New Network Security Based On Cloud Computing: A. Tthe Principle of Cloud Firewall

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2010 Second International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science

New Network Security Based On Cloud

Weili Huang Jian Yang
Information and Electron Department Information and Electron Department
Hebei University of Engineering Hebei University of Engineering
HanDan,China HanDan,China
Abstract—In this paper, we will have the sensors on the major network operators. Cloud
combination of cloud computing and network computing supports users to use a variety of
security to research "cloud" firewall technology. terminal to get application services in any
Comparing the "cloud" firewall with the position. By the cloud computing , we can make
traditional firewall to further study the cloud better use of network, as long as you are in the
computing, architecture and virtualization "cloud". You can make full use of the "The Top
technologies in the "cloud" firewall. It will show of Cloud" on your terminal , and we always keep
the new concept of network security to the readers , in touch with other terminals in the "cloud" , so if
which is about its advantages, development trends it is found somewhere in the attacks, immediately
and possible risks . the some terminal notifies the other places to stop
Keywords-Cloud;Firewall;CloudComputing;Clo- the attacks and deploy plans. This is the core idea
ud Terminal;Virtualization;Network Security in the cloud firewall —— it will turn the passive
protection into dynamic, collaborative and
proactive protection.
 Our requirements for the network
environment was not limited to passive defense, II. CLOUD FIREWALL INTRODUCTION
so based on the current most popular cloud A. Tthe Principle of Cloud Firewall
computing technology, a new generation of The most essential feature of cloud firewall is
firewall technology, "coming with the clouds ." its dynamic and intelligent, and its technology is
Cisco believes that the emergence of cloud to take full advantage of "cloud" to sample and
firewall ,which means that the birth of the share threat informations dynamically and in real
fifth-generation firewall, the former four time, which ultimately we can realize active and
generations are: software firewalls,hardware re-active security services. The whole "cloud" is
firewall, ASIC firewalls, UTM. SensorBase is the a large group, in this group there is a largest
precondition of cloud firewall, it is the data "competent department", which is known as the
center in the cloud and the largest email traffic "The Top Of Clouds".It can collect detailed
monitoring network in the world, providing information threats on the Internet constantly,
real-time view of global security threats and the including the continuous attacks, botnet harvest ,
"credit reporting service" of e-mail, SensorBase malware outbreaks and DarkNets and so on. By
added botnet dominated database to enable it to passing these real-time information to the cloud
monitor botnet sensitive development[1]. firewall, you can filter these attackers before the
The key technology of cloud firewall is malicious attackers have the opportunity to
based on cloud computing."Cloud" has a damage the important property.
considerable scale,and the provider will build

978-0-7695-3987-4/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 604

DOI 10.1109/ETCS.2010.491
However, these search behavior and passing Dim objlEAsObject
behavior are based on cloud computing For Eachobj~EIndWinFolder
principle, it will turn a large computing program Set eventlE=objlE
into numerous small subroutines automatically, eventlEˊQuit ˊ
and then they are assigned to the large system Next
which is made with a lot of servers.These By these codes,the personal firewall which
subroutines were searched ,calculated and is based on cloud security is like a big
analysed to pass the consequence to users.Every hand.When you open a malicious link,the cloud
user can apply to join the "cloud", as long as you firewall will push you to a safe area forcibly, that
are in the "cloud", you will be able to receive is to say,it is redirected to a safe URL or HTML
timely security information coming from clouds documents which we are designed; and it is like a
and processing methods, and you also car towing rope, when the car bogged down in
participated in the transmission to achieve the quagmire, the cloud firewall will put you
cooperative transmission. By this technology, out[2].
network service providers can deal with tens of
B. The Features of Cloud Firewall
millions or even billions of dollars of information
The top of cloud and these small users
in seconds.It is like "super computer". As shown
in Fig. 1[3]:

Fig. 1 The Active Defense of Cloud Firewall

So, the defensive and aggressive attack of endpoints are just like antennaes, and constantly
cloud firewall is just like the following codes to they explore useful information,thus breaking the
show˄quote "Microsoft Intemet Controls" in the protection of traditional firewall , which is
project˅˖ passive and waiting.Just for the attack, the
Dim dWinFOlder As New ShellWindows traditional firewall is completely passive defence,
Dim eventIE As and it does not know where is the attack and how
SHDocVwˊIntemetExplorer to attack. The core of the firewall is static rule

