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Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628

Nonlinear analysis of RC beams based

on moment–curvature relation
Hyo-Gyoung Kwak *, Sun-Pil Kim
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 373-1 Kusong-dong,
Yusong-gu, Taejon 305-701, South Korea
Received 28 November 2000; accepted 9 January 2002

Material nonlinear analyses of reinforced concrete (RC) beams considering the tension softening branch and bond
slip have been conducted. Instead of adopting the sophisticated layer approach which has some limitations in appli-
cation to large structures with many degrees of freedom, we have used the moment–curvature relationships of RC
sections previously constructed through section analysis. To reduce numerical instability according to the finite element
mesh size used, a relation simulating the tension softening branch has been taken into consideration. For the purpose of
removing the imprecision in calculation of ultimate resisting capacity, we have included the plastic hinge length in finite
element modeling. In addition, governing equations describing the bond-slip behavior in beams have been derived.
Unlike the conventional bond elements using double nodes, the proposed model has used beam elements representing
the structural response by two nodes at both ends, and has simplified the finite elements modeling and analytical
process, besides effectively describing the bond-slip behavior. Moreover, the developed algorithm has been reflected in
the moment–curvature relationship of RC section. Finally, correlation studies between analytical and experimental
results have been conducted with the objective to establish the validity of the proposed algorithms. Ó 2002 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Moment–curvature relation; Bond slip; Plastic hinge length; RC beam; RC section; Tension softening branch

1. Introduction studies are expensive and time consuming and give us

limited information. Especially for reinforced concrete
In accordance with the development of industrial (RC) structures which are brittle compared to steel
society and the expansion of the magnitude of econo- structures, it is very important to describe the behavior
mies, structures have become larger and more complex. of the RC structures under over-load conditions and
The safety and serviceability assessment of those com- estimate their ultimate strength accurately.
plex structures necessitates the development of accurate It is difficult in analytical studies to describe effectively
and reliable methods and models for their analysis. To the composite behavior of two wholly different materi-
ensure the safety of structures in the case of earthquake, als, concrete and steel, and to consider the time depen-
both analytical and experimental studies about struc- dant variation of material properties and effects between
tural behavior under over-load conditions and cyclic both materials. In recent years, due to the development
loads are carried out side by side [12], but experimental of computers, improvement of analytical methods and
explicit explanation of material properties, analytical
studies are widely carried out. Because structural analy-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-42-869-3621; fax: +82-42- sis requires great computational effort for iterations
869-3610. and numerical instability due to variation of structural
E-mail address: (H.-G. Kwak). appearance and material properties occurs as working

0045-7949/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 5 - 7 9 4 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 3 0 - 5
616 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628

stress increases, we need to develop simpler analytical

methods which effectively reduce the computational time
and estimate the ultimate resisting capacity of structures
In this study, material nonlinear analysis of RC
beams which compose the primary members of RC
structures have been conducted. Instead of taking the
sophisticated layer approach which has some limitations
in application to large structures with many degrees of Fig. 1. Stress–strain relation of concrete.
freedom, we have used the moment–curvature relation-
ships of RC sections previously constructed through
section analysis. Especially, to reduce the numerical in- rc ¼ Kfc0 ½1  Z ðec  ec0 Þ; ec0 6 ec 6 eu ð2Þ
stability according to the finite element mesh size used in
the stage of construction of moment–curvature rela- rc ¼ 0:2Kfc0 ; ec P eu ð3Þ
tions, a relation simulating the tension softening branch
has been taken into consideration. In addition, to sim- where
ulate the concentrative plastic deformation of RC beams qs fyh
after the yielding of the steel, we have included the ec0 ¼ 0:002K; K ¼1þ ð4Þ
plastic hinge length in finite element formulation. Gov-
erning equations describing the bond-slip behavior in
beams according to cracking have been derived and Z¼ rffiffiffiffi ð5Þ
applied to moment–curvature relations. Moreover, cor- 3 þ 0:0284fc0 h0
þ 0:75qs  0:002K
relation studies between analytical and experimental 14:21fc0  1000 sh
results have been conducted to establish the validity of
the proposed algorithms. ec0 is the concrete strain at maximum stress, K is a factor
which accounts for the strength increase due to con-
finement, Z is the strain softening slope, fc0 is the con-
crete compressive strength in kg/cm2 (1 kg=cm2 ¼ 0:098
2. Material models MPa), fyh is the yield strength of stirrups in kg/cm2 ,
qs is the ratio of the volume of hoop reinforcement to
2.1. Concrete the volume of concrete core measured to the outside of
stirrups, h0 is the width of the concrete core measured to
The response of a structure under load depends to a the outside of stirrups, and sh is the center to center
large extent on the stress–strain relation of the constit- spacing of stirrups or hoop sets.
uent materials and the magnitude of stress. Since con- On the other hand, this model assumes that concrete
crete is used mostly in compression, the stress–strain is linearly elastic in the tension region. Beyond the ten-
relation in compression is of primary interest. The con- sile strength, the tensile stress decreases linearly with
crete stress–strain relation exhibits a nearly linear elastic increasing principal tensile strain (see Fig. 1(b)). Ulti-
response up to about 30% of the compressive strength. mate failure is assumed to take place by cracking, when
This is followed by gradual softening up to the concrete the principal tensile strain exceeds the value e0 in Fig.
compressive strength, when the material stiffness drops 1(b). The value of e0 is derived from the fracture me-
to zero. Beyond the compressive strength, the concrete chanics concept by equating the crack energy release
stress–strain relation exhibits strain softening until fail- with the fracture toughness of concrete Gf [7].
ure takes place by crushing.  
2Gf ln 3b
Many mathematical models of concrete are currently e0 ¼ ð6Þ
ft ð3  bÞ
used in the analysis of RC structures. Among those
models, the monotonic envelope curve introduced by where ft is the tensile strength of concrete, e0 is the
Kent and Park and later extended by Scott et al. [14] was fracture tensile strain which characterizes the end of the
adopted in this study for its simplicity and computa- strain softening process when the microcracks coalesce
tional efficiency. In this model, as shown in Fig. 1(a), the into a continuous crack, b is the element length, and Gf
monotonic concrete stress–strain relation in compres- is the fracture energy which is dissipated in the forma-
sion is described by three regions: tion of a crack of unit length per unit thickness and is
considered a material property. The experimental study
"    # by Welch and Haisman [16] indicates that for normal
ec ec
rc ¼ Kfc0 2  ; ec 6 ec0 ð1Þ strength concrete, the value of Gf =ft is in the range of
ec0 ec0
0.005–0.01 mm. If Gf and ft are known from measure-
H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628 617

