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ICT 215 SEM 1 2015/2016 1

Mzumbe University
Faculty of Science and Technology
Ict215:Discrete Mathematics
Tutorial sheet 2:

Predicates and Quanti ers

1. Consider the following statements

a) All students are intelligent.

b) Some students are intelligent.
c) No students are intelligent. Rewrite these sentences and hence symbolize them using predicates and quan-
ti ers.

2. Translate these statements into English, where C (x) is \x is a comedian "and F (x) is \x is funny "and the domain
consists of all people.

a) 8 [ ( ) ! F (x)]
x C x

b) 8 [ ( ) ^ F (x)]
x C x

c) 9 [ ( ) ! F (x)]
x C x

d) 9 [ ( ) ^ F (x)]
x C x

3. Translate the following sentence into symbolic form and indicate its domain. \If every integer is odd then every
integer is even ".
4. Find the English negation of the sentence in question 3 above.

5. Which of the following quanti ers are true or false, where domain consists of real numbers. Prove your answer.

a) 9 j1 sin2 0
x x <

b) 9 j 2+2 +1 0
x x x <

c) 8 j 2+ 1 0
x x x >

6. Let x 2 D = f1 2 3 g, then ; ; ;::: ( )jx is even, q (x)jx is divisible by 3 and r(x)jx is divisible by4. What is the
p x

truth value of

a) 9j ( ) ! q (x)
x p x

b) 8j ( ) ! p(x)
x r x

7. Given that (
P x; y )j
p x y > 1, and the domain for x and y consists of all real numbers. Determine the truth
value of

a) 99 (
x yP x; y ) (c) 8x9yP (x; y ) (e) 9y 8xP (x; y )
b) 89 (
x yP x; y ) (d) 9x8yP (x; y ) (f ) 8y 8xP (x; y ).

8. What is the truth value of (a) 89

x y (sin(x + y )  0) and ( ) 9 8
b y x (sin(x + y )  0), where domain for x and y

consists of all real numbers.

9. Find the truth value of (a) 8y 8xjx2 + y 2 > xy and (b) 8y 8xjx2 + y 2  xy , where the domain for x and y consists
of all real numbers.

10. Given that P (x; y )jx2 y  0. What is the truth value of 8 8 y (

xP x; y ), where D 2 R2 .
ICT 215 SEM 1 2015/2016 2

11. Translate into English the following statement: 88

x y [(x > 0) ^ (y < 0) ! (xy < 0)]

12. Let P (x; y ) be the statement \x + y = y + x". What are the truth values of the quanti cations 8x8yP (x; y ) and
8y8xP (x; y), where the domain for all variables consists of all real numbers?
13. Let Q(x; y ) denote \x + y = 0". What are the truth values of the quanti cations 9y 8xQ(x; y ) and 8x9yQ(x; y ),
where the domain for all variables x and y consists of all real numbers?

14. Let P (x; y; z ) be the statement \x + y = z ". What are the truth values of the statements 8x8y 9zP (x; y; z ) and
9z8x8yP (x; y; z), where the domain for all variables consists of all real numbers?
15. Translate the statement \The sum of two positive integers is always positive "into a logical expression.

16. Translate the statement \Every real number except zero has a multiplicative inverse ".

17. Translate the statement 8x[C (x) _ 9x(C (y ) ^ F (x; y ))] into English, where C (x) is \x has a computer ", F (x; y )
is \x and y are friends "and the domain for both variables consists of all Mzumbe University students.

18. Translate the statement 9x8y 8z [(F (x; y ) ^ F (x; z ) ^ (y 6= z )) ! :F (y; z )], into English, where F (a; b) means \a
and b"are friends and the domain for x; y and z consists of all students in F S T .

19. Express the statement \ If a person is female and is a parent, then this person is someone's mother "as a logical
expression involving predicates, quanti ers and logical connectives with a domain consisting of all people.

20. Express the statement \Everyone has exactly one best friend "as a logical expression involving predicates, quan-
ti ers and logical connectives with a domain consisting of all people.

21. Express the negation of the statement 89

x (
y xy = 1) so that no negation precedes a quanti er.

22. Use quanti ers to express the statement that \There does not exist a woman who has taken a ight on every
airline in the world ".

23. Use the laws of algebra in logic to test the validity of the following argument. \If the program syntax is faulty
or if program execution results in division by zero, then the computer will generate an error message. Therefore,
if the computer does not generate an error message, then the program syntax is correct and program execution
does not result in division by zero".

24. In the speci cation of a system for booking theatre seats, (

B p; s) denotes the predicate \person p has booked
seat s". Write the following sentences in symbolic form:

(a) Seat s has been booked.

(b) Person p has booked a (that is, at least one) seat.
(c) All the seats are booked.
(d) No seat is booked by more than one person.

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