Employee Welfare

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the concept of labour welfare is flexible and elastic and

differs widely with time,region,industry,social
valuesand costoms, degree of industrialization, the
generalsocioeconomic developmend of the people and
the political ideologies prevailing ad a particular time. It
is also molded according to the age groups, socio-
culture background,marital and economic status and
educational level of the workers in verious industries in
it's broad connotation , the term welfare refers to a
state of living of on individuals of group in adesirable
relationship with total environment -ecological,
economic,and social.conceptually as well as the
operationally , labour welfare is a part of social welfare
which , inturn, is closely linked to the concept and role
of the state which is applicable in the plant. the concept
of social welfare, in it's narrow contors, has been
quated with govermend came in to the picture and
gratually began to take over the responcibility for the
free and full development of human personality of it's
extention of the term welfare and its
application to labour. During the
industrialization process, the stress on labour
productivity increased; and brought about
changes in the thinking on labour welfare. In
its broad connotion, the term welfare refers to
a state of living of an individual or group in
desirable relationship with total environment -
ecological, economic and social. concept dually
as well as the operationally, labour welfare is
a part of social welfare which inturn, is closely
linked to the concept and the role of state. the
concept of social welfare, in its narrow
contors, has been equated with economic
welfare.pigou defind it as "that part of general
welfare which can be brought directly or
indirectly into relation with themeasuring rod
of money" (pigou, 1962). According to
wi;llensky and labeaux, social welfarer alludes
to "thoes formally organized and socially
sponcerd institutions, agencies and
programmes which funtion to maintain or
improve the economic conditions,health or
interpersonal competence of some parts or all
of population" (willensky and labeaux, 1918)
as these goals mey not always be realized by
individuals through there effort alone, the
govermend came in to the picture and
gratually began to take over the responcibility
for free and full developmend of human
personality of its population. labour welfare is
an extension of the term welfare and its
application to labour. during industrialization
process, the stress on labour productivity
increased ;and brought about changes in the
thinking on labour welfare. An early under the
UN observed as follows "in our opinion most
under developed countries are in the situation
that investment in people is likely to proveas,
productive in purely materials sense, as any
investment in materials resources in many
cases, investment in people would lead to a
greater increase of the flow of goods and
services than would follow upon any
comparable investment in material capital"
the theory that welfare expentiture on health
and education, is productive investment has
led to the view that workers could work more
productively if they were given a faire deal
both at the work place and in the community.
the concept of labour welfare has recieved
inspiration from the concept of democracy and
welfare state. Democracy deos not simply
denote a form of goverment ; it is rether a way
of life based on certain values such a sequal
rights and privilages for all. the operation of
welfare service, in actual practice, brings to
bear on it differend reflection represending the
broad cultural and social conditions. In short,
labour welfare is the voluntory effort of the
employee to establish, within the existing
industrial system, working and sometimes
living and cultural conditions of the market the
condtituents of labour welfare include working
hours, working conditionns,safety, industrials
health insurance, workman's compensation,
provident funds, gratuity, pension, protection
against in debtedness, industial housing,
restroom, canteens, wash place, toilet
facilities, lunches, cinemas, theares, music,
reading rooms, holiday rooms, worker's
education, co-operative stores, excursion,
playgrounds, and scholerships and other help
for education of employees' children.
Welfare includes anything is done for the comfort
and improvement of employees and
is provided over and above the wages. Welfare
helps in keeping the morale and motivation of
the employees high so as to retain the employees
for longer duration.

Laborwelfareentails allthose activities of employer,

which are directed towards providing the employees
with certain facilities and services in addition to
wages or salaries. Laborwelfare has the following


1. To provide better life and health to the workers

2. To make the workers happy and satisfied

3. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to

improve intellectual, cultural and
material conditions of living of the workers.
The basic features of employee welfare
measures are as follows:

Labor welfare includes various facilities, services

and amenities provided to workers for
improving their health, efficiency, economic
betterment and social status. Welfare measures are
in addition to regular wages and other economic
benefits available to workers due to legal provisions
and collective bargaining.

