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Iyou are visiting, please remain a few minutes and get acquainted. [weexpay | MS | Mass Times MASSES, MEETINGS & EVENTS Sun.tuly2it | 1230 pm, St, Francs Xavier 10:00 am. 2:30 p.m, Holy Rosary. | Mon. July 22nd | oH (Tes, July 234 Wed. July 24th July 250 | 7 i: oe Fri, July 260 | ‘Sat July 27th Sun, July 280 10.00 | MINISTRIES Taly 21s uly 38h 9:30 Rosary Voluncers Couples for Chit Greeters & Gift Bearers Volunteers Couples for Crist : Dan & Marca Dan & Mareel Volunteers Couples for Cit Children’s Livwray Lestors Volunteers ‘Couples for Christ Eucharistic Ministers ie Rob Bread Cup. a, Lorraine, Angela, Rob ‘Gladys, Ese, John, Therese ‘Church Cleaning Ev.R. & Joanne Y. Filipino Community Parish Centre Cleaning Elsie & Phyllis Elsie & Phyllis ‘Altar Servers & Collection Please Volunteer Please Volunteer ‘Counters Before going to bed at night, let us pray the prayer of Pope St. John Xxill “Lord Jesus, | am going to bed. This is your Church, take care of it. ‘Coming to Grande Prairie, one day only July 27th 11! ino and link for purchasing tickets for Grande Prairie. ‘This is-a beautiful and powerful prolife story that is finally being brough: to Grande Prairie. Please go out and suppor this amazing film https: //tickets. trsl,io/e/2/unplanned-movie-grande-prail SSTODF J2.qQ0INS6XDIVYcbbSil0Jed209- ‘Also tickets are available at Shephard's Fold in Grande Preirie phone # 780.532-3835 Collection Information from July 14th [2019 Envelopes 28 Sunday Offering $650. Building Fund $315. Loose $ 79, Total to date in boller fund $15,688. St Francis Xavier Sunday Offering June/2019 $141.45 are in need, Pray also for the repose of the souls of the departed. f you know of anyone that i in the hospital, shut in, or sick at home, who would like to have a visit from Father, please contact him or ‘all the church @ 524-3426. Giroweville: Notre Dame de Lourdes ParishRemember this Archdiocesan Pilgrimage, August 15, 2019. Mark ‘your calendars. This annual event isnot to be missed! Join Archbishop Gerard for this holy pilgrimage in ‘Girowxville, at Nowe Dame deLourdes. Parish. August 13°.2019. More information wo follow. Gisele Duguay was this month's CWL cash prize winner of $1000. Congratulations! Prayers for the Sick Please pray for recovery, healing and/or special graces for all those who | Happy Birthday Margaret Klymchuk, Alyssa Bitz, Ashley Penson, Ellianna Standish, Louise Doucette, Ed Tollefson, Carrie Polard, Breah Vollman, Gerry Pancheshen Happy Anniversary Fred & Margaret Klymchuk, Marcel & Gisele Duguay, Ian & Sandy Campbell July 21, 2019 ‘16 Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) Prayers and Service Ate you surprised at Jesus’ comments? and Mary have prepared the meal together Jesus to join them? Not really. While Martha meal, Mary listened to Christ. Both women. Jesus, one with prayer, the other with service. ‘commented on how we should connect with everyday lives, in our studies, at work, in prayer and in all that we do. In the book of Genesis, we read that Abraham, whe lived by the Oaks of Mamre, welcomed three _ visitors. God, through the three strangers, rewarded him with the news that Sarah, his wife, would soon give birth to a son. Could Martha and invited Prepared the welcomed Jesus God in our Jesus is not criticizing Martha, who appears agitated, but instead offers her a new perspective. Life is not just about doing things, rather itis about being attentive to people. Have you ever spent time with a friend, watched a movie, had a drink, went shopping and realized later there was very little conversation because it wasn't necessary? Do we only speak to hear ourselves? | remember a former student who wanted to meet his father, but the latter was too busy looking after his patients. One night, the son secretly added his name to his father’s agenda in order to spend time with him. That initiative changed their relationship! We can serve God through our prayers and attention like Mary, or through our actions, like Martha. St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660) inspired congregations of sisters with words that encouraged their devotion to God and service to people in need. One of my friends named her daughters Martha and Mary. The third daughter, to accentuate the importance of both prayer and service, was named Mary-Martha How welcoming are we? Are we inclined to visit those in need? Do we welcome foreigners? Jesus praised hospitality as an evangelical outreach. It's our turn now to ‘follow Christ's example. Father Yvon Cousineau, c.s.c Translated by Honore Kerwin Borrell PARISH BULLETIN 16% Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 21st., 2019 St. Francis Xavier St. Rita's Holy Rosary FR. ABRAHAM JOSEPH MST 780-524-3425 wwwstritay org _strtavalleyviews@gmailcom In the greetings after praying the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis spoke again about the serious crisis affecting Venezuela, POPE FRANCIS I wish to express, once again, my closeness to the beloved Veneauelan people, who suffer from the prolonged crisis. Let us ask the Lord to inspite the partes involved, so they can reach an agreement as, soon as possible that ends the peoples' suffering for the good of the country and entire region. Last week the Venezuelan bishops celebrated their Plenary Assembly in which they again denounced, the Human Rights violations committed by the State. In addition, they are concerned with "the exodus of more than 12 percent of the Venezuelan population," driven by the political cris Ina brief catechesis before the Angelus, the pope explained the parable of the Good Samaritan. He reflected on the figure and said itis a life model for Christians. He recalled Jesus wants to overcome prejudice by placing a foreigner as the example POPE FRANCIS In this way, he wants to overcome prejudices, In showing even a foreigner, even one who does not know the true God and does not go to Church, can behave according to his will. He can feel compassion for his brother-in-need and help him with all the available means. Pope Francis explained one can recognize one's neighbor in the needy. Ie is an act of mercy, which manifests the face of love POPE FRANC Be able to have compassion: this is the key. This is our key. If you do not feel compassion toward a person in need, if your heat is not moved, it means that something is wrong. Be careful, let us be careful Do not le us fll into selfish insensitivity. The capacity for compassion has become the cornerstone of CCheistianiey, the teaching of Jesus. Among other issues, over the weekend the Holy See announced on September 21 the pope wil visit Albano, very close to Castel Gandolfo, ust outside of Rome,

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