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He/she/it/ALI (singular countable

noun)+MV(V1+ s/es) + Object.

I/you/we/they/ people (plural
noun) +MV(V1)+ Object

Habitual action/ Routines He drinks tea every morning.

I get up every day at five o'clock.
‫ روز مرہ کے کام‬/‫عادات‬ My watch keeps good time.

Universal truths/ Facts The sun rises in the east.

Honey is sweet.
‫ حقائق‬/‫آفاقی سچ‬ Fortune favours the brave.

Exclamatory sentences
beginning with here Here comes the bus !
here and“ ‫استفہامیہ جملے جو‬ There she goes !
‫ “ سے شروع ہوتے ہوں۔‬there

In vivid narrative, as substitute

Present Soharab now rushes forward and
for the Simple Past deals a heavy blow to Rustam.
‫ سادہ‬،‫ایک واضح داستان میں‬ Immediately the Sultan hurries to his
Tense capital.
‫ماضی کے لئے متبادل کے طور پر‬

To introduce quotations Keats says, ‘A thing of beauty is a joy

‫کوٹیشن متعارف کرانے کے لئے‬ for everʼ.

I will wait till you finish your lunch.

In the clauses of time, zero &
If it rains we will stay.
1st conditions Water boils if temperature is 100 C.

Future event that is part of a

fixed timetable/programme. The match starts at 9 o'clock.
‫مستقبل کا واقعہ جو ایک مقررہ ٹائم‬ The train leaves at 5.20.
.‫ پروگرام کا حصہ ہے‬/ ‫سیٹ‬

News headings PM visits to Muzaffarabad on Monday.

‫آخباری سرخیاں‬ Pakistan goes to MF next months.

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