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Alexandria University School of Medicine

Established in 1942, Alexandria Medical School is one of the Middle East’s pre-eminent institutions in
medical education and research. The school has nearly 1500 faculty and 10 affiliated facilities. It is the second
largest university in Egypt and students could potentially work at one of four affiliated hospital depending on
specialty of interest.

Location: Alexandria, Egypt

Focus Areas: Anesthesiology, Community Health in Conflict Zones, General Internal Medicine, OB/GYN,
Pediatrics, Radiology and Surgery

MS1 Summer Internship: Students can participate in a variety of different specialties, however Alexandria
U, at the El Shatby Hospital offers a Maternal and Child Health opportunity in terms of prenatal care,
evaluation of Egypt’s current state in the promotion of maternal health and its development.

MSIV Clinical Elective: Clinical rotations are available in these areas: Internal Medicine and sub-
specialties; Community Medicine; Tropical Medicine; Surgical specialties; Pediatrics and Obstetrics-

Application Process: IMP will contact the site on behalf of the student. Once IMP has site confirmation,
student will need to complete GW Passport online application.

Estimated Costs: Students usually stay in hotels which cost about $900/month and the hotels are usually
within walking distance to the campus. Airport transportation can be arranged by the host institution but
the student must cover the expense (approximately $80). The students need to pay for their own food
and beverages which is usually around $10/ meal per day.

Estimated Roundtrip Airfare: $1100

I-Alexandria University Mission and Vision


Alexandria Faculty of Medicine is committed to provide the community with physicians who are competent in
diagnosis and treatment of its health problems and who are applying professional ethics and caring for essential social
values The faculty is also aspiring to enrich medical sciences with scientific researches that participate in solving
community problems and providing integrated medical care that cope with modern technologies through the University


Alexandria Faculty of Medicine is aspiring to be an excellence and creativity model in medical education,
scientific research and effectiveness in community participation that will position it in the top level between its peers
on the national, regional and international levels.

II-a) Faculty Credit Hours

The recognition that higher education is a major driver of economic competitiveness in the global
knowledge economy has made its quality ever more important, and hence one of the most crucial
challenges facing countries has been how to manage a rapidly growing higher education sector while
maintaining its quality. In that respect, several countries all over the world have been trying to set credit
systems and qualification frameworks which demonstrate students’ academic progress or completion of
their courses and degrees, facilitate student and staff mobility; improve transparency and mutual
recognition between higher education institutions nationally and internationally.

The Course-Credit System or Credit Hour System, for instance, provided an effective means of
measuring academic work for more than a century in the United States of America and has been successful
in providing accountability, mobility, and regulation for a mass academic system.

During the second general meeting of Tuning Africa Project — II, a method was defined for
estimating student workload using a questionnaire survey. There has been a call to develop a country
report on Credit System in each of the African countries.4 In response to this call, Alexandria University
— as a Tuning member — has started surveying both academics and students on student workload in the
programme “Professional Diploma in Education entitled: Quality of Educational Systems and Academic
Accreditation” at Faculty of Education. This programme is being revised to be compatible with Tuning
methodology and competence-based learning. The survey of student workload has been administered to
academics and students in that programme. Credit Hour System has been in place in the Faculty of
Education, Alexandria University, since 2009.5 It is implemented at the graduate level whereas the
undergraduate level still follows the traditional system (One year composed of two semesters, each
semester includes different courses rather than credits). The implementation of the Credit Hour System
in Egypt varies from one university to another and at the same university from one faculty to another.

There are three different kinds of institutions of Teacher Education in Egypt: Faculties of Education
(29), Faculties of Kindergarten (9) and Faculties of Specific Education (17). Credit Hour System is not
adopted nationwide as some faculties adopt it whereas others follow the traditional system, the course
based system. Those faculties adopting Credit Hour System implement it at graduate level whereas
undergraduate level programmes adopt the traditional system. Moreover, there are variations between
those different kinds of faculties in adopting Credit Hour System, as mentioned above. Accordingly, an
effort has been launched by Sector Committee for Education8 which has been approved by Supreme
Council of Universities (SCU),9 entitled: “Student Guide for post graduate studies according to Credit Hour
System” to minimize such variations.

