Prosiding Jurnal Remedial Teaching

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Niken Larasati*)
Oikurema Purwati
Ahmad Munir

Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra

Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia


Adapun masalah yang terkait dengan kompetensi bahasa Inggris adalah permasalahan penguasaan bahasa
Inggris siswa yang berada di level bawah. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan kelas tambahan untuk membantu
siswa remidi dalam penguasaan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Sejumlah pendekatan telah diterapkan untuk
meningkatkan kemahiran berbahasa Inggris siswa. Pengajaran remedial adalah sebuah kelas insentif dalam
meningkatkan penguasaan kompetensi bahasa Inggris. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas implementasi
atau pelaksanaan pengajaran remedial dalam kelas remidial. Secara spesifik, artikel ini mendeskripsikan
teknik pengajaran, materi untuk kelas remidial, kegiatan belajar, dan penilaian guru yang dilakukan di
dalam kelas.
Kata Kunci: Remedial, Pengajaran, Kemahiran Berbahasa Inggris

Some issues found that English competencies are at a low level to be mastered by the students. Hence, the
additional course is needed to help the low achievers in mastering learning. A number of approaches have
been applied to develop students’ English proficiency. Remedial teaching is the incentive course for remedial
students in raising mastery competencies. This article is proposed to discuss remedial teaching
implementation to the remedial class. In specific, this article was done to describe the techniques, materials,
learning activities, and assessment that is used by the teacher in implementing remedial teaching.
Keywords: Remedial, Teaching, English Proficiency

INTRODUCTION Due to that condition, the low achievers or
The reputation of English is increasing in incompetent students or remedial students who are
Indonesia because English is used globally to not able to accomplish the SKL are expected to join
participate in the education domain specifically. the additional course. This course is useful both for
Armana (2011) states that English controls the teachers and students. The teachers need an
language of science. Realizing the importance of additional course to reflect the teacher’s
English language, Indonesia be familiar with its performance in teaching and the preparation of the
education in English subject as the most important material. While an additional course is used to help
part to give to the students. Hence, education in the remedial students in raising mastery
Indonesia is acknowledged as an active teaching- competencies. According to O’Toole (1994),
learning process where it needs the teacher’s role remedial teaching is one of the approaches that is
to support the students to learn and understand the worth trying as an additional course.
given topic for them (Aziziah, 2010). In addition, the
students are asked to learn and obtain rather than THE DEFINITION OF REMEDIAL TEACHING
only study the material which is known as Some researchers have their own definition and
competency-based learning (Widiastuti, 2010). explanation about remedial teaching. According to
However, the teacher always realizes that the Selvarajan & Vasantagumar (2012), remedial
students still difficult to learn and acquire English as teaching is used as a “tool” to help the remedial
their subject in school. Some issues found that both students’ needs in achieving the competencies that
teachers and students face the difficulties in the they failed in a normal/regular class. While, Maharaj
teaching-learning process because they are the key & Khan (2016) states that remedial has definition to
players to play the roles in education. The issues repair, improve or remedy particular skill. Remedial
faced by the teachers are about the techniques they teaching is giving a treatment to a group of students
used in the classroom to control the students in the who identified as low achievers to push them to
large class on how modifying some techniques and achieve the goal (Kumar, 2016). In addition,
materials to meet a very wide range of students’ remedial teaching means curing, healing, or
needs. In addition, teachers are asked to be able to correcting the way of teaching to get the maximum
maintain the competencies and capabilities in the goals (Mukhtar & Rusmini, 2007). As a result, the
subject that they teach in order the learning can aims of remedial teaching are to know the
successfully complete (Cabanatan, Cabrera, weaknesses of the remedial students in learning
Crucena, & Terrobias, 2012). process, to change the way how the remedial
While some issues faced by the students are students study, to aid the remedial students in
they have to study hard to be able to take the choosing the material and facilitation, to motivate
theory and try to acquire the knowledge what the the better result, to be responsible to the given
teachers have been given. It is related to the level of task, and to reflect the way of teaching (Mukhtar &
the students’ skills in mastering the competencies Rusmini, 2007).
who characterized as low achievers or incompetent
students. Therefore, the government approved the THE PROCESS OF REMEDIAL TEACHING
Passing Grade Standard (Standar Kompetensi The teacher’s main role in the teaching-learning
Kelulusan – SKL) to evaluate the students’ process is to stimulate the quality of learning
accomplishments. SKL is used as the measurement (Selvarajan & Vasanthagumar, 2012). It means that
in developing the standard of content; process; during the teaching-learning process, the teacher
assessment; and educator. (Permendikbud Number locates and identify the areas where the students
20, 2016). commit mistakes. It is the crucial stage of the
teaching-learning process where the teacher
diagnose and prepare additional material for
remedial teaching to guarantee the quality of
learning. For the further detailed, here is the THE TEACHER’S TECHNIQUES IN REMEDIAL
flowchart of the process of how the remedial class is
A number of teaching techniques have been
formed, research by Education Bureau of Hong
researched and authorized by the researchers and
Kong (2007).
experts for the successfulness of the teaching-
learning process. However, the techniques of
teaching that bring in the class are not always as
well as the expectation. It is because of the
condition of the teacher, students, class, references,
and so on. Hence, remedial teaching or remedial
class does not have the specific techniques on the
process of teaching-learning process.
In remedial teaching, diversified teaching
activities such as situational teaching, competitions,
gathering of information, discussion, oral reporting,
games, up-to-date examination, production of
graphs, figures, models, role play, recording, visit
and experiments may help remedial students
improve their interest in learning, stimulate their
thinking and strengthen the effectiveness of
teaching (Dasaradhi et. al., 2016). The use of
teaching aids should be the key part of the teacher’s
technique. However, the teacher needs the
selection of teaching aids in the appropriate use of
teaching aids. Appropriate teaching aids not only
Figure 1.1 The Flowchart of Remedial Teaching help to enhance students’ interest in learning, but it
Process. also combines the knowledge they learned, thus the
objective of teaching can be achieved (Boylan et. al.,
The flowchart above is purposed as a guide how 1999). When designing and using teaching aids, the
the students do mistakes and how the teacher teacher should first consider their practical use and
diagnoses and prepare additional material to assist assess whether the goal of remedial teaching can be
the students who perform mistakes then the achieved (Cheng, 2014).
teacher open additional class known as remedial
The process starts from the middle side where
The teacher should adapt the curriculum to
the process of teaching-learning in a regular class
assist the learning characteristics and abilities of
run. Then, the bottom one is used by the teacher to
remedial students. They should set teaching
diagnose and identify the students. It divided into
objectives which are easy to accomplish and to
two groups. The “achieving targets” group is for
guarantee that remedial students may get the
those who perform well and the “obstacle in
knowledge. The teacher may select and use the
learning” group is for those who perform mistakes.
materials in textbooks to meet the teaching
The “obstacle in learning” group will join in the
objectives, or collect their own supplementary
remedial class.
teaching materials. They may also design materials