Fig. 2. Stress–strain relation of steel. Fig. 3. Idealized moment–curvature relation of RC section.

ments, e0 can be determined. Also, as shown in Eq. (6), To ensure ductile behavior in practice, steel contents
e0 depends on the finite element mesh size. Through less than the balanced design value are always used for
previous numerical analyses, it was verified this ap- beams. The typical moment–curvature relation for a
proach of defining e0 renders the analytical solution lightly RC section (under-RC section) can be idealized
insensitive to the mesh size used, and guarantees the to the trilinear relation as shown in Fig. 3. The first stage
objectivity of the results. is to cracking, the second to yield of the tension steel,
and the third to the limit of useful strain in the concrete.
The behavior of the section after cracking is dependant
2.2. Steel
mainly on the steel content. Lightly reinforced sections
result in a practically linear moment–curvature curve up
Reinforcing steel is modeled as a linear elastic, linear
to the point of steel yielding. When the steel yields, a
strain hardening material with yield stress ry as shown in
large increase in curvature occurs, following the moment
Fig. 2. The reasons for this approximation are (1) the
rising slowly to a maximum due to an increase in the
computational convenience of the model; (2) the be-
internal lever arm, then decreasing.
havior of R/C members is greatly affected by the yield-
The moment–curvature relation of a section is un-
ing of reinforcing steel when the structure is subjected to
iquely defined according to the dimensions of the con-
monotonic bending moments [9,15].
crete section and the material properties of concrete and
steel. Also, the gradient of the moment–curvature rela-
tion means the elastic bending stiffness EI which includes
3. Moment–curvature relation
all the section properties in a typical loading condition.
Therefore, using the moment–curvature relation instead
Since a structure is composed of many structural
of taking the layer approach abbreviates the accompa-
members, and a member is formed by the integration of
nying sophisticated calculations in the nonlinear analysis
each section, the nonlinear behavior of a section causes
such as the determination of neutral axis and change of
nonlinear behavior in the structure. Especially, in the
elastic stiffness. This is why the nonlinear analysis of RC
case of beams and columns which are the primary mem-
beams based on the moment–curvature relation is used
bers of a frame structure, internal member forces are
in this study. In determining the theoretical moment–
concentrated on the sections located at both ends and
curvature curve for the RC section with flexure, we use
the center of a member. Using this structural charac-
the basic assumption that plane sections remain plain so
teristic, plastic hinge analysis is broadly adopted in the
that the longitudinal strain is directly proportional to
nonlinear analysis of frame structures. Accordingly, the
the distance from the neutral axis of zero strain.
nonlinear analysis of RC beams can be conducted with
the moment–curvature relation constructed by section
analysis because most of the deformations in beams 3.1. Cracking point
arise from the strains associated with flexure. The cur-
vature / representing the gradient of the strain profile at Up to the first cracking at the extreme tension fiber,
a section can be calculated by classical beam theory [11] the entire cross section effective for the applied internal
if the strains are measured from the increase of bending moment, and the stress–strain relations for concrete and
moment to failure, permitting the moment–curvature steel maintain linearly elastic. Fig. 4 depicts a doubly
relation for a section to be obtained. RC rectangular beam section in the elastic stage before
618 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628