In general, duration of an academic hour at Alexandria University, for all programmes at different
departments, is equivalent to 60 minutes. 1 Credit Hour is a measuring unit for deciding the weight of
each course in the semester, where it equals: • 1 hour of theoretical lecture per week • or 2 hours of
practical work or laboratory work per week • or 4 hours of field work per week across the whole semester
The number of Credit Hours per year differs from one programme to another. As far as the programme of
“Professional Diploma in Education entitled: Quality of Educational Systems and Academic Accreditation”
is concerned, number of Credit Hours per year is 22 (22 contact hours: nine compulsory courses (two
hours each) and four elective ones, two of which can be chosen and studied across two semesters). Since
the courses are split into two semesters, the number of contact hours per week in each of the two
semesters is respectively 12 and 10 as indicated in Table 1. According to the regulations of Credit Hour
System at Alexandria University, the semester is composed of 16 weeks: 14 weeks of contact between
academics and students and two weeks for oral and written exams.
The number of Credit Hours used for different levels (Diploma, Master, Ph.D.) is variable. As far
as Faculty of Education — Alexandria University is concerned; there are five different graduate

• General Diploma in Education: one-year programme for noneeducation graduates — graduates

who have qualifications other than Education Studies — and would like to work as teachers to be
equivalent to education graduates. Graduates of this programme are awarded the degree of “General
Diploma in Education”. They are eligible to teach in both middle and secondary schools. General Diploma
is 30 Credit Hours (30 contact hours: 28 compulsory and 2 elective).

• Professional Diploma in Education: one-year programme for education graduates and holders
of the degree of General Diploma in Education, where students start to specialize in a chosen discipline.
It is 22 Credit Hours (22 contact hours: 18 compulsory and 4 elective).

• Special Diploma in Education: one-year programme for holders of Professional Diploma in

Education to pursue advanced levels in the chosen the specialization. It is 24 Credit Hours (24 contact
hours: 18 compulsory and 6 elective).

• MA in Education: One-year programme composed of 32 Credit Hours (32 contact hours divided
into 24 hours for courses and 8 hours for thesis writing upon the completion of the required courses). As
far as courses are concerned, they differ from one department to another and from one programme to
another. In general, two courses are elective whereas the rest is compulsory.

• Ph.D. in Education: One-year programme composed of 42 Credit Hours (42 contact hours
divided into 21 hours for courses and 21 hours for thesis writing upon the completion of the required
courses). The 21 contact hours cover a group of courses. The number of courses differs from one
department to another and from one programme to another. In general, two courses are elective whereas
the rest is compulsory.

The way Credit Hours are allocated to a degree programme is usually regulated by the Supreme
Council of Universities (SCU) for Education studies upon recommendations of the Education Sector
Committee.13 It is worth noting that this stage is followed by consultations at departmental levels at each
Faculty to decide the allocation of credits and courses.

b) Students Workload

Student workload in ECTS consists of the time required to complete all planned learning
activities such as attending lectures, seminars, independent and private study, placements,
preparation of projects, examinations, and so forth. It was agreed that one regular year of student
work is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits, in any degree course at any level (either undergraduate or
postgraduate). On the average, according to several surveys, this corresponds to 1500 hours of
annual student’s workload, i.e. 1 ECTS credit is equal — again on the average — to 25 hours of
student workload. Credits are allocated to all educational components of a study programme (such
as modules, course units, etc.) and reflect the quantity of work each component requires to achieve
its specific objectives or learning outcomes in relation to the total quantity of work necessary to
complete a full year of study successfully. Approaches to teaching, learning and assessment have
an impact on the workload required to achieve the desired learning outcomes and, consequently,
on credit allocation.
The Tuning Approach for determining student workload in Higher Education programmes
consists of four steps as shown in Figure 1 (see next page).
First, introducing modules/course units. A choice must be made between the use of a
modularized or a non-modularized system. In a non-modularized system each course unit can have
a different number of credits although the total credits for each academic year will still be 60
credits. In a modularized system, the course units/modules have a fixed number of credits, 5 credits
for example, or a multiple of this number. The use of a modularized system in an institution
facilitates the use of the same modules by students enrolled in different programmes.

