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Lee Tze Saw

Reading Log

Date Type of work Reading response/ Summary of what you read

26 April Literacy Power Understand what is plural nouns and how to use it.
27 April Beautiful Junk — A Unnecessary wastes sometime can become an art work.
short story
28 April Literacy Power New technology has affected music industry.
29 April Literacy Power Understand more about the career relates to Criminal Law.

1 May Literacy Power The important of unity and respect of others.

3 May News article Schools offering sex education to stress abstinence to prevent
pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

9 May Literacy Power An accident and tragedy would not kill one’s determination
and hobby.
9 May Online news article The previous prime minister Malaysia denied taking selfie
during court proceedings.
10 May Online news article Tornado filmed ripping across street
11 May Literacy Power Different advertisement has different style to tackle their
11 May Literacy Power Homeless kids should receive respect and equally
opportunity of work.
12 May Literacy Power Sometimes we might in a dilemma situation whether to help
or let go of our friend when we realized they are a bad
13 May Literacy Power- Different career has different communication skills and tasks.
Language at work
15 May Literacy Power- The important of designing a pamphlet.
16 May Literacy Power- Dare to speak out and make differences.
Magazine article
24 May Literacy Power- Poem The speaker is the author of the poem and she tried to reach
those who have similar experiences with her.
26 May Spoken Word on Alex That gives confidence and encourages black men to
YouTube stand for their ground and don’t give up.
28 May Literacy Power - Beware of all the free interest financing ads on newspaper,
Beware Great Deals banner or online because it might be a trap to attract
that Aren't consumers.

Module 1; Activity 1 Part C – Final Copy

A. My three favourite people are my deceased father, younger brother and my mentor Ms. Yap. They
encourage me a lot and set a good example for me to be a better person. I love them!

B. Firstly, Perth Australia. The people are welcoming, down to earth and the environment is great.
Secondly, Melaka. Melaka is one of the famous tourist spots in Malaysia where it took me 3 hours to
drive from my place and Melaka has delicate food. Last but not least, The Maldives, the paradise
place for couples, the beautiful sunset, crystal clear water and blue sky horizons.
C. The first thing is my own Mac laptop that I earn and bought by myself last year. Secondly, olive
oil. I can't live without Olive oil because it not only can be consumed but also replace the
sophisticated ingredient skin care product in the market which contains a lot of chemicals. Lastly,
Samsung camera as it records much memory of my past and present.
Module 1; Activity 2 Part C
Wrap up the dialogue - Final copy

Charlie: I saw 3 amazing towers like those colourful fairy tale towers...literally snatched my eyes.
Sammy: Wat? This sounds incredible and unbelievable! Where is the place?
Charlie: Indeed! I bet you would never ever see that kind of beauty stuff in life.
Sammy: Tell me more about the towers? How it made? How tall?
Charlie: Well, I’m not certain about the height. The old man told me it was made with hundreds of
pieces of tile, broken glasses, parts of bottles and seashells. You should witness yourself mate!
Sammy: Ayes...when are you going again? Btw, aren’t you worry about the old man? Something bad
could happen.
Charlie: Nah, he is old. I can run faster than him ...cum’ on nothing to think about it!
Sammy: So when will you go again?
Charlie: Tomorrow? And I could probably show you how best the Spiderman could be.
Sammy: Oh...Charlie!

What do the words personal success mean to you?

In my opinion, personal success is defined as self-experience and realization. I have experienced the
pain of losing my father, so I realized how important a family for me. Thus, I cherish every moment
with my family. From the stage of babe to children and eventually adult, everyone has been through
many experiences in life no matter it is a bad or good experience. For me, I have succeeded went
through those difficult stages and I am still moving forward to the future. People often say personal
success is money, possession, income, houses, luxury cars, watches, bags, reputation and status.
However, I consider the process of life that you have passed through is the real personal success.

Module 1; Activity 3 Part C

Working draft for Music Biz

 I’m music lover, love soft melody, meaningful lyric, motivated song.
 Often listen to music using mobile and laptop.
 Download songs from YouTube and some other website.
 I love particular songs instead of all the songs in an album.
 Downloading save petrol, transport, money and time.
 Downloading music online for personal is rather fair than selling it to someone.
 People who steal and against the copyright of singers should receive stern punishment and
 It’s hard to make compromise between artist, companies and the public as the internet is hard to
 The best way to prevent is give-away gifts or discount to fans.

