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A Study on


With reference to
A project report submitted to the
Department of Commerce & Management Studies
Jntuk University, Kakinada

Partial fulfillment for the Award of the Degree of
Master of Business Administration
Submitted by

Under the Guidance of

(Faculty Member M.B.A. Programme)

Department of Management StudiesNewtons Institute of

Engineering(Affiliated to Jntuk University)ALUGURAJUPALLY.


This is to certify that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON “TRAINING AND
Submitted by JIDDU SIVA Final year M.B.A, Regd No: 17A11E0077 in the partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of “MASTER OFBUSINESS ADMINISTRATION” JNTUK
University, KAKINADA, During the academic year (2017-2019).



I sincerely express my humble thanks to the Management of NIE, Macherla, for giving me the
permission to take up the project work at “RAMKY INFRASTRUCTURE,PVT.LTD”.

I am extremely grateful to our principal who helped a lot in the completion my project work.

I take much pleasure to express my deep sense of gratitude and thankfulness to Head of the Department
of MBA Newton’s Institute of Engineering, Macherla.

I am extremely grateful to my project Guide Asst.Prof.A. SRINIVASARAO MBA for the valuable
guidance and constant co-operation throughout my project work.

I confess my profound gratitude to all my faculty members in the Department of MBA for extending
their co-operation during the project work. I would like to extent my sincere thanks to Mr.K.S.R.CHARY
HR MANAGER and project guide who helped me a lot in completion of my project work and who gave
me an opportunity to do this project in their organization.
I express my deep sense of gratitude and whole hearted thanks to all my family members and my friends
for their continuous moral support and encouragement.



I hereby declare that this project report entitled “A STUDY ON TRAINING AND
me during the year 2018 in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree in MASTER OF BUSINESS
I declare that this project report is a result of my own effort and that it has not been submitted to any
other University.



CHAPTER -1 1-7

CHAPTER - 2 8-39


CHAPTER - 4 68-93

CHAPTER -5 94-102





Human resource management (HRM) is concerned with human beings, who are the
energetic elements of management. The success of any organization or an enterprise will depend
upon the ability, strength and motivation of persons working in it. The human resource
management refers to the systematic approach to the problems in any organization. It is
concerned with recruitment, selection, training and development of personnel.

Human resource is the most important assets of an organization. Planning for human
resource is an important managerial function. It ensures sufficient supply, proper quality as well
as effective utilization of human resource. In order to meet human resources needs, an
organization will have to plan in advance about the requirements and the sources, etc.

Human resource management is related to the determination of Personnel needs in the

organization. The organizations have to Undertake recruiting, selection and training process.
HRM also includes the Inventory of present manpower in the organization and the external
sources are also identified for employing them. HRM lays emphasis on better working
Conditions, and

also as “Personnel Management”.

Flippo has defined training as “the act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a
particular job”.

“Training is the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skills for a definite
purpose”. –Dale. S.Beach
“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular
job”. –Edwin.B.Flippo

“Training’s main goal is to induce a suitable change in the individual concerned”.


Every organization big or small, productive or non-productive, economic or social, old or
newly established should provide training to all employees irrespective of the qualification, skill,
suitability for the job etc. thus no organization can choose whether or not to train employees.
Training is not something that is done once to new employees; it is used continuously in every
well-run establishment. Further, technological changes, automation, require updating the skills
and knowledge.
As such an organization as to retrain the old employees.

Specifically, the need for training arises due the following reason.
 To match the employee specification with job requirements and organizational needs.
 Organizational viability and the transformation process.
 Technological advances.
 Organizational complexity.
 Human relations.
 Change in the job assignments.

The need for training also arises to:

 Increase productivity.
 Improve quality of the productive/service.
 Help a company to fulfill its future personnel needs.
 Improve organizational climate.
 Improve health and safety.
 Prevent obsolescence. Effect the personnel growth.
 Minimize the resistance to change.

The factors discussed above or mostly external factors and they are beyond the personnel
managers control. These factors often determine the success of training objectives.

 To study the overall training and development programmer of Ramky Enviro Engineers
Ltd To understand and enquire whether training and development programmer is useful.
 To give suggestions if any to improve the training and development programmer.
 To study to what extent the training objectives are met.
 To study whether the training programmer are helping for professional development of
 To study whether the training and development programmer are in consistent with
organization goals.
 To study whether there is relationship between the training facilities provided and the
implementation of training with the job.
 To study whether there is utility of non –monitory satisfaction to trainees with the
 To study the qualitative aspects’ of the training programmer.
 To study the whether there is adequate development of Human Relations competencies
through training.
 To study whether there is increase in the efficiency of the employees.


The information for the study was collected from the personnel of Human Resource Department,
through questionnaire from the employee of human resources department.

 The data collect from the annual books of IIFL, and the information collected from the
new paper, the report provided by the company website and other text books.

Sample design
Random samples were followed to select the sample size and the farm size of 100. Have
been selected to gather proper data.


The Importance of Infrastructure for Economic Growth, Jobs, and Access to Markets and
Services in Solomon Islands. ... From air and marine transport links, to good roads,
telecommunications and energy generation, all are needed for provision of reliable services, and
to enable local businesses to grow and expand.

Important national goals also depend on it. The economy needs reliable infrastructure to
connect supply chains and efficiently move goods and services across
borders. Infrastructure connects households across metropolitan areas to higher quality
opportunities for employment, healthcare and education.


 There are many constraints in the studying of this industry. Although the personnel of
Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd.
 Are very co-operative and helpful, they are bound by their rules and regulations.
 The primary data is collected through interaction with the personnel of HRD and
employees of the organization.
 Secondary data is collected by means of the material supplied by the HRD regarding the
various training activities taken up by the organization.
 The given time is very less i.e., only 60 days.
 The information collected from 93 employees only.



The word infrastructure has been used in English since 1887 and in French since 1875, originally
meaning "The installations that form the basis for any operation or system". The word was
imported from French, where it means sub grade, the native material underneath a constructed
pavement or railway. The word is a combination of the Latin prefix "infra", meaning "below"
and many of these constructions are underground, for example, tunnels, water and gas systems,
and railways. The army use of the term achieved currency in the United States after the
formation of NATO in the 1940s, and by 1970 was adopted by urban planners in its modern
civilian sense.[7]


The Index of Eight Core Industries measures the performance of eight core industries i.e. Coal,
Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Petroleum Refinery Products, Fertilizers, Steel, Cement and Electricity.
In line with the base year change in IIP, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, revised
the base year of Index of Eight Core Industries from 2004-05 to 2011-12. The industries included
in the eight core industries comprise about 40 per cent weight in the IIP.The details of growth in
the production of eight core industries are given below in Table 3. In 2016-17, the eight core
industries grew by 4.8 per cent as compared to 3 per cent in 2015- 16. The production of Coal,
Refinery Products, Fertilizers, Steel and Electricity registered positive growth, with Steel
registering a robust growth of 10.7 per cent (this can be attributed to the positive measures taken
by the Government such as imposition of Minimum Import Price (MIP), antidumping duty etc.
on Steel imports in February 2016). On the other hand, Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Cement
production registered negative growth. During the current financial year, for the period, April-
November, 2017-18, the index has

Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and
monitoring of waste materials.[1] The term usually relates to materials produced by human
activity, and is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or
aesthetics. Waste management is also carried out to recover resources from it. Waste
management can involve solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive substances, with different methods
and fields of expertise for each.

Waste management practices differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and
rural areas, and for residential and industrial producers. Management for non-hazardous
residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local
government authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste
is usually the responsibility of the generator.

Methods of disposal

Integrated waste management

Integrated waste management using LCA (life cycle analysis) attempts to offer the most
benign options for waste management. For mixed MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) a number of
broad studies have indicated that waste administration, then source separation and collection
followed by reuse and recycling of the non-organic fraction and energy and compost/fertilizer
production of the organic waste fraction via anaerobic digestion to be the favored path. Non-
metallic waste resources are not destroyed as with incineration, and can be reused/ recycled in a
future resource depleted society.

Plasma gasification

Plasma is a highly ionized or electrically charged gas. An example in nature is lightning,

capable of producing temperatures exceeding 12,600 °F (6,980 °C). A gasifier vessel utilizes
proprietary plasma torches operating at +10,000 °F (5,540 °C) (the surface temperature of the
Sun) in order to create a gasification zone of up to 3,000 °F (1,650 °C) to convert solid or liquid
wastes into a syngas.

When municipal solid waste is subjected to this intense heat within the vessel, the
waste’s molecular bonds break down into elemental components. The process results in
elemental destruction of waste and hazardous materials.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. generated 250 million
tons of waste in 2008 alone, and this number continues to rise. About 54% of this trash
(135,000,000 short tons (122,000,000 t)) ends up in landfills and is consuming land at a rate of
nearly 3,500 acres (1,400 ha) per year. In fact, landfilling is currently the number one method of
waste disposal in the US. Some states no longer have capacity at permitted landfills and export
their waste to other states. Plasma gasification offers states new opportunities for waste disposal,
and more importantly for renewable power generation in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Main article: Landfill

Landfill operation in Hawaii.

Disposing of waste in a landfill involves burying the

waste, and this remains a common practice in most countries. Landfills were often established in
abandoned or unused quarries, mining voids or borrow pits. A properly designed and well-
managed landfill can be a hygienic and relatively inexpensive method of disposing of waste
materials. Older, poorly designed or poorly managed landfills can create a number of adverse
environmental impacts such as wind-blown litter, attraction of vermin, and generation of liquid

Another common byproduct of landfills is gas (mostly composed of methane and

carbon dioxide), which is produced as organic waste breaks down an aerobically. This gas can
create odour problems, kill surface vegetation, and is a greenhouse gas.

A landfill compaction vehicle in action.

Design characteristics of a modern landfill include methods to contain leachate such

as clay or plastic lining material. Deposited waste is normally compacted to increase its density
and stability, and covered to prevent attracting vermin (such as mice or rats). Many landfills also
have landfill gas extraction systems installed to extract the landfill gas. Gas is pumped out of the
landfill using perforated pipes and flared off or burnt in a gas engine to generate electricity.