Fig. 4. Doubly RC section before cracking.

cracking. The dimensions of the concrete section and the reaches the yielding point. With the assumed neutral axis
steel area and positions are considered known quanti- depth, the internal tension T and compression C can be
ties. The cracking moment Mcr and the corresponding calculated by
curvature /cr (point in Fig. 3) can be calculated using Z Z
the requirements of strain compatibility and equilibrium T ¼ rst As þ rtc dA ¼ fy As þ rc dA ð9Þ
Atc Atc
of forces as follows:
ecc ecr Z
/cr ¼ ¼ ð7Þ C ¼ rsc A0s þ rc dA ð10Þ
c H c
1 2 c  d0 1 ð H  c Þ3 where fy is the yield strength of steel, Atc and Acc rep-
Mcr ¼ ecc Ec c B þ Es Asc þ ecc Ec B resent the areas of concrete acted on by the tensile and
3 c 3 c
ðd  c Þ 2 compressive stresses, respectively.
þ ecc Es Ast ð8Þ After iterations based on the reassumed neutral axis
depth until the difference between the tensile force and
where Ast and Asc are the areas of tension and com- compressive force is less than the given tolerance, the
pression steels, the corresponding steel ratios are q ¼ moment and curvature are finally determined.
Ast =Bd and q0 ¼ Asc =Bd, the modular ratio n ¼ Es =Ec ,
and the distance from the extreme compression fiber to 3.3. Cracked stage between two points
the neutral axis c ¼ H þ 2nðdq þ d 0 qÞ=fð1 þ nðq þ q0 Þg.
After dividing the curvature range between /cr and
3.2. Yielding point /y into four equal parts, first the bending moment cor-
responding to each boundary curvature can be calcu-
The moment and curvature at first yield of the tensile lated, following the same iteration procedure described
steel (point in Fig. 4) should be calculated using the in the preceding section. Then the connection of each
defined stress–strain relations for the concrete. Based point with straight lines gives the simplified moment–
on the normal force equilibrium, the section analysis is curvature relation used in this study (see Fig. 5(b)). Also,
carried out by assuming first that the tension steel the moment–curvature relation to the post-yielding stage

Fig. 5. Moment–curvature relations of RC section. (a) Classical layered section approach and (b) simplified approach.
H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628 619

is approximated as a straight line with the bending

stiffness Es2 Icr , where Es2 is the elastic modulus of steel
after yielding, because the moment capacity depends
wholly on the structural behavior of steel in this stage.
Fig. 5(a) shows the theoretical moment–curvature
relations for a typical rectangular cross-section of width
15.24 cm and overall depth 30.48 cm. The tension steel
of 2.88 cm2 was placed at d ¼ 27:33 cm. Previously
defined stress–strain relations of concrete and steel were
used, and the material properties of fc ¼ 323:6 kg/cm2 ,
fy ¼ 2236:4 kg/cm2 , and Es ¼ 1:98 106 kg/cm2 were as-
sumed. The layer approach was accompanied by chang-
ing e0 in Fig. 1(b). As shown in this figure, the tension
softening branch must be considered to simulate exactly
the bending behavior for a lightly RC section. On the Fig. 6. Free body diagram for R/C element.
other hand, Fig. 5(b) represents the simplified moment–
curvature relations for the same section, where b is the
element length used to calculate e0 by Eq. (6). of length dx. If the linear bond stress–slip relation is
assumed, the variations of the axial force components
can be represented in terms of bond stress and slip
4. Bond-slip effect
dPs ¼ fb dx R0 ¼ Eb D dxR0 ¼ As Es des ð11Þ
Since bond stresses in RC structures arise from the
change in the steel force along the length, the effect of Z
bond becomes more pronounced in the cracked region. dPc ¼ Ec dec dAc ¼ fb dx R0 ð12Þ
In the simplified analysis of RC structures, complete
compatibility of strains between concrete and steel is
usually assumed, which implies a prefect bond. This where fb is the bond stress at the steel interface, Eb is the
assumption is realistic only in regions where negligible slope of the bond stress–slip curve, R0 is the perimeter
stress transfer between the two components takes place. of the steel bar, D is the bond slip, Ac is the uncracked
In regions of high transfer stresses along the interface area of the cross-section, and E is Young’s modulus.
between reinforcing steel and surrounding concrete, Since the longitudinal strains are directly propor-
such as near cracks, the bond stress is related to the tional to the distance from the neutral axis of zero strain,
relative displacement between reinforcing steel and the variation of curvature /x representing the gradient
concrete. Therefore, the bond-slip effect must also be of the strain profile at the section means the variation of
considered to simulate the structural behavior more strain. In addition, the actual curvature distribution up
exactly. to the yielding of reinforcing steel can be idealized into a
Two basically different elements, namely, the bond- linear curvature distribution along the member as shown
link element and bond-zone element, have been pro- in Fig. 7.
posed to date for inclusion of the bond-slip effect in the By ignoring the tensile force in the concrete which
finite element analysis of RC structures [5,9]. How- makes a negligibly small contribution after cracking,
ever, the use of those elements requires a double node to the variation of axial force in the concrete can be de-
represent the relative slip between reinforcing steel and termined as
concrete. In a beam structure defined by both end nodes
along the direction, it is impossible to use the double
node at each end node. To address this limitation in
adopting the bond model, a numerical algorithm which
includes the bond-slip effect into the moment–curvature
relation is proposed in this study.

