Hmef5053 - Measurement and Evaluation in Education

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1. Answer in English.

2. Number of words : 3000 – 5000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 8th July 2019 until 22th July 2019

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


PURPOSE: The assignment allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and competency in
planning, designing and appraising the effectiveness of a multiple-choice question test

There are FOUR (4) tasks for this course assignment. The details of the tasks are presented

TASK I: Table of Specifications and description (10 marks)

This task requires that you present your planning of a short test paper, which should consist of
10 multiple-choice questions, covering TWO topics of a subject /course of study of your
choice, in the form of a Table of Specifications. Your table of specifications should have the
following details:

Subject/Course of study
Class/Course Level
Two Topics to be assessed
Hours of interaction for each topic
Number and percentage of items/questions for each topic under at least 3 levels of cognitive
complexity of Bloom’s taxonomy (e.g. Knowledge, comprehension and application, or
comprehension, application and analysis, etc)

Use the following example as a guide to present your Table of Specifications.

Levels Total
Comprehension Analysis Evaluation
Hours of
No % Item No % Item No % Item Total %
Topics Interaction
. No. Of
Role of 2 2 1, 2 1 6 1 9 4 40
Foundation for 3 3 3,4,5 2 7, 8 1 10 6 60
Total 5 5 50 3 30 2 20 10 100

Provide a description of the Table of Specification, focusing on the selection of the topics to be
assessed, hours of interaction allocated for each topic, the choice of the cognitive complexity
levels and the distribution of items across the three levels.

Refer to Topic 3 How to Assess: Objective Tests, Section 3.5, p. 75 – 77 , for the explanation of
the Table of Specifications.

TASK II: The test paper and commentary (20 marks)

This task requires that you prepare the test paper based on the Table of Specifications you
have presented in Task 1. The test paper should have the following details:

Subject/Course of study
Class/Course Level
Time allocation of the test
Instructions for the students
10 Multiple-Choice Questions
Suggested answers

Write a commentary on the test you have developed. Your commentary should cover two (2)
First, you should explain the measures you have taken to ensure that the criteria of good
multiple-choice items are adhered to. In explaining the criteria, you should constantly make
reference to the test items you have developed as examples. Do not just provide a general
explanation of the criteria.
Second, you should explain how each item you have developed is at the cognitive complexity
level of Bloom’s taxonomy you have intended. You may present your explanations of the 10
items using the format below:

No. Item and key (in bold) Level Explanation


Refer to Topic 3 How to assess? Section 3.2 Multiple-Choice Questions, p. 57 – 65 for the
guidelines on constructing good multiple-choice questions. Refer to Topic 2, What to Assess?
Section 2.2.1, Bloom’s Taxonomy, p. 33 – 35, for the explanation on the behaviour being
assessed at each cognitive complexity level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

TASK III: Item Analysis and interpretation (20 marks)

Administer the test to a group of students (30 or above). After the completion of the test,
conduct an item analysis of the test. Present the results of the item difficulty, discrimination
indexes and distractor analysis of each multiple-choice question, using the format suggested


1 A 0 4 -4 - 0.3 Effective
B* 9 3 12 0.5 Moderate 6 0.5 Effective
C 3 1 2 0.17 Not Effective
D 0 4 -4 - 0.3 Effective


Note: Q=Question *answer key

Based on the results of the item analysis, give your comment on the overall effectiveness of
the test paper. Provide justification for your comment.

Refer to Topic 9 Item Analysis, Section 9.1 – 9.8, p. 176 - 187 for the explanation of item
analysis, and the computation of the difficulty index, the discrimination index and the distrator
analysis as

TASK IV: Reflection (10 marks)
Reflect on your experience of doing the assignment tasks. In your reflection, include the
challenges you face in doing the tasks and the insights you have gained from the exercise. The
reflection should contain elements of reflective thinking and analysis.


Submission Guidelines:
Your assignment should be typed on A4 paper using 12 point Times New Roman and 1.5
You are to submit a softcopy of your assignment on-line through myInspire and a hard copy to
your facilitator according to the fixed date. Do print out and keep the receipt of online
submission for future reference. For online learners, submit a softcopy online through
myInspire and another softcopy via e-mail to the e-facilitator.

Assignment contents to be submitted are:`

Task I  Table of Specification and description ( 10 marks)
Task II  The test paper and commentary (20 marks)
Task III  Item Analysis and interpretation (20 marks)
Task IV  Reflection (10 marks)

The assignment should be an original piece of work. Plagiarised assignment will be rejected.

Excellent Good Fair Low
Response Max
Criteria Weightage Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Table of Specifications 2.5 TOC is very well TOC is well-constructed TOC is fairly well – TOC is poorly Irrelevant or no 10
(TOC) and description constructed with all the with most of the constructed with some constructed with most response.
relevant details very relevant details clearly of the relevant details of the relevant details
clearly presented. presented. fairly clearly presented. missing or vaguely
Description is very clear Description is clear and Description is fairly clear Description is hardly
and detailed. detailed. and detailed. clear and detailed.
Test Paper and 5.0 All relevant elements are Most relevant elements Some relevant elements Few relevant elements Irrelevant or no 20
Commentary included in the Test are included in the Test are included in the Test are included in the Test response.
Paper. Paper. Paper. Paper.

Explanation of criteria Explanation of criteria Explanation of criteria Explanation of criteria

adhered to is very clear adhered to is clear and adhered to is fairly clear adhered to is rather
and very well supported well supported with and fairly well supported sketchy and not
with relevant examples. relevant examples. with relevant examples. supported with relevant
Explanation of the Explanation of the Explanation of the
cognitive complexity cognitive complexity cognitive complexity Explanation of the
level of each item is very level of each item is level of each item is cognitive complexity
relevant and detailed. relevant and detailed. fairly relevant and level of each item is
detailed. hardly relevant and
Item analysis and 5.0 All analyses are correctly Most analyses are Some analyses are Few analyses are Irrelevant or no 20
interpretation done and properly correctly done and correctly done and correctly done and response.
presented. All properly presented. properly presented. properly presented.
interpretations accurate Most interpretations are Some interpretations are Few interpretations are
Comment on overall accurate. accurate. accurate.
effectiveness is very well Comment on overall Comment on overall Comment on overall
justified. effectiveness is well effectiveness is fairly effectiveness is not well

justified. well justified. justified.

Reflection 2.5 The reflection explains The reflection explains The reflection attempts The reflection does not Irrelevant or no 10
the student’s own the student’s thinking to demonstrate thinking address the student’s response.
thinking and learning about his/her learning about learning but is thinking and/or learning.
processes as well as process. vague and/or unclear
implications for future about the personal
The reflection does not
learning. learning.
move beyond a
description of the
The reflection is an in- The reflection is an The reflection attempts
learning experience,
depth analysis of the analysis of the learning to analyse the learning
indicating that the
learning experience, the experience and the but the value of derived
student has not gained
value of derived value of derived learning is vague,
any insight into the use
learning, indicating that learning, indicating that indicating that the
of MCQ assessment tool.
the student has gained the student has gained student has gained little
deep insight into the use some insight into the insight into the use of
of MCQ assessment tool. use of MCQ assessment MCQ assessment tool.

Total 15 60

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