Main article: Incineration

Spittelau incineration plant in Vienna.

Incineration is a disposal method that involves combustion of waste material.

Incineration and other high temperature waste treatment systems are sometimes described as
"thermal treatment". Incinerators convert waste materials into heat, gas, steam and ash.

Incineration is carried out both on a small scale by individuals and on a large scale by
industry. It is used to dispose of solid, liquid and gaseous waste. It is recognized as a practical
method of disposing of certain hazardous waste materials (such as biological medical waste).
Incineration is a controversial method of waste disposal, due to issues such as emission of
gaseous pollutants.

Incineration is common in countries such as Japan where land is more scarce, as these
facilities generally do not require as much area as landfills. Waste-to-energy (WtE) or energy-
from-waste (EfW) are broad terms for facilities that burn waste in a furnace or boiler to generate
heat, steam and/or electricity. Combustion in an incinerator is not always perfect and there have
been concerns about micro-pollutants in gaseous emissions from incinerator stacks. Particular
concern has focused on some very persistent organics such as dioxins, furans, PAHs,... which
may be created within the incinerator and afterwards in the incinerator plume which may have
serious environmental consequences in the area immediately around the incinerator. On the other
hand this method or the more benign anaerobic digestion produces heat that can be used as

Main article: Recycling

Steel scrap, sorted and baled for recycling.

The popular meaning of ‘recycling’ in most developed countries refers to the widespread
collection and reuse of everyday waste materials such as empty beverage containers. These are
collected and sorted into common types so that the raw materials from which the items are made
can be reprocessed into new products. Material for recycling may be collected separately from
general waste using dedicated bins and collection vehicles, or sorted directly from mixed waste

The most common consumer products recycled include aluminum beverage cans, steel
food and aerosol cans, HDPE and PET bottles, glass bottles and jars, paperboard cartons,
newspapers, magazines, and corrugated fiberboard boxes.

PVC, LDPE, PP, and PS (see resin identification code) are also recyclable, although
these are not commonly collected. These items are usually composed of a single type of material,
making them relatively easy to recycle into new products. The recycling of complex products
(such as computers and electronic equipment) is more difficult, due to the additional dismantling
and separation required.


The management of waste is a key component in a business' ability to maintaining

ISO14001 accreditations. Companies are encouraged to improve their environmental efficiencies
each year. One way to do this is by improving a company’s waste management with a new
recycling service. (such as recycling: glass, food waste, paper and cardboard, plastic bottles etc.)

Biological reprocessing

Main articles: Composting, Home composting, and Anaerobic digestion

An active compost heap.

Waste materials that are organic in nature, such as plant material, food scraps, and
paper products, can be recycled using biological composting and digestion processes to
decompose the organic matter. The resulting organic material is then recycled as mulch or
compost for agricultural or landscaping purposes. In addition, waste gas from the process (such
as methane) can be captured and used for generating electricity and heat (CHP/cogeneration)
maximizing efficiencies. The intention of biological processing in waste management is to
control and accelerate the natural process of decomposition of organic matter.

There are a large variety of composting and digestion methods and technologies
varying in complexity from simple home compost heaps, to small town scale batch digesters,
industrial-scale enclosed-vessel digestion of mixed domestic waste (see Mechanical biological
treatment). Methods of biological decomposition are differentiated as being aerobic or anaerobic
methods, though hybrids of the two methods also exist.

Anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of MSW Municipal Solid Waste has been
found to be in a number of LCA analysis studies [4][5] to be more environmentally effective, than
landfill, incineration or pyrolisis. The resulting biogas (methane) though must be used for

cogeneration (electricity and heat preferably on or close to the site of production) and can be
used with a little upgrading in gas combustion engines or turbines. With further upgrading to
synthetic natural gas it can be injected into the natural gas network or further refined to hydrogen
for use in stationary cogeneration fuel cells. Its use in fuel cells eliminates the pollution from
products of combustion (SOx, NOx, particulates, dioxin, furans, PAHs...).

An example of waste management through composting is the Green Bin Program in

Toronto, Canada, where household organic waste (such as kitchen scraps and plant cuttings) are
collected in a dedicated container and then composted.

Energy recovery
Main article: Waste-to-energy

Anaerobic digestion component of Lübeck mechanical biological treatment plant in

Germany, 2007

The energy content of waste products can be harnessed directly by using them as a
direct combustion fuel, or indirectly by processing them into another type of fuel. Recycling
through thermal treatment ranges from using waste as a fuel source for cooking or heating, to
anaerobic digestion and the use of the gas fuel (see above), to fuel for boilers to generate steam
and electricity in a turbine. Pyrolysis and gasification are two related forms of thermal treatment
where waste materials are heated to high temperatures with limited oxygen availability. The
process usually occurs in a sealed vessel under high pressure. Pyrolysis of solid waste converts
the material into solid, liquid and gas products. The liquid and gas can be burnt to produce
energy or refined into other chemical products (chemical refinery).

The solid residue (char) can be further refined into products such as activated carbon.
Gasification and advanced Plasma arc gasification are used to convert organic materials directly
into a synthetic gas (syngas) composed of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The gas is then burnt

to produce electricity and steam. An alternative to prolepsis is high temperature and pressure
supercritical water decomposition (hydrothermal monophonic oxidation).

Avoidance and reduction methods

Main article: Waste minimization

An important method of waste management is the prevention of waste material being

created, also known as waste reduction. Methods of avoidance include reuse of second-hand
products, repairing broken items instead of buying new, designing products to be refillable or
reusable (such as cotton instead of plastic shopping bags), encouraging consumers to avoid using
disposable products (such as disposable cutlery), removing any food/liquid remains from cans,
packaging, ...[6] and designing products that use less material to achieve the same purpose (for
example, light weighting of beverage cans).

Waste handling and transport

Main articles: Waste collection vehicle and Dustbin

A front-loading garbage truck in North America.

Waste collection methods vary widely among different countries and regions. Domestic
waste collection services are often provided by local government authorities, or by private
companies in the industry.

Some areas, especially those in less developed countries, do not have a formal waste-
collection system. Examples of waste handling systems include:

 In Australia, curbside collection is the method of disposal of waste. Every urban domestic
household is provided with three bins: one for recyclables, another for general waste and
another for garden materials - this bin is provided by the municipality if requested. Also,
many households have compost bins; but this is not provided by the municipality. To
encourage recycling, municipalities provide large recycle bins, which are larger than
general waste bins. Municipal, commercial and industrial, construction and demolition
waste is dumped at landfills and some is recycled. Household waste is segregated:
recyclables sorted and made into new products, and general waste is dumped in landfill
areas. According to the ABS, the recycling rate is high and is 'increasing, with 99% of
households reporting that they had recycled or reused some of their waste within the past
year (2003 survey), up from 85% in 1992'. This suggests that Australians are in favour of
reduced or no landfilling and the recycling of waste. Of the total waste produced in 2002–
03, '30% of municipal waste, 45% of commercial and industrial waste and 57% of
construction and demolition waste' was recycled. Energy is produced from waste as well:
some landfill gas is captured for fuel or electricity generation. Households and industries
are not charged for the volume of waste they produce.

In Europe and a few other places around the world, a few communities use a proprietary
collection system known as Envac, which conveys refuse via underground conduits using
a vacuum system. Other vacuum-based solutions include the MetroTaifun single-line and
ring-line systems.

In Canadian urban centre’s curbside collection is the most common method of disposal,
whereby the city collects waste and/or recyclables and/or organics on a scheduled basis.
In rural areas people often dispose of their waste by hauling it to a transfer station. Waste
collected is then transported to a regional landfill.

In Taipei, the city government charges its households and industries for the volume of
rubbish they produce. Waste will only be collected by the city council if waste is disposed
in government issued rubbish bags. This policy has successfully reduced the amount of
waste the city produces and increased the recycling rate.

In Israel, the Arrow Ecology company has developed the ArrowBio system, which takes
trash directly from collection trucks and separates organic and inorganic materials

through gravitational settling, screening, and hydro-mechanical shredding. The system is
capable of sorting huge volumes of solid waste, salvaging recyclables, and turning the
rest into biogas and rich agricultural compost. The system is used in California, Australia,
Greece, Mexico, the United Kingdom and in Israel. For example, an ArrowBio plant that
has been operational at the Hydria landfill site since December 2003 serves the Tel Aviv
area, and processes up to 150 tons of garbage a day.[7]


Traditionally the waste management industry has been slow to adopt new technologies
such as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags, GPS and integrated software packages
which enable better quality data to be collected without the use of estimation or manual data

 Technologies like RFID tags are now being used to collect data on presentation rates for
curb-side pick-ups which is useful when examining the usage of recycling bins or similar.
 Benefits of GPS tracking is particularly evident when considering the efficiency of ad hoc
pick-ups (like skip bins or dumpsters) where the collection is done on a consumer request
 Integrated software packages are useful in aggregating this data for use in optimization of
operations for waste collection operations.
 Rear vision cameras are commonly used for OH&S reasons and video recording devices
are becoming more widely used, particularly concerning residential services and
contaminations of the waste stream.

Waste management concepts

There are a number of concepts about waste management which vary in their usage
between countries or regions. Some of the most general, widely used concepts include:

Diagram of the waste hierarchy.
 Waste hierarchy - The waste hierarchy refers to the "3 Rs" reduce, reuse and recycle,
which classify waste management strategies according to their desirability in terms of
waste minimization. The waste hierarchy remains the cornerstone of most waste
minimization strategies. The aim of the waste hierarchy is to extract the maximum
practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum amount of waste.
 Extended producer responsibility - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a strategy
designed to promote the integration of all costs associated with products throughout their
life cycle (including end-of-life disposal costs) into the market price of the product.
Extended producer responsibility is meant to impose accountability over the entire
lifecycle of products and packaging introduced to the market. This means that firms
which manufacture, import and/or sell products are required to be responsible for the
products after their useful life as well as during manufacture.
 Polluter pays principle - the Polluter Pays Principle is a principle where the polluting
party pays for the impact caused to the environment. With respect to waste management,
this generally refers to the requirement for a waste generator to pay for appropriate
disposal of the waste.