Module 1; Activity 4 Part C

Final Copy - Information paragraph about a career / Topic

People undergo cosmetic surgery for many reasons. First factor that drive people to undergo cosmetic
surgery is the attitude toward cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is the way to make them prettier
and it is totally safe to go for. Langlois has studies a meta-analysis of more than 900 people that ugly
men and women are treated unequally. So, people choose cosmetic surgery to regain their confidence
and respect from the public. Thirdly, cosmetic surgery advertising promoting and normalizing
cosmetic surgery to the public. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeon report, the
number of people undergo cosmetic surgery has increased a quarter of a million in 2018 than in 2017
which is 18 million people undergoing surgical including the minor surgery. Last but not least, the
result of cosmetic surgery can look really natural and excellent. Overall, cosmetic surgery become a
common scenario in this era, people undergo cosmetic surgery for several reasons and they know
cosmetic surgery would not change their identity but totally will enhance their lives.

Module 1; Activity 5 Part C

Final Copy – Spoof

All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and where to meditate. Everything has
lived including action, words and the air. These are the things I learned;

Like a tree, do not move, just feel it.

When you encounter an obstacle, find a quiet place.
Let go the wither flowers, forgive yourself and begin again right now.
Silence isn't empty, it's full of answers.
Fate doesn't exist, preparation exists.

Everything you need to know is to listen to yourself, not from others. You want a blue or a red
hairband. Just take a sit, ask yourself; which colour most suits you. The answer will automatically
appear in your mind.
Do not move even though you think your brain going to burst soon, just focus on your breath and stay
calm. Observe the things that come into your mind and flying off.

Practice it daily start from twenty minutes and increase to an hour. You will feel the change within
yourself after a month. All the troubles in life aren't troubles anymore whereas is a test from God.
And it's true, fate doesn't exist, preparation exists. We must always prepare and enhance ourselves
both physically and mentality from time to time. The right opportunity will knock your door. Thus,
begin to meditate now.

Module 1; Activity 6 Part C

The original cover of Literacy Power is lack of creativity.

Module 1; Activity 7 Part C
Write an informal, personal paragraph reflecting on your own personal choices when it comes
to healthy eating. Have you been making good choices?

Working draft
 I love healthy foods and I personally consume a lot of vegetables and fruits compare to meat.
 Prevent processing foods and too oily, salty, spicy and sweet foods.
 Stick and stay to homemade foods, so I can control the amount and quantity of all the spices.
 Before purchasing foods I’ll check on the label and ingredients.
 I guess I am making a good choices of my daily diet.

Module 1; Activity 8 Part C

What is your opinion on the idea of abstinence-focused sex education? Is it a good or bad thing?

I think it is a good thing. Students can learn the knowledge to protect and prevent themselves from
pregnant especially female. Therefore, abstinence-focused sex education should be taught in
secondary school or high school so youngsters could aware of sexually transmitted diseases and the
consequences of pregnancy during school age.

Module 2; Activity 1 Part C

Final work for question1 and 2 on page 45

Question 1

1. The headline: In a flash, her life changed.

The by-line: There is no writer name show in the article.
The lead: The first paragraph “The water was clear ....below the shoulder” Three sources of
 Associated press wire service, Sunday, November 2, 2003
 Surf Online Web Site.
 Hawaii Shark task Force.

Question 2

1. Datuk Seri Najib Razak denied taking selfies during court proceedings.
2. Majority of important story placed in the front page of a newspaper. If you
would like to read the full story you need to go to the designated page.
3. It’s a news report on an event of Najib attending the court.
4. The whole nation will be the intended audience.
5. The article is accompanying with photos.
6. Newspapers often include local and international news that keep dwellers
inform and serve as the voice for the public good as a powerful connection between citizens and the
nation. People can read recent news from paper or on the internet.
7. Once I have read the title “In a flash, her life changed” accompany with the photos it immediately
gives me a sense of tragic. It reveals the level of languages is simple and easy to get the general