They provide better physical and mental health to

workers and thus promote a healthy work
environment. Facilities like housing schemes,
medical benefits, and education and recreation
facilities for workers’ families help in raising their
standards of living. This makes workers to
pay more attention towards work and thus increases
their productivity. Employers get stable labor force
by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active
interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of
involvement and participation.

Organizations provide welfare facilities to their

employees to keep their motivation levels
high. The employee welfare schemes can be
classified into two categories viz. statutory and
non-statutory welfare schemes. The statutory
schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to
provide by an organization as compliance to the
laws governing employee health and safety.These
include provisions provided in industrial acts like
Factories Act 1948, Dock Workers Act (safety,
health and welfare) 1986, Mines Act 1962. The non-
statutory schemes differ from organization to
organization and from industry to industry.



1. Drinking water: at all the working places safe

hygienic drinking water should be provided.

2. Facilities for sitting: In every organization,

especially factories, suitable seating
arrangements are to be provided.

3. First aid appliances: First aid appliances are to be

provided and should be readily
assessable so that in case of any minor accident
initial medication can be provided
to the needed employee.

4. Latrines and Urinals: A sufficient number of

latrines and urinals are to be
provided in the office and factory premises and are
also to be maintained in a neat
and clean condition.

5. Canteen facilities: Cafeteria or canteens are to be

provided by the employer so as
to provide hygienic and nutritious food to the

6. Spittoons: In every work place, such as

warehouses, store places; in the dock area
and office premises spittoons are to be provided in
convenient places and it are to
be maintained in a hygienic condition.

7. Lighting: Proper and sufficient lights are to be

provided for employees so that they
can work safely during the night shifts.

8. Washing places: Adequate washing places such

as bathrooms, washbasins with tap
and tap on the standpipe are provided in the port
area in the vicinity of the work

9. Changing rooms: Adequate changing rooms are

to be provided for workers to
change their cloth in the factory area and office
premises. Adequate lockers are also provided to the
workers to keep their clothes and belongings.

10.Rest rooms: Adequate numbers of restrooms are

provided to the workers with
provisions of water supply, wash basins, toilets,
bathrooms, etc.



The Mica Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act,1946

The Limestone and Dolomite Mines Labor Welfare
Fund Act, 1972The Iron Ore,Manganese Ore and
Chrome Ore Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act,
1976The Cine Workers’ Welfare Fund Act,
1981 Schemes under welfare funds provide
assistance with respective to the following:
Public health and sanitation Housing
Recreational (including standard of living)
Social security
Educational facilities
Water supply
Medical facilities (prevention of diseases)
o Group Insurance Schemes for Beedi and Cine
o Social Security under Mine Workers Welfare Fund

The scope and influence of logistics has evolved in
the late 1940s. In the 1950s, and 60s, military was
the only organization which used logistics. The
scope of logistics has been
extended beyond the army, as it has been
recognized as one of the important tools for
developing competitiveness. Competitive advantage
means the company has the ability to differentiate
itself, in the customer’s eyes, and also is operating
at a lower cost and greater profit .

Logistics facilitates in getting products and services

as and when they are needed and desired to the
customer. It also helps in economic transactions,
serving as a major enabler of growth of trade and
commerce in an economy. Logistics has come to be
recognized as a distinct function with the rise of
mass productionsystems. Production and
distribution were earlier viewed as a sequential
chain of extremelyspecialized activities.
The role of logistics is to ensure availability of all the
required materials before every step in this chain.
Obviously inventory of raw materials, semi-finished
and finished goods is a must across this chain to
ensure its smooth functioning. The concept of
logistics has its base upon the systems approach.
There is a single chain, with flow of materials starting
from the supplier, then to the plant and finally to the
end customer,and also these activities are done
sequentially in order to achieve customer
satisfaction at low cost. For this to be successful
there has to be co-ordination in the activities of the

With reference to an organization, an organization

gets a concrete shape due to its structure.In the
earlier times, the suppliers in distribution activities
were spread across the entire structure, thus
resulting in an overlapping of activities and finally in
unaccountable authority and responsibility. In
today’s process driven organization, where the focus
has shifted from functions to process, logistics has
become an essential part of the process.