Education and awareness

Education and awareness in the area of waste and waste management is increasingly
important from a global perspective of resource management. The Tailors Declaration is a

declaration for sustainability concerned about the unprecedented scale and speed of
environmental pollution and degradation, and the depletion of natural resources. Local, regional,
and global air pollution; accumulation and distribution of toxic wastes; destruction and depletion
of forests, soil, and water; depletion of the ozone layer and emission of "green house" gases
threaten the survival of humans and thousands of other living species, the integrity of the earth
and its biodiversity, the security of nations, and the heritage of future generations.

Several universities have implemented the Talloires Declaration by establishing

environmental management and waste management programs, e.g. the waste management
university project. University and vocational education are promoted by various organizations,
e.g. WAMITAB and Chartered Institution of Wastes Management. Many supermarkets
encourage customers to use their reverse vending machines to deposit used purchased containers
and receive a refund from the recycling fees. Brands that manufacture such machines include
Tomra and Envipco.



Ramky group is a professional organization focused in the areas of civil, environmental and
waste management infrastructure. With corporate office at Hyderabad and regional offices
located at Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Bhopal and Kolkata and over 50
project offices Ramky today has a pan-India presence. To expand its service base Ramky has
opened its office at SAIF Zone, Sharjah. The group has a rapid growth over the last 13 years and
is today handling works worth over Rs.4000 Crores. The group employs over 2000 persons with
a pan-India presence of which about 600 are technical. Various divisions and companies within
the group are professionally managed with post-graduates and doctorates heading the companies.
The group has equity participation from reputed national and international institutions.

Ramky Group has Infrastructure Development, Waste Managemeit, Real Estate and ConsultancY
as its major arms. The Infrastructure Development has contracting and developer roles. In the
field of contracting the focus is in the areas of Water Waste Water, Buildings, Roads and
Highways, Irrigation Projects and miscellaneous civil engineering projects. As a developer the
company focuses in the areas of Industrial Parks Development, Transport related projects like
bus terminals, roads and highways, Property Development through public private partnerships
with Government agencies and other similar areas.

In the field of Environment and Waste Management the group companies have the credit and
distinction of having established the first-of-its-kind a bio-medical waste and hazardous waste
management facilities and is today leader and pioneer in all the fields of solid waste management
including medical waste management, hazardous waste management and municipal waste
management with over 35 projects. Today, Ramky is handling more than 40 Public Private
Partnership Projects in the country - the largest being handled by any group, and providing a
stepping stone for infrastructure development in the country.

RAMKY founded in the year 1994 by its founder and present Chairman and Managing Director
Mr.Alla Ayodhya Rami Reddy a post graduate in civil engineering with vast experience and
exposure into civil and environmental infrastructure, has grown in a short span into a specialist

multi-disciplinary organization focused in the areas of Civil, Environmental and Waste
Management Infrastructure with specific emphasis on the Public Private Partnership Projects.

During the early years, 1994 — 1995, the group focused in the are of environmental consultancy
and construction of water and wastewater treatment plants! effluent treatment plants for private
industrial houses along with supply of this equipment to various locations in the country.
Subsequently (1995 — 1996) the company focused in the areas of real estate both residential and
industrial houses both at Hyderabad and Bangalore. From 1996 the focus was shifter to core civil
contracting with emphasis on Government contracts and is till date the flagship focus area of the
company with more than 70% of the group turnover from this sector. During the year 1998 the
company was awarded construction of the first industrial hazardous waste management and the
first bio-medical waste management facility and this area has brought in laurels to the company
as a pioneer and leader in the country in the field of waste management infrastructure.

2.2.2. VISION:
To Be a Strong and Quality Conscious Global Corporation in the areas of Infrastructure
Development and Environmental Management.


As part of Commitment to Sustainable Growth, to balance economic progress with

environmental care and social responsibility, and to bring increasing value to the hands of all our
associates and stakeholders:


Ramky Group, a pioneer in waste management and infrastructure development. Established in
1994 at Hyderabad, the Ramky Group has grown by leaps and bounds and is today, a specialist
multidisciplinary organization focused on Construction, Infrastructure Development, Waste
Management, Build-Operate-Transfer (BOO/BOOT/BOT) projects, Real Estate, Pharmaceuticals
and CSR.

Ramky Infrastructure Limited (Ramky Infra), the flagship company of the Ramky Group, is an
integrated construction and infrastructure development and management company. Since

commencement of business in 1994, RIL has serviced a diverse range of construction and
infrastructure projects in sectors as varied as water and waste water, transportation, irrigation,
industrial parks (including SEZs), power transmission and distribution, residential, commercial
and retail property.

Ramky Infra is headquartered at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Five zonal and three regional
offices manage business operations throughout India, servicing the growing infrastructure needs
country-wide. Ramky Engineering and Consulting Services (FZC), Sharjah, a fully-owned
subsidiary of Ramky Infra, takes up activities of consultancy and manage international business


The company in as total employees are 500 peoples
Officers: 20
Employees: 75



It is located by TAJOLA near Mumbai. It is one of the key companies in the Group and handles
environmental and waste management business of the Group. The company brings in far fetched
recognition and great laurels to the group. India at cross roads in relation to environmental
improvement, while this is on the highest in the social agenda, the same are not linked with
economic policies resulting in slow growth progress. While environmental legislations in India
are at par with the developed countries their implementation is far from being acceptable. As of
date a large portion of environmental infrastructure is coming up owing to judicial intervention
and pressure created from envjronmentalist. However, today the growth rates of the sector are
much faster than a few years back. Despite the slow growth rates in the sector, Ramky has been
able to create a leadership in the areas of Waste Management and is currently expanding into

other areas of environmental infrastructure as detailed in subsequent sections. As on date Waste
Management forms a significant portion of the Company.


Ramky is a leader and pioneer in all the forms of waste management including medical waste,
hazardous waste and municipal solid wastes. Ramky has the credit and distinction of having
established the first-of-its-kind a bio-medical waste and hazardous waste management facilities
operating on a common platform in the country at Hyderabad. The group today is the leader in
waste management in India, with 15 bio-medical waste management facilities, 13 industrial
hazardous waste management facilities and 15 municipal solid waste management facilities
located across the country.

The bio-medical waste management facilities operated is integrated facilities catering to over
9,000 health care establishments and over. 150,000 beds of inpatient medical services. The
facilities comprise of an incinerator, autoclave, shredder, landfill, transport equipment and
Supporting infrastructure for effective management of bio-medical wastes without any impact to
the human health and environment. The company offers high quality un-interrupted Services at
competitive prices. Our medical waste management facilities operate under the banner of
SembRamky Environmental Management Pvt. Ltd., a Joint Venture company between India’s
largest Waste Management Provider — Ramky and Singapore’s largest waste management
service provider — SembCorp. Today the group has operating facilities at yderabad Bangalore,
Ludhiana, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Chennai, Howrah, Ghaziabad, calyani, Haldia, Mangalore,
Salem, Madhurai and Durgapur. Ramky is proud to be a pioneer of this field which has today
resulted in all major cities having solution to the waste disposal dilemma.
The hazardous waste management facilities operated are also integrated facilities being
established to cater to over 15,000 industrial establishments and over 1.5 Million Tones of
industrial hazardous wastes. The facilities comprise of a secured landfill facility (equivalent to
US-EPA, RCRA Subtitle ‘C’ requirements), a waste stabilization facility, incinerator, intractable
and temporary stores, leach ate treatment facility, administrative and laboratory equipment,
transport equipment and other supporting infrastructure. The facilities have been rated very high
by MoEF, CPCB and the state Pollution Control Boards as also by many other visitors.

Our facilities are serving as role models for waste management facilities in the country today.
Today, Ramky is having various invitations from the international market and is considering
expansion to begin with from Singapore and Middle East. Currently, Ramky is providing
hazardous waste services in Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh), Mumbai and
Thane (Maharashtra), Haldia (West Bengal), Indore (Madhya Pradesh) and Udaipur (Rajasthan)
which are operational and with facilities being located at Chennai, Tirupur and Karur
(TamilNadu), Ghaziabad and Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) and Derabassi (Punjab) under various
stages of establishment.

Ramky is a also pioneer in the field of MSW with the first integrated MSW project with a tipping
fee concept being established by Ramky for Bangalore Mahanagara Palike at Bangalore.

Further to this Ramky has taken a repeat order from BMP oi the same concept with a total
capacity of over 1200 TPD of MSW. Currently Ramky has its projects for anagemd1t and
handling of waste through treatment and disposal services at Bangalore, Coimbatore, Kottayam
and Haldia and has been short listed with various other municipalities and corporations which are
under finalization. In addition Ramky is currently providing services in collection and
transportation of wastes for Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and for New Delhi Municipal
Corporation. Further, Ramky also extends its knowledge based services in the area to various
municipalities and corporations.

Ramky intends to provide complete range of municipal waste management services on a ‘cradle-
to-grave’ approach with all services from street sweeping, collection and transportation,
treatment and disposal by adopting sorting, recycling, composting, vermincomposting, waste-to-
energy and the residue being land filled.

The solution we propose is to have a complete solution to the problem and not on a piece meal
approach. India today is having a serious problem of MSW management with about 200,000
TPD of MSW being generated at various municipalities and corporations needing techno-
commercial solution to the problem. Ramky intends to take a lead in solving the waste disposal
dilemma by providing competitive and technically reliable solutions to the problem. With our
proven track record in Hazardous and Medical wastes we are confident of achieving the same.

As on date the team at Ramky — Waste Management comprises of over 500 persons of which
about 200 are technical. The division has achieved a turnover of over Rs800 Million during FY
2005-06 and Rs. 1 Billion during the year 2006-07. The growth in the sectors is expected to be
quite extensive as most of the projects have been commissioned in FY 06-07 and early parts of
the current financial year. Ramky has plans to commission all the plants

indicated above during the currently financial year. With aggressive plans in place, Ramky
intends to mobilize its financial resources to meet the business plans and hence this brief
business plan.