Module 2; Activity 2 Part C

Module 2; Activity 3 Part C

Final work
When Robert Mayne was on his way home at midnight, he saw a car accident happen on the Pacific
Highway which involves a royal blue Ford Mustang sports car. Many people in the surrounding area
gathered and wondering about the accident. There are three car’s occupants involved in the accident,
one of the passengers of the car died on the spot after being tossed around in the car, while the other
two lies beside the car with severe injuries. All of the people nearby were anxious and curious about
the event, some urgently call for ambulances, while some tried to comfort the car’s occupant and
someone suggested to pull out of the occupant who was inside the wreck. After a while, two
ambulances and several police cars have arrived. Ambulances immediately prepare crowbars and give
oxygen masks to injury occupants, while the policemen were helping to move the crowd away from
the wreckage and one young policeman was looked for witnesses of the car accident. The man in the
wreckage was finally lifted and move away by four men. Eventually, three of the Mustang's occupants
were lifted into ambulances.

Module 2; Activity 4 Part C

Key points for an effective and appealing ads
 Appealing headline
 Great picture
 Chosen front size, colour and name.
 The description of the products.
Module 2; Activity 5 Part C – Final work
Write a series of three opinion paragraphs that explain your feelings towards homeless
youth and what should be done to solve the problem?

First of all, I feel sympathy for homeless kids as they lived in an extreme poverty situation. They have
been going through a lot of tough times; treated as a beggar, got isolated and alienated from the
public, suffering from hunger and sickness, no money and no places to sleep. They got reject by
employers owing to no education background, skills and fresh appearance. so, they force to depend on
squeegeeing, panhandling, scalping tickets, hooking and stealing from others to get some money but
their behaviour makes the public dislike them.
Besides, I feel helpless. I do not know how can I really help them to move forward from the past and
regain their confidence except for giving them food and some donation. The common reason young
children run away from their family is due to problems in home, physical and sexual abuse, parental
neglect, drug abuse and mental health. Thus, I feel hurtful and painful for them too.
Several actions need to be implemented as soon as possible before it affects the development of a
country. The government and the private sectors need to work hand in hand to find out the best
solution to solve the issue. For example, ensuring education and work opportunities. Apart from that,
media like radio, the internet and television should always promote and deliver a strong message to all
stage audiences. For instance, a slogan like “You can change their life literally, these are your
children” or “When we see kids left out in the cold, how can we feel pride in our community”.
If every one of us could contribute some efforts to homeless kids, I believe the rate of homeless kids
will be reduced. Share our love and spread our wisdom, we can make the world better!

Module 2; Activity 6 Part C – Final work

Informal language is appropriate only when it is using in our daily life, such as talking with friends,
teachers, texting, and writing notes. While, it is inappropriate In writing essays, giving speeches and

Module 3; Activity 1 Part C – Final work

Interview a classmate, friend, or family member about the communication skills he or she uses
every day on the job.

 Does lawyer require more listening or writing skill? Lawyer require both listening and writing
skills. At first, they will need to listen to clients of their situation, then document them in a file.
 Is there a lot of reading and listening? Yes, I have to read different documents and files everyday
as well as listen to client’s incident.
 What writing skills you need for this job? It’s important to mark down all the details carefully
especially wills, contracts and judgements.

Module 3; Activity 2 Part C

Reread the application form. Underline three examples of jargon.
Deposit, lease and prorated rent
For each term you underline, write the definition in your book.
 Deposit is a minimum of one month's rent in advance pay to the landlord.
 Lease is an agreement between landlord and tenant setting out the terms and conditions of the
 Prorated rent is an amount of money charged to tenants when tenants are only occupying a
unit for a several days, weeks or months.
Highlight one example of a long sentence that you find hard to understand.
To any other rights accruing to the landlord, I agree that the deposit shall be forfeited.
Rewrite the sentence using simpler language and shorter sentences.
I will lose my deposit if I doesn’t pay the rent for several months.
List two strategies you can use to help understand jargon.
I can understand jargon by searching on the internet and ask teachers

Module 3; Activity 3 Part C

Choose an environmental topic that interests you and write a short opinion paragraph

Plastic bags are common use in shopping malls, markets and grocery stores. It’s very small, light and
durable. That’s why people love to use it. However, the cost we are paying for using these bags is
overlooked. These bags are costing our beautiful environment and bringing many hazardous effects
on our land. Firstly, air pollution. The burning of plastic bags in the open air might leads to
environmental pollution due to the release of poisonous chemicals. Besides, plastic cannot
decompose and break down for years, when plastic bags are thrown to river, ditch and in the ocean, it
could cause the marine creatures to die as well as causing the water pollution. Hence, people should
stop using plastics and replace with paper bags. The retailers and malls should all stop selling and
giving plastic bags in order to rescue our mother earth!