4.1. Bond-slip behavior

When a RC beam is subjected to a concentrated

lateral load Q at midspan, the force equilibrium in the
axial direction requires the summation of the axial force
component. Fig. 6 shows an infinitesimal beam element Fig. 7. Idealized curvature distribution.
620 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628
dPc ¼ fb R0 dx ¼ Ec dec dAc
Z c
¼ Ec d/x yb dy ¼ Ec b d/x c2 ð13Þ
0 2

where c is the distance from the extreme compression

fiber to the neutral axis.
Namely, the variation of curvature along the length
can be expressed by d/x =dx ¼ 2fb R0 =ðEc bc2 Þ. In addi- Fig. 8. Subdivided RC beam elements.
tion, the neutral axis depth c maintains an almost con-
stant value of c ¼ 0:4d from the initial cracking up to
both end points must be satisfied; dD=dx ¼ ðeis0  eic0 Þ
the yielding of reinforcing steel. The variation of con-
at x ¼ li =2, dD=dx ¼ þðeisl  eicl Þ at x ¼ li =2, and the
crete strain at the steel location, therefore, can be sim-
bond slip at each end of the ith element is determined as
plified as  
li cosh kli 1
dec d/ 2Eb R0 Di þ ¼ Dil ¼ Pi þ Qi
¼ ðd  cÞ x ¼ ðd  cÞ D 2 k sinh kli k sinh kli
dx dx Ec bc2
2Eb R0 ¼ Ai Pi þ Bi Qi ð18Þ
¼ 3:75 D ð14Þ
ðEs As =nqÞ  
i li 1 cosh kli
where n ¼ Es =Ec , the steel ratio q ¼ As =bd. D  ¼ Di0 ¼ Pi þ Qi
2 k sinh kli k sinh kli
When the bond slip D at the steel–concrete interface is
¼ Bi Pi þ Ai Qi ð19Þ
defined by the relative displacement between reinforcing
steel and concrete (D ¼ us  uc ), the first order and sec- where Pi ¼ eisl  eicl , Qi ¼ eis0  eic0 , Ai ¼ cosh kli =
ond order differential equation of bond slip lead to ðk sinh kli Þ and Bi ¼ 1=ðk sinh kli Þ.
dDx dus duc Solving the above equations for the bond slip Dil and
¼  ¼ es  ec ð15Þ strain difference ðeisl  eicl Þ at x ¼ li =2 yields
dx dx dx
2 3

i Ai B2i  A2i

d2 Dx des dec Eb R0 Dl 6B Bi 7
¼  ¼ ð1  7:5nqÞDx ð16Þ fDl gi ¼ ¼6 i 7 D0
dx2 dx dx As Es Pi 41 Ai 5 Qi

Bi Bi
Accordingly, the very well known following govern-
ing differential equation for the bond slip is obtained. ¼ ½Ci fD0 gi ð20Þ

d2 D For the transition from the (i  1)th to the ith ele-

 k2 D ¼ 0 ð17Þ ment using the force equilibrium and the compatibility
condition, the following equation can be determined
where k 2 ¼ ðEb R0 =As Es Þð1  7:5nqÞ.
As shown in this equation, the governing equation D0 1 0 Dl
fD0 gi ¼ ¼ ¼ ½SfDl gi1 ð21Þ
has the same form as that of the axial member in uni- Qi 0 1 Pi1
axial tension except a minor difference in k 2 , that is, the
and the substitution of Eq. (20) into Eq. (21) yields
proportional coefficient has ð1  7:5nqÞ instead of ð1þ
nqÞ. The general solution to Eq. (17) is given by D ¼ fDl gi ¼ ½Ci fD0 gl ¼ ½Ci ½S fDl gi1 ¼ ½Ci fDl gi1 ð22Þ
C1 sinh kx þ C2 cosh kx, in which C1 and C2 are con-
stants that have to be determined from the boundary This equation relates the bond-slip and strain differ-
conditions. ence at the end of the ith element with those of (i  1)th
elements. By applying Eq. (22) successively to elements
i  2; i  3; . . . ; 2; 1 and summing up the results, and
5. Solution algorithm extending to the nth element, the following relation be-
tween the bond slip (D) and strain difference ðes  ec Þ at
The region ranged from the end to the loaded point the two ends of the steel interface can be obtained.
where the maximum bending moment occurs is assumed fDl gn ¼ ½C n ½Cn1  ½C2 ½C1 fD0 g1 ¼ ½Rn fD0 g1 ð23Þ
to be subdivided into n elements, as shown in Fig. 8. The
general solution of Eq. (17) represents the force equi- where ½C i  ¼ ½Ci ½S.
librium and the compatibility condition at the steel in- If two boundary values among the four unknowns
terface along the length. Focusing attention on the ith are determined, it is possible to solve Eq. (23) for the
element see Fig. 8), the following boundary condition at remaining two unknowns. For a beam structure, it can be
H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628 621

Fig. 10. Modified curvature of RC section.