In addition to the above existing services, Ramky is currently expanding its

environmental and waste management services into electronic waste management (e-Waste),
Emerging Technologies (Like Rubber to Oil, Plastic to Oil, Oil Recycling, battery recycling
among others), One-Up Services (End to End solutions to environmental problems of the
industry), Laboratory Services and Research and Development Services. To meet the client
requirements and pressing demands from international markets, Ramky has also started its
international operations in the Middle East with plans to expand into China and other parts of
Asia within the near future.


As indicated earlier the Waste Management Division of Ramky has various arms and the plans of
each of these business arms are presented hereunder:


Hazardous Waste Management is technically challenging and complex in operation, however,
Ramky with its extensive involvement in the area since 1994 and focus has been able to attain
significant knowledge and experience in the field. Ramky has had the advantage of technical
know-how support from Australian Aided International Development (AusAID) and other
international agencies. In addition to the above, Ramky has some of the best professionals in the
country in the field working in the subject for over 12 years. As a result of the above extensive
involvement and manpower, Ramky has been able to create an entry barrier and is today the
leader and pioneer in the field of Industrial Hazardous Waste Management. Further, Ramky has
adopted best of the norms for Secured Landfill and Incinerator within the world and as a result
all the facilities established by Ramky are at par with some of the best in the World and have
received acclaims and applauds accordingly.

Currently, Ramky is operating hazardous waste services in Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Mumbaj,

Thane, Haldia, Indore and Udaipur. Further, Ramky is developing such facilities at Chennai,
Tripura & Karuk (TamilNadu), Ghaziabad & Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) and Derabassi (Punjab).
These facilities cater to over 15,000 industrial establishments and over one million tons of
industrial hazardous wastes. These integrated waste management facilities comprise of a secured
landfill facility (equivalent to US-EPA, RCRA Subtitle ‘C’ requirements), a waste stabilization
facility, incinerator, intractable and temporary stores, leachate treatment facility, Administrative
and laboratory equipment, transport equipment and other supporting Infrastructure. The facilities
have been highly rated by Ministry of Environment & Forest, Got and Central Pollution Control
Board. Today, Ramky is having invitations from the

Internationa1 market and has expanded its knowledge based services through its Dubai office.
Ramky’s current share in the field is over 70% both by jurisdiction and by quantities of wastes
and intends to maintain the position in the country. Ramky is contemplating to bring in strategiC
partnership for the hazardous waste management division to boost the growth prospects both for
this sector and to augment its growth requirements in other segments of environmental business.


Management of highly contaminated clinical and pathological wastes is one of the major
problems encountered in the drive for environment protection. In the service of a huge
population, the hospitals generate “Bio-Medical Wastes” that are incompatible with the
environment. These wastes need professional attention for effective management as the
infectious nature of the waste can cause irreparable damage to the human health and the
environment. It has become imperative to monitor and control the management and handling of
these wastes. To redress this problem and provide the health care establishments with a solution
to their waste disposal dilemma, a program of investigation of appropriate methods for
implementing a coordinated management scheme has been performed by Ramky leading to the
establishment of common bio-medical waste management facility at Hyderabad which has the
credit and distinction of being India’s first. Today, this has 1’ecome a role model for the country
and the country today has over 40 similar facilities across the country. Ramky owns and operates
13 of these facilities and has its presence in all the Metro Cities of India and controls over 35%
of India’s Medical Waste Management by Jurisdiction and by catering its services to over 9000
Health Care Establishments and over 150,00Q beds of inpatient medical

Ramky has a Strategic Partnership with SembCorp Industries of Singapore and jointly —
sembRamky operate 8 Medical Waste facilities while the balance 5 are operated by affiliates of
Ramky and over time all the facilities would be covered under one umbrella. Ramky intends to
maintain its leadership in the field of medical waste and over the next 3 years reach out at 40
locations across the country.


Municipal Solid Waste is the most evident form of environmental pollution, however, in India
legislation for effective management and handling of MSW has been the most recent with
enactment happening in the Year 2000 and with effective implementation from 2003. Despite
having a legislation and effective date having been lapsed, MSW management in India can be
stated to be very ineffective and probably less than 1% of Indian municipalities may be in
compliance with the law. The violation has been owing to various factors including (a)

availability of land which is acceptable owing to high incidences of protests based on NIMBY
(b) availability of adequate funds and most importantly (c) political willingness. However,
judicial actjvjsm and environmentalists pressure is mounting and more and more municipalities
are turning towards compliance. This can be evidenced from the fact that on an average there are
about 10 — 15 tenders opening up every month for one or more of the MSW services including
but not limited to (a) Primary Collection & Street Sweeping (b) Secondary


As indicated earlier Ramky would be exploring into various other areas of environmental
business which have a vast potential and have already seen great potential in the developed
markets including:

E-Waste Management: Indian is emerging as a preferred destination for manufacture and use of
electronic materials and over time has come to a stage where electronic waste management is
required. Day by day quantities of these wastes including defect manufacturing units used and
reused items and other waste materials of electronic items including mobile phones, transistors,
radios, computers and others are becoming more and more common to waste management
facilities. While these are wastes, they also have high reuse! recycle value within them. These
wastes are first shredded and then stages of recovery including in induction furnaces leads to
recovery of various expensive materials and thus making the project viable. In India, there is
great potential for these materials in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai and Ramky
proposes to enter into this sector at these four cities parallel and expand its collection network
throughout the country from its existing network of offices reducing the costs and increasing the

Emerging Technologies: Environmental business is a very nascent subject with comprehensive

environmental legislations getting formed up from early 70’s and improving year after year. Over

time, various technologies are emerging providing alternate use for various waste materials,
these technologies are together called as Emerging Technologies. Some of the most prominent
among these include oil recycling, batterY recycling, plastic to Oil, Rubber to 01, waste fuel
blending” operations among others. This technology have a two pronged strategy, there could
potentially be revenue from waste collection and a potentially higher revenue stream from sale of
recycled product and thus makes the sector a very viable option. Ramky has made inroads into
this sector by investing its last over 10 years in identifying the potential technologies and
currently have reached a stage of converting these into projects. Ramky would be establishing
various of these projects at various locations in India and with its existing network embark and
market the services leading to a very little lead time requirement and quick response.

One-Up Services: Is a very unique service which Ramky has already started. The service
envisages an end to end solution to the environmental and waste management requirements of
the industry. The services include Water Treatment and Supply, Storm water management,
wastewater collection and treatment, solid waste collection and transportation, treatment and
disposal. Ramky has already commenced several of its similar operations to two major clients
the Sterility Group and Trans Thane Creek Waste Management Association. Such services across
the world are very common and in the international arena and are just commencing in India with
their operations being extended to institutions like Industrial Estates and Houses, Airports,
Railway Stations, Bus Terminals, Universities among others. The demand for these services from
industries is very large and has already resulted in various enquiries which would result in them
getting converted into orders and evidences and very high business potential.

• R&D and Laboratory Services: In the field of environment and waste management there are
very little R&D and Laboratory services being provided across India. Ramky with its existing
network plans to expand its service base thereby improving the client satisfaction by providing
R&D and Laboratory services on a Commercial Scale. While commercial operations are part of
the overall plan, there is a fundamental in-house requirement for R&D and thus the indirect need
to provide these services.

• Renewable: Renewable with renewable energy in conjunction with MSW and other wastes is a
great potential for power generation with high potential for CER’s. Ramky is exploring its
business expansion into renewable including bio-rnass, wind power, solar, RDF among others.

• International Operations: As indicated earlier, Ramky is among the leading players in the
field of waste management in Asia by virtue of its Number of facilities and the quantities of
wastes being handled. There is growing demand from international market inviting us to
participate in some of the environmental and waste management projects, owing to our high
quality and low cost approach, we are a very invited party in the field of international operations
and are able to provide a technically reliable and Commercially viable solution to the Middle
East and China’s environmental requirements. With the above view, Ramky has opened its
international office at Sharjah and would Commence its operations from this office to begin with
in Middle East and to be further expanded to China, South East Asia and later into Africa and we
are confident of having great advantage in the same.


Ramky has a very unique and distinction advantage in the business. Firstly it is a large corporate
entity with its gross roots from environmental business. As indicated earlier Ramky started as an
environmental consultancy organization and subsequently grew into turnkey contracts. Further,
Ramky has entered into niche areas and worked for over 12 years with 6 years of pure applied
research in the field of waste management and thereby created large entry barriers vis-à-vis
technology, qualification criteria, availability of man-power among various other factors. It can
be clearly evidenced from the fact that leaving out one states in India all the operating Common
Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage Disposal Facilities (CHWTSDF) for hazardous waste
facilities are all established by Ramky.

Ramky has its presence in all the metro cities in India and Ramky has all the projects being
operated on a tipping fee basis for MSW. In a lot of these projects now and for the future Ramky
sees potential international competition coming in and to counter this, Ramky as can be seen
already has technical qualifications for all the projects and local knowledge accompanied with
low cost technically qualified manpower Ramky has been and will continue to maintain its lead

in the Sector. Ramky’ s presence in these waste management sectors provides high opportunities
and recognition to grow the other opening environmental business avenues. As of date Ramky
has already been invited and is currently planning to establish Various facilities for e-Waste,
Recycling technologies, and laboratory and research services among others.

Ramky has in-house team of experts in the areas of environment and waste management Sectors
These are the sectors in India today which are aiming at turnkey solutions to the

problem Ramky with in-house capabilities in design, engineering, construction and operations is
able to provide comprehensive solution in the area resulting in competitive advantage in the
market. In the field of environment and waste management Ramky is today recognized with
highest regard leading to a significant advantage. Presently in India, this sector is still in its
nascent stage and has potential for massive expansions and growth. As can be seen physically
very insignificant portion of the country is provided with efficient waste management services
leave alone emerging technologies and electronic waste facilities.