Module 3; Activity 4 Part C

Write an information paragraph about someone in your community who is making a positive
difference. Do some research if necessary.

The community in Meru Klang, Malaysia is now able to enjoy a refurbished nursing room at the
centre near Klinik Kesihatan Meru. This effort was contributed by Eco World Development Group
Berhad also called the Feed for Health organization. The objective of the campaign is to raise
awareness for breastfeeding and provide a sustainable and supportive environment for both mother
and child during nursing.
Educational posters were also placed around the nursing room as well as the centre for further
awareness and engagement. The nursing room has facilitated with a baby cot, sofa, baby changing
mat, curtains, baby walker, nursing pads, clothes and blankets diapers, shampoo, body wash, baby
powder and wet tissues. Mothers now have a new environment for feeding their babies and interact
with other mothers about parenting without paying any fees.

Module 3; Activity 7 Part C

Formal essay : Should university be free for anyone who wishes to attend?

Knowledge is power and education is an important aspect of the development of a country. Many
children lived in poverty and forced to work at a young age due to costly education fees. In my point
of view, I opine university education should be free and fully supported by the government for
various reasons.
Free university education will provide an equal chance for all people. In other words, every child and
youngsters should receive the same treatment in their education without consideration of family
background and financial status. In theory, this helps promotes the development of the country and
improve the harmony of society. Poor people no longer have to compete and live in fear. They all
have the same chances to obtain a job.
Besides, free education help increase the employment rate and reduce social crime. Once students
have the opportunity to access higher education, they will learn effective skills and knowledge. Many
big companies are looking for graduates with higher education and physical experiences. Therefore,
their future is bright and splendent. Owing to financial stability, crime in society will be automatically
reduced. Therefore, universities should be free for anyone who wishes to attend because it brings
positive impacts to the community.
In conclusion, education played a vital role in the society, it facilitates our learning, knowledge and
skills. It can completely change a person life, the society and the nation. Thus, universities should
offer zero fees to everyone.
Module 4; Activity 1 Part C – Final Work

Who is singing this song?

A 26 years old women, seeking a course.
A women who need metamorphosis,
to shine as lights in a dark world.
Study is the way to reached the mountain,
I want glowing.
Stop to be this little person anymore.

Who is singing this song?

Been basing my life upon what others think,
is time to embrace my heart, my brain, my soul.
Doing things more like me now,
it is late, but full of vigorous.
Let go the past, forgive the satirist,
my life is on my hand.

Who is singing this song?

Blessed and appreciate what life has thrown at me,
disappointments, discouragement, failure and pressure had stronger me.
I know this is the time to transform,
I am on my way.

Module 4; Activity 2 Part C

Spoken word final copy: The Love

You, I gave up on you,

I chose to let go.
memory is swirling, swirling round and round , still I chose to let go.

I knew you fancy her, I knew you love her, I knew she is prettier than me, smarter than me, skinnier
than me and taller than me.
So, I let go

Because I let you go, I have to bite off my tongue and pretend you don’t exist.
Because I let you go, I have to move on and show you how better I am without you.

This girl you first thought was aggressive,

This girl you never thought will fall in love with you.
She is, she is, her at first sight.

You never knew her really well,

She tried every way to feel loved and accepted.
But you just wanted to have fun with her,
you broke her heart, so she left.
She'll never come back again,
She'll never check on you again,
she'll never miss you again,
She’ll never pray for you again,
And She will,
definitely will, meet the one, the right one.

Let me say this for once,

Let me say this for the last,
I loved you,
I really liked you,
My past, goodbye.