Fig. 9. Crack width–steel stress relation [10].

bond-slip effect can be calculated by using the mean

assumed that the strain difference at the end face of curvature concept as follows:
a structure Q1 ¼ ðe1s0  e1c0 Þ is zero because the bending    
1 i
moment by the applied lateral load is zero. Another es  ecc e þ eisl  12 eic0  eicl
/0i ¼ ¼ /i þ 2 s0 ð25Þ
boundary condition is derived from the relation between d d
the crack width and steel stress. Based on the experi-
mental study for many cracked beams, Oh [10] found where /i is the curvature corresponding to a moment
that the crack width has almost a linear relation with M under the perfect bond, /0i is the revised curvature
steel stress until the steel yields (Fig. 9). Using the given considering the bond slip, ecc is the concrete strain at the
experimental data, the following regression curve extreme compression fiber, and es and ec are the steel and
ðw ¼ ers ¼ eEs es ¼ T es Þ is obtained, where w is the crack concrete strains at the steel interface in the case of
width at the steel interface, es is the steel strain, and T considering the bond slip, as shown in Fig. 10.
is the proportional constant. On the other hand, if the pure bending region is
As the concentrated lateral load Q increases, the widely distributed in the center of a member, it is as-
cracking develops first at the location where the maxi- sumed that the bond slip in this region is not varied but
mum bending moment occurs, i.e., the midspan in Fig. constant, and the bond slip and strain difference have
7. Since it can be assumed that the crack width w is the same values with those at the end of the adjacent
equivalent to two times of the bond slip D at the cracked element ((n  1)th element), that is, the revised moment–
location, the bond slip Dnl can be expressed in terms of curvature relation of the adjacent element can be used
the corresponding steel strain from Eq. (23). If the terms to the nth element without any modification.
of matrix ½Rn  in Eq. (23) are r11 , r12 , r21 , and r22 , the
relations of Dnl ¼ r11 D10 þ r12 Q1 ¼ r11 D10 ¼ 12w ¼ 12T ensl and
ensl  encl ¼ r21 D10 can be constructed. Therefore, the steel 6. Finite element idealization
strain at the right end of the nth element can be ex-
pressed by For the analysis of RC beams, Timoshenko beam
encl theory was used in this study [11]. Since this theory is
ensl ¼   ð24Þ well established and widely used in the analysis of
1  rr2111 T
2 beams, attention is focused below on some theoretical
aspects of the bending problem followed by the finite
where it should be noted that the concrete strain encl is element implementation of the moment–curvature rela-
known from the global nonlinear finite element analysis tion and bond-slip effect in the analysis of RC beams. In
of RC beams based on the perfect bond assumption. a typical Timoshenko beam, it is usual to assume that
Moreover, from the relation of r11 D10 ¼ 12T ensl , the normals to the neutral axis before deformation remain
bond slip at the left end of the first element D10 is finally straight but not necessarily normal to the neutral axis
calculated. After obtaining the bond-slip and strain after deformation. In addition, the effects of shear de-
difference at one end of the structure, those components formation are not taken into consideration in simulating
at each node can be found through the successive ap- nonlinear behavior since the normal bending stresses
plication of Eqs. (20) and (21). reach a maximum at the extreme fibers, where the
With the determined deformations at both ends transverse shear stresses are at their lowest value, and
of each element, the revised curvature considering the reach a minimum at mid-depth of the beam, where the
622 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628

