Assessment Protocol

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Assessment Protocol: Daniels Academy

C. Lee, TRS, CTRS (Student) 11/30/2016

University of Utah

Assessment Protocol:


 Review Assessment Protocol document in RT file

 Review Diagnostic Protocol document in RT file

 Review student record(s) and history

o Admittance profile

 Interview & Observation

o Interview should be completed within 72 hours of move-in

 Student observation will be performed during interview

 Interview & observation should be conducted face-to-face

o Review interview questions

o Review observation checklist

 Use “Client Behavior” section on second page of Idyll Arbor Leisure

Battery (IALB)

o Prepare interview space

 Quiet area where privacy can be easily maintained

 Well lit space

 Comfortable room temperature (usually around 72 degrees


 Comfortable seating, though not so comfortable as to encourage


 RT should be positioned between student and door or entrance

o Gather necessary materials


 Print hard copy of interview questions

 Observation checklist

 Pens (2)

 Paper for notes

 Standardized Assessment (test)

o Measurement of Social Empowerment and Trust (SET)

o Review SET directions

o Gather necessary materials

 Standardized testing form

 Corresponding scoring sheet

 Pens

 Paper for notes

o Prepare assessment space

 Quiet area with table and chairs

 Well lit space

 Comfortable room temperature (usually around 72 degrees


 RT should be positioned between student and door or entrance


 Interview

o Interview is critical to establishing a positive student-therapist relationship

 Interview should be a discussion and should flow naturally, as a

normal conversation would

 Being comfortable and knowledgeable about interview material will

be beneficial to ensure optimal flow

o Introduce yourself to student

 Identify your role at the facility

o Define Recreational Therapy (RT)

 Describe the importance of RT to the student’s education and


o Explain to student you intend to take notes during interview

 Use pen and paper, NOT computer/tablet

o Conduct verbal interview using provided example script and questions at the

end of this Assessment Protocol document

 Ensure to ask questions pertaining to all five domains of RT (social,

emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual).

o Close interview

 Offer to answer any questions students may have

 Offer positive thoughts and enthusiasm

 Remind student that you appreciate their time and focus

 Observation

o IALB page 2, “Client Behavior” section

 Fill out observation checklist during interview


 Standardized Assessment (test)

o Administer SET to student according to directions on page 1 of SET response


 Allow 10 minutes for student to document responses

 If more time is required, allow up to 5 additional minutes for


 If student requires, SET can be read aloud and responses recorded by

the RT

o Have student grade their own assessment

 If necessary, assistance can be provided in calculating scores

 Allow 10 minutes for student to grade responses and calculate


o If more time is required, allow up to 5 additional


o Explain to student that the SET is used to measure changes in their

perception of social attitudes after participation in treatment program

 Initial responses to SET will be used as a “baseline”


 Interview

o It is important to note that interview responses are not “scored” but they are

critical to understanding who the student is as an individual

 Use these responses in order to provide better TR services to students

 Observation

o Use provided check boxes

 Fill appropriate box according to student behavior during interview


 Standardized Assessment (test)

o Use the scoring directions and formulas on page 2 of the SET response form

o Copy the value reported from each indicated response number on the line


 Scores are divided into 5 sub scores

 Bonding/cohesion

 Empowerment

 Self-awareness

 Affirmations

 Awareness of others

 Sub scores are added together to yield total score

o Note that changes in total SET scores, if administered multiple times, of 3 or

more points are considered significant

Analysis & Interpretation


 Review student record(s) and history

o Record review can be helpful for identifying known strengths, limitations,

interests, family dynamics, opinions and more

 Interview

o Interview process is critical for establishing rapport with students

o Responses can be used to identify strengths, limitations, interests, beliefs,

feelings and so much more

o Interview responses should appear more qualitative than quantitative

 Responses should be given that can be related back to all of the 5

domains listed above

 Observation

o Results of observation checklist are helpful in order to assess the students

behavior at the time of the interview, though they do not provide long term

behavioral characteristics

 The same observation checklist could be used regularly throughout

treatment in order to identify long term behavioral characteristics

 Standardized Assessment (test)

o SET scores are used to determine changes in student perception of their own

social attitudes and skills as they relate to the participation in and

involvement with TR programs

o SET scores use 5 sub scales in order to determine social attitudes

 Bonding/cohesion

 Empowerment

 Self-awareness

 Affirmations

 Awareness of others

o SET scores, though not thorough enough to be used for diagnosis or for

treatment prescription, can be incredibly useful for creating the student’s

treatment plan and schedule for further assessment

o SET scores are quantitative and have assigned values


 Assessment summary document to be written and completed within 72 hours of

interview and observation experience

o Submit copy to student file

o Include copy of observation checklist results

 SET scores to be copied and submitted to student file

o Keep on file for no less than 3 years from date of assessment

 All reported documents should have student’s name and the date of assessment

 All reported documents should have the RT signature and date

C. Lee, TRS, CTRS (Student), 11/30/2016

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