Figure 1

Tuning Approach for determining student workload in Higher Education Programmes

Second, estimating student workload. The workload of a module/course unit is based on the total
amount of learning activities a student is expected to complete in order to achieve the foreseen learning
outcomes. It is measured in time (in work hours); for example, a module of 5 credits allows for around
125-150 hours of work of a typical student. Educational activities can be defined by considering several
aspects such as: modes of instruction; types of learning activities; and types of assessment.
Third, checking the estimated workload through student evaluations. There are different methods to
check whether the estimated student workload is correct. The most common method is the use of
questionnaires to be completed by students, either during the learning process or after the completion of
the course.
Fourth, Adjustment of workload and/or educational activities. An adjustment of workload and/or
activities is required when the monitoring process reveals that the estimated student workload does not
correspond to the actual workload.
It is worth noting that the process of planning educational activities/estimating student workload;
checking the estimated workload through student evaluations; and adjustment of workload and/or
educational activities is a continuous process, which keeps students at the centre of the educational


Historical Background
TheCentral Libraryis one section of the general administration for libraries affairs in Alexandria
University. TheCentral Libraryis the major source of information at Alexandria University and was
inaugurated in 1985 at distinguished location central to the majority of university faculties and
The need to establish the Central Library rose in the late seventies due to the overlapping needs for
different faculties and institutes with regard to academic periodicals.

Therefore, the Central Library was established in 1985 to serve all faculties and institutes by
combining all periodicals of common interest to the different universities and institutes.

In 1997, the General Library of Alexandria University was joined with the Central Academic Library
under the name "Central Library" to server all faculties and institutes.

The general Administration for Libraries Affairs is divided into 3 sections:

1. TheCentral Library

2. Administration of Libraries of Faculties

3 .Administration and Financial Affairs

Working Hours

The library is open all week (Saturday - Thursday) from 9:00 am untill 3:00 pm and closes
on Friday and National Holidays


The library is open for scholars and researchers to use its collections of valuable resources.
Visitors are kindly requested to obtain their membership cards, free of charge, to present it at every
visit to the library.

Membership Requirements

- A photocopy of the personal identity card

- A recent photograph

- An official letter from working affiliations in case the visitor is not an Alexandria University staff

Library Rules
- No Smoking

- No scratching, erasing, or marking down on any periodical or magazine

- No drinks or food are allowed especially in the reading halls

- The use of electronic devices has to take place under the supervision of the official in charge

- Cellular phones have to be shutdown especially in the reading halls

Structure and Divisions of the Library

The library consists of 6 floors and a basement, each of which covers an area of 500 square meters

Divisions of the Library

- Medicine Hall

- Manuscripts Hall

- Legacy Books

- Gifts Hall

- Microfilm Hall

- Engineering Hall

- Electronic Services Unit

- Training Department

Agriculture Hall

- Books and References

- Acquisition Hall

- Request of Articles from abroad Hall

- Sciences Hall

- Theoretical dissertations and Thesis Hall

- Theoretical Periodicals Hall

- Administrative sections such as accounting, personnel, etc...

Collections of the Library

 Periodicals

a. Scientific Periodicals

The library has subscriptions in 1040 Scientific Periodicals with about of about 4 million

EGP. 640 Periodicals are distributed to different faculties and institutes of the university on

monthly basis. 400 Periodicals of common interest are kept within the relevant sections of the


b. Theoretical Periodicals

There are 31 titles for 7962 volumes of Arabic as well as foreign Periodicals

 Books and Reference

o The library contains about 30,000 books in different fields of specialization in
addition to some rare books and legacy collections
 Academic Dissertations
o The library contains about 31,800 dissertations and thesis of Alexandria University
classified into scientific dissertations and theoretical ones.
 Microfilm
o The microfilm division contains about 14,537 Microfilm reels, including 1,960 tiles
of Periodicals covering the period from 1950 to 1983.
 Manuscripts and Legacy Books
o This section contains 1,545 manuscripts and legacy books in addition to a
collection of papyrus and documents that date back to the 17th century as well as
a few old copies of the Holy Quran. The contents of this section include various
languages such as Arabic, Persian, Turkish, French and Latin.
IV-Best Practices
1.To clarify how to use internet resources to reach evidence-based pediatric practice through;
best CPGs websites; best children’s hospitals websites and resources; how to assess the quality
of medical information on the internet; synopsis on medical internet ethics.

