LEA 6 Comparative Police System

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1. A court system where the accused is guilty until proven innocent.
A. Adversarial B. Inquisitorial
C. Common Law D. Civil law
2. A court system where the accused is innocent until proven guilty.
A. Adversarial B. Inquisitorial
C. Common Law D. Civil law
3. A peace and Order Council is organized in every city/municipality by
virtue of;
A. Executive Order 386 B. Executive Order 1012
C. Executive Order 309 D. Presidential Degree 118
4. In Japan Police Force, it is the highest rank in the system, the chief
of metropolitan police department.
A. Commissioner General B. Superintendent General
C. Chief Superintendent D. Corporal
5. In the Civil Service System, merit and fitness are the primary
consideration in the ________.
A. two-party system B. promotional system
C. evaluation system D. tools system
6. In the continent of Asia, where can you find the country of Vietnam?
A. Central Asia B. Eastern Asia
C. Southeastern Asia D. Southern Asia
7. In the Hong Kong Police Force we have the Commissioner General, how
about the Philippine National Police?
A. DILG Director B. Director General
C. Major General D. Secretary of Defense
8. It refers to a package of transnational flow of people, production,
investment, information, ideas and authority.
A. Transnationalization B. internationalization
C. inter-border D. globalization
9. It refers to specifically to transnational crime carried out by
organized crime organizations.
A. Transnational crime B. Transnational Organized Crime
C. Organized crime gangs D. Organized Criminal
10. In US, the sheriff for each county is chosen through
A. referendum B. election
C. appointment by governor D. elimination
11. Policing in the United States (U.S.) is divided in these broad
categories except
A. Federal agencies B. State agencies
C. County agencies D. City agencies.
12. The continent which was derived from the name of a Phoenix in Greek
A. Europe B. South America
C. North America D. Asia
13. The fastest growing criminal industry in the world.
A. Human Trafficking B. Exploitation
C. Bonded labor D. Forced labor
14. The great barrier reef which is the world’s largest reef is found in…
A. Europe B. Australia
C. North America D. Asia
15. The head of PNP has a rank of Director General, what is the highest
rank in Hongkong?
A. Police Chief B. Commissioner general
B. Police Inspector general D. Commissioner

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16. The primary duty of this group is to protect the emperor of Japan and
its family…
A. Imperial Police B. Imperial guard
C. Imperial security D. Imperial agency
17. The threat of global terrorism indicates the growing power of
globalization as a perimeter of;
A. Financial networks B. Islamic fundamentalism
C. transnational ideology D. political actions
18. The world’s largest forest area is found in,
A. Europe B. South America
C. North America D. Asia
19. They have two roles, they let men buy them drinks and later on they
offer sexual services.
A. Stag party girls B. Hotel and Convention prostitutes
C. Bar Girls D. Massage parlor prostitutes
20. Used to define almost all illegal acts of violence committed for
political purpose by clandestine groups.
A. national terrorist B. transnational terrorist
C. international terrorist D. terrorism
21. What is the highest rank in Indonesia police force?
A. Police General B. Commissioner
C. Inspector General D. Commissioner General
22. What is the lowest rank in Hong Kong?
A. Police B. First Bhayangkara
C. Second Bhayangkara D. Police constable
23. What is the lowest rank in Indonesia police force?
A. Watch B. Second Bhayangkara
C. Constable D. Police constable
24. Which police organization applies the “iron fist, velvet glove” in the
enforcement of law?
A. Switzerland Police B. Japan Police
C. Ireland Police D. Egypt Police
25. What type of democratic policing does Japan have compare to U.S?
A. Fragmented B. Centralized
C. Integrated D. None of these
26. This is the type of system which is extremely decentralized and one of
its characteristics is having numerous police agencies;
A. Fragmented B. Centralized
C. Integrated D. None of these
27. Which of the following country that both national and local governments
share control:
A. Great Britain B. France
C. Belgium D. Philippines
28. This is a country that has a single system of law administration of
justice and servants of the republic rather than local governments;
A. Philippines B. U.K
C. France D. United States
29. The oldest police agency in France;
A. Police Nationale B. Gendarmerie
C. Police Judiciare D. Surete
30. In the system of the Public Safety Commissions of Japan, The person who
has the jurisdiction over the National Public Safety Commissions is the?
A. Minister of state B. Prime Minister
C. Commissioner General D. Prefectural Governor
31. This is a crime, consisting of an intentional act of political violence
to create an atmosphere of fear.
A. Terrorism B. Political crime
C. Hostage taking D. Transnational crime