The American Council of Logistics Management

defines logistics as “the process of planning,
implementing and controlling the efficient, cost
effective flow and storage of raw
materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and
related information from point of origin to
point of consumption for the purpose of conforming
to customers’ requirements”.
Philip Kotler defines logistics as “planning,
implementing, and controlling the physical
flows of materials and finished goods from point of
origin to point of use to meet the
customer’s need at a profit”.


Logistics has the following objectives:

Reduction of inventory: Inventory is one of the key
factors, which can affect the profit of
an enterprise to a great extent. In the traditional
system, firms had to carry lot of inventory
for satisfying the customer and to ensure excellent
customer service. But, when funds are blocked in
inventory, they cannot be used for other productive
purposes. These costs will
drain the enterprise’s profit. Logistics helps in
maintaining inventory at the lowest level, and
thus achieving the customer goal. This is done
through small, but frequent supplies.
Economy of freight: Freight is a major source of cost
in logistics. This can be reduced by
following measures like selecting the proper mode of
transport, consolidation of freight,
route planning, long distance shipments etc.

Reliability and consistency in delivery performance:

Material required by the customer
must be delivered on time, not ahead of the
schedule or behind the schedule. Proper planning of
the transportation modes, with availability of
inventory will ensure this.

Minimum damage to products: Sometimes products

may be damaged due to improper
packing, frequent handling of consignment, and
other reasons. This damage adds to the
logistics cost. The use of proper logistical packaging,
mechanized material handling
equipment, etc will reduce this damage.


A firm must have the capability to extend service to

the customer in the shortest time frame. By utilizing
the latest technologies in processing information and
communication will improve the decision making,
and thus enable the enterprise to be flexible enough
so that the firm can fulfill customer requirements, in
shortest possible time frame.



1. Order Processing: Processing the orders received

from the customers is an activity,
which is very important by itself and also consumes
a lot of time and paperwork. It
involves steps like checking the order for any
deviations in the agreed or negotiatedterms, price,
payment and delivery terms, checking if the
materials is available in stock,
producing and scheduling the material for shortages,
and also giving acknowledgement
to the owner, by indicating any deviations.

2. Inventory Planning and management: Planning

the inventory can help an
organization in maintaining an optimal level of
inventory which will also help in
satisfying the customer. Activities like inventory
forecasting, engineering the order
quantity, optimization the level of service, proper
deployment of inventory etc. are
involved in this.
3. Warehousing: This serves as the place where the
finished goods are stored before they are sold to the
customers finally. This is a major cost center and
improper warehouse
management will create a host of problems.

4. Transportation: Helps in physical movement of the

goods to the customers place. This
is done through various modes like rail, road, air,
sea etc.

5. Packaging: A critical element in the physical

distribution of the product, which also
influences the efficiency of the logistical system.

a. Inbound logistics: These are the operations, which

precede manufacturing. These
include the movement of raw materials, and
components for processing from suppliers.

b. Process logistics: These are the operations, which

are directly related to processing.
These include activities like storage and movement
of raw materials, components
within the manufacturing premises.
c. Outbound logistics: These are the operations,
which follow the production process.
These include activities like warehousing,
transportation, and inventory management of
finished goods.


Generally, the in-house logistics departments in

manufacturing organizations take care of
all aspects of logistics. But this is not an area of core
competency of manufacturing or
trading organizations. Today, a lot of successful
business corporations across the world are
outsourcing logistics to the third party logistics
providers, who are having the necessary
infrastructure and expertise to do the job in a better
manner. Complete logistics solutions to
manufacturers and traders is provided by the third
party logistics providers, and they help in integrating
various logistics operations, thus ensuring speedy
and uniform movement of materials across the
supply chain.