Ramky also takes its advantage and strength from its existing resource base of manpower,
equipment, location advantage and in-house expertise in various infrastructure areas. Further,
Ramky with its full-fledged offices across India is able to provide close contact to the client and
provide quick response resulting in client satisfaction. Ramky’ s thinking in terms of early bird
concept and a sci-tech approach to infrastructure development has in the past and in the future
yield rich and paying dividends Ramky owns a full range of Plant and Machinery to support its
infrastructure development including various incinerators (including its exclusive arrangement
with Alston Air Preheater Company), secured landfills, direct relationship and dealership with
liner material suppliers, heavy earth machinery among others. The owning of these plant and
machinery provides high quality• out put and speed of execution resulting in client satisfaction.
At REEL Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) is given highest propriety. A separate policy
encompassing the safety, health, and environment conservation solutions and methods are laid
down and followed strictly and monitored regularly. Adequate systems and Procedures have been
established for implementing the requisite of security, health at all stages

of project execution. it is prudent to mention here that Ramky has been awarded with Best
Performance Award for its Safety Health and Environment Program by the CII. Ramky has
various other in-house supports including finance, corporate purchasing, legal, secretarial, HR
among other functions to support the infrastructure development and implements some of the
best systems and industry practices for smooth and effective functioning and to gain advantage
from the same.


As on date Ramky has 15 medical waste facilities, 13 industrial hazardous waste facilities, 15
municipal waste facilities, 2 e-Waste management facilities and numerous recycling technology
projects and has opening areas in One-Up Services and has invitations from various companies
in Middle East and China for rendering waste management services. With the above (over 40
facilities), Ramky by numbers and quantities of waste is among one of the largest players in Asia
in the field of environment and waste management. With its current positioning and ability to
provide .world class environmental infrastructure and operational capabilities to manage these
facilities has the potential to become a major player in the international area and create its
dominance in the international market with specific focus in Middle East; China and South East

Ramky intends to maintain its leadership in India in all the areas! Sectors of enviroental business.
With India moving from a developing country to developed country, vast improvements in
sanitation and waste management the opportunities are vast. Ramky with its early entry into the
sector would be able to catch up with a reasonable and largest share of the market. As the
business has entry barriers and with limited and potentially international
competition the profitability of the business is not likely to be affected and could potentially
increase owing to volumes of business increasing with increasing awareness.

A major portion of Indian Infrastructure development is going to depend on the PPP (Public
Private Partnership) models. Ramky is already in the fore front of this movement and would

provide high quality functional facilities and infrastructure to the country. REEL has already
submitted its offers for various projects across the country and is bound to be a key player in thç
PPP sector of environmental infrastructure development. Based on current order book and the
projects in pipeline, Ramky is poised to take a very important role in the development of waste
management and environmental infrastructure in India.


Employee training is the process whereby people learn the skills, knowledge, attitudes
and behavior needed in the order to perform their jobs effectively. Today management recognizes
the importance of employee training and development and considers it as investment to meet its
objectives and does not deem it as an overhead cost. The training activities are now carried out
after establishing defined needs of the organization and employee training has become effective
in improving organizational Performance. There are certain challenges in the area of employee
training. These challenges are due to several developments, which include the impact of
technology, the communication revolution, demography of work place and under investment in
human resources.

According to Alvin Toffler, even in the developed countries, the pace of growth of
technology is so high as to pose severe strains on society. There is need to ensure that a balance
is maintained between the wonders of technology bringing with it problems of two kinds.

First, they tend to clash with traditional and cultural values. The most common is a fear
that workers will lose their jobs. Secondly, Hi-Technology brings with it dangers to society both
in terms of breakdown, leading to virtual stoppage of activities in a section of society and
physical dangers such as the Bhopal and Pasarlapudi gas disaster, firm reminders to such
potential danger.

In India we have so much basic education but much less as job training where Japan,
France, Germany and the Eastern block countries give more specific education. If India has to
retain its economic health, the Human Resources cannot be ignored. The only competitive
advantage in the long run is the human resources. Machine capital and other forms of capital are

very mobile, machinery can be sent across national boundaries. The process of technological
dispersion occurs quickly, the thing that is not mobile is natural resources which we have in

Training is a Process of assisting a person for enhancing his efficiency and effectiveness
at work by improving and updating his professional knowledge, by developing skills, relevant to
his work and cultivating appropriate behavior and attitude towards work and people. Training
also refers to effectively systematized and evaluated attempts.

Training forms a major manpower function and a continuing process in view of the
dynamic nature of business and Industrial Economy. After employee has been selected, placed
and inducted, he must be trained and developed. There is an on going head to provide specific
job training not only to new employee but also to those who are deemed deficient in their
performance. He may not have the required skill or knowledge, he may lack the necessary
motivation to do the work, and his morale may be low as he may not be happy with his work

A sound training program must consider all these factors and also provide long range
effectiveness of the person involved and also to the organization itself. It should be realized that
the training is a life long continuous process. For example a child receives training from his
mother for a variety of needs, so that he becomes a social


Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is an application

of knowledge. It gives people an awareness of the rules and procedures to guide their behavior. It
attempts to improve their performance on the current job or prepare them for an intended job.


1. “Training is the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skills for a
definite purpose”.


2. “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a
particular job”.


3. “Training’s main goal is to induce a suitable change in the individual concerned”.


Training is indispensable be it in goal selection or in the working process. Training

enables us to move ahead in the right direction, using right pace and right tools while keeping
sight of the target. It is the real understanding of the components of and pursuing every detail of
the entire process adhering to the just and subtle social requirements.

Training could also be to expose the existing employees to the atleast concepts,
information and techniques and develop in them skills required in their fields. As change is
inevitable the only way to keep pace is to keep abreast of the information. That is possible only
through training.


Need for training based on the Organisational view and also which helps the employees
of the organization also are as follows:

 Increase Productivity:

Instruction helps employees to increase their level of performance on their present

assignment. Increased human performance often directly leads to increased operational
productivity and increased company profit.

 Improve Quality:

Better informed workers are less likely to make operational mistakes. Quality increases may
be in relationship to a company product or services or in reference to the intangible
organizational employment atmosphere.

 To improve organizational climate:

Production and product quality may improve financial incentives may then be increased,
internal promotions become stressed, less supervisory pressures ensure and base pay rate
increases due to the improvement in organizational climate. Increased morale may be due to
current state of an organization educational endeavour.

 Improve health and safety:

Proper training prevents industrial accidents, managerial mental state would also improve if
supervisors know that they can better themselves through company designed development

 Obsolescence Prevention:

Training and development programmer foster the initiative and creativity of employees
and help to prevent manpower obsolescence, which may be due to age, motivation or the
inability of a person to adapt him to technological changes.

Need for training arises due to the following reasons also:

 Match employee specifications with job requirements and organizational needs.

 Organizational viability and also the transformation process.

 Technological advances

 Organizational complexity

 Human Relations

 Change in job assignment

 Reduce grievances and minimizing accident rules.

 Reduce supervision time, waste and spoilage of raw material and produce quality goods.

The structure of the training programmers however depends on the need for the training. For
instance new entrants are given induction or orientation program. Its objective is to familiarize
the new employees with the organization, provide them with information about the
organizational structure, products/services and to inform them of the welfare activities, physical
layout of the plant and equipment.

Training needs are identified through identifying the organization needs based on

 Organization strengths and weaknesses in different areas like excessive scrap, excessive
labour turnover, breakage of machinery etc.,

 Departmental strengths and weaknesses including special problems of the department or

a common problem of a group of employees like acquiring skills and knowledge.

 Individual strengths and weaknesses in areas of job knowledge, skills etc.

Objectives of Training:

 To impart to new entrants the basic knowledge and skill they need for an intelligent
performance of definite tasks.

 To broaden the minds of senior managers by providing them opportunities for an

interchange of experiences from within and outside with a view in correcting the
narrowness of outlook that may arise from over specialization.

 To impart customer education for the purpose of meeting the training needs of
corporations, which deal mainly with the public.

Training concentrates on the improvement of – operative skills, interpersonal skills,

decision making skills.


The importance of human resource management to a large extent depends on human

resources development and training is its important technique. Training is the corner stone of
sound management as it is actively and intimately connected with all the personnel or managerial
activities. It helps employees work effectively and efficiently.

 Moulds the employee’s attitudes and helps them to achieve a better cooperation with the
company and greater loyalty to it.

 Heightens the morale of the employees for it helps in reducing the rate of turnover,
absenteeism and grievances.

 Wastage and spoilage are lessened.

 Problem solving device.

 Trained employees make a better and economical use of materials and equipment.

Benefits to the organization:

 Increases Profit

 Improves morale of the work force

 Helps in identifying the organization goals

 Improves labour management relations

 Increases Productivity

 Organizational Development

II Benefits to the Individual:

 To take better decisions and effective problem solving

 Helps a person handle stress, tension and frustration

 Increases job satisfaction and recognition

 Helps to eliminate fear in attempting new tasks

 Provides in formation for improving leadership knowledge, communication skills and


Principles of Training:

Training is a continuous process and not a one shot affair. Training programme or policy
should be prepared with great thought and care for it should serve the purposes of the
establishment as well as needs of employees.

 Motivation: By motivation trainee acquires new skills and knowledge. Thus training must be
related to the desire of the trainee such as more wages or better job recognition, states
promotion etc.,

 Progress Information: There is a relation between learning rapidly and effectively and
providing right kind of information. The trainer should not bombard trainee

 With excessive information. Trainee’s desire is to learn new skills to remain update and
sustain his interest by providing him with right kind of interest.

 Reinforcement: The effectiveness of the trainee in learning new skills or acquiring new
knowledge should be reinforced by means of regards and punishments.

 To meet company’s objectives: The purpose of training is to meet the company’s objectives
by providing opportunities for employees at all organizational levels to acquire knowledge,
skills and attitudes.


In systematically operating system a training system in an organization, the human

resource manager may formulate a systematic pattern. It may include:

 Assessment of training needs

 Determination of gaps

 Designing training programs

 Identifying resource persons

 Preparation of training budget

 Preparation of training materials

 Organizing training programs

 Evaluation of training effectiveness, and

 Revising the training pattern or training modules where ever necessary.