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32. This is a very broad category, encompassing everything from illegal

immigration to international prostitution, slavery, and child pornography.
A. Flow of people B. Migration
C. Human trafficking D. Sex slavery
33. What type of democratic policing does Japan have compare to U.S?
A. Fragmented B. Centralized
C. Integrated D. None of these
34. This is the type of system which is extremely decentralized and one of
its characteristics is having numerous police agencies;
A. Fragmented B. Centralized
C. Integrated D. None of these
35. This is the kind of policing system where police control is under
direct control of the national government:
A. Fragmented B. Centralized
C. Integrated D. None of these
36. They are distinguished by a strong inquisitorial system where less
right is granted to the accused, and the written law is taken as gospel and
subject to little interpretation. What is referred to this description?
A. civil law system B. socialist system
C. islamic system D. common law system
37. They are distinguished by procedures designed to rehabilitate or
retrain people into fulfilling their responsibilities to the state.
A. common law system B. civil law system
C. islamic system D. socialist system
38. Ultimate expression of positive law, designed to move the state forward
toward the perfectibility of state and mankind. It is referring to as what?
A. common law system B. civil law system
C. socialist system D. islamic system
39. Conflicts are resolved by a tribunal council, and there are no jails
and prisons. This type of society is an excellent example of the folk-
communal or informal justice system.
A. Congo Police B. Egypt Police
C. Ireland Police D. Switzerland Police
40. It has a civil law, specialized police forces and punishment is
inconsistent, sometimes harsh, and sometimes lenient. It is referred as
A. urban–commercial society B. folk-communal society
C. urban-industrial society D. bureaucratic society
41. They let things go for awhile without attention until things become too
much, and then hash, barbaric punishment is resorted to. This society is
known as:
A. urban–commercial society B. urban-industrial society
C. bureaucratic society D. folk-communal society
42. Progress comes along with rising expectations. People at the bottom
develop unrealistic expectations while people at the top don’t see
themselves rising fast enough. What theory describes this?
A. demographic theory B. deprivation theory
C. modernization theory D. anomie theory
43. It has codified laws but laws that prescribe good behavior, police
become specialized in how to handle property crimes. It is referred to as
A. urban-industrial society B. bureaucratic society
C. folk-communal society D. urban–commercial society
44. Crime everywhere is the result of unrestrained migration and
overpopulation in urban areas such as slums. What theory best describes
A. modernization theory B. alertness to crime theory
C. economic theory D. opportunity theory

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45. This society has little codification of law, no specialization among

A. urban-industrial society B. bureaucratic society
C. folk-communal society D. urban–commercial society
46. This system is distinguished by a strong adversarial system where
lawyers interpret and judges are bound by precedent?
A. socialist system B. islamic systems
C. common law system D. civil law system
47. It sees the problem as society becoming too complex. This is the theory
A. modernization theory B. alertness to crime theory
C. economic theory D. opportunity theory
48. When poor person commits a crime, the government goes to work analyzing
the family, education and employment needs of everyone in that poor
person’s family. It is referring to?
A. Congo Police B. Egypt Police
C. Ireland Police D. Switzerland Police
49. With high standard of living, victims become more careless of their
belongings, and opportunities for committing crime multiply. What theory
describes this?
A. modernization theory B. alertness to crime theory
C. economic theory D. opportunity theory
50. The sense of hope and confidence among the people towards their local
authorities that they are doing everything they can in crime control. It is
referring to?
A. Congo Police B. Egypt Police
C. Ireland Police D. Switzerland Police


1. Consist of all the United Nations conventions which seeks to safeguard
life and human dignity in a global scale.
A. union of domestic concerns for global governance
B. Universal convention
C. universal protections and safeguards
D. universal declarations
2. Consist of recruitment, transportation, transfer harboring or receipt of
persons by means of threat or use of coercion, abduction, fraud deception,
abuse of power.
A. Trafficking in persons B. Exploitation
C. People Smuggling D. Transnational Organized Crime
3. In the Philippines the minimum age requirement for police officers is 21
years old, what is the minimum age requirement in the Australian Federal
A. 17 B. 18
C. 19 D. 21
4. In Sri Lanka, the constitution establishes a government that is a
mixture of presidential system and parliamentary system, such government is
A. Hegemony government B. messianic democracy
C. communist democracy D. democratic, socialist republic
5. In the system of the Public Safety Commissions of Japan, The person who
has the jurisdiction over the National Public Safety Commissions is the?
A. Minister of state B. Prime Minister
C. Commissioner General D. Prefectural Governor
6. It is a special higher police in Japan which is equivalent to the FBI,
combining both criminal investigation and counter- espionage functions.
A. Toku B. Tokko
C. PGK D. Lingerin
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7. It is responsible for all matters relating to training within the Hong

