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Muestra de Desempeño Docente 4

(MDD 4)

Name: Brian Huenupe

Teacher’s name: Astrid Guerra
Subject: English Teaching Experience IV

Concepción, July 2019

Task 1

Matriz Plan de Evaluación

Unidad: “White Gold” Subunidad:

Objetivo general de la unidad: At the end of the unit students will be able to differentiate
the countable and uncountable nouns and quantifiers.

Metas de aprendizaje Propósito Modalidades Actividades e


- Recognize food Diagnostico Autoevaluation Creation, activity

vocabulary and Formativo  
countable and Sumativo
uncountable nouns.

- Distinguish the Diagnostico Heteroevaluation Worksheet

countable and Formativo  
uncountable nouns Sumativo
and quantifiers.

- Give examples using Diagnostico Heteroevaluation Productive activity

food vocabulary, Formativo  
countable and Sumativo
uncountable nouns.

Task 2

1. What is the relation between the activities and the proposed evaluation
instruments, the goals and the learning activities of the teaching plan?

- The relation between the activities and the evaluation instruments is the practice
process, when we are going to evaluate something the process of practice must be
related with the evaluation, we cannot change it, for example, if we practice
production skills we cannot evaluate then receptive skills, therefore, the instruments
here have that relation, this are mainly productive.

2. Will the activities and evaluation instruments provide the necessary information to
determine the progress and achievement of the goals? Why?

- Yes, because they are connected and focused with the content and nothing else,
these evaluate the necessary things that were seen in the classes and the previous

3. What contextual and theoretical factors (good practices of evaluation) influenced

in your decisions to elaborate the plan?

- In this case and taking into account the course and the level, what I considered
were the level of English, the abilities of the group, their participation, the resources
and time, of the class and duration of the unit, in this case I had only three classes
for my intervention, so it was important to plan carefully the activities, process and
instruments. Besides, my participation was important, what I will do while they are
working, how I will explain the class, how I will help the students with difficulties, I
had to think in all of that and prepare a plan. Finally, the classroom and the
organization play an important role as well.

4. What adaptations do you propose in order to respond to special educational

needs of your students? Are those relevant to the goals and the characteristics of
those students?

- The main adaptations that were applied in the lessons were time for practice, the
explanation part, in some parts of the lesson students required more time for
explanation to understand better the information, and finally, my role as teacher, to
go around of the classroom to verify if students are working and explain and answer
questions personally to those who needed it. With all of it they were more prepared
to face the evaluations. Those adaptations indeed were relevant, they needed it and
I provided it, that is the main role of a teacher, help students, not only teach a content.
5. How will the students use the information that the evaluation provides to determine
what and how improve their learning process and achievement of goals?

- With the information students can determine what they are doing wrong and what
they do not understand, it gives them the opportunity to improve. On the other hand,
it also gives them the opportunity to observe in what they are good at and to know
their strengths.

Task 3

1. Thinking in the diverse performance levels of your students, what problems can
appear in the application of the activities and instruments proposed in your
evaluation plan?

- The main problems that can appear firs is to not understand an activity, maybe it
could be too difficult or they will need more explanation and it would take more time,
another is the time for production, at the beginning we tend to think that students can
do something in a certain period of time or moment; however, there are moments in
which students have more difficulties and take more time than expected and that can
be a problem.

2. How do you propose to deal with the difficulties you see?

- As we ca see in the answer before, all the problems are related to time, therefore,
it is important to manage it well, it is important to have plans at the moment to face
difficulties, if students need more preparation we need more activities, if they need
more explanation we have to take more time, but always we need to consider the
important factors and mold the lesson in order to achieve the class goal.

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