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School of the Holy Spirit of Quezon City

Senior High School

Instructor: Mr AE Marte de Leon


At some points of the semester, the class shall engage in class debates. Unlike regular panel
debates, class debates shall involve the whole class. Class debates shall follow a simplified
Westminster House of Commons format. The class shall be divided into three groups: The
Conservative Party (currently the Government), The Labour Party (the Opposition), and the
crossbenchers or the group of unaffiliated members. During the selection of parties, the instructor
shall select membership to parties either by volunteer or by assignment. Each party shall have a
leader, a deputy leader, and a whip. Crossbenchers do not have leaders.

Leadership Conservative Labour

The Leader Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Leader of the Opposition
The Deputy Leader Rt. Hon. Deputy PM Hon. Deputy Leader
The Whip Hon. First Minister of State Shadow Minister of State
The Instructor may, from time to time, assign specific ministers.

The Speaker - the instructor - shall also assign two Deputy Speakers who shall sit in their
respective parties during the session if not presiding.

1. All members shall address the Speaker and the Speaker alone. No statement shall be
made towards any member directly. If a member must be named, said member shall be
mentioned in the third person.
2. A member wishing to be recognized must stand upon the conclusion of the immediately
preceding speech. The Speaker shall have the prerogative to choose whom shall be
Order of Precedence (binding on Deputy Speakers)
a. The member so named in the preceding speech.
b. The leader of the opposite party.
c. The opposing minister or crossbencher.
3. Name calling and expletives shall have no place in session.
4. Points of clarification may be raised immediately after a statement is made as to clarify a
fact or allegation so made.
5. Points of personal privilege may be raised immediately after a statement to clarify or refute
a personal allegation or attribution.
6. All members shall be treated with dignity and honour.
7. All members shall listen intently to the person speaking. Unruly behaviour shall not be
8. Points of order shall be heard immediately after a statement or speech. The Speaker or
Deputy Speaker may opt to demand a withdrawal and apology, or may cite a member out
of order and eject said member from the House.
9. A member found out of order may neither speak nor vote in the House.
10. A motion to divide the House may be granted by the Speaker by discretion. Deputy
Speakers may not grant said motion without the same being seconded by a member of
the opposing party or by two crossbenchers.

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