Kong Police except internal security, Auxiliary and Marine Police training.
Training provided by the Police College includes recruit and continuation
training, crime investigation training, police driver training and weapon
tactics training.
A. Hongkong Police College B. Hong Kong Police Training School
C. Hong Kong Police School D. Hong Kong School of Police
8. Loosely structured, extraordinary flexible associations centered around
violence and deeply involved in the production and distribution of informal
power. The only organizational goal is to make use of extortionate means.
A. enterprise syndicates B. youth gangs
C. power syndicates D. scavenger syndicates
9. One who bribes, buys, intimidates, threatens, negotiates and sweet talks
into a relationship with the police, public officials or any else who might
help the members security and maintain immunity from arrest, prosecution
and punishment.
A. enforcer B. corruptee
C. corrupter D. coddler
10. That relationship which can produce state policies that directly
violate social labor rights and directly produce social conflict that leads
to state violations of civil and security rights.
A. Global economic relations B. militarization
C. inter-border relations D. global political relations
11. That which stimulates ethnic mobilization, which may promote self-
determination in responsive states but more often produces collective
abuses in defense of dominant group-hegemony.
A. Technological development
B. migration
C. employment opportunities
D. global mobility and information flow
12. The collation of international covenants and treaties on war crimes and
for the protection of the rights of women and children;
A. International bill of human rights
B. Geneva conventions
C. universal declaration of human rights
D. covenant on civil and political rights
13. This kind of society has a system of laws, police who tend to keep busy
handling political crime and terrorism, and a system of punishment
characterized by civilization and overcrowding.
A. Folk-communal society B. Urban-commercial society
C. Urban-industrial society D. Bureaucratic society
14. This kind of society has little codification of law, no specialization
among police, and a system of punishment that just let things go for a
while without attention until things becomes too much, and then harsh,
barbaric punishment is resorted to.
A. Folk-communal society B. Urban-commercial society
C. Urban-industrial society D. Bureaucratic society
15. What type of police system which is distinguished by a strong
inquisitorial system where less right is grated to the accused, and the
written law is taken as gospel and subject to little interpretation.
A. Common law system B. Civil law System
C. Socialist system D. Islamic system
16. What type of police system which is distinguished by procedures
designed to rehabilitate or retain people into fulfilling their
responsibilities to the state?
A. Common law system B. Civil law System
C. Socialist system D. Islamic system

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17. Which one below is NOT a benefits that the Philippines derive as Member
of the INTERPOL?
A. Access to police information on international Criminal Cases.
B. Access to International Summaries of Criminal Cases.
C. Access to funds against transnational Crimes
D. Access to information dealing with economic and financial crime
in an international level.
18. The type and form of government in northern Asia (Russia) consist of
composite systems which includes federal state, semi-presidential and
republic. Which type of government which is characterized by a union of
partially self-governing states or regions united by a central government?
A. Republic state B. federal state
C. semi-presidential state D. presidential state
19. Private security Agencies has to be registered with the _________.
A. Security and Exchange Commission
C. National Bureau of Investigation
D. Department of Interior and Local Government
20. The primary threat to law enforcement brought about by globalization
which is evidenced by genocide or mass killing.
A. Unfair access to global mechanism by the under privilege
B. Occupation of nations by the most powerful
C. Conflict between nations
D. Increasing human rights violations
21. These global threats to law enforcement brought about by globalization
created opportunity for global professional criminals which can only be
addressed through,
A. Transnational professional network and cooperation
B. Rigid transborder security
C. High technological security installations on ports of entries and
D. Transborder policing
22. Under the rules and function of Australian Federal Police, the AFP
falls under the portfolio of:
A. Home Affairs Ministry B. Attorney-General
D. Minister for Home Affairs D. Minister for Justice and Customs
23. The accused is innocent until proven guilty is a principle of what
A. adversarial system B. inquisitorial system
C. islamic system D. socialist system
24. It is traditional in nature as it is based its crime control efficiency
to the number of arrest and people being put to jail for punishment.
A. continental policing B. modern policing
C. modernization D. colonization
25. It has a system of laws, police tends to keep busy handling political
crime and terrorism, and a system of punishment characterized by over
criminalization and overcrowding. The statement is referring to:
A. urban-industrial society B. bureaucratic society
C. folk-communal society D. urban–commercial society
26. As a nation develops, people’s alertness to crime is heightened. They
report more crime to police and demand the police to become more effective
in solving crime problems. What theory best describes this situation?
A. modernization theory B. alertness to crime theory
C. economic theory D. opportunity theory
27. This system uses measurement of crime control efficiency and
effectiveness based on absence of crime or low crime rate?
A. continental policing B. modern policing
C. modernization D. colonization

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28. Which of the following is not part of group?