Any organization, in order to keep itself vibrant and responsive to the needs of environment,
constant training and developing programs must be conducted. The training needs are identified
on the basis of organizational analysis, job analysis and man power analysis. The training
program, training methods and course content are those aspects necessary to perform the job in
any organization in which employee is lacking attitude/aptitude, knowledge and skill.

Training needs = job and organizational requirement -employee’s specifications.

Training process starts with the determination of training needs. Training needs are
generally identified at five phases. They are:

 Technical updating

 Individual expectancy

 Occupational efficiency

 Behavioral competence and

 Organizational efficiency.

The training needs exist at the organizational level, top management level, executive
development level technological updating, technical know how, as well as for gaining skills,
capability and behavioral competence required for specific jobs and tasks training is required.


The trainer or the training department must determine gaps; i.e., the difference between
the expected knowledge level and the existing level. These gaps are mainly divided into two
heads namely performance gap and behavior gap. These two are the Knowledge Gap Factors.


These include: knowledge gap, technical know -how gap, skill gap and performance level
gap, which affect the performance of the individuals. These factors must be changed over the
period of time.


These include: organizational commitment gap, attitude gap, approach gap, behavior gap,
which determine the positive behavior of people towards organization, organizational policies,
strategies, common goals, objectives and expected performance.

The performance gap factors demand training while the behavior gap factors necessitate
an educating process. Mere training is not an educator committed to deliberately develop human
beings first and then managers, executives and workers.


It is the responsibility of the human resource development managers to design training

programmer appropriate enough to supplement the short and long -term organizational needs,
and the training needs of the people. Once the exact need is determined, programmes must be
designed to suit the specific need, and specific individual participants must be selected for the
programmer. Short -term programmer to suit the temporary needs and medium -term and part
-term programmer to satisfy the long -term needs can be arranged. Considerable amount of
planning, scheming and designing would be necessary in designing such training programmes.


Identifying resource persons is another important task in organizing training programmes.

It is appropriate to maintain a list of external resource persons, so that their services can be
ensured wherever necessary. The success of every training programm depends on the capability
of the trainers on one hand, and proper execution of the training programmes on the other.


Allocation of adequate funds for every budget year and for every training programmer
must be made in advance. Every training programmer needs appropriate investment! which
determines the effectiveness of the training program. Hence the training budget must be
integrated with the financial budget of every organization.


Once the training is planned and designed, and the list of participants is designed, training
materials must be prepared. The two important inputs of training include: theoretical materials
and documents. It is always good to supply adequate handouts to the trainees. Hence preparation
of course materials is an essential aspect of training program.


Programmes are planned in advance, the course materials prepared and the proper
selection of the participants are ensured, and then organizing the programmer is important. It is
the proper combination of all the training aspects, i.e., training leadership, training faculty, and
training materials, training participants, various programmer related to training, and so on, that
leads to success. Programmes must be organized in such away that it impresses the participants
can be ensured in the programmer. Every component in the programmer must be organized in
such a way that equilibrium is reached in the whole programmer.


As soon as the training programmer is over, its effectiveness must be evaluated, and
determined whether the programmer has been able to reach its expected goals of the trainees and
their employers. While designing the training programmer and training methodologies, the
trainers must fix the standards and objectives, taking and problems of specific levels.

The participants who undergo training programmer may be asked to submit a

questionnaire filled along with proposals for any change they would suggest to be incorporated
in the programmer. An appraisal form and an appraisal interview can be used for eliciting the
response and an appropriate follow -up can be introduced to improve the effectiveness of the
training program.


On the basis of the evaluation of the training effectiveness, necessary revision or

improvement must be incorporated in the training programmer, if the expected result could not
be which are not adequate enough to accomplish its objectives are to be revised. Sometimes, the
method, the period, the contents, and even the participants must be changed on the basis of the
evaluation of the results.

Thus, the training programmer must be well planned, formulated and implemented in
accordance with the needs of human resource development intervention.


Every human resource management system must have a built in sub -system for
feedback. Feedback from the employees, who are subject to the human resource development
intervention of the organization, enables the organization to determine whether the intervention
is effective. It also provides information about the performance of the people who work for the

When feedback is linked with goal setting, the result is bound to be positive. This is in
consonance with the basic psychological principal that knowledge of results is a necessary
condition for effective learning. One may not improve his performance if he does not hope for a
positive result. As a good result is expected, positive efforts are imminent and then feedback is
bound to be realistic.

Thus, the feedback has an important role in the efficient functioning of the organization.
The human resource development manager gets a periodic review of what is going on in the
organization through this feedback system. It is not only informs the management about the
functioning of the human resource development system, but about the functioning of the whole
organization. It also motivates’ the executives to strive hard to accomplish the goals effectively.
Similarly, the whole evaluation and appraisal process has its main input through feedback.
Feedback must, therefore, be an integral part of human resources development and management.


Generally there are two techniques of training namely;

- On-the -job training

- Off-the -job training

On-the-job Training:

On -the -job training is the method of developing managers on -the -job i.e., gathering experience
and learning by doing job. Learning by doing implies that one should participate in doing by
involving oneself in the work at that level. On -the -job training methods are very much helpful
to the organization. It includes job rotation, coaching, job inspection or training through step -by
-step and committee assignments.

Off-the-job Training:

Off -the -job training methods are extensively used for management development.

Since on -the -job training methods may not always be convenient it include briefing the
executives on company’s policies and plans, developing tools for managerial effectiveness,
counseling and human relations skills, top management seminars and so on. Off -the -job
training methods include vestibule training, role playing, lecture method, conference or
discussion, programmed instruction, case studies, T -group training method etc., On -the -job
training helps the employees to know the job perfectly as it helps them to directly involve at the
work, while off -the -job allows them tolerant the theoretical aspects. Thus, both off -the -job and
on -the -job are essential to the employees to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively.

Various methods are used for management development both traditional and modern
methods viz., simulation method and real life situation method. Brain storming methods are
extensively used lecture method. All these methods are broadly classified into two types on
-the -job and off -the -job training methods.


On-the-job methods Off-the-job methods

* Job rotation
* Vestibule
* Coaching
* Job instruction
* Role - play
* Committee Assignments
* Lecture
* Apprenticeship
* Conference
* Case study


This is the method of developing managers on-the-job i.e., gathering experience and
learning by doing. Learning by doing implies that one should participate in doing by involving
oneself. On-the-job training methods include job rotation coaching, job inspection or training
through step-by-step and committee assignments. Mostly, I have observed in this mill on-the-job
training methods are Implemented.

It is a systematic program of moving and interchanging executives or supervisory
employee from one job to another, through the organization for suitable periods of time the
trainee receives job knowledge and gains experience from his supervisor or trainer in each of the
different job assignments. This method gives an opportunity to the trainee to understand their
problems of the employees on other jobs and respect them.

Coaching is instructing or tutoring while an individual is personally on the job in action.
Coaching a manager or an executive or an employee is the process of developing on the job by
enabling him to undertake and carry out tasks or critical tasks under the direct supervision,
instruction and guidance of a superior helps in this, his subordinates develop the judgement
required, the competence needed and the commitment essential for effectively holding the
responsibility and caring out the tasks. The supervisor provides feedback to the trainee on his
performance and responsibilities of the coach and relieves him of his burden. A limitation of
method of this method of training is that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to
express his own ideas.


This method is also known as training through step-by-step. Here, the trainer explains to
the trainee, the way of doing the job, job knowledge and skills required and allow him to the job
and at his supervision. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback
information and corrects the trainee.


Under the committee assignments, a group of trainees are given and asked to solve an
actual organizational problem that exists currently. The trainees solve the problem jointly, which
develops group-cohesiveness or the teamwork.


It is the oldest and most commonly used method in crafts, trades and in technical areas. A
major part of the training time is spent on the job productive work. Each apprentice is given a
programmers of assignments according to a predetermined schedule, which provides for efficient
training in trade skills.


Off -the-job training methods are extensively used for management development, since
on-the-job method may not always be convenient. It may include briefing the executives on
company’s policies and plains, developing tools for managerial effectiveness, counseling and
human relation skills, and top management seminars and so on.

Under this method of training, the trainee is separated from the job situation and his
attention is focused upon learning the material related to his future requirements, he can place his
entire concentration on learning the job rather then spending his time in performing it. There is
an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees. Development programs planned on the
basis of actual needs are bound to be effective. Resource persons from within the organization
must be developed to be trainers, and there must be a permanent training in an organization.

Off-the-job training methods include vestibule training, role playing lecture method,
conference or discussion, programmed instruction, case studies, t-group training method etc.,

Here, actual working conditions are stimulated in a classroom. All the materials, files and
equipments, which are used in actual jobs performance, are also used in training. This type of
training commonly use for training the personnel for clerical and semi skilled jobs, which ranges
from days to a few weeks.

Role -play is an advanced form of case discussions and is used to improve the ability for
decision making, human relations skills, organizational behaviour etc., of the participants. It is
defined as a method of human interaction that involves action, doing and practice of the trainees.
This method is mostly used for developing interactions and relations.


The lecture method is a traditional and direct method of instruction. The instructor
organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the form of a talk. In effective lecture
provides a means of transmitting information, ideas, know -how and knowledge, which would
motivate and create interest among the trainees. The advantage of the training methods is that it
is direct and can be used for a large group of trainees at once. The major limitation of this
method is that it does not provide for transfer of training effectively.


It is a method in training the clerical, professional and supervisory personnel. This

method involves a group of people who pose ideas, examine and share facts, ideas and data, test
assumptions and draw conclusions, all of which contribute to the improvement of job
performance. The success of this method depends on the leadership qualities of the person who
leads the group. The discussion involves two -way communication and a feedback is provided,
which is an advantage over the lecture method.


Christopher Lang Dell first developed this method in 1880. Case study is based upon the
belief that managerial competence can be attained through the study, contemplation and
discussion of concrete cases.


This method is otherwise known as sensitivity training traditionally. Under the leadership
of a trained leader, a group of people gets trained to increase their sensitivity to inter -personal
relationships, so as to develop their skills in inter -personal relationships. It aims at gaining
inside into ones own feeling and those of others. It generally discusses the problems, which
actual exist among them. It actually seeks to change the under lying attitudes and behavior of the
participants on the job.


