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Project 1: Personal Prescription Paper Getting Started

For my health self-assessment test, I used the one that from my swimming class. It asks

me 6 different groups of questions. The 6 group of question are divided into 6 dimensions of

Holistic Health and Wellness and they rated individually. I think this test is reliable because it

is from my professor.

After I take the test, I only need to improve my Physical health because I get very high

score on the others. I might need to start to do some researches to know how to improve my

physical health. For example, I might ask doctors or professors to help me. Also, I will look for

some credible source to help me. And the idea that I have for now is to eat good food and do

more work out.

Healthy Eating. (n.d.). Retrieved from

I choice it because it is from Harvard. It shows many credible researches about health.

However, many of the researches need to pay to access.

101 TIPS FOR TIP-TOP HEALTH. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2019, from http://hhp-



This 26-page article is from Harvard University. It basically shows people how to have

ahealthier life. It gives a lot of information about health.

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