Sains Exam Paper Form2 2016

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Answer ALL questions:

1. Diagram 1 shows two systems of human body.

(a) In Diagram 1, name the system K and L using the following words. (2m)
Blood Circulatory System Respiratory system Digestive System

(b) State the functions of systems K and L. (2m)

(c) Give ONE example of organ that can be found in the system K and L. (2m)

2. (a) Microorganisms can be classified into unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms. Diagram
below shows a number of microorganisms. Tick (/) for the correct class of the microorganisms. (4m)

(b) Complete the meaning of unicellular organism and multicellular organism.

Unicellular organisms are organisms made up of ____________________ while multicellular

organisms are organisms made up of ____________________________. (2m)

3. (a) Table 1 shows five substances with different densities.

(i) Based on the table above, label the substances in Diagram 2 with correct letters. (2m)

(ii) The volume of substance D is 30cm3. What is the mass of substance D?

Density = (2m)

(b) Based on table 1, which substance is the least dense? Give you reason (2m)

4. (a) State the forms of energy represented by each of the following pictures. (4m)

(b) Tick (/) the correct statements and cross (X) the wrong statements. (2m)
(i) Both chicken rice and natural gas have the same form of energy.
(ii) A lighted bulb gives out light energy only.

5. Food Guide Pyramids are used to help people to plan a healthy diet. Diagram 3 shows a Food Guide
(a) In Digram 3, label P and R using the words given in the box below. (2m)

Fats Carbohydrates Proteins

(b) Ali is a national body builder. He works hard to ensure that his body looks muscular that his
muscle can be clearly seen. Suggest ONE class of food that need to be taken by Ali and explain
about the function of that class of food. (2m)

(c) State the main function of class of food R in Diagram 3 to human body. (2m)

6. (a) Diagram 4 shows a disease causes by nutrient deficiency.

(i) Name the disease of the child as shown in Diagram 4. (2m)
(ii) Suggest a class of food that need to be taken by the child shown in Diagram 4 and give
ONE example of food in that class of food. (2m)
(iii) Explain how does the food suggested in 3(a)(ii) help to overcome this disease. (2m)

7. Diagram 5 shows pictures of living things in a paddy field.

Paddy Grasshopper Swallow

Frog Caterpillar Snake

(a) Based on Diagram 5,

(i) Construct a food web. (2m)
(ii) Predict what will happen if all frogs are captured. (1m)
(iii) Based on the constructed food web in 7(a)(i), construct a pyramid of numbers involving
any of the food chains. Then, draw an arrow to show how the energy flows in the
pyramid of numbers. (3m)

8. The following diagram shows parts of human digestive system.

(a) Arrange the letters in correct order to show the flow of food in the digestive system. (2m)
(b) Based on the above diagram, which part digests fats? (1m)
(c) Name the enzyme that helps the digestion of proteins in K. (1m)
(d) Your mom had running nose and lost her appetite. Your sister prepared porridge for your
mom because porridge is easier to be digested compares to rice. Explain why. (2m)

9. (a) Complete the table below to show the characteristics of different animals. Write your
answers in the spaces provided below.

Characteristics Mammals Amphibians Fish

Habitat Live on land (i) Live in water
Blood type Warm-blooded Cold-blooded (ii)
Reproduce by… (iii) Lay eggs Lay eggs
Body surface Covered by hair or fur (iv) Covered by slimy scales
(b) Give an example of the following groups of animal:
(i) Mammals
(ii) Amphibians (2m)

10. The following diagrams show two types of vision possessed by animal P and Q.
(a) Identify the types of vision of P and Q. (2m)
(b) State the advantage of vision: P, Q (2m)
(c) State the disadvantage of vision: P, Q (2m)

11. (a) Pollutants are being released into the air by various human activities. The diagram below
shows a phenomenon caused by air pollution.
(i) Based on the above diagram, name the phenomenon. (1m)
(ii) Explain on how this phenomenon happens. (2m)
(iii) State the effects towards sea level caused by this phenomenon. (1m)

(b) Pie chart below shows the sources of air pollutants of year 2014 in Malaysia.
(i) State the gases released by motor vehicles and explain about the dangerous effects. (4m)
(ii) Suggest TWO ways to overcome these problems. (2m)

12. All living things including human, need air, water, food and living space to live. There are
resources known as renewable resources, which can be replaced soon after being used.
However, there are other resources known as non-renewable resources that cannot be readily
replaced by natural means. To ensure the continuity of these resources, we must preserve and
reserve our natural resources.

(a) Give an example of:

(i) Renewable resources :
(ii) Non-renewable resources: (2m)

(b) Human activities can lead to damage of Earth’s resources. The diagram below shows an
human activity of deforestation.
How does this activity gives impact toward Earth’s resources? (2m)

(c) State what will happen to the quantity of oxygen in atmosphere if all green plants have been
destroyed. Explain. (2m)
(d) Suggest four ways to preserve and to reserve the natural resources on Earth to ensure its’
continuity. (4m)

13. (a) Diagram 6 shows juices of four different fruits are being dripped onto blue litmus paper
respectively. The colour changes of blue litmus paper was being observed.



(i) In Table 2, state the observation on the colour changes of the litmus paper.
Fruits Colour changes
Bitter Gourd Blue 
Lime Blue 
Table 2 (2m)
(ii) In Table 3, classify all fruits shown in Diagram 6 based on their properties.
Properties Fruits
Table 3 (4m)

(b) Diagram 7 shows two full scoop of washing powder in two beakers, J and K. Water was added
into beaker K.
Observation was recorded as below.
J-No changes on red litmus paper

K- Red litmus paper changed to blue

Give one inference based on the observation in beaker J and beaker K. (1m)
(c) Diagram 8 shows a dry soap was tested with red litmus paper.
Predict the colour changes of the red litmus paper. (1m)
(d) Substance X, doesn’t change the colour of red litmus paper nor blue litmus paper.
(i) Predict the pH value of substance X. (1m)

(ii) Suggest a substance that could possibly be substance X. (1m)

14. (a) (i) State a force that is present in the above situation. (1m)

(ii) Based on Diagram 9, label the position of frictional force and pulling force that acted on the
object. (2m)
(b) Mr. Sufian tries to move a box from his office to the storeroom by pulling the box with a rope.
Tick (/) to choose for the easier method for Mr. Sufian to move the box. (1m)
(c) State two advantages of frictional force in our daily life. (2m)
(d) State two disadvantages of frictional force in our daily life. (2m)
(e) Diagram 11 shows the view from a steep cliff.
A climber with the weight of 600N has climbed the cliff. Calculate the work done by the climber
if he has climbed up to 50m. (2m)
You can use the formula shown: Work (Nm) = Force (N) x Distance (m)

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