A. islamic system B. socialist system
C. adversarial system D. None of these
29. Which one below that suggests that progressive lifestyles and norms
result in the disintegration of older norms that once held people together,
but in other cases, people can come together and achieve social consensus
or social cohesion over values;
A. Alertness to crime theory B. Economic theory
C. Opportunity theory D. Anomie and Synomie theory
30. It is considered as the finest intelligence agency in the world.
C. Mossad D. CIA
31. Who has the Administrative Supervision over Japanese National Police
A. Commissioner of Japan B. Prime Minister
C. Commissioner General D. National Public Safety Commission
32. When National and local governments share control and local control of
police services with national standards adhered to is a formed of what type
of policing?
A. Fragmented B. Centralized
C. Integrated D. None of these
33. Which of the following country that both national and local governments
share control?
A. Great Britain B. France
C. Belgium D. Philippines
34. It is in charge of research statistics and the investigation of
nationally important and international cases in Japan.
A. Traffic Bureau B. Criminal Investigation Bureau
C. Security Bureau D. Regional Public Safety Bureau
35. They are concerned with police personnel, education, welfare, training,
and unit inspections in Japan Police Force.
A. Personnel Administration B. Police Administration Bureau
C. Bureau of Administration D. Police Records and Administration
36. It is responsible for all matters relating to training within the Hong
Kong Police except internal security, Auxiliary and Marine Police training.
Training provided by the Police College includes recruit and continuation
training, crime investigation training, police driver training and weapon
tactics training.
A. Hongkong Police College B. Hong Kong Police Training School
C. Hong Kong Police School D. Hong Kong School of Police
37. The researcher communicates with foreign researcher for his research.
Which method is appropriate for that research?
A. Communication method B. Safari method
C. Collaborative method D. Collective method
38. It is an indispensible tool of management derived from organized
information available in the police record division about the nature, size
and distribution of the police problems, crime, vice and traffic.
A. Strategic intelligence B. Departmental intelligence
C. Counter intelligence D. Under cover intelligence
39. A part of processing the information in which the shifting and
isolating of those element that have significance in light of the mission
or national objective.
A. integration B. deduction
C. interpretation D. analysis
40. The intelligence principle which is states that intelligence is
artificial subdivided into component elements to ensure complete coverage,
eliminate duplication and reduce the overall task to manageable sizes
refers to.

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A. Principles security B. Principles of interdependence

C. Principle of communication D. Principles of selection


1. What notice is being applied to help locate missing persons including
children, or to help people to identify themselves.
A. Blue notices B. Green notices
C. Red notices D. Yellow notices
2. A transnational grouping of highly centralized enterprises run by
criminals for the purpose of engaging in illegal activity, most commonly
for the purpose of generating a monetary profit. A criminal activity by an
enduring structure or organization developed and devoted primarily to the
pursuit of profits through illegal means.
A. organized activity B transnational group
C. organized crime D. organized criminal gang
3. Based on the event when a greater number of children are being born. As
these baby booms grow up, delinquent subcultures develop out of the
adolescent identity crisis. What theory describes this?
A. demographic theory B. deprivation theory
C. modernization theory D. anomie theory
4. Which of the statement is TRUE?
A. In a small police station, the need for a full time Records
officer is justifiable.
B. As police stations increases its size, routine Desk officer is
not able to hand them all.
C. Police records are not that important in police administration.
D. In large Departments, the Desk officer devote full time
exclusively to record task.
5. What country practiced the “shame-based” rather than “guilty-based”
approach because of the shame it would bring to the family if such member
of a Family commits crime.
A. China B. India
C. Japan D. Egypt
6. This is a package of transnational flows of people, production,
investment, information, ideas and authority.
A. Manufacturing B. Globalization
C. Internationalization D. Transnational
7. This center is created by virtue of Executive Order No. 62 to establish
a shared database among concerned agencies for information on criminals,
methodologies, arrests and convictions on transnational crime
A. Philippine National Police (PNP)
B. National Commission on Anti Hijacking (NACAH)
C. Philippine Center on Transnational Crimes (PCTC)
D. International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO)
8. What is the code of secrecy of Mafia:
A. Omerta B. Morse
C. Nostra Compra D. Cosa Nostra
9. The Philippine National Police motto is To Serve and Protect while the
motto of HongKong Police force…
A. Law and Order B. We serve with pride and Care
C. Safer Communities together D. None of these
10. What is this law that gives Japanese police the authority to arrest
people with “wrong thoughts”.
A. Peace process law B. Peace talk law
C. Peace preservation law D. Preserved peace law

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