Objectives of training evaluation is to determine the ability of the participant in the

training programme to perform jobs for which they were trained, the specific nature of training
deficiencies whether the trainees required any additional on the job training and the extent of
training not needed for the participants to meet the job requirements.

The process of training evaluation has been defined as any attempt to obtain information
on the effects of training programme and to access the value of training in the light of
information. “Evaluation leads to controlling and correcting the training programme”.

In 1959 Donald Kirkpatrick published a paper that classified training outcomes into four

 Reactions-Trainees reactions to all aspects of learning.

 Learning-change in attitudes, knowledge and skills

 Job behaviour-change in trainees behaviour because of training programme

 Ultimate value-achievement of final results, effects on trainees self concept

For level Evaluations are as follows:

 Evaluations are definitive

 Evaluation equals effectiveness

 Trainees are accountable for effectiveness

Evaluation of Training Programmes:

Evaluation of training programmer should not be just a one time activity like concluding
ceremony. It should be rather a systematic process to elicit and analyses feedback from the
trainees. Evaluation of effectiveness of training programmer is important for management in
assessing whether the training was worthwhile and how it can be made more worthwhile in

Evaluation is the mechanism to seek information on the relevance and impact of training.
Evaluation done at different intervals of time both during the process of training as well as after
the completion of training essentially aims at assessing the various components of a training
programmer including the trainees, the trainers, training contents, training method etc.
Evaluation done systematically helps in identifying whether the training has brought about any
changes in the attitudes and values of the trainees, whether the training has brought about any
changes in the attitudes and values of the trainees, whether the training has brought about any
changes in their perception and orientation to people, work, self etc.

The purpose of evaluating a course is to determine its value or to identify ways for its
improvement. Careful evaluation of training programmer not only improves the future
programmer but also promotes the value of training.

Essential Ingredients for Successful Evaluation:

There are three essential ingredients for a successful evaluation. They are

 Support through out the evaluation process. Support items are human resources, time finance,
equipment and availability of data source, records etc.

 Existence of open communication channels among top management.

 Existence of sound management process.


1. Production Factors:

In operating training the prime measure of worth is that of productivity. Productivity rates
covering both quantity and quality are good indicators of the values of training. The other
production factors decrease in unit tine and unit cost of production and reduction in space or
machine requirements.

2. General Observations:

General observations should not be overlooked as a means of training evaluation. The

efficient supervision observes accurately the level of skill and knowledge acquired by the trainee
during training programmer.

3. Human Resource Factors:

Training Programme can also be evaluated on the basis of employee satisfaction, which
in turn can be viewed on the basis of

 Decrease in employee turnover

 Decrease in absenteeism

 Betterment of employee morale

 Decrease in grievance and disciplinary cases

 Reduction in time to earn piece rates

Various methods of training evaluation:

1. Immediate assessment of trainee’s reaction to programmer

2. Trainees observation during training programmer

3. Evaluation of trainees’ skill level before and after training programmer.

4. Cost value relationship of training programmer is helpful in

 Determining the priorities for training

 Matching the employer and job through training

 Determining the work of management sacrifices

 Choosing the right training method

5. Seeking opinions of trainee’s subordinates regarding his/her job performance and behavior.


Training evaluation information should be provided to the trainer and instructors, trainees
and to all other parties concerned for control, correction and improvement of trainee’s
activities. Training evaluator should follow it up to ensure implementation of the evaluation
report at every stage. Feedback information can be collected on the basis of questionnaire
and through interviews.

Employees Performance Employee identified for Training Programme

on present job training

Measurement of actual
job performance

Suitability for Employees after training

new assignment
Employee for new
assignment Measurement of
training Programme

Model for feedback on training

Improving effectiveness of training Programme:

The effectiveness of training programme can be improved by applying the learning


1. Focus on real world problems

2. Relate the material to their past experience

3. Motivate the employees to improve performance

4. Assist the employees to improve performance

5. Emphasize on how the employees can apply the knowledge, skill or attitude and transfer
from training to the job.

6. Training programme should be planned so that it is related to the trainee’s previous

experiences and background.

7. Specific training objectives should be provided with regular, constructive feedback

concerning his progress in training and implementation of the newly acquired abilities.

8. Trainee should be provided with personal assistance when he encounters learning


9. Determine if the trainee has intelligence, maturity and motivation to successfully

complete the training programmer.

In order to train effectively it is necessary first to decide in some detail what specific
knowledge and skills the jobs involve, what the individuals already possess and what
gaps in such knowledge and skills the training can fill.


 It increases the productivity in the organization with the increase in skill of the personnel.

 It increases the morale of the personnel.

 It helps in reducing the supervision over the employees.

 It helps in sustaining the employees, which increases the organizational stability.

 Proper training in both job skills and safety attitudes contribute towards a reduction in
accident rate.

1. Satisfaction with the pre-briefing of Training programmer

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 38 76
No 12 24
Total 50 100
From the above table in Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd the employees are give their responses
like 76% of the employees are give the training programs are satisfactory and 24% of the
employees are give the training programs are not satisfied.


2. Strategy mostly taken into consideration for the training and development
Responses No. of Respondents Percentage
Development possible at any stage 15 30
Employees encouraged to acquire good
20 40
Specification depends on frequency of work 15 30
Total 50 100
At Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd there are different strategies being followed for the
training programs. Basing on the aspect which has to be improved particular strategy will be
taken into consideration. Almost all the employees reacted positively to


3. Basis for Defining Training Need

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage
For updating the knowledge 12 24
Technology Advancement 22 44
Performance of employee 16 32
Total 50 100
If the organization can identify the needs for training then they can reduce the cost and at
the same time improve the employee productivity. So, Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd is trying to
update knowledge about which 24% are satisfied and advancement of technology and
Performance of Employee with which 44% a maximum percent and 32% a better amount are
feeling satisfied.


4. Aspects on which seniors mostly suggest

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage
Better understanding of
11 22
the work

Guidance for future roles
16 32
& responsibilities
Identify & utilize full
23 46
Total 50 100

Even though a very better training is given for each and every employee suggestions from
superiors or experts will help them to enhance the performance. At Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd
as most of the training technique is on- the-job experts are helping 22% of new employees for
better understanding

5. Aspects which improved after training

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Skill 18 36

Knowledge 8 16
Effectiveness & Efficiency 24 48
Total 50 100


Training is essential for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the employee.


6. Types of Training Mostly followed in the Organization

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage
On-the-job 25 50
Off-the-job 15 30
Both 10 20
Total 50 100
Practicality in the work is the main aspect at Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd, so most of the
training is On-the-job i.e., 50% and to improve knowledge about the new technologies by experts
from different organizations
off-the-job training is given to 30% and both to 20% as per the requirement.


7. Beneficial methods of training as per the employees

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Job Rotation 19 38
Lecture Method 17 34
Conference/Discussion 14 28
Total 50 100


Out of different types of training being provided there are some beneficial methods which are
improving employees more. Job Rotation 38% providing knowledge about diff works and diff
levels of work. Lecture method 34% to gain theoretical knowledge, conference and discussion
28% to know new things and gain more knowledge about every required aspect.


8. Duration of the Training Programme

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

One week 15 30
One month 20 40
More than a month 15 30

Total 50 100
Depending on the level of work, the present capabilities of the employee and the required
level of improvement period of training is defined Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd has three
different schedules. 30% of employees were given one week training, 40% one month and 30%
more than a month.


9. Satisfaction with the duration of training programme relating to the Practical usage.

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Mostly 27 54
Sometimes 13 26
Never 10 20
Total 50 100
Most of the employees making 54% were satisfied with the training duration of the practical
usage of training programmer. 26% are sometimes getting satisfied with the duration. 20% are
never getting satisfied with the training programmer because they have a varied thought about
that and also due to some personal problems.

10. Support given by Training to achieve Organizational Goals

10.Support give by Training to achieve Organizational

No. of Respondents Percentage

In Most Cases 19 38
In Rare Cases 17 34
Never 14 28
Total 50 100
Organizational goals along with the individual goals form the objectives of the organization
which get profits and make it successful. Training gives support to the employees and boosts
them to do their work. 38% of the employees feel that training is giving support in most cases.
34% employees are satisfied in some cases and the remaining 28% in very cases.


11. People who act as Trainers mostly

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Experts 8 16
Specialists 30 60
Managers 12 24
Total 50 100


Trainer has a very vital role in the procedure of training. First, trainers should be clear about the
objectives and procedure of training. So there is very much importance with who is providing the
training. At Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd 16% training is given by experts, 60% specialists and
24% managers are helping to train the employees


12. Type of Training Faculty employees need.

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Internal 10 20
External 18 36
Both 22 44
Total 50 100
Management is trying to provide different types of training by different types of faculty.
Apart from this employees of Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd have a different view about the
training faculty. 20% of them are opting for internal faculty as they have much awareness about
the environment of the organization. 36% opted for external faculty who are much more
expertise in the respective field. But 44% said they need both basing on the requirement in that
particular situation.


13. Capabilities, skills and Knowledge can be Acquired with the help of training.

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly Agree 10 20
Agree 32 64
Disagree 8 16
Total 50 100
Immediately after the training programmer most of the employees are able to see a
difference in the knowledge, capabilities and skills comparatively. 20% of the employees highly
agree with it. 64% agree with it.


14. Aspect which Motivated at the time of training.

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Superiors 17 34
Colleagues 23 46
Environment 10 20
Total 50 100
To do a work or to achieve success in a work every person needs one important aspect that is
motivation. In the training process also employees need motivation through different sources. It
even helps them to enhance their performance after the training session.34% of the employees
are motivated .


15. Type of supervision mostly maintained at the time of training
Responses No. of Respondents Percentage
Very Strict 13 26
Moderate 29 58
Lenient 8 16
Total 50 100
Authority is one of the main principle of management which is very much necessary to
meet the targets as per the planning function. It leads and directs every person towards the
ultimate goal. During the training program also there is a necessity for supervision to control
wastage and lead the employees to achieve the objective of training. 26% said supervision is very
strict, 58% said it is moderate and 16 said it is lenient.


