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John Jacob Ezekiel B.


The Effects of Bullying in Elementary School

Tine Louise Mundbjerg Eriksen

Aarhus University

Helena Skyt Nielsen

Aarhus University

and IZA

Marianne Simonsen

Aarhus University

and IZA

Discussion Paper No. 6718

July 2012


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John Jacob Ezekiel B. Cais QUALITATIVE RESEARCH STEM 11 -C

The Effects of Bullying in Elementary School

Bullying is a widespread social phenomenon. We show that both children who are being
bullied and children who bully suffer in terms of long-term outcomes. We rely on rich survey
and register-based data for children born in a region of Denmark during 1990-1992, which
allows us to carefully consider possible confounders. Evidence from a number of
identification strategies suggests that the relationship is causal. Besides the direct effect
bullying may have on the child in the longer run, we show that an additional mechanism can
arise through teacher perceptions of short-run abilities and behavior.

JEL Classification: L14, I21 Keywords: victimization, perpetrator, crime, education, health, mental

Corresponding author: Helena Skyt Nielsen

Department of Economics and Business

Aarhus University

Fuglesangs Allé 4

8210 Aarhus V



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