Logistics is nowadays widely used in virtually every

area. The success of a logistics
service providing company depends on how they
conceptualize and implement the
logistics solution, and also tune to the requirements
of the customer.


Nowadays corporations look only for sustainable

competitive advantage, not only for
growth, but also to survive. There is so much killing
competition that corporations are
compelled to review their business process while
they deliver the products and services to
customers, who are looking for more and more value
for the money that they are spending.
The focus of competition has shifted from the
product to the supply chain.
Today, logistics management is based on the
system concept and cost approach.
Transportation, warehousing, handling of material,
inventory management and order
processing are the major logistics activities, which
impact the customer cost and operation.
Integrated logistics helps in taking the cost out of the
supply chain and also enhance the
customer service level.

When looking at the macro level, a growth of a

country’s economy depends on the
availability of excellent logistics infrastructure. The
speed of the movement of goods
depends to a great extent on the various modes of
transportation like rail, road, air, and sea. Logistics
has a bright future, especially in India, but certain
pressing issues like abolition of octroi levy,
rationalization of customs formalities, improvement
in road and rail
infrastructure, creation of modern warehouse
facilities etc, have to be taken care of. The
geographical position of India also is well positioned
to emerge as an excellent hub for a
variety of products.


Bon E Navigation is a logistics company that is

committed to excellence. With more than a
hundred , well trained and competent employees,
we are a freight forwarding company of high
reputation in India.

Land/Marine Transportation:

Bon E Navigation , we are able to meet your entire

sea and land transportation needs.
Our regional operation centers their own
equipments, which is selected and renewed in line
with local customers' requirement. To meet
exceptional needs, our interactive network of
regional centers can locate the requisite equipment
then provide logistic support for the transfer as well
as any additional equipment that may still be

Bon E Navigation , we use all of our experiences

and technology to ensure the success of your field
development Our goal is to deliver development with
the highest value.


Bon E Navigation provides the quality

of services you require on schedule and at a
reasonable cost. Because we realize that the
quality and timeliness of our services directly
determine the overall success of your project, we will
do our best to apply the proper balance of quality,
schedule and cost effectiveness to make your
project successful.
From the initial concept to the final documentation,
we get the job done with innovative thinking,
technical expertise, operations knowledge and a
dedication to serving the client.
Bon E Navigation was founded in 1996 to make a
change in India 's Freight Forwarding industry. Bon
E Navigation started its operations with the aim to
take India’s logistics industry to the next level,
offering the best in logistics services . We are a
promising organization providing integrated &
customized solutions to our clients all over the world.
We offer personalized services to our clients all over
the globe by moving FCL/LCL shipments, Cargo
consolidations, Custom Clearance, by undertaking
Import & Export Freight Forwarding.

Bon E Navigation guarantees to be a prompt service

provider at global level providing cost-effective,
efficient and quality services. We as an international
freight forwarding continuously strive to establish
new and mutual trade relations all over the world.
We aim at :
1 dedicated customer services
2 punctuality
3 service delevery with quality
4 professionalism in the field both nationally and
5 dedicated team that works round the clock .
We offer customised service globally
moving FCL/LCL shipments, Cargo consolidations,
Custom Clearance, by undertaking Import & Export
Freight Forwarding.

Our commitment is centred around customer

requirements,customer satisfaction , customer
service and delivery punctuality .
Our key tool is flexibility accommodating the various
changing needs of this industry .
Our expertise covers shipments via sea air and
land .
Dedication + service + professionalism = satisfied
customer .


A literature review is a body of text that aims to

review the critical points of current
knowledge on a particular topic. Literature reviews
are secondary sources, and as such, do not report
any new or original experimental work. Employee’s
welfare measure plays a prime role in the context of
every company. The
company must satisfy the needs of employees.
Employee welfare implies better working
conditions, proper lighting, cleanliness, low noise
level, toilet, drinking water facilities, healthy and
safety measures besides the various other activities
for the benefit of the employee.

