Working With Mercury

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ª Working With Mercury

SAFETY INFO BY FAX Document Number: 235
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Mercury is the only metal which remains in liquid state skin; physical contact causes burns to skin and eyes.
at room temperature. In the environment, mercury is In such cases, the burning sensation is delayed sever-
found in three forms: metallic mercury, inorganic al hours and gives no warning to exposure.
mercury salts, and organic mercury compounds. If overexposed to mercury vapor, move to fresh air
Regardless of its form, mercury seems always to be in immediately. Should mercury contact your skin, remove
a state of constant conversion—and its degree of tox- your clothing immediately and wash the area with mild
icity varies accordingly. Because of this tendency, ele- soap and large amounts of water for 15 minutes. In
mental mercury, when heated or spilled, creates a case of eye contact, flush your eyes with water for a full
particularly hazardous situation. 15 minutes. Seek medical attention immediately.
For years, mercury has been used in a number of Always handle mercury with the utmost care. Gloves
processes, products, and laboratory operations. are a necessity. Make sure your gloves are construct-
Today mercury is commonly found in thermometers, ed of an appropriate material—such as polyethylene
manometers, paint, fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, or nitrile—for keeping mercury away from your skin.
and mercury reagents. The largest sources of mercury Respiratory protection is critical also. Because mer-
in municipal solid waste (MSW) are household batter- cury is odorless, an air-purifying respirator (APR) with
ies, electrical switches, and fluorescent lamps. chemical cartridges may be used only if the cartridges
are equipped with end-of-service-life indicators. An
Workplace Standards APR may be worn only in circumstances where the air
Because of mercury’s high toxicity, the American concentration does not exceed .5 mg/m3. Mercury
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists concentrations above this level require the use of a
(ACGIH) has set its Time Weighted Average (TWA) for positive pressure supplied air respirator or a self-con-
mercury vapor at 0.025 milligrams per cubic meter tained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
(mg/m3), with no allowable short term exposure limit Wear chemical safety goggles and a full face shield.
(STEL), plus a Skin Notation (a warning to the effect Be sure also to wear impervious aprons or clothing to
that a given substance is easily absorbed through the prevent skin contact.
skin). The Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health
(IDLH) limit is set at 28 mg/m3.
Mercury Spill Procedure
Effective June 30, 1993, OSHA has revoked its “Final Isolate the area immediately. For small spills, use
Rule limits” set forth in Table Z-1-A of 29 CFR sand to contain the mercury or an amalgamate to bind
1910.1000, implementing the Court of Appeals decision with the mercury and reduce vaporization. For large
in AFL-CIO vs. OSHA, which succeeded in vacating spills, dike the area far in advance of the spill for later
those limits. OSHA’s “Transitional limit” of 0.10 mg/m3, reclamation or disposal. Keep uninvolved people
a product of that action, remains in effect (see 29 CFR away. Disposal can be tricky; consult your state’s
1910.1000, Table Z-2) and is strongly enforced. Hazardous Waste Management office for compliance
requirements that will satisfy local disposal laws.
Medical Effects If you have 1 lb. or less of elemental mercury or items
Mercury commonly enters the body through inhala- containing mercury, you can contact us at 1-800-356-
tion, skin absorption, or consumption. Symptoms of 0783 to order the Mercury Disposal/Recycling Kit,
mercury poisoning can include coughing, chest pain, #37887. This kit offers all you need to dispose of small
painful breathing, bronchopneumonia, tremors, quantities of mercury waste in a safe, affordable way.
insomnia, irritability, headache, fatigue, gastrointesti- Call our Safety TechLine™ Technical Support at 1-800-
nal distress, and liver and kidney damage. 356-2501 for help in selecting mercury spill control
Chronic exposure to low levels over time may cause products.
mental and motor disorders resulting from damage to
the central nervous system. Acute exposure to high Waste Minimization
levels of mercury vapor often leads to severe respira- Since the 1970s, the use of mercury in products and
tory damage. Mercury can be absorbed through the materials has decreased significantly. Its extreme tox-
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ª Working With Mercury

