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1. What is citizenship education and its importance?

 Citizenship education is the teaching of effective participation in the processes of democratic development
both at the local and state level, its goal is to teach a person to live in freedom. The importance of civic
education in a development at community level, it that it helps to ensure effective civic participation. This is
an important aspect of strengthening the ability of society to manage its own affairs. Citizenship education is
based on the values and principles of transparency, participation, active response, accountability,
empowerment and justice. Integral components of civic education are the means of communication and
access to information.

2. Why do we study Citizenship Education?

 We need to study Citizenship education, because, it gives people the knowledge and skills
to understand, challenge and engage with democratic society including politics, the media, civil society, the
economy and the law. Democracies need active, informed and responsible citizens - citizens who are willing
and able to take responsibility for themselves and their communities and contribute to the political process.

3. What does it mean to be a citizenship?

 Being a citizen implies rights and responsibilities, whether you are a citizen of the world, your country, your
state, your community, or your family. The rights and responsibilities are different for each "community"
you belong to, but no matter which community you belong to as a citizen, you have the right to fully
participate in that group, and you have the responsibility to participate fully, to be informed about that group,
to care for the other members of that group, and to care for the world in which the group lives.

4. Role of Citizenship Education in National Development?

 The Citizenship Education aims to develop student's ability to participate in communities and wider society
as informed, critical and responsible citizens. The purpose of "active citizenship" is to teach students to
work together and take practical action, using their Citizenship knowledge and understanding to contribute
to a better society in developing a nation.

5. State the difference between nationality and citizenship.

 Nationality is a legal relationship between an individual person and a state, while Citizenship is the status of
a person recognized under the custom or law as being a legal member of a sovereign state or belonging to
a nation.
Nationality differs technically and legally from citizenship, which is a different legal relationship between a
person and a country, conceptually, citizenship is focused on the internal political life of the state and
nationality is a matter of international dealings.

6. Can I Change my Nationality?

 Yes, if I married a foreigner and I had lost my Philippine citizenship by reason of their naturalization as
citizens of a foreign country which doesn’t accept dual Citizenship.

7. What is your nationality and citizenship?

 Based upon the principles of jus sanguinis in accordance in the Philippine nationality law, I am a Filipino
because both my parents is Filipino, but in accordance with the law in acquiring Citizenship I am also a
Filipino, I have acquired because both my parents are both Filipino this is under the three principle in
acquiring citizenship namely, By Place of Birth, By Blood and by Process of Naturalization.

8. The difference between nationality and ethnicity

 Nationality implies the place of a person’s birth, so it is simply the national identity of an individual. On the
other hand, the ethnicity reflects the cultural and ancestral identity of a person. Nationality is used to
determine to which country a person belongs, whereas ethnicity describes the social group to which a person

9. How schools prepare students to be citizens?

 Schools prepared students to be become citizen by imbedding citizenship into within and across curriculum,
this allows student to understand what is meant to become a good citizen, also he/she is aware by all of his
rights and its responsibilities as a citizen of a specific country.
10. Duties and obligations of citizen.

 As a Filipino citizen my duties and obligation are:

1. It is the duty of every Filipino to respect, honor, and give due accord to his Filipino heritage, patrimony, values
and tradition.
2. It is the duty of every Filipino to contribute to the development, welfare, and nation-building of its country.
3. It is the duty of every Filipino to engage in gainful work to assure himself and his family a life worthy of human
4. Loyalty to the federal republic and national consciousness, aspirations, and ideals shall be asked frome very
Filipino citizen.
5. Every Filipino citizen is asked to uphold this Constitution, obey the laws of the land, pay taxes and duties, and to
cooperate with the duly constituted authorities in the attainment and preservation of a just and orderly society.
6. Every Filipino citizen must give due honor to the Philippine flag, National Anthem, Philippine President, and
other national symbols and emblems.
7. It is the duty of every Filipino citizen to defend the national territory from aggressive invaders, protect the
sovereignty of its people, and preserve the continuity of a just, humane society and government.
8. It is the duty of every Filipino to report to the proper authorities all plots of terrorism, plans of rebellion,
subversion, or insurrection toward the duly and legally acknowledge government, and other acts that will
compromise the union and sovereignty of the federal republic.
9. It is the obligation of every Filipino, to report corrupt, dishonest, or fraudulent government officials to the proper
forum, courts and agencies. A Filipino shall not tempt or bribe government officials, steal from the coffers of the
government, or escape or abandon his lawful responsibilities.
10. It is the responsibility of every Filipino to elect officials of government as a means of demonstrating his personal
ideals and aspirations for the motherland.

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