transverse shear stresses are highest. Thus, the iteration P  f becomes a residual force to be applied for the it-
between transverse shear stresses and normal bending eration. More details can be found elsewhere [11].
stresses is relatively small and can be ignored. 2 3 2 3
Z 0 Z 1=l
Using a virtual work approach, the governing equi- 6 1=l 7 6 ðx  x2 Þ=l 7
librium equations can be expressed as P¼ 6 7 6 7S dx
4 0 5M dx þ 4 1=l 5
Z l l
   T   1=l ðx1  xÞ=l
Kf þ Ks / T  f ¼ Bf ðEI Þ Bf dx
 ¼ ½ S; M  ðSl=2Þ; S; M  ðSl=2Þ T ð30Þ
þ ½Bs T ðGA~Þ½Bs dx /T  f
As mentioned in the assumptions, the effect of shear
deformation, that is, the dowel action and aggregate
¼0 ð26Þ
interlocking in the R/C structure, is neglected in the
where the nodal displacement vector / ¼ ½w1 ; h1 ; w2 ; h2 , simulation of nonlinear behavior. It means that the
f T ¼ ½al=2; 0; al=2; 0, the subscripts 1 and 2 mean both flexural rigidity EI is replaced by that corresponding
end nodes of an element with length l. If Kf and Ks are to the calculated curvature / ¼ ðh1  h2 Þ=l whereas the
evaluated using a one-point Gauss–Legendre rule, those shear rigidity GA~ is assumed to be unchanged.
take the following forms.
2 3
0 0 0 0 7. Solution algorithm
EI 6 0 1 0 1 7 7
Kf ¼ 6 7;
l 40 0 0 0 5 Every nonlinear analysis algorithm consists of four
0 1 0 1 basic steps: the formation of the current stiffness matrix,
2 l l
3 the solution of the equilibrium equations for the dis-
1 2
1 2
!6 7 placement increments, the state determination of all el-
~ 6 l l2 l27
GA 6 2  2l ements in the model and the convergence check. These
Ks ¼ 2 4 7 ð27Þ
l 4 1  2 l
1 l7
25 steps are presented in some detail in the flow diagram of
l l2
 2l l2 Fig. 11. Since the global stiffness matrix of the structure
2 4 4
depends on the displacement increments, the solution of
~ equilibrium equations is typically accomplished with an
where EI is the flexure rigidity, GA is the shear rigidity
A~ ¼ aA , and the parameter a is a correction factor to iterative method through the convergence check. The
allow for cross-sectional warping (a ffi 1:5 for a rectan- nonlinear solution scheme selected in this study uses the
gular section). Moreover, the internal member forces M tangent stiffness matrix at the beginning of each load
and S can be represented in terms of nodal displace- step in combination with a constant stiffness matrix
ments. during the subsequent correction phase, that is, the in-
  cremental-iterative method.
M ¼ ð EI Þ Bf /T The criterion for measuring the convergence of the
1 1 iterative solution is based on the accuracy of satisfying
¼ ð EI Þ 0; ; 0;  ½w1 ; h1 ; w2 ; h2 T the global equilibrium equations or on the accuracy of
l l

determining the total displacements. The accuracy of
¼ ðh1  h2 Þ ð28Þ satisfying the global equilibrium equation is controlled
by the magnitude of the unbalanced nodal forces. The
  accuracy of the node displacements depends on the mag-
1 1 1 1 nitude of the additional displacement increment after
S ¼ ðGAÞ½Bs /T ¼ ðGAÞ  ;  ; ;  /T
l 2 l 2 each iteration. The latter convergence criterion is used in

w2  w1  h1 þ h2 this study. This can be expressed as
¼ ðGAÞ  ð29Þ
l 2 hP i1=2
i 2
  j ðDdj Þ
Ed ¼ h 6 TOLER ð31Þ
where the curvature–displacement matrix Bf ¼ P  i 2 i1=2
½0; dN1 =dx; 0; dN2 =dx, the shear strain–displacement j dj
matrix ½Bs  ¼ ½dN1 =dx; N1 ; dN2 =dx; N2 , and the shape
functions N1 ¼ ðx2  xÞ=l and N2 ¼ ðx  x1 Þ=l. The shear where the summation extends over all degrees of free-
force varies linearly over each element but it is assumed dom j, dj is the displacement of degree of freedom j, Ddji
to be constant over the element and calculated at the is the corresponding increment after iteration i and
midpoint of the element, x ¼ ðx1 þ x2 Þ=2. TOLER is the specified tolerance.
The internal force vector P caused by the internal In the nonlinear analysis of RC structures, the
moment M and shear force S can be calculated, and load step size must be small enough so that unrealistic
H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628 623

