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Paso de Blas NHS Practical Research 2


Grade 12 1st Semester CRITIQUE
A.Y. 2019-2020
Absin,Mark Lesther Caber, Mary Jane
Argarin, Jomarie Demition,Veronica 12-Rembrandt
NAMES: Denoso, Charlotte Dawn Oliva, Jeremy
Diaz, Christine Santa, Janna Victoria
Villanueva, Jessel YR & SEC

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the table below by critiquing the assigned research
article/paper. Write your answers on the spaces provided.
Follow APA-format for your answers. Please be guided by the
rubric below (except for 1-5). 50
5  The answer is well-justified and addresses the question. The answer is specific and it refers to the research article.
4-3  The answer is sufficient, but needs minor improvement to make it more specific.
2-1  The answer lacks justification. It does not refer to the research article.
0  No answer is provided.


Title of research paper/article Canteen Services Offered in School Canteens Satisfaction Rate Of

(1pt) Senior High School In Paso de Blas National High School (S.Y. 2019-

Do you think they have the 2-5.

correct working title? If yes The working title is incorrect, for us it should be Satisfaction Rate of
expound, if no what should be Senior High School students on the Canteen Services of Paso de Blas
the correct working title? National High School
What is the general objective of
• To know the services in canteen if they give service or not
the study? Possible specific
• To know if the students are satisfied to the service of the school
Provide a simple outline on how 11-15.
the author/s structured the
research paper/article. You may
use flow chart with brief
description for each part.

Canteen Services Offered
in School Canteens
Satisfaction Rate Of Senior
High School

Importance of good
services given to the

Satisfaction rate of Performance of the

students to the services services
on the school canteen

1. Importance of good services given to the customers

- In service coordination, measuring of the performance is also called
necessary to the business of one coordination to achieve the success of
the business. The Student’s satisfaction to the canteen services focus to
the important part of quality of services. It is knowledgeable towards
meal experience and requirements. Schools are motivate to make the
students healthy
2. Satisfaction of students to the services on the school canteen
- If the performance of the school canteen services are not qualified to
the customer, they consider it unsatisfied. If the performance of the
school canteen services are qualified to the customer expectation is
3. Performance of the services
- They help the students has the case of being malnourish. By virtue of
Dep. Ed. Order No 14. S, 2005, the Instruction to Ensure Consumption
of Nutritious and Safe Foods in Schools. Our school canteens should
have healthy and nutritious foods. A study creating a healthy eating
environment inside the school canteen can helps the students to make
them comfortable.
Is this a qualitative, quantitative 16-20.
or a quali-quanti research? For us it is a quantitative research, because base on the title of their
Explain each answer. research which is Canteen Services Offered in School Canteens

Satisfaction Rate Of Senior High School In Paso de Blas National High
School (S.Y. 2019-2020).It gather the number of students who is
satisfied to the services of the school canteen. So we think this needs a
survey and get their rate to the canteen services.
What was the problem/issue 21-25.
discussed by the researchers? The problem in the study is the Satisfaction of student in canteen
Was it a relevant or timely services. It is timely, because some of students experience different
problem/issue? Expound. problems and issues about the services of the school canteen.
Who are the intended 26-30.
beneficiaries/participants of this For us the beneficiaries are the student and the future researcher, yes it
study? Will it be applicable to is applicable, especially to students who experienced the services of
all? Why? canteen staff.
31-35. The general ideas in the research are the services offered by the
school canteen, satisfaction of students and the problem encountered or
experience by the students.
Based on the related
 If the performance of the school canteen services are qualified to
studies/literatures discussed in
the customer expectation is satisfied.
the research, what are the
 The Student’s satisfaction to the canteen services focus to the
general ideas about the research
important part of quality of services.
problem? Cite at least three (3)
 This study addresses the issue of school canteen on how does the
satisfaction rate of the Senior High School Student in Paso de
Blas National High School will affect the services offered in
School canteen.
Yes it is a little bit accurate, clear and objective, because they give some
information about their study, but some are incomplete for us and some
of the information cannot understand by the readers. It says that
Is the research accurate, clear
satisfaction of students are focused and important but it only focuses to
and objective? Expound. Cite
the needs and wants of the students, while they give an information that
lines or contents from the
school canteen used a program (Dep. Ed. Order No 14. S, 2005, the
research paper to prove your
Instruction to Ensure Consumption of Nutritious and Safe Foods in
Schools) that include the nutrition of students, they give this program to
help the students to have a nutritious, healthy foods ,and avoid the
malnourish. So the study is already answered, the services of the school
canteen is based on the program given by DepEd.

- If the performance of the school canteen services are not
qualified to the customer, they consider it unsatisfied. If the
performance of the school canteen services are qualified to the
customer expectation is satisfied.
- The Student’s satisfaction to the canteen services focus to the
important part of quality of services
- Schools are motivate to make the students healthy by using well-
being programs included the nutrition education. They help the
students has the case of being malnourish. By virtue of Dep. Ed.
Order No 14. S, 2005, the Instruction to Ensure Consumption of
Nutritious and Safe Foods in Schools. Our school canteens
should have healthy and nutritious foods.
Yes, it is relevant, significant and timely, but only for the students who
Is the study relevant, significant
experienced the problems in services of the school canteen.
and timely? Explain. Cite lines
- This study addresses the issue of school canteen on how does
or contents from the research
the satisfaction rate of the Senior High School Student in Paso
paper to prove your answer.
de Blas National High School will affect the services offered in
School canteen
1. Impact of the services in school canteen to students
- Because some students are very unsatisfied to the services, but we
If you will do a related study
think, is this problem in services of school canteen affect their
based on this research paper,
performance in studying
what are the possible title/topics
2. Perceptions of students who are not satisfy to the services of the
you can generate from this? Cite
school canteen
at least two (2) and why.
- Because different students have different experience and perceptions
in the services of canteen, we think maybe not all of the students
experienced the problems in services of the school canteen.


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