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Types of Amplifiers

Amplifier are generally put in four categories

1. voltage,
2. current,
3. transresistance and
4. transconductance.

The model for a voltage amplifier is shown in figure 1. Real amplifiers have input and output
resistance. This is reflected in the model.

Figure 1: A Voltage Amplifier.

Gain is the increase in the strength of a signal and is often expressed in decibels (dB). An
increase of 3 dB is about equal to doubling in a linear scale. A gain of more than 1 is called
amplification, while a gain of less than 1 is called Attenuation.

Gain is given different symbols depending of the type. For No load gains

Voltage gain is Avo,

Current gain Aio,
Transconductance Gm
Transresistance Rm.

Using the model, the gain with a load can be calculated.

Transistor amplifiers
Common Emitter


 Current Gain: ..... HIGH

 Voltage Gain: ..... HIGH
 Power Gain: ..... HIGH
 Input Impedance: ... AVERAGE
 Output Impedance:... AVERAGE


Input Resistence(base): Zb=β×re'

-> β: Current Gain (Ic/Ib), where 'Ic' is Colector DC current and 'Ib' is DC
Base current;
-> re': Base-Emitter dynamic resistor (Ut/Ie), where Ut is thermal
voltage(≈25mV at 25°C) and
'Ie' is DC emitter current;

Input Resistence(general): Zg= Zb || R1 || R2, where R1 and R2 are the same as

the picture above.

Common Collector


Current Gain: ..... HIGH

Voltage Gain: ..... ≈1
Power Gain: ..... LOW
Input Resistence: ... HIGH
Output Resistence:... LOW
Common Base


Current Gain: ..... ≈1

Voltage Gain: ..... HIGH
Power Gain: ..... AVERAGE
Input Resistence: ... LOW
Output Resistence:... HIGH

FET Configurations
As with BJT configurations, there are three FET configurations, each one correponding to one of
the terminals of the transistor.

Common Source

Common Source Amplifier

Common Drain

Common Drain Amplifier

Common Gate

Common Gate Amplifier

Biased Voltage Class

Transistors may be biased in a variety of classes. A trade off of linearity and power consumption
is usually made where a Class A

Class A

The transistor is "on" all the time. We say 360 degrees of conduction, representing an entire
period of the sine waveform. Ideally, this class produces very little distortion, however consumes
a lot of power and is also least preferred.

Class AB

The transistor is "on" for slightly more than half the cycle (>180 degrees) of a sine wave and is
the most common configuration used in push-pull audio power amplifiers. In push-pull
amplifiers, Class AB produces mostly odd order distortion, however it is far more power
efficient than Class A. Odd order distortion is not considered pleasing to hear in audio power
amplifiers. This distortion can easily be removed with the addition of a simple negative feedback
loop into the system as shown by the diagram below:

This type of amplifier is extremely easy to build and is the industry standard for audio amplifiers.

Issues with this type of amplifier include poor efficiency, size and cost. A typical class ab
amplifier will have a power efficiency of 40-80%. Because of this they require large heat sinks to
cool the transistors, this also increases the cost of the amplifier due to the extra material to create
these heat sinks.

Class B

The transistor is "on" for only half the cycle (exactly 180 degrees) of a sine wave and is also very
typically used in push-pull amplifier circuits. Ideally this class produces mostly odd order
distortion. In audio applications it is believed that odd order distortion is not pleasing to hear. It
is difficult to build a low distortion Class B amplifier and hence Class AB is almost universal.

Class C

The transistor is "on" less than half the cycle of a sine wave. We say <180 of conduction. This
class produces both even and odd order distortion, however is very efficient.

Class D

The class D amp has been developed after the short-comings of past generations, including
classes A, B, AB, and C. Many people mistake the D as standing for digital. Although it is a
“switching” amp, meaning it turns “on” and “off” at a specific frequency, it is a wrong
assumption. D was simply the next letter in the alphabet. Consuming the least power out of its
previous generations, the class D amps are generally smaller, making them ideal for mobile
devices. It is because of their power efficiency, small size, and cheaper costs that the class D
amps are quickly becoming the new industry standard for audio electronic. Companies such as
Advanced Analog, Texas Instruments as well as other companies have released 50W stereo class
d amplifiers that are the size of a penny and did not require any sort of heat sinking, something
that was not possible with other types of amplifiers.
The basic design includes two MOSFET transistors in series, one pFET and one nFET being
driven by a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal. Because of the properties of MOSFET
transistors they are either fully on or fully off. When the transistor is off and the current is zero
(so the amount of power wasted heating up the transistor is zero), or the transistor is fully on and
the voltage across it is very close to zero (so the amount of power wasted heating up the
transistor is again, very close to zero).

Because an analog signal needs to be transformed into a PWM signal a certain amount of
distortion can occur, but the amount of distortion can be minimized. Because a PWM signal is
very much like a digital signal, the sampling theorem states that if the sampling frequency is
more than half the maximum frequency of the source it can be reproduced exactly. For audio
signals the maximum frequency heard by humans is roughly 20kHz, so a PWM generator would
only need to provide a minimum switching frequency of 40kHz. Because of the availability of
faster components many class d amplifier designers will use switching frequencies closer to
400kHz to further reduce the distortion.

Issues of concern with a class d amplifier include electromagnetic emissions. Due to the presence
of a medium frequency signal in the circuit, steps must be taken to reduce the emission of these
signals that could interfere with other electronic devices.

Class E

Switching amplifier

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