8. Numerical applications

Three simply supported RC beams were investigated

with the objective of establishing the ability of the pro-
posed model in simulating the response of RC beams.
These beams are specimen T1MA tested by Gaston et al.
[6], specimen B5 tested in NJIT [8], and J4 tested by
Burns and Siess [2]. The material properties and geom-
etries of the three test specimens are summarized in
Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Since the mean crack space
at the ultimate loading condition is equal to about three
times the concrete cover [3], an improvement in nu-
merical results can not be expected for the smaller mesh
size. Accordingly, the minimum length of elements is
determined as three times the concrete cover.
For beams T1MA and B5 where the concentrated
loads are applied at one-third points of the structure (see
Fig. 12), five elements for half of the structure are used
because of the symmetry in geometry and loading while
considering the bond-slip effect. Especially, the range
from the one-third point of the span to the midspan is
modeled with only one element since the plastic defor-
mation is uniformly distributed within this range. In the
case of beam J4, subjected to one concentrated load at
the midspan (see Fig. 12), the plastic deformation is
concentrated at the midspan with narrow width, where
the occurrence of plastic rotation is initiated and con-
This range is called the plastic hinge length. Various
empirical expressions have been proposed by investiga-
tors for the equivalent length of the plastic hinge lp [12].
Since the structure is modeled with beam elements
Fig. 11. Outline of solution algorithm. whose displacement field is defined by the average de-
formation of both end nodes, the ultimate capacity can
be overestimated if the plastic hinge length is not pre-
‘‘numerical cracking’’ does not take place. These spuri- cisely taken into consideration. In this study, the rela-
ous cracks can artificially alter the load transfer path tively simple equation proposed by Sawyer [13] was
within the structure and result in incorrect modes of used. Assuming that the ratio of yielding moment to
failure. Crisfield [4] has shown that such numerical dis- ultimate moment is My =Mu ¼ 0:85, the calculated plas-
turbance of the load transfer path after initiation of tic hinge length lp is 25 cm from lp ¼ 0:25d þ 0:075z,
cracking can give rise to alternative equilibrium states where z means the distance of critical section to the
and, hence, lead to false ultimate strength predictions. In point of contraflexure (z ¼ l=2 in this example). Namely,
order to avoid such problems after crack initiation, the a small element of l ¼ 25 cm must be located at the
load is increased in steps of 2.5–5.0% of the ultimate midspan, to predict the ultimate strength of a structure
load of the member. exactly.

Table 1
Material properties used in applications
Beam Ec (kg/cm2 ) Es (kg/cm2 ) fc (kg/cm2 ) fy (kg/cm2 ) q ¼ Ast =Bd q0 ¼ Asc =Bd
5 6
T1MA 2:71 10 1:98 10 323 3236 0.0062 0.0
B5 1:10 105 2:04 106 334 5623 0.015 0.0075
J4 2:67 105 2:07 106 340 3157 0.0099 0.0
mc ¼ 0:167, Gc ¼ Ec =2ð1 þ mc Þ, Gt =ft ¼ 0:0075 mm.
624 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628

Table 2 structure response, that is, the bond slip reduces the
Details of RC beams flexural rigidity of the structure. Fig. 13(b) shows the
Beam B (cm) H (cm) d (cm) Loading a or b (cm) difference between the moment–curvature relations
T1MA 15.24 30.48 27.23 B-type 90.00 considering bond slip and those based on the perfect
B5 17.78 38.10 32.385 B-type 91.44 bond assumption. As shown in this figure, the flexural
J4 15.24 50.80 45.72 A-type 180.0 rigidity has a marked reduction at the cracked stage,
following the increase of yielding curvature more than
two times. However, the difference according to the lo-
cation of the considered element is relatively small. It
means that the governing parameters which affect bond-
slip behavior are the relative slip and steel stress corre-
sponding to the crack width. Especially, the element
located at support (fifth element in Fig. 13(b)) represents
a slightly more flexible bending rigidity than the element
at midspan (first element). This phenomenon can be
explained by the increase of average slip as the decrease
of specimen length in the pull-out test of the reinforcing
Based on the moment–curvature relations defined in
Fig. 12. Loading types of example structures. Fig. 13, the numerical analyses are conducted, and the
results are compared with experimental data in Fig. 14.
If the tension softening branch is not taken into account
8.1. Beam T1MA in the analysis (ec0 ¼ ecr ), the load–deflection curves ex-
hibit a more flexible response than the experiment re-
Fig. 13(a) and (b) shows the contribution of the gardless of the finite element mesh size. In spite of the
tension softening branch and bond-slip to the moment– flexible response, however, the central deflection near
curvature relation of the example structure, respectively. the ultimate loading condition is still underestimated
The moment–curvature relation of this under-reinforced because of not considering the bond-slip effect. In the
specimen is notably affected by the tension softening case of considering the tension softening branch, the
branch at the cracked stage, as shown in Fig. 13(a), load–deflection behavior is a little stiffer than the ex-
because the contribution by the concrete to the struc- periments (see Fig. 14(b)).
tural behavior increases as the structure is under-rein- However, the predicted responses show that the
forced. By using the tension softening branch introduced tension softening branch adopted in this study exhibit
in Eq. (6), the increase of flexural rigidity according to satisfactory behavior even in beam element and gives
the decrease of finite element mesh size is reflected. The reasonable results which are essentially independent
modified moment–curvature relation leads to response from the finite element mesh size up to the ultimate
predictions which are essentially independent from the loading stage.
finite element mesh size. On the other hand, bond slip Fig. 15 shows the effect of bond slip and tension
represents the opposite effect to tension softening on the softening and the relative contribution of each source

Fig. 13. Moment–curvature relation of T1MA. (a) Tension softening branch and (b) bond-slip effect.
H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628 625

Fig. 14. Bond-slip effect of beam T1MA. (a) Exclusion of tension softening branch and (b) inclusion of tension softening branch.