Document Number: 235
Page: 2 of 2

icity has encouraged the development of alternative Q. What is an amalgam?

materials and processes. Always look for alternative
solutions. For instance, broken thermometers repre- A. An amalgam, when applied to a small mercury
spill, binds the mercury with another metal—caus-
sent one of the largest single sources of mercury spills.
ing a chemical reaction which inhibits vaporiza-
Whenever possible, choose thermometers made with- tion. Since mercury vapor is highly toxic, treating
out mercury. pooled mercury with an amalgamating agent great-
Another source of environmental mercury contamina- ly reduces the dangers that even a minor spill
tion comes from packaging. Fourteen states have could pose.
enacted legislation to reduce mercury and other heavy References
metals content in packaging. All of these statutes are
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, 1990
based on principles established in the Model Toxics
Legislation developed by the Source Reduction Council TOMES Software
of the Coalition of Northeastern Governors (CONEG). “Mercury,” Chemical Health & Safety, Ashbrook, P.,
Klein-Baneiy, C., August/September 1994, p. 32.
Look for alkaline batteries that contain less than
Mercury Refining Co., Inc.
0.025% mercury. Fourteen states now have laws regu-
1218 Central Avenue
lating the recycling of lead acid batteries and mer- Albany, New York 12205
curic oxide batteries. Recycling is preferred over land- 1-800-833-3505
filling, except for the alkaline batteries. Contact the (Fax: 518-459-2334)
manufacturer of your mercuric oxide batteries to find Wisconsin’s Reduction of Toxics in Packaging Law,
the recycling deposit site nearest you. Section 100.285, Wisconsin Statutes
The EPA regulates mercury-containing fluorescent “PCBs & Mercury: The Terrible Twins of Lighting
lamps under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Disposal” (Second of Two Parts), Health Facilities
Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators may dispose of Management, August 1994
these lamps in an approved hazardous waste landfill “Final Report: Household Batteries Waste Management
(RCRA Subtitle D facility). Do not break the lamps before Study,” State of Wisconsin, Department of Natural
landfilling. Never incinerate the lamps, as this process Resources, Madison, WI, February 28, 1992
releases mercury vapor into the atmosphere; mercury
compounds may then be returned to earth, polluting
lakes and soils. Recycling your lamps is the best solu- FREE Technical Support
tion. Contact your regional EPA office or your state’s When you have a question, you can rely on
Hazardous Waste Management office for the location of our team of technical experts. They’ll answer
an approved landfill or a lamp recycling facility. your questions about product specifications,
chemical compatibility, regulatory issues, and
general worker safety and health.
Commonly Asked Questions
Call our Safety TechLine™ Technical Support toll-free:
Q. How can I know if mercury vapors are pre- 1-800-356-2501
sent in my work area? 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. CT, Monday–Friday
A. Wear a clip-on Mercury Vapor Badge (also known
as a personal air monitor). The badge will not only FREE Catalog
detect the presence of mercury vapor, but can also For products to meet all your workplace safety and
be sent to a lab for analysis—giving you an exact industrial needs, turn to Lab Safety Supply’s General
reading of the concentration level in your work Catalog. In it you’ll find thousands of safety and
area. industrial products, plus a complete service package
Q. Can I wear a cartridge-style respirator for and our 100% guarantee to stand behind them.
protection against mercury vapors? Call today to reserve your free copy:
A. Only hazard-specific cartridges equipped with end- 1-800-356-0783
of-service-life indicators provide air-purifying 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. CT, Monday–Friday
protection against low-level mercury vapors. Do
not wear an air-purifying respirator when the con- Please note: The information contained in this publication is intended for
general information purposes only. This publication is not a substitute for
centration level exceeds .5 mg/m3—current regula- review of the applicable government regulations and standards, and should
tions require the use of an approved supplied-air not be construed as legal advice or opinion. Readers with specific questions
respirator or SCBA. should refer to the cited regulation(s), or consult with an attorney.
Visit our web site at ©1998 Lab Safety Supply Inc.

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