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NAME/REG: Shafqat Raza(SU-16-01-072-059)


•Variables Effecting Heat Transfer:
-Engine size
-Engine speed
-Inlet Air temperature
-Swirl and Squish
Engine Size:if two geometrically similar engines of different size(displacement) are run at the
same speed keeping all other variables(temperature,AF,fuel etc) as close as possible,the larger
engines will have a greater absolute heat loss but will be more thermal efficient.
Engine speed:As engine speed is increased,gas flow velocity into and out of the Engine goes
up,with a resulting rise in turbulence and convective heat transfer coefficient.this increase heat
transfer during intake and exhaust strokes and even earlypart of the compression strokes.During
combustion and power strokes,gas velocities within the cylinder are fairly independent of engine
Load:As the load is increased on engine(going uphill,pulling a trailer etc)throttle must be further
opened to keep the engine speed constant.this causes less pressure drop across the throttle and
higher pressure and density in the intake system.mass flow rate of air and fuel ,therefore,goes up
with load at a given engine speed.The percentage of heat loss goes down slightly as engine load is
increased.while in CI engine total mass flow is almost independent of load.when speed or load is
increased and more is needed t he amount of fuel injected is increased this increases the total mass
flow in the latter part of each cycle by about 5%.thus ,convection heat transfer coefficient within
the engine is fairly independent of load.
Inlet air temperature: Increase inlet air temperature to an engine results in a temperature increase
over the entire cycle, with a resulting increase in heat loss.A 100oC increase in inlet temperature
will give 10-15% increase in heat losses.
Swirl and Squish: Higher swirl and squish velocities result in a higher convection heat transfer
coefficient within the cylinder.this results in better heat transfer to the walls.

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