Title: “Designing Employee Welfare Provision”,

Author: Ann, Lucy Gibson,


Describes a process through which organizations

might seek to implement interventions relating to
employee wellbeing. Emphasizes the importance of
a comprehensive needs assessment both in
obtaining the breadth of information needed to
design appropriate interventions and also in
providing baseline information against which to
evaluate programme effectiveness. Discusses
factors which influence the type of intervention
appropriate for a particular situation and highlights
their design implications. Finally, provides guidance
on programme implementation and evaluation, and
discusses some of the advantages and
disadvantages of different approaches to tertiary
welfare provision.
Title: “Welfare to Wages: Strategies To Assist the
Private Sector To Employ Welfare
Recipients. Companion Case Studies, Focus
Groups & Data Analysis”
Author: Roberts, Brandon, Padden, Jeffrey. D

Abstract :

This report, which is directed toward policymakers at

the local, state, and national
levels, is based on an extensive nationwide study of
welfare-to-work initiatives. It identifies
strategies to assist the private sector in employing
welfare recipients. The document begins with an
executive summary that discusses the following: the
research study on which the document is based;
opportunities and realities in the labor market;
important programmatic and policy issues; and key
lessons for working with the labor market. Chapter 1
profiles successful
initiatives based on eight welfare-to-work strategies
and initiatives: sector driven; employer directed;
private staffing supported; community based;
education and training focused, wage subsidized;
public-private partnership supported; and
government directed. The initiatives profiled are
located in Arizona, Maryland, Wisconsin, Ohio,
Florida, Oregon, Kansas, and Michigan. Chapter 2
summarizes the employer perspectives on welfare-
to-work that emerged during focus groups held in
Baltimore (Maryland), Detroit (Michigan), and the
Orlando (Florida). Chapter 3, which is based on a
multiple-state analysis of welfare recipient-employer
interactions (a cross-state analysis and state-level
analyses for Florida, Maryland, Missouri,and
Oregon), explains exactly who hires welfare
recipients, appended are a glossary and a technical
appendix describing the multiple-site analysis of
welfare recipient-employer interactions presented in
the report. (MN)

Title: “Employee benefits: Literature review and

emerging issues”

Author: James H. Dulebohn, Janice C. Molloy,

Shaun M. Pichler and Brian Murray

Many have noted the lack of human resource
management research on employee
benefits, which is surprising because employer-
sponsored benefits are a primary concern of
executives and employees alike. Moreover, of
special interest to scholars, benefits provide a
unique opportunity to examine fundamental
theoretical and empirical questions about
employee behavior and contemporary employment
relationships. This paper provides a foundation for
such research by providing an overview of the
context from which U.S.
employer-provided benefit programs evolved and
the contemporary state of benefits research in
human resource management. Propositions related
to primary employee benefit research are provided.


From the review of literature James H. Dulebohn,

Janice C. Molloy, Shaun M. Pichler
and Brian Murray said that lack of human resource
management research on employee
benefits, which is surprising because employer-
sponsored benefits are a primary concern of
executives and employees alike. Moreover, of
special interest to scholars, benefits provide a
unique opportunity to examine fundamental
theoretical and empirical questions about
employee behavior and contemporary employment
relationships.From my study the gap was lack of
indoor games, unavailability of clean rest
rooms,increasing health camps. I found from the
study more interested thing is Canteen, First Aid
Box, Sanitary, Uniform, Health Insurance, Social
Security Schemes, Training Programmes,Festival
Allowances, Loans, Scholarship, Grievance
Handling Procedure, Work Environment,Sitting
Arrangement, and Welfare Officer.


Research methodology is a way to systematically

solve the research problem. It may be understood as
a science of studying how research is done
scientifically. The scope of research methodology is
wider than that of research methods. When we talk
of research methodology we not only talk of
research methods but also consider the logic behind
the methods we use in the context of our research
study and explain why we are using a particular
method or technique.Research is the systematic
process of collecting and analyzing information
(data) in order to increase our understanding of the
phenomenon about which we are concerned or


Primary objective:
To study about the employee welfaremeasures in
Bon E Navigation.