Module 4; Activity 3 Part C

Write an opinion paragraph on whether or not young people should have jobs while they are in
Draft work
 Students should focus more on their academic
 During holiday or summer break students can work for part time
 Student suffering from financial problem can work for part time without affect their grade and
performance at school
 Overall, young people should focus and concentrate more on their studies when they are in school

Module 4; Activity 4 Part C

Final work summary of “Fine-tooning”

Deborah is a successful cartoonist with a simple and straight forward personality. One of her
successful series, Day To Day has appeared in the Fredericton, NB, Daily Gleaner for years and her
talent in capturing insane snapshot had won her a place in the U.S National Cartoonist Society.
Deborah successful story begins with her doodle after encountered for major surgery. In 1993, her
doodle has been recognized by an editor of a newspaper in Enfield, NS and later she got an offer by
Daily publication at the Gleaner. In the years since, Deborah has self-published her first book titled
“Day to Day” and the second book, “Surviving Day to Day”. Deborah succeed came from her
courageous and “just go for it” attitude.

Module 4; Activity 5 Part C

What are the most important things to consider when buying a car?
 The purpose of buying a car
 Depends on your budget
 Reliability, car’s warranty, insurances and car’s function
 Compare loan tenure and interest of each bank

My Best Work Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to have you examine your portfolio and independently choose
your “best work” in each of the following categories and provide a written explanation
(approximately 1-2 paragraphs). What is the strength, how does it show your strength in
A) A reading response to an informational text (In a flash, her life changed)

I really enjoyed reading “In a flash, her life changed” because of the vivid description of the story
that happened to Bethany. Indeed, life is full of twists and turns, it's easy to become despondent.
According to the article, Cyndi explained: “the water was crystal clear, according to people in the
area, and there was no indication there was a shark nearby”. However, while Bethany Hamilton
was lying on her board off Kauai’s North Shore, a shark attack her all in sudden. Luckily Bethany
wasn’t alone in the ocean, otherwise, she would be in an even worse condition than now!

I believe the attack has given Bethany a new lesson and perspective of life. She will be more
appreciate and cherish her journey after all. Also, her case has warned readers to always be careful
and aware of things happen in the surrounding. Safety and security are always the first
consideration no matter where we are and what we are doing

I choose this piece of writing and believe this is the most successful. The 5w and H chart enables me
to understand more of the entire story and enable me to express my feeling and thought in my writing.

The informational article straightens my writing skills with the new words and vocabulary from the
article. The article gives me an image of different character and scenario; what if I am Bethany? What
would I feel and what if I am Holt? What would I do? I think my reading response had reflected
thoroughly of my ideas and thoughts regarding the news.

B) A reading response to a narrative text

I like the text of “What Else Could I Have Done” in module two activity six. I totally understand the
feeling of Justin since Justin and Sal is a schoolmate and they are getting along all the time before
Justin discovered Sal was a looter. The short story somehow reminds me of one of a dilemma
situation that I got into, whether to report or bite my tongue when I saw my friend cheating on an

I agree with Justin final decision. He decides to hand Sal to cops despite he loves Sal. From this point
of view, I can observe Justin’s character. He is a responsible and sane person that knowing what is
right and what is wrong. Hence, I have learned both good and bad character from Justin and Sal.
Also, we must always move forward and let go of the past.

I think this piece of writing is the “best work” because I read the text repeatedly and think about how
the text makes me feel and at which points it hurt me the most as well as what the author would like to
show to readers. I took notes of all the details and characters in the story. The lesson of the short story
is to embrace justice and look forward.

C) A summary – Night of the Mustang

When Robert Mayne was on his way home at midnight, he saw a car accident happen on the Pacific
Highway which involves a royal blue Ford Mustang sports car. Many people in the surrounding
area gathered and wondering about the accident. There are three car’s occupants involved in the
accident, one of the passengers of the car died on the spot after being tossed around in the car,
while the other two lies beside the car with severe injuries. All of the people nearby were anxious
and curious about the event, some urgently call for ambulances, while some tried to comfort the
car’s occupant and someone suggested to pull out of the occupant who was inside the wreck. After
a while, two ambulances and several police cars have arrived. Ambulances immediately prepare
crowbars and give oxygen masks to injury occupants, while the policemen were helping to move
the crowd away from the wreckage and one young policeman was looked for witnesses of the car
accident. The man in the wreckage was finally lifted and move away by four men. Eventually, three
of the Mustang's occupants were lifted into ambulances.

I choose this piece of summary because the events in the paper by Robert Mayne is not told in
chronological order. Hence, it is a challenging and difficult to summarize the whole article.