of different standards (Basturkmen, 2010). In a very important role in teaching and learning.
addition, materials from the internet, newspapers, Assessment has two common methods for
magazines and references provided by the school teachers’ reference, those are formative and
help the teacher in designing the motivating and summative assessments (Stiggins, 2005). Formative
enjoyable activities to enhance students’ learning assessment is done for daily classwork and
(Clarke, 2003). homework as well as individual or group projects.
However, schools can also support and design While summative assessment is done by doing
the supporting materials in assisting remedial examination or tests.
students by classifying the teaching content based Due to the types of assessment methods, the
on the teaching objectives and students’ abilities teacher should keep a detailed individual record of
(Brinley, 1989). The design and organization of each student. The teacher should assess the
teaching materials should be student-oriented. The progress of the students regularly and
teacher and school should be selected and collected systematically. Another consideration of
systematically to provide the purpose (Bureau, assessment, the teacher should focus on the
2007). response of students during classroom learning and
make a record as the individual evaluation to
THE LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN REMEDIAL TEACHING facilitate development actions or changes in
The teacher should design proper learning teaching strategies (Brown, 2005). In addition, the
activities in line with the focus of teaching. On the teacher should make reference to the teaching
basis of the low starting point, small steps, objectives in evaluating the effectiveness of
diversified activities and instant feedback (Bureau, teaching, and revise their teaching plans according
2007), the teacher should encourages remedial to the learning needs (Gardner, 2006).
students to play a part actively during the learning
process to help the students in mastering the skills CONCLUSION
and teacher may use the methods of collaborative The above description shows that the
learning (Wang, 2009). implementation of remedial teaching specifically
Well-designed learning activities help to the techniques, the materials, the learning
maintain students’ attention and interest in activities, and the assessments in assisting the
learning and facilitates the accomplishment of remedial students or low achievers is one of the
teaching goals (Widiastuti, 2010). The teaching approaches that are worth trying. However, it
environment should be designed to support should be known that some efforts need to be done
remedial teaching and group activities. For if a teacher wants to implement remedial teaching.
examples, seat arrangements of students should be First, prepare on the way how to teach remedial
flexible to meet the specific teaching purposes of students in this intensive class. Second, prepare and
each learning activity, placing self-learning corner, compile supplement materials that appropriate to
book corner, science corner, prize corner or the students’ needs. Third, arrange the positive
stationery/learning resources corner (Bureau, environment so that the learning activities can be
2007). The key points to arrange the learning acceptable for remedial students. Last, assess the
activities are preparing a rich, enjoyable, and students in many ways they do their individual
comfortable learning environment for the students evaluations. It is believed that remedial teaching
to stimulate their motivation in learning. brings positive reflection for both teacher and
By means of assessment, the teacher can know
the learning progress as well as the strengths and
weaknesses of pupils. That is why assessment plays
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