Secondary objective:

To find out the awareness level of welfare

measures among employees in Bon E Navigation To
analyze the effectiveness of various welfare
measures in Bon E Navigation
To know the satisfaction level of employees towards
the welfare measures.To suggest some of the
welfare measures for improving the organization.


Welfare schemes are mainly adopted in organization

in order to encourage the
employees in performing their job. The need of this
study is to know whether the employees
are aware of the schemes provided at Bon E
Navigation . This study also used to show how
far the organization is offering those schemes to the
employee and also to check whether the
employees are benefiting out of it. This study is done
in order to get the employees view
towards the various schemes provided at Bon E
Navigation . This study is helps to know
how to the various schemes available for employees
and how to improve.


This study was conducted among the employees of

Bon E Navigation to
know their perception towards the existing welfare
measures in the company. This study also
conducted for the purpose of identifying the welfare
measures which will provide job
satisfaction to the employees and also recommend
the management to provide additional welfare
scheme to employees.


“A research design is the arrangement of conditions

for collection and analysis of data
in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the
research purpose with economy in
Research design is the conceptual structure within
which research is conducted; it
constitutes the blueprint for the collection,
measurement and analysis of data.
The type of research design used in the project was
Descriptive research, because it
helps to describe a particular situation prevailing
within a company. Descriptive research is also called
Statistical Research. The main goal of this type of
research is to describe the data and characteristics
about what is being studied. Although this research
is highly accurate, it does not gather the causes
behind a situation. Descriptive research is mainly
done when a researcher wants to gain a better
understanding of a topic


Non probability sampling is any sampling method

where some elements of the
population have no chance of selection (these are
sometimes referred to as 'out of
coverage'/'under covered'), or where the probability
of selection cannot be accurately
determined. It involves the selection of elements
based on assumptions regarding the
population of interest, which forms the criteria for

Convenience sampling (sometimes known as grab

or opportunity sampling) is a
type of non probability sampling which involves the
sample being drawn from that part of the
population which is close to hand. That is, a sample
population selected because it is readily available
and convenient.


The population of the research includes 230



The sample size of the research includes about 100



Method of data collection is an important task while

doing research. While deciding
about the method of data collection the researcher
should keep in mind two types of data viz.,primary
and secondary. The data collection method used in
this research is questionnaire method.


The method of collecting data by questionnaires to

respondents is most extensively employed in various
economic and business surveys. A questionnaire
consist of number of questions printed or typed in a
definite order on a form or set of forms.


The secondary data for the study was collected from

the following sources:

a. Internet Search
b. Computer database
c. Library search and indexing
d. Journals and similar periodicals


In some cases, there where hesitancy in filling up

the questionnaires feeling that their
career would get affected.
Different people have a different thought process
and different attitudes. As a result
their manner of answering the questions of the study
differs the answers received
sometimes well while sometimes they were

A census survey is not possible due to time period

so I have selected sample survey
The study is confined to Chennai and nearby areas
only. There is possibility of sampling errors in the
study.The responses of the consumers may not be
genuine.The questions included in the questionnaire
may not be comprehensive.
Continuous and reliable information was not
available. Some of the information was confidential
so much information was not revealed Availability of
the respondents amidst their busy schedule did not
permit detailed study.Lack of professional approach
since researcher is a student.

The sample size is only 100 so the sample may not

be truly representative of the total


The statistic technique used for analysis

includes.Chi-square analysis
Weighted average method
The chi-square test is used method for comparing
frequencies or proportions. It is a
statistical test used to determine if observed data
deviate from those expected under a particular
hypothesis. The chi-square test is also referred to as
a test of a measure of fit or "goodness of weighted

Weighted averages are used extensively in

descriptive statistical analysis such as index
numbers. An average in which each quantity to be
averaged is assigned a weight. These
weightings determine the relative importance of
each quantity on the average. Weightings are
the equivalent of having that many like items with
the same value involved in the average.

Formula: ∑wx / ∑x

Final 25

6. 42% of the respondents are very well aware of

their contribution towards P. F, 54% of
the respondents are somewhat well aware of it and
4% of them are not at all aware of
their contribution towards P. F.