I have re-read the article six times and eventually able to draft the incidents from start to the end. The
article has many new vocabularies for me such as Maypole, jagged metal and macabre. Besides, it’s
full of information and details about the accident which is challenging for me to summarize all in a
short informative phrase. Anyway, I wrap it up with my own knowledge and sentences which I think
it is more clear now.

D) An informational paragraph

In my opinion, there are two levels of language which are formal and informal language. They
serve and are used in different situations and purposes. We can differentiate them by the tone,
choices of words and style. Formal language is used when writing an exam, report and giving
speeches on stage, whereas informal language is a conversation that we used in daily life. In a
nutshell, formal language is used in academic purposes and inappropriate in daily conversation.
Informal language is appropriate in messaging and talking, inappropriate in assignment writing and

I choose this information paragraph because sometimes I might confuse when to use formal and
informal language. Furthermore, by researching the levels of language online help enhance my
understanding and knowledge about language besides than formal and informal language, there are
many types of levels such as syntax, analytic and phonetics.

E) An opinion piece (eg: opinion paragraph; essay; editorial)

I will choose an editorial in response to abstinence-focused sex education in module one activity
eight. The reason I choose this article because sex education has been the most concern and hot topic
of debate for decades in the worldwide and whether the school should utilize comprehensive sex
education or abstinence-only education to youths.

Sex education to focus on abstinence and marriage written by Mary Spicuza has taught me how
important sex education at school. However, only provide abstinence-only education will not give
effective results to the rate of teen pregnancy in Wisconsin. This informational article has enhanced
my vocabulary as well as stimulate my ideas toward abstinence-focused sex education. Whether it is a
good or bad thing to teach at school.

F) A news report
I have read a plethora of news from the internet related to natural disasters and finally decides to write
tornado news. To create a nice news report, I draft and jot down my ideas on a piece of paper. Then
research, collect, refer and compare other reporters. The used of words and pictures make me believe
that this report is interesting and informative.

My Growth in Literacy Assignment

Describe your growth in reading and writing skills throughout the course. You will
create a one-page (500 word) self-reflection in which you will examine your initial
weaknesses or areas for improvement in literacy, the skills and strategies you learned
and practiced throughout this course, and how you have grown in your literacy skills
from the beginning to the end of the course.

My history of learning English began when I was five years old at kindergarten. Teachers
mostly taught reading and grammar in a primary and secondary school in Malaysia and I
never have any English tuition outside school. I was a little worry about such English
learning and my future studies when I realized the importance of writing because writing is
my weakness. When I was in secondary school I wasted an enormous time on other subjects
than concentrate on English. Therefore, my writing skills are insufficient and lack of practice.
I can understand poems, novels and short stories but to explain and express it in words would
be tough and difficult for me as my writing structure is weak, limited vocabulary and my
grammar is simply. This literacy course has trained me to be a good reader and writer as I
have to do a lot of reading and writing in every modules and activity.

The special and great thing about Ontario Secondary Literacy Course is the structure and
course design itself. The course includes much reading and writing to students. I have
acquired and learn a lot of vocabulary, writing skills and knowledge about literacy. I have
never approached and practice to write different forms and formats of writing such as graphic
texts, advertisements, summaries, information paragraphs, opinion pieces and news reports.
Now, I have master the skills and able to write in a different formats of works. Most
importantly, I have a solid understanding of the writing process and the ability to apply
planning skills on my writing task. I would say my writing skills has improved a lot.
Besides, 5W and H strategy had helped me better retain and understand an article. This
strategy allows me to think out of the box and analyze events of stories. Also, it helps me to
activate my thought about the events and make predictions about it. I have been exploring to
different types of articles and texts. My vocabulary is enhanced and I have more confidence
to read articles, advertisements, pamphlets and brochures.

Some of the assignments and activities are tough, for example, the summary of the “Night of
the Mustang” the narrator is not told in chronologically order which is a bit tricky that I need
to rearrange and interpret the whole scenario with my own words. Apart from that, the
spoken word is something new to me. I have surfed on YouTube and other online platforms
to observe how people present their works and seeking ideas to write my own piece.

In a nutshell, throughout the entire Literacy course, I have learned to analyze text, define
facts, write opinions, create an effective visual media advertisement with Microsoft and write
a full complete essay. My writing and reading have improved a lot which I believe are very
helpful in my future studies. I will keep reading and cultivate writing habits in my daily
routine despite I have wrapped up this literacy course.

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