protection,that is to say,after the customers buy a technology, but a computing concept or a
firewall, the suppliers configure matching computing model. Cloud computing is the
security policy which is according to customer's development of parallel computing, distributed
requirements.Compared with traditional computing and grid computing , or it is
firewalls,the cloud firewall updates static commercial realization of the concept of
protection strategy dynamically to add computer science. Cloud computing is the
proactivity to network security,it has some mixed-jump result of the evolution of concepts of
significant features[4]: virtualization, utility computing, IaaS, PaaS,
z Firstly, the cloud firewall freezes botnets. SaaS[5]. It has huge scale, virtualization, high
For one thing , the cloud firewall can find reliability, commonality, high scalability and
malicious Web site in a short time relatively service on demand. Large scale is its greatest
to stop users to access to these sites; for the feature,the key of cloud computing is to have
other thing, if the users' computers become enough information collection points and
"zombie" or have Trojan Horse, the cloud computing capacity.That is to say,usually for the
firewall can stop the computers to send large data calculation, we can divide it into many
external master site information. small sub-blocks to many computing terminals
z Secondly, the cloud firewall let the world's which are in the "cloud". So we can get a
IPS be Intelligent linkage. The top of cloud large-scale computing system, and the computing
was added botnets master database and capability of this system is better than any
dynamic strategies to SensorBase to high-equipped computer. In this computing
monitor the dynamics of botnets model, all servers, networks, applications and
sensitively.If some Internet address have other parts related with the data center are
some questions,it will be blocked, and the provided to the IT department and end-users
top of cloud will try to update the through the Internet. Customers are only
information of SensorBase in the shortest connected to the "cloud", they can access to
time. infrastructure services, platform ( operating
z Thirdly, the cloud monitors Netflow V9 to system) services, or software as a service ——
achieve NOC / SOC combo. Netflow such as SaaS application, the "cloud" is possible
provides a session-level view of network to be the internal data center or computer which
traffic to record every service information has the same function.
from TCP / IP . Its function includes
B. Computational Logic in Cloud
abnormal traffic monitoring, high-speed
sampling and timed control ,the
About n-term computing is defined[6]:F is a
amalgamation of network and security, the
computing, and x1ˈx2ˈĂĂ,xn are n variable
standard network element management.
parameters for computing. So F is n-term
III. THE CLOUD COMPUTING IN CLOUD computing, S is the result of computing,such as S
FIREWALL˖ = F ( x1 , x2 , Ă , xn)˗if a1ˈa2ˈĂˈan
were the value data of x1ˈx2ˈĂˈxn, so
A. About Cloud Computing˖
S= F( a1 , a2 , …, an) is a calculation for F, and S
 Cloud computing is still in its infancy
is the result.
currently.About the definition of cloud
About n-term rule is defined[7]: If A1ˈ
computing is still controversial, which are
A2ˈĂˈAn are n antecedents, B is conclusion,
multiple versions, so far there is no one
which is called n-term rule as R, R can be
conclusive. Cloud computing is not a specific
expressed as "If A1 , A2 , Ă, An , then B" DŽ

Cloud computing as a whole calculation process
is shown in Fig. 2:

Fig. 2 Cloud computing process

automation of deployment, which they need

C. Cloud Firewall Structure Based on Cloud
virtualization technology, high-performance
storage technology, processor technology,
Cloud firewall is based on cloud computing,
high-speed Internet technology as the
on-demand deployment is the core of cloud
foundation[8-9]. It is shown in Fig. 3:
computing. So we have to solve the dynamic
reconfiguration of resources, monitoring and


Monitoring ,Automation

Virtualization High-performance Storage

Processor Technology

Cloud Computing

Fig. 3 The invoking structure of cloud firewal

In order to support cloud computing automation technology to reduce or eliminate

effectively, cloud firewall architecture must be manual deployment and management tasks, but it
autonomous, that is to say,they need embedded allows platform to respond intelligently to their

application requirements. Cloud computing updates of client-side in the traditional
structure must be sharp, which is able to make update-mode, most of these updates is now
quick response for changes in the load and available "local or global" cloud scanning
demand signal.In other words, the clouds cluster services, which would significantly reduce the
must be able to quickly respond to certain re-update mode of the terminal system to
malicious attacks, and rapidly from one to pass to minimize the download of anti-virus codes.
other points, to be co-processing. Traditional client-side virus pattern updates,
Typically, "cloud" have a large number of about 2-3 times per day, 2-3Mb download
servers, and resources are dynamic, and it need traffic every time , while the CCFR client cloud
real-time, accurate and dynamic resource virus code only updates once a week, 2-3Mb
information. Cloud computing monitored and every time. Precisely ,CCFR can decrease virus
managed all the resources in the computing database in the client-side about 90%[13].
resources pool by a monitor server,and it
configured and monitored every resources server
by deploying “Agent” on all the servers in the At present, the cloud firewall is still in the
cloud,and it can pass information data to the data embryonic stage of development,and its
warehouse regularly.Monitor server analysised application form had also presented very many
the using data which is in the "cloud" in the data kinds.One trend,which is to connect the user with
warehouse and tracked the availability and the firewall software platforms closely by
capability of resource,which offered information Internet in order to form a huge monitoring for
for the exclusion of lesion and the balance of Trojan / malicious software , spyware network.
resource[10-11]. Every user will contribute to the firewall "Cloud
security" , while sharing the results from the
D. Based on the File Reputation Technology˖
other users. This is similar to the P2P. If we can
The real technical focal point of "Cloud really dig into the user's enthusiasm , build a new
security" lies in how they do data mining for security system is not impossible. But now, users
the collection of sample data , and then form a don't still fully accept this cloud firewall, which
new identification technology in the clouds. After means everyone's enthusiasm was not high .This
adding the concept of cloud security to is something we have to face.
firewall,the new cloud-client file reputation Another trend ,is to set up a sufficient
(CCFR) technology will become the users' number of servers (tens of thousands or even
focus.In the cloud security,the core is more) in the world to collect application requests
cloud-client file reputation,which is to change the from global users in real time, and by the
mode to manually update the protection.For the calculation in the top of cloud,it is to judge the
ordinary users ,the cloud security which is based safety of these requests. For example,a user
on the cloud-client file reputation can be requests to connect a corporate Web site. By a
understood:It reached interaction between number of technical indicators ,the operator will
"anti-virus vendor's computer cluster" and "user determine whether the site's URL was normal
terminal" ,which can change the issue of the virus and secure, whether the web links embedded in
code into the uploading of the characteristics of the text and Button were normal and secure,
the file to compare in the top of cloud.But it whether the user will be directed to
cannot upload the whole codes to compare,rather non-performing Web site or lead to other
than features in the files.The whole process is dangerous behavior. If the site is secure, the user
just some milliseconds[12]. can link to, but if not, this link in the text will be
From general technology, CCFR reduces the block ,not the whole web page. Accordingly, the

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