7. 20% of the respondents are very well aware of

their contribution towards Pension, 70%
of the respondents are somewhat well aware of it
and 10% of them are not at all aware
of their contribution towards Pension.

8. 26% of the respondents are very well aware of

their contribution towards Gratuity, 62%
of the respondents are somewhat well aware of it
and 12% of them are not at all aware
of their contribution towards Gratuity.

9. 50% of the respondents replied that one health

camp is being conducted, 30% of them
replied that two camps are being conducted and
20% of them replied that more than
two health camps are being conducted.

10. 18% respondents replied that the welfare

measure increases productivity, 44%
respondents opted Job satisfaction, 10% of them
replied Employee retention, 4% of
them said it creates loyalty, 14% of them said that it
enhances morale and remaining

10% of respondents opted motivation.

11. 20% of the respondents strongly agree that

basic welfare measures provided are
effective, 56% of them Agree that the welfare
measures are effective, 20% of them are
Neutral towards effectiveness of welfare measures
and 4% of them Disagree that basic
welfare measures are not effective.

12. 32% of the respondents Strongly agree that the

demonstration programmes undertaken
are effective, 54% of them Agree that the
demonstration programmes are effective and

14% of them are Neutral towards the effectiveness

of demonstration programmes.

13. 28% of the respondents Strongly agree that the

demonstration programmes undertaken
are effective, 54% of them Agree that the
demonstration programmes are effective and
14% of them are Neutral towards the effectiveness
of demonstration programmes.

14. 22% of the respondents Strongly agree that the

gifts provided makes their family glad,
46% of them Agree that the gifts provided makes
their family glad, 14% of them are
Neutral towards that and 16% of them Disagree that
the gifts provided makes their family glad.

15. 24% of the respondents Strongly agree that the

awards given enhances their motivation,
46% of them Agree that the awards given enhances
their motivation, 22% of them are
Neutral towards that and 8% of them Disagree that
the awards given enhances their motivation.

16. 12% respondents feel that the working

environment of the organization is excellent,
34% respondents feel that the environment is Very
good, 48% respondents feel that the
environment is Good and 6% respondents feel that
the working environment is average.

17. 28% of the respondents are Highly satisfied with

the price of the food, 50% of the
respondents are satisfied with the price of the food,
18% of them are Neutral with the
price of the food, 2% of the respondents are
Dissatisfied and 2% of the respondents are
Highly Dissatisfied with the price of the food.

18. 10% of the respondents are highly satisfied

towards the seating arrangement inside the
canteen, 66% of the respondents are satisfied
towards the seating arrangement inside
the canteen, 14% of them are Neutral towards the
seating arrangement inside the
canteen, and 10% of the respondents are
19. 64% of the respondents are satisfied with the
Drinking water, 58% of the respondents
are satisfied with the First-aid, 54%of them are
satisfied with Ambulance van, 48% of
respondents are satisfied with Sanitary, 36% of them
are satisfied with rest room, 66%
of them are satisfied with uniform, 60% of them are
satisfied with Personal protective
equipments, 32% of them are dissatisfied with
Gymnasium, 46% of them are satisfied
with Health insurance and 46% of the respondents
are satisfied with the welfare officer.

20. 52% of the respondents are satisfied with the

Training programmes, 42% of the
respondents are satisfied with the Festival
allowances, 54%of them are neutral with
Grievance Handling procedure, 50% of the
respondents are satisfied with Health
camps, 44% of them are satisfied with Medical

21. 4% of the respondents are highly satisfied with

Mediclaim policy, 44% of the
respondents are satisfied with Mediclaim policy, 30%
of them are Neutral with that,
18% of the respondents are dissatisfied and 4% of
them are Highly dissatisfied with the
Mediclaim policy.

22. 4% of the respondents are highly satisfied

towards the service offered in the
occupational health centre, 66% of the respondents
are satisfied towards the service
offered in the occupational health centre, 30% of
them are Neutral with that, and 4% of
them are dissatisfied.

