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6/25/2019 How to keep your eyes safe in this digital age

How to keep your eyes safe in this digital age

Neha Kapoor

28th Aug 2018

Digital gadgets have become the basic these days, and smartphones among them keep the eyeballs glued to the screen 90%
Regardless of age, this digital device addiction is suffered by almost everyone from kids to senior citizens for different purpos
And, if you count yourself among the 90% of addicted netizens who spend most of the time in front of the screens then here i
Digital Eye strain also known as Computer vision syndrome, headaches, shoulder pain, fatigue, etc., are a few health issues th
What does the term Digital Eye Strain mean
Digital eye strain is more common than you think. When spending a long period of time focusing on the digital screens, the bl
Dry, red and irritated eyes, blurry vision, itchy and burning eyes etc., are a few symptoms that indicate the digital eye strain.
Causing Factors
Size of the font, posture, computer set-up and the blue light emitted from the digital screen.
Now, that you have learned about the effects you are going to have on your eyes while spending long periods of time in front o
Steps to protect your eyes in this digital age
- Build a workspace that promotes good posture, in the sense, take measures like centering your computer screen at arms-len
* Position the screen to minimize the glare.
* Follow the 20/20/20 rule, which says take a 20-seconds break in every 20-minutes to look at something that is 20-feet away
* Adjust the brightness of the device; do not keep it too bright or too light. Also, consider changing the screen’s background co
* Lessen the amount of surrounding light and overhead light competing with the device’s screen.
* Increase the font size to make it easier to read, causing less strain on your eyes.
* Blink as much as you can, as blinking lubricates the eyes in order to let them stay moist and healthy.
* And if you have kids, consider limiting the time you are exposed to the screens to set a healthy example for your kids. After a
Sometimes you can’t take the above precautionary steps into account and have a schedule that requires your exposure more
The computer eye-wear or anti-re ective lens is what you need. Many opticians recommend this kind of eye-wear combined w
Talking about the eyewear that stands as the most reliable factor for those with weak vision, it is important to get the right ey
Time to talk to an eye care professional
Not always can you decide things on your own, and not at the risk of your eyesight. Since cutting down the amount of spendin
If your eyeballs are glued to the screen more often or almost for half of the day and you wear contact lenses, be sure to talk to
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6/25/2019 How to keep your eyes safe in this digital age

Final words
Concluding it with a health tip, always make sure that you soak your eyes with cold water after you spend hours in front of the
In the end, it is the good health that matters for being and not the digital devices or screens. So, take care and be protected.

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Neha Kapoor
Blogger | Freelance Writer @ Let's Earn Money Online

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