16. Satisfaction with the training program of the Organization

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly Satisfied 11 22
Satisfied 35 70
Dissatisfied 4 8
Total 50 100
22% of the employees are highly satisfied with the training program provided by the
management, 70% which is the highest percentage are satisfied with training programmer
conducted by the management. Only 8% which means 4 employees out of 50 said they were
dissatisfied with training program provided by the management

17. Practical Utility of the training given
Responses No. of Respondents Percentage
Most cases 9 18
Rare cases 36 72
Never 5 10
Total 50 100
In the training program a person will learn about organization, work, and job related
features. After training one should be able to blend their theoretical knowledge with creativity
into practical work to achieve success in their work. Only 18% said that they are using the skills
obtained through training practically. 72% said in rare cases and depending on the situation. Only
10% said they are not being able to use the acquired knowledge in practical work.


18. Type of training given basing on the category of employees.

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Supervisory Training 8 16
Clerical Training 10 20
Sales Training 5 10
All 27 54
Total 50 100
Basing on the category of employees type of training is given. Supervisory training which
holds the main function of authority and responsibility is given to 16% employees. Clerical
training which is much related to the administration work is given to 20% employees. Sales
Training which is gaining more importance day-by-day is given only to 10% employees and all
these three are types to 54% of the employees.


19. Factors that determined the success of training

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Technology Advancement 10 20
Organisational Complexity 8 16
Top Management Support 32 64
Total 50 100
There are certain specific factors which are helping to determine success of the training
programme. Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd is trying to update their technology and getting
advanced. Technology advancement is adding 20% to the success. Organisational complexity is
adding 16% to the success. And apart from all these things 64% of Top Management support is
encouraging each and every department to be successful

20. Changes observed in the Outcomes after the training Sessions.

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Improved Productivity 25 50
Higher level job Skills 12 24
Improved Morale 13 26
Total 50 100
After training there are certain changes which employers observed in
their employees. 50% employees are able to improve the productivity as they understood the
easy and simple techniques to yield more productivity. 24% are able to increase potentiality for
higher level and aquired that level of job skill. In 26% of the employees they observed improved
morale which enhances employees loyalty and reduces employee turnover.


21. Areas in which there is a requirement of training

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Company policies & Procedures 10 20
Specific Managerial & Supervisory
23 46
Human Relations & Problem Solving 17 34
Total 50 100
After the Evaluation of the employees skills and performance management identified mostly
few areas in which they had great requirement of training. In Specific Managerial & supervisory
skills 46% training is given. Human Relations and Problem Solving training helps to maintain
harmonious relations in the organization need 34% of training. And to maintain the discipline in
the organization 20% of training is given about company policies and procedures.

22. Essential Ingredient in a successful Evaluation of Training Program.

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Support through out
12 24
Existence of Open
25 50
Existence of Sound
13 26
Management Process
Total 50 100
Evaluation of training is another important aspect through which management can know
about the level of training usage to the employees and organization. 24% of employees said they
got Support through out the evaluation.


23. Methods followed for assessing the employees after the completion of training programmes
Responses No. of Respondents Percentage
General Observations 24 48
Human Resource Factors 12 24
Performance Tests 14 28
Total 50 100
. Interpretation:
There are different methods to assess the employees after the completion of training
programme. Through General Observation 48%, through Human Resource Factors 24% and
through Performance Tests 28% of the employees are assessed by the management


24. Feedback being taken by Management about Training sessions

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 35 70
No 4 8
Sometimes 11 22
Total 50 100
Feedback should be taken by the superiors, supervisors or management about the training
sessions. Then only management will be able to understand the requirements of the employees
and the satisfaction regarding the training programmes. 70% of the employees and employers
said there is requirement of feedback and 8% said No and 22% said sometimes feedback is


25. Method of taking feedback

Responses No. of Respondents Percentage

Questionnaire 8 16
Interview 4 8
Discussion 8 16
Review report 30 60
Total 50 100

Through different methods we can take feedback about the training programmes. At Ramky
Enviro Engineers Ltd there are four different types of methods to take feedback. 16% are
showing interest in discussion type as much of the open communication is encouraged in the
Training session. 8% are showing interest in interview. And 16% are showing interest in
questionnaire method and 60% are showing interest in review report.


26. Requirement to make modifications in the training programmes and the related matters.
Responses No. of Respondents Percentage
To a great Extent 5 10
To some Extent 9 18
No need 36 72
Total 50 100
Finally all the employees were asked about their suggestions. Most of them i.e., 72% said
they are much satisfied with the training programme and there is no need for modifications. 18%
said to some extent in some particular aspects and 10% said there is a requirement for
modifications to a great extent to make training programme successful.


 Employees are much satisfied with the Pre-briefing of the training program.
 There are different strategies being followed for providing the training for the employees at
Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd depending on frequency of the work, encouragement to acquire
good behavior helping employees to develop at any stage.
 Skill, Knowledge and effectiveness and efficiency of employees are the aspects improved after
providing training.
 Both On-the-job and Off-the-job trainings are being practiced, out of these Job Rotation, Lecture
and Conference/Discussion are the most beneficial methods of training.
 Duration of Training is varying depending on the requirement as 1 week, 1 month or more than a
month, about which mostly employees are satisfied.
 Experts, Specialists and Managers both from Internal and External are giving training for
 Most of the employees were motivated by their superiors, colleagues and the environment at the
time of training.

 Type of Supervision was sometimes very strict, moderate and also lenient.
 Basing on the category also training is provided as supervisory, clerical and sales, basing on the
different factors which determine the success of training as technology advancement,
Organization complexity and Top management support.
 organization goals only in rare cases.

 Even half of the employees are satisfied with the pre-briefing of the training program there is a
need to make modifications as most of the employees said no and no idea about this
 Even the individual goals should be given equal importance with the organization goals as much
concentration is on it.
 Training should be more concentrated for utilizing it for the practical work in the organization,
which is more necessary.
 Only half of the employees are getting satisfied with the duration of the training but others are
not getting satisfied and sometimes getting dissatisfied, so there is a need to change the duration.
 Training should be both on-the-job and off-the-job by both internal and external faculty as per
the requirement to satisfy all the employees.
 Along with the experts, specialists and managers employees are expecting to get training from
both internal and external faculty.

 Most of the employees are feeling that the type of supervision was very strict and lenient also, it
has to be made moderate, so that all employees will feel satisfied.

Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd Hyderabad, which is providing very effective training to its
employees so, Effectiveness of Training topic has been selected to know much more about how they
are conducting their training programmer much effectively. A sample size of 50 has been given to
collect primary information from the employees and the employers. The secondary source as the
journals, publications, newspapers and web sites of the company helped a lot to collect the
information about the company.

Industry profile collected from various websites helped to know about the industry and
also the systems and procedures of the company. In detail the company profile has been taken to
know about the company. A theoretical frame work helped to gain a better knowledge about the topic
Effectiveness of Training with the information collected an analysis has been made to know about

the policies and procedures regarding the training and development programmer in Ramky Enviro
Engineers Ltd and to review how the management is following the general procedures of the
company. Evaluating the satisfaction level of the employees training programmes they have
attended. Assess awareness of employees regarding training practices at Choices Solutions Limited.
Take the review of employees about improvements to be made in training programmer.



1) Are you satisfied with the pre-briefing of training programmer?

a) Yes b) No c) To Some Extent
2) Which strategy is mostly taken into consideration for the training and development
a) Development is possible at any stage of life.
b) Employees can be encouraged to acquire good behavior.
c) Specification depends on frequency of work.
3) On what basis the need for training is defined?
a) For updating knowledge
b) Technology advancement

c) Performance of the employee
4) On what aspects do you get suggestions from your senior mostly?
a) Understanding the work
b) Guidance to take up future responsibilities/roles.
c) Help to identify and utilize full potentiality in doing work.
5) What are the aspects of training which you think will be improved after training?
a) Skills b) Knowledge c) Effectiveness and Efficiency
6) What are the types of training followed in your organization?
a) On-the-job b) Off-the-job c) Both
7) Which methods of training do you feel are being beneficial for you?
a) Job rotation b) Lecture Method c) Conference/Discussion

8) What is the duration of the training programmer?

a) one week b) one month c) more than a month
9) Do you feel that the duration of the training programmer is perfectly matching the employees
training requirement?
a) Mostly b) Sometimes c) Never
10) Is training really giving support to achieve organizational goals?
a) In most cases b) In rare cases c) Never
11) Who are the people who act as trainers mostly?
a) Specialists b) Experts c) Managers
12) What type of training faculty do you think are needed?
a) Internal b) External c) Both
13) Do you agree that training helps each and everyone to increase their capabilities, skills and
a) Highly agree b) Agree c) Disagree
14) What motivated you at the time of training mostly?
a) Superiors b) Colleagues c) Environment
15) What type of supervision was mostly maintained at the time of training?
a) Very strict b) Moderate c) Lenient

16) Are you feeling satisfied with the training programmes of your organization?
a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Dissatisfied

17) Is the training given being useful at the work place?

a) Most cases
b) Rare cases
c) Never
18) Which type of training is mostly given basing on the category of employees?
a) Supervisory training
b) Clerical Training
c) Sales Training

19) What are the factors which are determining the success of training?
a) Technology Advancement
b) Organizational Complexity
c) Top Management support
20) What are the changes you observed in the outcomes of the organization after the training
a) Improved Productivity
b) Preparation for Higher Level Jobs
c) Improved Morale
21) What are the areas in which you think there is a requirement of training?
a) Company policies and procedures
b) Specific Managerial and Supervisory skills
c) Human Relations and Problem Solving

22) What is the essential ingredient in a successful evaluation of the training programme?
a) Support throughout the evaluation

b) Existence of open communication channels
c) Existence of sound management Process.
23) What are the methods followed for assessing the employees after the completion of the
training Program?
a) General Observations b) Human Resource Factors
c) Performance Tests
24) Will the management take any feedback after training sessions
a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes
25) What is the Method of taking Feedback?
a) Questionnaire b) Interview c) General Discussion







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