23. 14% of the respondents are highly satisfied

towards the permission provided in cases of
emergencies, 58% of the respondents are satisfied
towards the permission provided in

37. 11% of the employees are strongly agreed, 32%

of the employees agreed, 27% of the
employees are Neutral, 20% of the employees are
disagreed and 10% of the employees are
strongly disagreed that the company providing
pension schemes.

38. 9% of the employees are strongly agreed, 33%

of the employees agreed, 32% of the
employees are Neutral, 20% of the employees are
disagreed and 6% of the employees are
strongly disagreed that the company is providing

39. 9% of the employees are strongly agreed, 32%

of the employees agreed, 26% of the
employees are Neutral, 20% of the employees are
disagreed and 13% of the employees are
strongly disagreed that the scholarships have been
provided by the company.

40. 4% of them were agreed that the work

environment is Excellent, 69% of the employees felt
that the working environment is good. 17% of them
agree that the work environment is Average, 10% of
them agree that the work environment is poor.

41. 2% of the employees are highly satisfied, 47% of

the employees are satisfied, 27% of them are
Neutral, 19% of the employees are Dissatisfied and
5% of the employees are Highly Dissatisfied with
Leave Travel Concession.

42. 5% of them agreed that the Sitting Arrangement

is Excellent, 55% of the employees felt that the
sitting arrangement is good 30% of them agree that
the work Sitting Arrangement is Average and 10% of
them agree that the Sitting Arrangement is poor
within the organization.
43. All 100% of the employees have accepted that
they have welfare officer in this

44. 10% employees feel that the overall welfare

measures of the organization is excellent, 41%
employees felt overall welfare measure is good,
43% of the employees felt that the overall
welfare measure is average in the organization and
6% employees felt overall welfare
measure is poor.

45. 17% of the employees are highly satisfied, 35%

of the employees are satisfied, 30% of the
employees are Neutral, 12% of the employees are
dissatisfied and 16% of the employees
are highly dissatisfied with the counseling.

46. 12% of the employees are highly satisfied, 45%

of the employees are satisfied, 26% of the
employees are Neutral, 10% of the employees are
dissatisfied and 7% of the employees are
highly dissatisfied with training programmes.

47. 11% of the employees are highly satisfied, 33%

of the employees are satisfied, 36% of the
employees are neutral, 17% of the employees are
dissatisfied and 3% of the employees are
highly dissatisfied with their festival allowances
provided by the company.

48. 16% of the employees are highly satisfied, 25%

of the employees are satisfied, 33% of the
employees are neutral, 19% of the employees are
dissatisfied and 7% of the employees are
highly dissatisfied towards the grievance handling

The management can provide Recreation facilities

like indoor games which make
employees to reduce their stress at work.
The management can increase the number of health
camps to the employees.
The management can provide restroom for
The management can improve the facilities like
quality of food, pure drinking water,
The management can increase the number of sitting
arrangements within the organization.
The management can provide additional festival

Employee welfare measures are adopted in an
organization in order to motivate the
working efficiency and to create a positive attitude
towards the management. Hence it is very important
to assure employees that there are suitable welfare
measures for them and if
necessary improvements should be done
accordingly. The organization can implement the
above suggestions and so the employees will be
satisfied with the welfare measures.



The project titled “A Study on Employee Welfare

Measures “conducted in Bon E Navigation Logistics
aims to study whether the organizations provides
welfare facilities to their employees to keep their
motivation at high level. The main objective of this
study is to study about the employee welfare
measures in this company. The secondary
objectives are to find out the awareness level of
welfare measures among employees, to analyze the
effectiveness of various welfare measures, to know
the satisfaction level of employees towards the
welfare measures, to suggest some of the welfare
measures for improving the organization. Welfare
schemes are
mainly adopted in organization in order to encourage
the employees in performing their job.The need of
this study is to know whether the employees are
aware of the schemes provided at the company.
This study also used to show how far the
organization is offering those</ ----- Message
truncated -----

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