example, Asimov was really good at taking academic tests. His score on an aptitude test was 160 out
of 100. On the other hand, the auto mechanic, Asimov estimates, “on these intelligence tests, could not
have scored more than 80.” But he is intelligent enough to out-smart Asimov when he told a tricky joke
—proving that intelligence is a matter of how you perceive it. Could put another example here.

Because intelligence is a matter of perception, we are each intelligent in our own way. For
example, my uncle Carlos didn’t get into college. Still, he developed his intelligence in business by his life
experience; he is now a successful entrepreneur. Therefore intelligence is not based in education; Carlos
is not educated, but he is intelligent in business. Could put another example here.


a. Doing well in school

b. Intelligence=knowledge?
c. Example: Doing puzzles
d. Takes practice to be smart
e. Wilvanny’s uncle: only high school degree but very successful in business.
f. Don’t need to know a lot about everything
II. Therefore, we are each intelligent in our own way.
a. Auto repair man’s intelligence
b. Asimov’s intelligence
c. Christina—really smart in school but slow in regular life.
d. George Bush: Cs all through college, became President

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