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Elastic Impression Materials

Various materials are available for making a precision negative mold of soft and hard tissues.
In order of their historical development, they consist of the following:3
1. Reversible hydrocolloid
2. Polysulfide polymer
3. Condensation silicone
4. Polyether
5. Addition silicone
Each material has advantages and disadvantages, and none is entirely free of
shortcomings. However, they all share one important characteristic: when handled correctly,
they can produce casts of sufficient accuracy and surface detail for the fabrication of
clinically acceptable fixed prostheses.In comparison, Irreversible hydrocolloid is not
sufficiently accurate for fabrication of precisely fitting restorations.
Nevertheless, there are reasons for selecting one material over another: If it becomes
necessary to store the impression before a cast will be made, the polyethers and addition
silicones are preferable because they exhibit sufficient long-term dimensional stability; the
other materials, particularly the reversible hydrocolloids, must be poured immediately. If the
impression will be poured in epoxy or will be electroplated reversible hydrocolloid should
not be selected because it is compatible only with die stone.

A. Reversible Hydrocolloid
Reversible hydrocolloid (also called agar hydrocolloid or simply hydrocolloid) was
originally derived as a natural product of kelp. However, the material currently available is
considerably different.
If poured immediately, reversible hydrocolloid produces casts of excellent dimensional
accuracy and acceptable surface detail. At elevated temperatures, it changes from a gel to a
sol. This change is reversible-i.e., as the material cools, the viscous fluid sol is converted to
an elastic gel. Agar changes from gel to sol at 99° C (210° F) but remains a sol as low as 50°
C (122° F), forming a gel only slightly above body temperature. These unique characteristics
are very favorable for its use as an impression material.
Reversible hydrocolloid is supplied in a range of viscosities. Generally a heavy-bodied
tray material is used with a less viscous syringe material. The required temperature changes
are effected with a special conditioning unit and water-cooled impression trays.
Reversible hydrocolloid's lack of dimensional stability is due primarily to the ease with
which water can be released from or absorbed by the material (syneresis and imbibition). The
accuracy of a reversible hydrocolloid impression is improved if the material has as much bulk
as possible (low surface area/volume ratio). In contrast, the accurasy of elastomeric
impression materials, whose accuracy is improved by minimizing bulk (e.g., polysulfide and
condensation silicone), because stresses produced during removal are reduced. Therefore, an
additional advantage of reversible hydrocolloid is that a custom impression tray is not
Reversible hydrocolloid is packaged as a semi-solid gel in polyethylene tubes. It is
liquefied in a hydrocolloid conditioner by placing it in boiling water. As a liquid sol at this
emperature, it is obviously too hot for intraoral use, so it is cooled in two stages: storage and
tempering. In addition to lowering the temperature of the sol, tempering helps to increase the
viscosity of the material in the tray so that it is more easily managed. After the tray filled with
tempered sol is placed in the mouth, cool tap water is circulated through the doublewalled
jacket of the tray to complete the gelation process. The material begins to gel near the cool
tray first, spreading to the material adjacent to the oral tissues.

(Fundamental of prostho)
(fundamental of fixed )

B. Polysulfide Polymer
commonly (though erroneously) known as rubber bases, were introduced in the early
to middle 1950s (Note that all elastomeric materials, not just polysulfides, can be called
rubber bases.). They were received enthusiastically by dentists because they had better
dimensional stability and tear strength than hydrocolloid. Nevertheless, they should be
poured as soon as possible after impression making; delays of more than an hour result in
clinically significant dimensional change.

Polysulfide contracts slightly during polymerization, but the effects can be minimized
with a custom impression tray to reduce the bulk of the material. Generally a double-mix
technique is used with a heavy-bodied tray material and a less viscous syringe material.
These polymerize simultaneously, forming a chemical bond of adequate strength.

The high tear resistance and enhanced elastic properties of polysulfide facilitate
impression making in sulcular areas and pinholes, and it has improved dimensional stability
over hydrocolloid (inferior to polyether and addition silicone). Although it is the least
expensive elastomer, it is not well liked by patients because of its unpleasant sulfide odor
and long setting time in the mouth (about 10 minutes). Furthermore, high humidity and
temperature dramatically reduce its working time , which may be so short that
polymerization begins before it is inserted in the mouth, resulting in severe distortion).
Although air conditioning is common in dental operatories, temperatures near 25 ° C (77°
F) with humidity in excess of 60% can create problems.

In the past, polysulfide materials are polymerized with the aid of lead peroxides,
which explains this material's typical brown color. The unpolymerized product is sticky and
should be handled carefully, because it stains clothing permanently.Contemporary materials
are generally polymerized by copper hydroxide.Copper hydroxide-polymerized polysulfide
is light green and shares many of the characteristics of the lead peroxide-polymerized
material (except for a reduced setting time).3

C. Condensation Silicone
Some of polysulfide's disadvantages have been overcome by condensation silicone, which
is essentially odorless and can be pigmented to virtually any shade. Unfortunately, its
dimensional stability is less than that of polysulfide but it is greater than that of reversible
hydrocolloid. An advantage of this silicone is its relatively short setting time in the mouth
(about 6 to 8 minutes). As a result, patients tend to prefer condensation silicone over
polysulfide. In addition, condensation silicone is also less affected by high temperatures and
humidity in operating room.
Silicone's main disadvantage is its poor wetting characteristics, which stems from its
being extremely hydrophobic (for this reason, it is used in commercial sprays that protect
automobile electrical systems from moisture). In this context, the prepared teeth and gingival
sulci must be completely dried so that the impression can be free of defect. Pouring without
trapping air bubbles is also more difficult than with other impression materials, and a
surfactant may be needed. Silicone impression material is available in a various degrees of
viscosity. One technique involves a heavily filled putty material to customize a stock
impression tray in the mouth, generally with a polyethylene spacer. The spacer allows room
for a thin wash of light-bodied material, which makes the impression. The technique requires
considerable care in seating, however, to prevent strain in the set putty. If this happens, the
impression will rebound when removed from the mouth, resulting in dies that are too small.
Care is also needed to avoid contaminating the putty surface with saliva, which will prevent
the wash impression from adhering properly.
Silicone and polysulfide have a dimensional instability that results from their mode
of polymerization. They are both condensation polymers, which as a by-product of their
polymerization reactions, give off alcohol and water, respectively. As a result, evaporation
from the set material causes dimensional contraction in both. 3

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