the widths of the flexural cracks in the tension zone of

the concrete at the failure section are small, owing to the
low steel stress.
To identify the relative contribution of tension soft-
ening and bond-slip effect, three different analyses were
performed. The responses represented in Fig. 17(a) ex-
clude both effects, while the responses represented in
Fig. 17(b) include the tension softening branch only. It is
clear from the comparison of these results with the ex-
perimental data that the tension softening is negligible in
the over-RC beam, as predicted in the moment–curva-
ture relations. Nevertheless, if the tension softening
branch is not considered, the structural behavior is rel-
atively underestimated at the cracked stage in spite of
the strong brittle behavior.
Fig. 18 shows two analytical results which consider
Fig. 15. Tension softening and bond-slip effect of beam T1MA.
the tension softening branch. As shown in this figure, the
inclusion of bond slip (dotted line) produces a slightly
of deformation to the load–displacement response of the more flexible response even if the difference is very small.
specimen. The initial discrepancy between analysis and This result means that bond slip has a negligible effect,
experiment stems from the fact that the specimen was and it was also predicted since the increase of yielding
probably extensively cracked before loading. Otherwise, curvature due to the consideration of bond-slip effect is
the proposed model shows very satisfactory agreement about 50%, which is a relatively small increase in com-
with the measured response. Through the numerical parison with that of the under-RC beam T1MA (see
analysis of this example structure, it can be concluded Figs. 16(b) and 13(b)). However, any more improvement
that the inclusion of both effects yields a very satisfac- in the structural behavior is not achieved. It seems to be
tory agreement with the experimental data. the limitation in analysis of over-RC beams using the
beam element. Finally, it can be concluded that neither
tension softening nor bond slip is important in the
8.2. Beam B5
analysis of heavily over-RC beams.
Differently from beam T1MA which is under-rein-
forced, the structural response of the over-reinforced 8.3. Beam J4
beam B5 is predominantly affected by the reinforcing
steel, as shown in the moment–curvature relations of Since this specimen is still under-reinforced, the in-
Fig. 16(a). The tension softening is negligible, and the crease of curvature near yielding according to bond slip
difference according to the location of the element in the is rather closer to that of beam B5 than to that of beam
case of considering the bond-slip effect also decreases. T1MA (see Fig. 19(b)). The only remarkable difference
This result arises from the fact that the concrete reaches between beam B5 and beam J4 is that the under-
its maximum capacity before the steel yields, and that reinforced concrete beam J4 sustains the post-yielding
626 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628

Fig. 16. Moment–curvature relations of beam B5. (a) Exclusion of tension softening branch and (b) inclusion of tension softening

Fig. 17. Load–deflection relations of beam B5. (a) Exclusion of tension softening branch and (b) inclusion of tension softening branch.

around the midspan accompanies the large crack widths,

and the structural response depends mainly on the struc-
tural behavior at midspan.
Fig. 20 compares the analytical results with the
measured load–displacement response of beam J4. The
effect of tension softening is included in both analytical
results. The responses shown in Fig. 20(a) exclude the
effect of plastic hinge length, while the responses shown
in Fig. 20(b) include this effect. It is clear from the
comparison of those results with the experimental data
that the exclusion of plastic hinge length when the ele-
ment size is greater than the expected plastic hinge
length may yield an overestimated ultimate load. It
arises from the fact that the change of flexural rigidity
is calculated by averaging the deformations at both
end nodes. Accordingly, the plastic hinge length must
Fig. 18. Tension softening and bond-slip effect of beam B5.
be taken into account to estimate the ultimate load ex-
Fig. 21 shows that the inclusion of three effects, that
behavior to the large curvature, but the over-RC beam is, the term tension softening, bond slip, and plastic
B5 fails immediately after the steel yields. This structure hinge length, yields a very satisfactory agreement of
will be affected by bond slip, because the steel yielding the model with reality. Moreover, this figure shows that
H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628 627

Fig. 19. Moment–curvature relations of beam J4. (a) Exclusion of tension softening branch and (b) inclusion of tension softening

Fig. 20. Load–deflection relations of beam J4. (a) Exclusion of plastic hinge length and (b) inclusion of plastic hinge length.

the ultimate strength of the beam, the magnitude of

the bond slip contribution to the load–displacement re-
sponse is remarkably increased.

9. Conclusions

Based on the moment–curvature relations of RC

sections including the bond-slip and tension softening
branch, an analytical model for the material nonlinear
analyses of RC beams has been introduced. In addition,
the plastic hinge length has been taken into consider-
ation with the purpose of removing imprecision in cal-
culations of ultimate resisting capacity. The introduced
model has been verified by comparison between experi-
Fig. 21. Load–deflection relations of beam J4 considering mental results and numerical examples.
tension softening branch and plastic hinge length. The representative RC beams were analyzed with the
purpose of investigating the relative effects of bond slip,
tension softening and plastic hinge length and the
contribution of bond slip to the load–displacement following conclusions were obtained: (1) the plastic
response of the specimen increases with the load. Near hinge length must be considered to predict the ultimate
628 H.-G. Kwak, S.-P. Kim / Computers and Structures 80 (2002) 615–628

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