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Reading Skill IELTS 3 24 July 2019


UNIT 1 – 3
Student Book: IELTS Masterclass

Exercise 1: Match the words on the left with those on the right to form commonly occurring verb-noun

Example: to meet someone’s needs

1. to draw up a) data 1 – c. to draw up league tables

2. to fulfill b) expectations 2 – b. to fulfill expectations
3. to gather c) league tables 3 – a. to gather data
4. to meet d) someone’s needs 4 – d. someone’s needs
5. to suffer e) symptoms 5 – e. to suffer symptoms

Exercise 2: Use the verb-noun combinations in Exercise 1 to complete these sentences. You will need to
change the form of the verbs.

a) In their investigations, social scientists gather data from many different sources.
b) Even businesses which make substantial profits can fail to fulfill the expectations of the financial
c) Increasing numbers of people in the developed world are suffering the symptoms of hay fever
and other allergies.
d) Education authorities in Britain draw up annual league tables showing which are the best and
worst schools in their area.
e) Research is currently being undertaken to look at how universities could meet the learning
needs of individual students.

Exercise 3: Match the words on the left with those on the right to form commonly occurring adjective-
noun combinations.

Example: key questions

1. key a) duty 1 – d. key questions

2. patriotic b) economy 2 – a. patriotic duty
3. precious c) future 3 – e. precious resources
4. self-evident d) questions 4 – f. self-evident truth
5. uncertain e) resources 5 – c. uncertain future
6. vibrant f) truth 6 – b. vibrant economy

Exercise 4: Use the adjective-noun combinations in Exercise 3 to complete these sentences.

a) We are using up the world’s precious resources like oil and gas at an alarming rate.
b) It is a self-evident truth that the fossil fuels will eventually run out.
c) During wars, governments sometimes tell people that it is their patriotic duty to join the army.
d) The fall in the value of our currency leaves us facing an uncertain future.
e) High employment and increased consumer spending are signs of a vibrant economy.
f) When to have children and whether or not to go back to work immediately are key questions
facing many women.

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