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Vibrations Specifications

1 Checking the strength under vibrations at single frequency:-

Frequency Acceleration Duration
Band, Hz Amplitude(m/s2) (s)
20– 30 19.6 1.998644 10 OX,OY,OZ

Test Method:

Carryout strength check of the device with shock absorber in conformity with requirements in
three mutually perpendicular axes for 10 min duration for each axis.

2 Checking the stability under action of Sinusoidal Vibrations:-

Technical requirement:

Device should normally function during and after the effect of sinusoidal vibration in accordance
with Table 9.
Frequency Acceleration Acceleration
Band, Amplitude Of Duration (s) Axis
Hz (m/s2) Gravity(g)
20-50 14.7 1.498983 35-40 OX,OY,OZ
50–100 19.6 1.998644 25–30 OX,OY,OZ
100–200 26.46 2.698169 25–30 OX,OY,OZ
200–400 39.2 3.997288 25–30 OX,OY,OZ
400–800 50.96 5.196474 25–30 OX,OY,OZ
800–1400 74.48 7.594846 25–30 OX,OY,OZ
1400–2000 112.7 11.492202 25–30 OX,OY,OZ

Note: In every range of frequencies: 400-800,800-1400Hz,1400-2000Hz permitted to increase the effect

duration of acceleration up to 60s at the decrease of acceleration amplitude for 20%.

Test Method: A

Carry out stability test under the action of sinusoidal vibration during acceptance delivery tests
once along each axis by scanning frequency method along the axes ОX, ОY, and ОZ as per table 9
3 Environmental Stress Screening:-
Carryout the ESS tests in following order:
1. Random Vibration I (as per chapter 14.1)
2. Thermal Cycle (as per chapter 14.2)
3. Random Vibration II (as per chapter 14.1)

14.1 Random Vibration

Technical requirement
Device should function normally during and after the effect of random vibrations in
accordance with Table
Random vibrations I & II
Frequency Band, Spectral density
Duration (s) Axis
Hz (g2/Hz)
20-50 0.015 300 OX,OY,OZ
50-2000 0.02 300 OX,OY,OZ

Test Method:

Fix the device in the vibration table. Before start of vibration carry out the operational as per
points 13.1 to 13.5. Switch on vibrations as per table

During vibrations, check for false activation of lamps in the test panel. Carryout the operations as
per 13.15 after vibrations are done.

14.2 Thermal cycle

+65ºC 1 hr
1 hr
+60ºC X


1 hr
-5ºC X

-20ºC 1 hr

Fig: Thermal cycle(single)

Carry out Thermal cycling of the device for 6 cycles

Test Method:

A. Set the chamber at temperature to -20 ºC. Place the device in chamber and hold the device in the
chamber at -20 ºC for about 1 hour duration.
B. Raise the chamber temperature to -5 ºC. Hold the device in the chamber at -5ºC for 1 hours
duration. And increase the chamber temperature to +65 ºC and hold the device in the chamber at
+65ºC for 1 hour.
C. Decrease the temperature to +60 ºC and hold the device in the chamber for 1 hour duration.

Number of Units for Test :

Sl No Test name No. of Units for testing

1 Checking the strength under

vibration at Single frequency 05Nos

2 Checking the stability action of

Sinusoidal Vibration 05Nos

3 Environmental Stress Screening

01 No

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