2.Substantial reduction in hospital stay of children and adolescents with diabetic ketoacidosis after i
mplementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines in a university hospital in Saudi Arabia.

3.To identify the current situation of treatment approaches of spasticity in children with cerebral palsy
attending Alexandria University Children Hospital.

4.The “Alexandria Faculty of Medicine” have and still own the remarkable positions in the field of medical
practicing, medical education and medical scientific research in different places in the world.

5.The medical school of Alexandria had the leadership in the medical field either in diagnosis of diseases
or its treatment or in knowing its causes and symptoms. This made the school of Alexandria to be
mentioned in the old poetry as Homer said “men in Egypt are more skilled in medicine than any other
human race, and it had physician that are better than the others with their knowledge”.


program & courses

Title Hits

Uniform Requirements for scientific writing of Diploma Project and Master's and PhD's Hits:

Thesis 19055

Faculty of Medicine Programs Hits: 7786

Faculty of Engineering Hits: 7140

Study Programs in Faculty of Science Hits: 6750

Study Programs in Faculty of Dentistry Hits: 6729

Arabic Language Department Hits: 6518

General rules for Graduate Studies at Alexandria University Hits: 6059

Faculty of Law Hits: 5116

Title Hits

Faculty of Pharmacy Hits: 5111

Faculty of Nursing Hits: 4763

Institute of Graduate Studies and Research programs Hits: 4744

Study Programs in the faculty of Agriculture Hits: 4560

PhD program in Oral health Hits: 4415

Faculty of Education Programes Hits: 4354

Study programs in faculty of fine Arts Hits: 4073

Faculty of Agriculture (Saba Basha) Hits: 3866

Study programs in Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Hits: 3568

Faculty of Kindergarten Hits: 3543

Medical Research Institute Programs Hits: 3462

Higher Institute of Public Health Programs Hits: 3403

Post Graduate Programs

General rules for Graduate Studies at Alexandria University

Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Science
Institute of Graduate Studies and Research
faculty of Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture (Saba Basha)
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Commerce
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering
faculty of fine Arts
Faculty of Kindergarten
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Nursing
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
Faculty of Physical Education for Men
Faculty of Specific Education
Faculty of Tourism and Hotels
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Medical Research Institute
Higher Institute of Public Health programs

Post Graduate Programs

General rules for Graduate Studies at Alexandria University

Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Science
Institute of Graduate Studies and Research
faculty of Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture (Saba Basha)
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Commerce
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering
faculty of fine Arts
Faculty of Kindergarten
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Nursing
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
Faculty of Physical Education for Men
Faculty of Specific Education
Faculty of Tourism and Hotels
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Medical Research Institute
Higher Institute of Public Health programs

VI-Program Activity

A .Peace Boat's Global Voyages- are an amazing way to explore the world, while being part of a dynamic
learning community.
B.Study Engineering in Alexandria, Egypt- to provide the highest quality educational programs, research,
and community services and to play a leading role in, all engineering activities, as a foremost engineering
school in the Arab world.
C.Study Abroad at Alexandria University-The academic program of Alexandria University offers a lot of
distinguished programs, as the university including the medical complex (Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy,
and Dentistry), Theoretical complex (Faculty of Arts, Education, Law, Commerce and Tourism and Hotels
)and scientific complex ( faculty of science and agriculture )and Faculty of Fine Arts - Veterinary Medicine
- Nursing – Specific Education - Kindergartens - Agriculture “Sababasha “- Physical Education “Boys” -
Physical Education “Girls “, Medical Research Institute ,the Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research
, the High Institute of Public Health.

D. Study at Pharos University in Egypt-Study at Pharos University in Egypt, the first Egyptian private
university in Alexandria. The University has signed a multitude of cooperation agreements with both
European and American universities in order to benefit from their advanced modern teaching
methodologies in various fields of science, as well as the application of international quality systems.
VII-Facilities and Equipment

1.Lecture Rooms
3. Urology hospital
5. Medical Research Institute

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